DHARMA TRADING COMPANY / indEX OF contEntS accESSoriES: DYES and dyEING (CONT’D): ORDERING INFORMATION (CONT’D): Aprons: 136 Dharma Fiber Reactive Dye for cotton, rayon, etc.: 5-11 Order Form to mail in w/payment: Online - or call us! Backpacks: 135, 137 Dyes for Sun Printing: 15, 22 Dye Attractant (cool!): 25 Returns & refunds and “the Fine Print”: 3 Bags & Handbags: 75, 134-138 Gift Bags: 75, 137, 138 Kits & Starter Sets: 14-17, 20, 22 Shipping Information: 144 - more info on our website Bandanas & Handkerchiefs: 67, 78 Leather Dyes: 35 Dolls & Stuffed Animals: 86, 138 Natural Dyes, Scours and Mordants: 20, 22 PaintS & Painting on FABric: Hats & Caps: 77, 81, 82, 85, 86, 132 Polyester Dyes: 18, 19 Brushes & Tools: 29, 34, 41, 48, 51-53 Headbands, Scrunchies: 86, 132 Safety products, useful tools: 12, 29, 41, 45, 52, 53 Glow in the Dark (Phosphorescent) Paints: 25, 27, 34 Masks: 68 Ink for Stamping: 27, 28 Neckties: 75 EmBElliSHMEnt SUppliES: Kits & Starter Sets: 16, 17, 31-34 Sarongs, Shawls, Ponchos: 65, 67, 72, 77, 78, 124, 129 Adhesives and fuseable web: 46, 56 Paint for Airbrushing, Spraying, Faux Tie-dye: 18, 27, 45 Scarves, Veils: 65-67, 72-74, 77 Cotton Dyeable Lace by the yard: 68 Paint for Handpainting: 27, 31-34 Silk Jewelry: 76 Foils & Foiling Glues: 46 Paint for Leather: 35 Paintstiks: 48 Socks, Booties, Shoelaces: 80, 81, 133 HotFix Nailheads, Crystals & Tools: 46, 47 Paint for Marbling: 26(best), 27 Textbook Covers: 139 Hot Fix Angelina Fibers: 61 Shiva Paintstiks & Stencils: 48 Paint for Silk Painting: 45 (as opposed to dye) Totes/Re-usable Grocery Bags: 134-137 Swarovski HotFix Crystals (many new colors!): 47 Paint, Ink for Screen Printing, Block Printing: 25 BatiK: FABRICS BY THE YARD/Bolt: RIBBonS, cordS & ThrEadS: Batik DVDS: 140 Cottons: 62 (TONS of NEW ones!), 63 Dyeable Cords - Jute, Satin Rattail, Silk: 68, 69, 76 Fiber Reactive (Procion type) Dye - the dye of Organic Cotton: 64 Dyeable Ribbons - Silk, Rayon & Nylon: 68, 76 choice for batik on cotton, rayon, etc.: 5-13 Hemps: 63 Kraft Paper that’s like leather: 68 Mercerized Cotton Thread: 69 Silk Thread: 69, 76 Waxes, Melting Pans & Tjanting Applicators: 40 Linens: 64 Rayons & Bamboo Rayons: 64 SaFEty: BooKS & DVDS: 140-143 Silk & Silk Blends: 69-71 Silk Fabrics in Colors!: 69 General product safety sense: 4 Specialty Fabric (Burlap, Pineapple, Wool Felt, Nylon): 64 Safety Products, Gloves, Masks & Tools, Fire Retardant: 52 CLOTHING - Boy’S: Caps & Hats: 85, 86 FElting & Spinning: ScarVES - Cotton, Rayon: Pants & Shorts: 80, 84, 95 Felting, Fibers, Dyeable Rovings: 12, 58, 59, 61 Scarves, Bandanas, Hankies & Sarongs: 65-67, 124 Sweatshirts & Sweatpants, Hoodies: 95, 99 ScarVES - SilK, SilK BLEndS: Socks: 133 Tees & Tops: 96-99 FIBER REACTIVE (procion) DYE: Information, Introduction to: 5 Charmeuse (Crepe backed Silk Satin) Scarves: 72, 73 clothing: doggiE: 137 Dye colors list & pricing: 6-7 Chiffon Scarves: 73 Instructions for using: 8-11 Crepe de Chine & Flat Crepe scarves: 72, 73 clothing: Girl’S: Additional ingredients, chemicals: 12-13 Devore´Rayon/Silk & Silk/ Rayon Velvet Scarves: 74, 77 Caps & Hats: 85, 86 Kits: Tie-Dye, Batik, Tub Dyeing: 14-15, 140 Habotai (China Silk) Scarves: 