FOUR MEN CONFESS CUT INTEREST ON ALL DEBTS, PARIS RIOTS CONTINUE; TO KLEIN HOLD-UP SAYS EVIDENT OFFICIALS SAY 6 DEAD, Two Negroes and Two White siOAium iinEs Chief Executiye Fayors Hen Arrested in East Historic Place De La Concorde Where Rioting: Raged Unofficial Reports, Howerer, AT PAUOTTI TRIAL Broad Policy of Redactioi Hartford Ca$e; Victim’s Phee Dead at SO in Yen Rates; Giyes His Attitiide Condition SdD Critical. Middletown Man Says He terdajr’s Street Battles— on Questions of the Hour. Knew of No Fights and Mobs Keep Up Stoning ei Hartford, Feb. 7.— (AP)—After a peralstent all-night search by detec­ Washington, Feb. 7.—(AP) —A tives of the Hartford and East Got No Pay. delineation of President Roosevelt’s PoDce and Soldiers ai Hartford police and the state’s at­ attitude on questions of the hour torney’s office, two negroes and two brought out at the White House to­ ■ President Lebmn Offers Hartford, Feb. 7.— (AP)—Salva­ white men were arrested last nlgnt day that he favors a broad policy of tore Salafia, of Middletown, was the and this morning in connection with reduction of Interest rates on the Preniersbip to Sdater t&e shooting o f Abraham Klein, Blast principal witness today when the outstanding obligations of industry, Hartford storekeeper, in a hold-up trial of Rocco D. PaJlotti, Edward foreign governments and all other Saturday night. Orsini, John Patrizzo of Hartford, forms of debts. Lenis BarAon — Feat Klein is in extremely critical con­ After holding bis regular press dition in Hartford hospital where and Salvatore Malone of Middle- town, charged with conspiracy and conference, the President devoted an operation for the amputation or attention to a statement of policy as Serious Trouble Today. his leg is to be attempted today, participation in election disorders In to control of sugar production — In­ hospital authorities say, in a final Hartford last November, was re­ volving relations with Cuba — In effort to save his life. sumed before Judge Eklwin C. Dick­ the expectation of issuing it a BULLETIN! All Four Confessed enson in Superior Court. while later. Salafia, a member of the Sons of Paris, Feb. 7.—(APS—Gas­ A few hours after the arrest. More immediate steps were in ton Doomergue, sevenQr-year- Italy football team, as is the defen­ State’s Attorney Hugh M. Alcorn connection with reports to him of ir­ old former President, agreed to­ announced all four had confessed dant Malone, testified that he came regularities on War Department day to become Premlw in an participation in the crime and that to Hartford at thu request of Malone contracts, which we had up with effort to calm a rioting France. in the event of Klein’s death, ne to help Pallotti in the election, but Attorney General Cummings and The riots contlnned, with would ask for bench warrants and that be bad no instructions as to learned that the Department of Jus­ mobs parading the boolevards. request Judge Edwin M. Dickinson what he should do. He testified that tice Edready was at work on the Sabres flashed as mounted in Superior Court to impanel imme­ he held no knowledge of fights that case. The President told the attor­ guardsmen charged against an­ diately a Grand Jury to indict the took place at pulling places, and ney general to go the limit gered crowds In the P&ce de La quartet on a charge of first degree that he received no pay for coming Complaints had been heard from Concorde, murder. to Hartford. three or four sources. In otiier open graces of the Those under arrest are: William Need Explanation J. Warre-i, 21, negro; Robert L. city, mobile gnardsmen and po­ Incidentally, it became known lice wrestled In hand-to-hand Bates, 19, negro; Salvatore Spagna, there is an administration feeling Paris witnessed one of the gravest uprisings In modern history when police fired on 3,000 rioters who had stormed historic Place de la Con­ 20, white, and James Bozzano, 20, corde (shown here in general view) and set fire to the Ministry of Marine Building. The crowds, charged by police, surged against the high combat with the shouting: civil­ that Assistant Secretary Woodring ians. white, all of Hartford. SEN. BINGHAM’S SON Iron gate of the American Embassy, before which they burned an automo bile bus. Both the Embassy and the Hotel Crillon were spattered by of the War Department has some The list of injured, serionsly Were CWA Workers explaining to do about a recent ar­ bullets. The square is famous in history as the scene of the bloodiest acts of the French Revolution. and slightly, gained steadily All four, who had been employed ticle he wrote In regard to the