FINAL .TEW j EimlUN PAGES : VOLUME XIV LETHBRIDGE, ALBERTA WEDNESDAY, AUG. 10, 1921 NUMBER 203 UNCLE SAM Here's One Guess,At The New Cabinet RALLIED SUPREME f- SLASHES Tomorrow it Cabinet-making day in Alberta. t .What WIN Cafctnfet-maker Greenfield reveal to hie *upporter* when they meet him at Edmonton? Might it not be thlt?: COUNCIL NEUTRAL, Herbert Greenfield—Premier and Provtncial Treasurer. HIS TAXES John Brown lee—Attorney-General. George Ho ad ley— Minister of Agriculture. Perrin Baker—Minister of Education. Plans to Cut Off $600,000,000 at Alex. ROBS—Minj«ter of Labor and Provincial Secretary. GREEK-TURK WAR Mr*. Pariby—Minister of Health. One Swoop—Reduces Ex- V. A. Smith (Camrose)—Minister of Public Works. ptnaes Accordingly R. G. Reid (Vermilion)—Minister of Municipalities and Telephones. Decision Reached This Morning Following Temporary Deposition of Silesian Problem—German Disarma- ANNUAL BUDGET IS ment Question Also To Be Discussed—Tension CUT TO FOUR BILLION Between Britain and France Relieved. f Talk Disarmament WASHINGTON'. Aug. 10.- Heduc- j PARIS. Aug. in.—The willed su- and there seems every reason to be- tions of approximately six hundred preme couneEL put the Site-film cjues- lieve that the remaining ae-salona, rt ni in ton dollars in taxes and $520,000,- thin, now apparently near a iteitniie | the council will be featured by ;iic; OuO iii government expenditures this settlement, temporarily astdo today i rapid disposition of questions which fi.scal year were agreed upop late, yes- On Armistice Day; while awaiting Ihe report of the ex- i will come before it. terday at a conference between Presi- perls engaged in drawing the new Member*.of me inter-allied financial dent Harding. Secretary Mellon and boundary line between Poland irid commission met yesterday and decided Republican leaders of the house of (j<i;many in this area, agreed npuu in to form a" committee to determine the Mpresentiuivea, including members- principle between France and f3real total cost of maintaining the armies Nations All Agree Britain' yesterday. 1 of the wave and means committee. of occupation in Germany up lo Mey Special tax reductions on which it Th* experts informed lha council 1, 1931. Another committee wilt ex-' waa announced agreement had been that they expected to be ready to pre- aniloe the cost of maintaining these - reached, included : WASHINGTON, Aug. 10.—Unanimous agreement sent their conclusions, embodyiriK the troops since that time. ItepeaE of the exccs» profits tax re- on Armistice Day, November 11, for the opening of the! complete frontier line by seven oViock Briand and l_, George Agree troactive to last January i, J-lSO.- tbln evening. Thereupon the council PARIS, Aug. 10.- M. Briand. the MO.OOO. disarmament conference, was reached yesterday in the dtM!tiled that in the meantime it French premier, announced lo the su- Repeal of one-half of the transpor- informal negotiations among the powers 'that are to fie would discuss thu Greek-Turkish sit- jji'cnie council yesterday afternoon i. a. ;1on tax effective . next January J, uation and Cor man disarmament (.hat the British premier and he wen; |V;o,ooo,ooo. represented. Japan, the last of the participants to give question)!. in an agreement in principle on tin: ElejicHt of the higher income &«r- her consent, informed the state department yesterday that In taking up the former subject the (Jpper Sitesian boundary and thai it / tuxes, retroactive to last January 1, council decided unanimously, to adopt remained I'or the experts to draw the $!'0.000,000. it would accept the suggested date. ri \ an attitude of -strict neutrality in the Static of British Dominions said that no announcement M'as like- yilesian boundary and that it would t I:ep«al of the so-called nuisance and Greco-Turkisli w»r without interfering he on u buKis of giving equal valu« clothing luxury taxt^i, ¥">0,000,000. WASH1NGTON, Aug. 10.