73 Dresses & Skirts: 87-93 Silk Satin Scarves: 72, 73 Leggings, Pants & Shorts: 80, 84, 94, 95 For yoUR FEET: Silk Shawls, Sarongs & Ponchos: 72, 77, 78 Purses, Bags: 75, 134, 135 Shoe Leather Paints, Dyes, Prep Products: 35 Silk Dancing Veils: 72 Sweatshirts & Sweatpants, Hoodies: 95, 99 Socks, Booties, Shoelaces: 80, 81, 133 Socks: 133 Tees & Tops: 87, 95-99 ScrEEN printing: hatS & hairwEar: Inks, Screen Ink Discharge & Dye Magnet: 25 clothing: INFant: Adult Hats & Caps: 77, 132 Kits & Ink Starter Sets: 17, 23-25 Stencils: 31 Booties & Socks: 80, 81, 133 Headbands: 86 Supplies, Books, DVDs, & Tools: 23-25, 141 Bottoms: Diaper Covers, Pants: 80, 84, 95 Scrunchies: 86 Caps & Hats: 81, 82, 85, 86 Infant, Toddler, Youth Caps & Hats: 80, 82, 85, 86 SilK clothing, AccESSoriES Dresses: 83, 87-89, 91-93 & DO-dadS: Layette Sets, One Piece garments: 80-84, 87 HOME DECOR: Cosmetic Bags, Silk Jewelry, Neckties, etc.: 75, 76 Newborn Clothing & Accessories: 80-87 Banners: 77, 139 Silk Clothing & Underwear: 78, 79 Rompers: 80, 82-84, 87 Hangers for Tapestries/Wall Hangings: 67, 139 Silk Fans, Hoops & Banners for painting: 75-77 Tees & Tops: 80, 82, 84, 87, 97-99 Linens & Towels for your table or kitchen: 67, 138, 139 Silk Gift Bags: 75, 138 Pillow Covers: 76, 138 Shower curtain: 139 Silk Handkerchiefs: 78 Silk Hats : 77 CLOTHING: MEN’S: Caps & Hats: 132 IMAGE TRANSFERS: SILK painting: Neckties: 75 Image Transfer Supplies, Papers, Inks, Tools: 54-56 Instructions, Information: 36-38 Pants, Shorts: 125, 130 Heat Presses: 54 Steam Presses: 55 Resists (Guttas, Waxes, etc.) & Applicators: 37-40 Scrubs: 130 Printing directly on Fabric: 55 Silk Painting Dyes & Paint: 18, 27, 36, 42-45 Sublimation, Transfer Blanks: 55 also see website Silkpainting Kits & Starter Sets: 15, 16, 36, 43-45 Sweatshirts & Sweatpants, Hoodies: 103, 130 Tees & Shirts: 78, 100-107 Silk Painting Tools, Stretchers, Brushes, etc.: 38-41, 45, 51-53 KitS & StartER SETS: Steamers: 45 Underwear: 78, 131 Batik & Dyeing Kits: 15, 20, 21, 140 Brush Sets: 48, 51 clothing: toddlER: Fabric Marker, Pencil Sets: 49, 50 Shipping inFormATION: 144 Caps & Hats: 85, 86 Fabric Painting Kits & Sets: 16, 17, 31-34 Fabric Sculpting Kit: 17, 30 tiE-dyE (inclUding ShiBori): Dresses & skirts: 87-94 Chemicals & detergents for tie-dye w/Procion: 12, 13 Pants & Shorts: 84, 94, 95 Indigo Tie-Dye/Shibori Kit: 17, 22 Ink Set: 27 Marbling Kits: 17, 26 Pearlex Starter Set: 34 Fiber Reactive (Procion type) Dye - the dye of Sweatshirts & Sweatpants, Hoodies: 95, 99 choice for tie-dye on cotton, rayon, etc.: 5-11 Tees & Tops: 96-99 Natural Dyeing Kits: 20, 22 Screen Printing Kits & Sets: 17, 23-25 Paints for “Faux” Tie-Dye: 14, 18, 27, 45 CLOTHING: WOMEN’S: Shiva Paintstiks Sets: 48 Tie-Dye & Shibori Books & DVDs: 141-143 Cover-Ups, Dresses & Skirts: 101, 103, 114-124 Silkpainting Kits: 15, 16, 36, 43-45 Tie-Dye Small & Group Kits: 14 Hats, headbands & scrunchies: 77, 86, 132 Stamping, Block Printing Kits: 28, 29 Tie-Dye/Shibori with Indigo Kit: 17, 22 Jackets & Ponchos: 78, 127-129 Sunprinting, Blueprinting Kits: 15, 22, 55 Tie Dye Tools: 52, 53 Tie-Dye Cords, Spray: 14, 18 Pants, Leggings & Shorts: 103, 125-127, 130, 131 Tie-Dye Kits: 14 TOOLS to