oj VOLUME 77 KENDRICK LATAH COUNTY, IDAHO THUFiSDAY, JUNE 22, 1967 NO, 25 DR. CHRISTEHSEH DEGREE LIONS FINAL TO STUDY IH FRANCE JULIAETTA DOINGS RECEIVES HOLD LEONARD-HELSOH DELIVERS X,OOOTH 'ty f o ~ g F g —+EET OF SEASON, M oscow Miss Andiea sue Cox H U PTIALS HELD I H IN daughter'f Ni'nd Mrs An rew PAST WEEK BABY 'TUES. A. M. t d f B al t d nc INSTALL OFFICERS H EW YORK MRS. WM. LUPsLOW ed and professional degrees at three by the American Language and Edu- Phone 276-3506 cational Center Michigan e Following the delivery of 1,000 graduation ceremonies held by the, The Kendrick Community I ions of Sta Saturday evening, June 3, ]967, babies in the space of 36 years and University of Oregon this June. C]ub met in regu]ar session at the UniversitY as s ParticiPant in i Miss Rosemar Louise Leonard Dies June 14 wet'e French F]orence Miller eight months of practice in the Some 1878 candidates Pre .Kendrick Fire Ha]] Wednesday even- language Program. daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. Raymond Mrs. Florence Adeline Miller, 75, ar ea, our well known and beloved sented at the university's 90th Spring .i»g the last meet;ng befpre Leonard of Aurora, New York, be- s Juliaetta resident for many years, Dr. D. A. Christensen has decided to Commencement and Baccalaureate mer vacation. Zt was "Ladies'ight" came the bride of James Platt Nel- died of cancer at the Lewiston Manor turn the baby delivery practice over on the campus Sunday, June 11. w;gh the Lions wives or s family son of Syracuse, N. Y., s son of Nursing Home, Wednesday, June 14,tp, others in his .profession. Cecelia Annette Jones. daugh««f member as guests. Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Nelson, now at 12:41 a, m. She hsd been at the.. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Jones of Ken- Fo]lowing a delightful dinner serv- of Orof«no, at St. Paul's Episcopal home 17 days, and in ill health for drick received a Bachelor of Arts ed by the Schoo] Foods Service Ass'ri Church, Aurora, New York. Rev, degree. about two years. Flg I I and s draw!ri for the very clever Edward R. McCracken, pastor of the Mrs. Miller was born May 29, 1892, I table center pieces which depicted church, officiated at the 11:00o'lock at Zionville, N. C., a daughter of the club's activities during the year, morning ceremony. JOINT DISTRICT ( Mr. and Mrs. John C. Mortez. f83 the Club heard a talk by Lions Dis- The bride, given m marriage by married Martin A. Miller on trict She Zone Chairman Bill Biggsm of! l her father, wore a white silk rose Sept. 15, 1907. They moved to Tea- RURAL FITNESS Moscow. He chose as his topic: ~ 'brocade "A" line floor-length gown. kean, Idaho in 1911, where Miller [ Americanism and Lionisn-.. It was The gown had a modified scoop neck retired l farmed until 1946, when they ENTER Ap p ROy ED rti. ! line and a detachable satin chapel snd moved to Juliaetta. Miller died tipns and enjoyed by everyone. train. Her veil was of silk illusion a ryar ~ 1966, at Julisetts. I Installation officers followed, o v and Msy 3, From the office of James V. Mus of , wss attached to a satin crown, Mrs. Miller was s member of the under the direction of Mr. Her cascade cat, Superintendent of Schools, comes, B]gg™, e bouquet was of white Juliaetts Methodist Church. with the following taking office forl j roses and stephsnotis and yellow, , the fo]]owl~ factual information on ! Survivors include a daughter, Mrs. the Rurs] Fitness Center the 1967-68 season: porn-poms. son, program Ted Edelmsn, Stsnfield, Ore.; a On June 8, 1967, Sen. Fra''ayne Harris. President: Jerry', Miss Susan D, Farnham of Msn- Donald B. Mi]]er, Post Falls, Ida.; Church announced that Kendrick]Brown, first vice President; lius, New York, wss maid of honor, s sister, Mrs. Ola Winebsrger, Zion- School District No. 283 Rura], Turner, second vice president; JamesWm.'oint and bridesmaids were Miss Lucinda ville; three grandchildren and seven Fitness Center program was ap- Hoogland, third vice president; Tom -',4 Ayers of Aurora and Miss Shirley great-grandchildren. pi pved fpr $24 994 00 Cox, secretary-treasurer; A. A. Anderson of Rochester, N. Y. Miss Funeral services were held Satur- On June 14, 1g67, Kendrick Joint'Kremmin, Lion Tamer; Geo. Brocke, Farnhsm's gown was of nile green day at 10:30 a. m. at the Brower- School District No. 283 wss granted Jr., and Bob Watts, tail twisters; and the bridesmaids'f msise. They Wann Memorial Chapel in Lewiston, "A" ni the right to contract services from Bud Eichner, twb-year director. were of linen, empire line in with interment in the Julisetta Miss Elizabeth Keessee, Idaho's Di- A brief rePort wss made by Tom style and floor length with scoop Cemetery. Cox, secretary, on the Locust Blos- neck line. Each wore a garland head- Satur- rector to the p. Z,. 