tiirong;hont the day, and as on a CWA project, are being held INVOLVED IN RIOT Civilian Conservation Corps. without bonds for Mr. Alcorn will Mr. Roosevelt has not read the nigffat drew In, private ears not determine the nature of the article but made clear he regards were pressed into dnty as am- charge to be preferred against them the CCC as not a military unit. The JAP SAYS ENEMIES SUB-ZERO WEATHER bnlances to rash the wounded to hospitals. until the outrome of Klein’s condi­ Woodring article referred to It as a Hicai TAXES IN FRANCE tion. Tries to Make Speech in military unit. “I don’t know why 1 done it,” It is understood Stephen Early, a PREPARE FOR WAR PREVAILS IN CONN. Paris, Feb; 7.—(AP)— France Warren declared this morning in his Hotel and Free for AU secretary of the President, Is gckng ONE REASON FOR RIOTS ousted one government and called cell in the basement of the coimty to talk with the aatfstant eecretary for another today but the howling court house. "Honest, I did not of war about this incident. mobs which forced out Premier mean to and I can’t understand .u Fight FoDows. It BO h^pens Mr. Woodring also Why, man, I don’t know nothing Geflcral Tojo Dedares Aim t' Daladier continued their rioting. is in charge of the awvdlng of con­ Weather Man PredkSs Snow Edouard Daladier lesigned his aixmt guns and I never had one tracts and it looks like he wUl have Pawnshop Scandal Started SEES BIG SCANDAL premicr^p even qs crowds stoned >fi«T didn’t even know how to use his bands full in the next few days. New York, Feb, 7.—(AP)—A ica, Rntsia a d are Flurries for This After­ nwunted guards fftationed in the one.’’ free-for-all fight practically stopped Sugar Stateneat We^wn Is Found The President’s sugar Trouble in Paris That Fin* Place de la Concords where yester- dinner in the Empire room of the sta^ m sn t daiy rioters WSre ffhot by p o lice and Ihe weapon was owned by Bates, will qnnousee the eoo- IN WAR CONTRACTS Warren claimed, and It was found Waldorf As^orkt h ^ l during a dera- trolling sugwr _______ Now ^eltia{ R a ^ . noon and Tonight military mach^-^-'jns. ooetratlon « f asrmpatby laat night Orerthrew ChaiK tn the latter’s home when lt*was' domestic control imdsiyttie A grto^ ^ ___ The government placed the official searched after his arrest He also for striking waiten and kitcheii tural Adjustment Act, death toll at six persons bnt im- help by a group M literal figures said Bates was the one who took Legislation will be asked to mAk* Tokyo, Feb. 7.—(AP)—Japan’s (By Aeaodated Press) official estimates said as many as led by Selden Rodman and Alfred temps and Daladier. Washinstoir Pa|Mr> Young’s car. the sweet a basic commodity legally neighbors, America, Russia and light Bdw'ffqrries find tumbling 50 persons were killed. M. Bingham, former Yale men. Shortly after Dalddier and hfs "I’ll admit I had been drinking BO a processing tax can be levied. China, "knowing Japan is likely to temperatures that struck new lows and that we intended to knock off The demonstration had been ar That American Legion Cabinet resigned. President Lebrun Aside from this subject it appears be confronted with various interna­ Paris, Feb. 7.— (AP)—The anger the store,” be continued. "For we ranged and Rodman left the dining for 1984 were dished out today to offered the preniiership to Senator unlikely that the President win tional difficulties in November, figured it was worth at least a room several times to warn report­ of the man In the street and not the Connecticut residents who have have anything further to propose in 1935, are steadily preparing for Louis Barthou, who served France couple hundred dollars. But 1 ers to be ready when It started. He opposition of. the politician in the Officials Are In?olye<L the way of Congressional action war,” was the statement attributed shivered for days in freezing weath­ as premier from 1910 to 1918. never intended to shoot the guy and only awaited an intermission in the this week. today to Major General Elki Tojo, Chamber today was credited with er. The announcement that Daladier I don’t know how the thing went dinner music program. He expects Congress to enact chief of the war office’s military In­ having overthrown the Cliautemps was out and a new government was off. CJee, I don’t know how to cock The hotel management knew Washington, Feb, 7.— (AP)—’The Sub-zero temperatures prevailed Stock Exchange control legislation vestigation bureau. and Daladier C^blneta. In process of formation did nothing the gun let alone fire it ” something was going to happen too.
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