Social Science Education in Russia: Between Civic Responsibility and the Reality of Life

Social Science Education in Russia: Between Civic Responsibility and the Reality of Life

Country Report 27 Social science education in Russia: Between civic responsibility and the reality of life Andrei Linchenko Tomsk State University, Financial University under the Government of Russian Federation Oksana Golovashina Derzhavin Tambov State University Daniil Anikin Lomonosov Mosco State University Keywords: (us!ian Social Science Education, te)t*oo+!, civic re!&on!i*ilit- " ./e re&ort identifie! t/e main contradiction! in teac/in1 !ocial !cience in modern (us!ia in t/e conte)t of t/e i0&lementation of t/e idea of civic education and t/e formation of civic re!&on!i*ilit-. " ./e re!ult! of t/e co0&arative anal-!i! of t/e *a!ic federal document! of !ocial !cience education, te)t*oo+!, !ociolo1ical !urve-! and !up&ortin1 material! for t/e e)amination in !ocial !cience are de!cri*ed. " It i! !/o2n t/at de!&ite t/e declared a0*itious 1oal! of creatin1 civic re!&on!i*ilit-, critical con!ciousne!! and &ractical co0&etencie!, t/e cour!e of !ocial !cience continue! to remain a*!tract and doe! not full- corre!&ond to t/e !ocial realitie! in (us!ia and t/e 2orld. urpose: ./e &ur&o!e of t/i! re&ort i! to !/o2 /o2 t/e &ro*le0! of teac/in1 !ocial !cience in (us!ia are related to t/e &ro*le0! of reconcilin1 t/e 1oal! of !ocial !cience 2it/ t/e &ractice of real teac/in1 t/i! !ub ect in a modern (us!ian !c/ool. Desi!n/Methodolo!y/Approach: ./e re&ort 2a! &re&ared on t/e *a!i! of t/e co0&arative anal-!i! of t/e *a!ic document! of t/e 3ini!tr- of Education of t/e (us!ian Federation t/at define t/e 1oal! and o* ective! of teac/in1 !ocial !tudie!, t2o *a!ic line! of !ocial !cience te)t*oo+!, e)a0 material!, a! 2ell a! !econdar- !ource! &re!ented. $indin!s: 3odern !ocial !cience in t/e (us!ian !c/ool continue! to *e a t/eoretical di!ci&line, e)tre0el- 2ea+l- connected 2it/ &ractical !+ill!. ./e federal educational !tandard continue! to *e a fairl- a*!tract document. ./e t2o &o&ular !erie! of !ocial !cience te)t*oo+! are not focu!ed on t/e formation of a real civic &o!ition of t/e !tudent and /i! involve0ent in t/e &ractice of !ocial life. ./eir 1oal i! to teac/ a terminolo1ical a&&aratus to t/e !tudent, &art of 2/ic/ re&roduce! t/e lan1ua1e of t/e SSE Soviet era. ./e main 1oal of t/e 5nified State E)a0 in !ocial !cience i! to te!t t/e le,el J of t/eoretical +no2led1e t/at i! loo!el- related to t/e 1oal! of !c/ool civic education Journal of Social Science and real life in (us!ia. Education Vol. 19, No. 1 (2020) DOI 10.4119/ !!e-175% &&. 27-46 !orres"ondin# author: 7ndrei 8inc/en+o, .o0!+ State 5ni,er!it-, .o0!+, 8enina !t., 634050, (u!!ian 4ederation. E"0ail: linc/en+[email protected] Social science education in Russia 28 % &'(ROD)*(&O' 7! in ot/er countrie! (7ci+alin, 2011; <o&i=!+a, 2019; Bo0*ardelli ? @odato, 201#) !ocial !cience ABCDEFGHBIJKJLEM in (us!ia i! an interdi!ci&linar- cour!e de!i1ned to 1ive !c/ool !tudent! +no2led1e in t/e field! of !ociolo1-, &olitical !cience, la2, economic! and &/ilo!o&/-. ./i! cour!e fir!t a&&eared in t/e Soviet 5nion in 192$ and 2a! called NSocial ScienceN ABCDEFGHBHEOEJLEM. ./e *a!i! of !ocial !cience 2a! t/e !tud- of 0odernit-, 2/ere /i!tor- !/ould *e an illustration of modernit-. Fro0 t/e fir!t da-! of it! a&&earance at !c/ool, t/e cour!e of !ocial !cience 2a! to &erfor0 an ideolo1ical function. ./at i! 2/- fro0 t/e 1990! until 19'9 t/e cour!e /ad different na0e! (P@on!titution of t/e 5SS(Q, P4unda0ental! of Rolitical <no2led1eQ). So2ever, t/e ne2 cour!e in P!ocial !cienceQ t/at a&&eared in 19'9 2a! &rimaril- aimed at educatin1 Pcon!cious and active *uilder! of communi!0Q, at develo&in1 a P/i1/ ideolo1-, a clear cla!! &o!itionQ, and Pcultivatin1 intran!i1ence to2ard! *our1eoi! moralit- and ideolo1-Q (TUVWXBHK, 19%9). 