8g-10, Title ZZZ of Funeral services were held E. S. E. A. spm Festival, Mr. Cox said that sll piece of painted daisies and carried day at the Brower-Warm Memorial This program is a pilot experi- known bills were not yet in, and Miss Cox will leave June 24 for a bouquet of painted daisies. Chapel, with Rev. Richard Boyd, pas- mental program set for just one several Parties having "buttons" out Paris, France, and is scheduled to Everett Rice of Syracuse served Lewiston First Methodist, up tor of the summer. Zn September we wi]] write had not Yet made reports, but that return Aug. 21. A junior at the a»est man, Ushers were Michael Church officiating. lllll igi~ tg> s an evs]uation of the total program. totals to date seemed to indicate a University of Idaho next fall, Miss Le/nard of Aurora, a brother of t]re ~ ii i =: Earl Miller wss organist and ~ s la@ snd j 1]I Zf we fee] the tots] program is va]-'maller crowd and smaller income Cox is majoring in English with s b«de, Ben Walker of Syracuse. Rice was soloist. Pal]bearers Gsyle uab]e, we wi]] then app]y for two than that of last year, which was minor in French. She is a 1965 The wedding reception was held at were Charles Noble, Rufus Fairfield, Dr. Christensen arrived in Ken-, the an- the Aurora Y'. drick on additional programs for the sum- biggest in the history of the graduate of Kendrick High School. Inn, Aurora, October 8, 1931, to begin'is ¹ Eugene Taylor and M. F. Hedler, all 'ual event. The new Mr. and Mrs. Nelson will practice here. His first de]]very! mers of '68 and '6g. "Time w]]] tell, of Julisetta, and Neal Vaughan and this Bill Rogers, general chairman pf I spend the summer months in Idaho Cavendish. In- wss on October 19, 1931. It was Just ha m]] program help Yn Fn Wn W. R. Recce, both of a'on, ,'he in LOCAL S AT 'nd return via the southwestern Jack Derrell, born our area and School District? Festival said a brief statement east terment was in the Julisetta Ceme- to Mr. snd that cooPerstion from all commit- states. They will make their home Mrs. J. D. Perry at the home of aj $3,000 hss been s]logged for de- tery. fraying some of the cost of the swim- tees and the V. F. W. as an organi- STATE CONVENTION at champaign, Illinois, where both relative in Juliaetta. Since then, 'ation hsd been will continue with studies hundreds ming pool filter, plumbing, etc. excellent through- graduate Hills Rattler In Front Yard of people still living in put all in Russian the University of I]]- this area were delivered $2000 hss been assigned for Proceedings. d at Peters by him. A The School Foods Service Ass'n nois in September. He has been s Last Sunday afternoon Tom j many those salaries for two swimming instruct- the Ladies A'urn]la~ pf the Depart- great of he brought into Mrs. A. graduate assistant in Russian at killed a rattlesnake in the front yard world have ors. present]y on]y one instructor cooks, E. M. White, Mrs. A. ment of Idaho, he]r]" their state con- the turned to him for Kremmin, Mrs. Manning Onstott and Syracuse University and a member of his home here on Main Street.. delivery of their own children. has been hired. The swimming poo] vention at Rupert, June 14-17, 1967 snake, one, had no rat-, all helPers were given a fine round 'f the faculty at Colgate University The s young His last delivery (his 1,000th) was. is under the direction of the Kend- Those attending from Baker-Lind tles as yet, but its bite is just as rick City Council Swimming Pool Pf aPPlause for the excellent meals at Hamilton, N. Y. this past yesr, held Tuesday morning of this week service throughout the year. Post snd Auxiliary No. 39 3 "d He is a graduate of Kendrick High deadly as a full grown snake. when he delivered the fourth son to Committee. These activities w]]] be".and with the rank rick, were: Herbert Millard, State Schoo] and has a Bache]or of Arts Mr. Peters said that Mr. and Mrs. Gary Eggers of Bo- for 1966-67; Gerald Hal- growth of grass and weeds this year Commander degree in Russian and a Master of vill, at the St.
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