HElp yoU do it: Sarongs, Beachwear: 65-67, 72, 124, 134, 139 Adhesives: 46, 56, 61 Silk clothing: 78, 79 Knitting & CrochET: Dyeable Yarns & useful Tools: 59-61 Applicators for Guttas & Resists, Waxes: 38-40 Sleepwear, Robes & Underwear: 78, 79, 103, 130, 131, 133 Batik Tools: 39, 40 Brushes: 48, 51 Sweatshirts & Sweatpants, Hoodies: 103, 113, 129, 130 LEathER CraFTS: Dress Forms and other Sewing Tools: 57, 68, 69 Tees, Tops, & Tunics: 78, 79, 100-113 Dyes, Paints, Chemicals, Blanks: 35 Dyeing & Painting, Measuring Tools, etc.: 12, 26, 34, 41, 52, 53 DEVorE´: Embellishing Tools: 46, 48 Fabric Cutting Tools: 57 marKERS, PENS For FABric: Heat Presses: 54 Image Transfer Tools: 54-56 Devore´ Chemicals - Fiber Etch: 13, 77 Markers & Marker Sets, Pens, Pencils, Dyesticks: 49, 50 Devore´ Scarves & Fabrics: 71, 74, 77, 78 Light Box, Design Tracing Tools, Projectascope: 53, 56 MISC. TEchniQUES on FABric: Safety Tools and Protection: 52 DISCHARGING: 11, 25 Blueprinting on Fabric: 15, 55 Silk Painting Tools: 38-41, 45, 51-53 Marbling Supplies, DVD, Kits, Inks: 17, 26, 27 Spinning, Felting, Yarn Winding Tools: 12, 58, 61 DYES and DYEING: Stamping, Block Printing Tools: 28, 29 Acid and Lanaset Dyes for wool and silk: 19-21 Sculpting with Fabric - Products & Kits: 17, 30 Stamping Inks, Kits, Tools, Stenciling, Block printing: 28, 29, 48 Steamers: 45 Steam Presses: 55, 57 Alter Ego 2 tone dyes for Rayon/Silk blends: 15, 44 Stencils, Rubbing Plates: 48 Tie Dye Tools: 52, 53 Books, DVDs on Dyeing & Techniques: 140-143 Sun Printing on Fabric with Solar Reactive Dyes: 15, 22 Chemicals & Detergents for Dyeing: 12, 13, 20 ORDERING INFORMATION: T-SHIRTS, Short & Long SLEEVE: Dye remover for skin: 13 How to place and pay for an order: 2 Infant: 80, 82, 97 Dog (Cat, Kimodo Dragon..): 137 Easy Dyes: iDye, Industrial Dye, Pigment Dye, Jean Dye, How to order Gift Certificates: 2 Kid’s: 97-99 Men’s (Unisex): 100-105, 107 Tumble Dry Dye, Colorhue for Silk Painting: 18, 19, 21, 44 How to save money (how our discounts work): 2 Women’s: 100-104, 109, 110, 113 WE TRY HARD TO HAVE EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR FIBER ARTS OF ALL KINDS! IF IT’S NOT HERE, SEARCH OUR WEBSITE! 1 HOW TO PLACE YOUR ORDER We specialize in FAST, FRIENDLY service at FAIR prices. We keep our catalog & our operation simple & economical which allows us to keep our prices low. We’ve been doing this for over 47 years. This is a small, DON’T WORRY! personal company. The owners & their children work here & they answer the WE NEVER SELL OUR MAILING LISt - phones, take orders, & sweep up in the warehouse. We are real people at this YOUR NAME IS SAFE WITH US! end. We have a good solid reputation - ask around! YOU WON’T BE OVERCHARGED FOR Wherever you live, we can get it to you fast. We fill orders very quickly & SHIPPING & HANDLING - usually ship within 24 hours of receipt of your order except for weekends. If you call before 12 noon (Pacific time), your order will go out the same day. ALL CHARGES ARE EXPLAINED If you call after 12 noon, it will go out the next working day - no extra charges RIGHT HERE IN THE CATALOG! - this is just our regular service.

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