7fter t/e colla&!e of t/e Soviet 5nion, t/e cour!e 2a! canceled and revived onl- in 2000 in t/e form of t/e interdi!ci&linar- !u* ect PSocial ScienceQ, neutral to t/e c/an1e! in t/e &olitical !ituation in!ide and out!ide t/e countr-. ./e cour!e of !ocial !cience in a 0odern (us!ian !c/ool *e1in! at t/e middle le,el ($t/ 1rade) and continue! until 1raduation in 11t/ 1rade. Fro0 t/e $t/ to t/e #t/ 1rade !tudent! 1et acYuainted 2it/ t/e main in!titution! of t/e !ociet- in 2/ic/ t/e- are alread- invol,ed, for e)a0&le, t/e in!titution of t/e famil-. Furt/er, t/e ta!+ *ecome! more co0&licated and t/e !tudent i! introduced to t/e fact t/at !ociet- i! a !-!te0 t/at include! !ub!-!te0!, !&/ere! of !ociet-. ./e attention of !c/oolc/ildren !2itc/e! to t/e !ocial, economic, &olitical, !&iritual !&/ere!. ./e i!!ue! of 0oralit- and la2 a! t/e main re1ulator! of /uman *e/aviour in t/e!e area! are con!idered !e&aratel-. In /i1/ !c/ool, in 1rade! 10 and 11, t/e ta!+ of teac/in1 !ocial !tudie! c/an1e! !li1/tl-. ./e focus of t/e teac/in1 i! t/e /uman *ein1 /i0!elf. Student! di!cus! !uc/ to&ic! a! &eo&le in t/e !-!te0 of economic relation!, &eo&le in t/e !-!te0 of &olitical in!titution!, !ocial !tatuse! and role!. 3ore attention i! &aid to le1al i!!ue! of la*our re1ulation, famil- life, &olitical, environmental ri1/t! and o*li1ation!. ./us, t/e content and nature of t/e ta!+! are a!!ociated not onl- 2it/ increa!in1 co0&le)it-, 2it/ ne2 !ection!, *ut al!o 2it/ a co0&le) c-clical return at different !ta1e! of education to t/e !ame i!!ue!. ./e !c/ool cour!e of !ocial !cience i! aimed at &rofe!!ionall- orientin1 a -oun1 &er!on. In t/e teac/in1 of !ocial !cience in (us!ia, it! 2orldvie2 i! ,er- i0&ortant. In t/i! matter, t/e influence of t/e Soviet tradition! continue! to *e ver- noticea*le. Sere 2e can !ee one of t/e +e- &ro*le0! in/erited *- (us!ian !ocial !cience fro0 t/e Soviet era. 7! in Soviet time!, t/e 1eneral &rinci&le! of teac/in1 !ocial !cience are e)tremel- o,er&riced, a0*itious and do not full- corre!&ond to t/e !urroundin1 realit-. So, E. Br-Z1alina 2rite! t/at one of t/e +e- &ro*le0! of modern !ocial !cience i! Pt/e contradiction *et2een t/e reYuire0ent! of formal educational in!titution! and informal !ocialiZation a1ent! and ot/er in!titution!Q ([U\I]K^LJK, 2012, &. 20). 7not/er eYuall- i0&ortant &ro*le0 i! t/e eclectic nature of !ocial !cience, unitin1 various field! of +no2led1e6 &/ilo!o&/-, &!-c/olo1-, lo1ic, &olitical !cience, !ociolo1-, cultural !cience!, la2, economic!. On t/e one /and, t/i! eclectici!0 i! Yuite under!tanda*le, !ince one of t/e mo!t i0&ortant 1oal! of t/e !ocial !cience cour!e of i! to focu! on interdi!ci&linarit-, 2/ic/ ma+e! it *ot/ uniYue and ver- difficult to &erceive. On t/e ot/er /and, eclectici!0 doe! not allo2 us to full- tal+ a*out t/e !-!tematic nature of t/e +no2led1e 1ained. ./e e)&ert! note t/at Pt/e !u* ect, t/e 0o!t i0&ortant ta!+! of 2/ic/ i! t/e formation of civic &o!ition!, t/e !&iritual and 0oral 2orld of !tudent!, le1al, financial and economic culture, currentl- doe! not co&e 2it/ t/e !olution of t/e!e &ro*le0!Q (_B`LJ"aL^BH, 201'). It i! no e)a11eration to !a- t/at t/e eclectici!m of t/e !u* ect i! al!o a con!eYuence of t/e a0*itious 1oal! of t/e cour!e, 2/ic/, a! in Soviet time!, are oriented to2ard! t/e formation of a P/oli!tic !-!te0 of vie2!Q on t/e !urroundin1 realit- (TUVWXBHK, 19%9; _EOEUK^bJ\c, 2012; dBJeEfeLg, 201%). Social science education in Russia 29 ./e t/ird and mo!t !i1nificant &ro*le0 i! t/e orientation of a !i1nificant number of !tudent! to &a!! t/e 5nified State E)a0 (furt/er " 5SE) in !ocial !cience, 2/ic/ ma+e! it &o!!i*le to enter a 2ide ran1e of &rofe!!ion! at uni,er!itie!. So2e,er, t/e &re&aration for t/e e)a0 i! not included in t/e li!t of t/e co0&etencie! of !c/ool teac/er! and i! &arallel to t/e taug/t !ocial !cience cour!e. Savin1 it! o2n 2orldvie2 orientation, t/e cour!e of !ocial !cience i! leveled to t/e !ucce!!full- &a!!ed e)am. ./e &ur&o!e of t/i! re&ort i! to !/o2 /o2 t/e a*ove mentioned &ro*le0! of (us!ian !ocial !cience are related to t/e &ro*le0! of reconcilin1 t/e 1oal! of !ocial !cience 2it/ t/e &ractice of real teac/in1 t/i! !u* ect in a modern (us!ian !c/ool.

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