— (Ciinad- ]y to be made on the subject until the! with trading by private firms with to the votes cast in the recent plebis- Some- Increases iau Press)—In connection , with the day of sending out the Invitations. —Harding, in the Brooklyn Eagle. either of the countries. cite, whether Polish or Germans ami As an offset against this cut of $7l!0,- issuing of the formal invitations to General feeling here appears to he Tension Decreases whether in mining, industrial or rural OO'i.OOO, it was agreed to increase the t the disarmament conference lo be that owln? to Canada's vital interests PAIUS, Aug. It).—Tension over the! income tax on corporations by prcb- 1 held here on November 11 the status in the Pacific problems, the claims of Upper Milesian question which was of the British dominion!! is reported the Dominion to a seat at the confer- "Jf one examines tlie result of the ab]y 2 l-'l per cent, Instead of live | marked when the supreme allied plebiscite in a general way." said M. us heretofore propiraed, effective to be occupying the attention of the ence should not be ignored, but wheth- council began its sessions here on wholfl department oliicials of the state Briand. indicating broadly the prin- January I, which would net an uddi- er Canada will be represented as a Conciliation Board .Monday, appeared to be materially ciple the experts must follow, "thorn department. No statement -could be tlmml $)2r..OOfl.OG<J. separate unit or will have representa- decreased whim the council, met to- Is no doubt thfit the German ntass is Decision was in^de. it was said, to obtained from the department this tion in Great Britain's delegation is a day, Yesterday's frank exchange ot In the went and the Polish mass in abandon nil new taxes suggested to morning as to the possibility ot Can- question upon which tliere appears tt ideas and the agreement oE France. the east »f Upper Silesia. Thus, the house committee last week by ada, and the other dominions being ac- be some difference of opinion. It is Great Britain and Italy, in principle, geographically speaking, the, solution corded separate invitations and it was On Railway Wage Hccrelary Melton, including a license known that President Harding believ- ! to the frontier to lie drawn between is easy to bo seen and: even obli- •Ux on automobiles, a bank cheque ed the number of those who will as- Poland and Germany through the gatory," stamp tux and an-lnereasex>f one cent semble around Ihe conference table Upper Silesian plebiscite area, ap- peared to have cleared the situation. Mr. Lloyd George in a speech ad- ' oti the postage rate, should be ' aa small as is consistent vocating neutrality on the "part of thu ruder- the- agreement reached at with proper representation of the Cm, C.N.R. Named tlx' White House' conference, govern- Baron Byng To allies toward the Greco-Turkish con- various interested nations and it 1* flict, alluded to United .States neutral- uit-ui , expenditures this year would likely that Uie suggestion will be ho reduced from the previous estl- ity during the war, when the United made in the invitations that the num- Decision May Affect Request of SASKATOON DISTRICT Stales marfcel was open to both the in:H«$jlf $4.551.000,000 to $4,034,UOiV"00 Arrive Today ber of delegates of each government mvl'the income tax and internal taxes "Big Four" Brotherhoods ' NEEDS THOUSANDS OF allten and the central powers, adding be Uniited to five or six. Sir Sam thut the latter were unable to lakft ad- mihl he, cut from $3,670.000.000 to In view of this desire of the Unit- For Arbitration HARVESTERS FOR CROP vantage of the purchase of war ma- .000,000 including ssTo.ooii.orjo j Rut ottici»l Entry to Canada and ed States government to" • Ihnit the from (uiBtonis,i.net .imo , (-190,000,00« inn nnn nnrt0 fiutf. .>..n* n-,:,mrs-- ji "•" *-" • ^" •' • "" terials on account of the.British block- i number of delegates, .it is believed OTTAWA, Aug. 10.—(By Canadian SASKATOON, Aug.. 10.—"Saskatoon ade. He asked United States Ambus- c'etlaneoua sources including $140,000,-! Ceremonies Take Place 'j that an effort will , be ''made to -have 00') more" than heretofore estimated ' PressO^The ippof^B^Snt of a board district will .employ almost as many Clings i sador Harvey if such was Ms under- on Thursday representatives of. Canada or other of conciliation to deal with the ques- harvesters as Southern Saskatchewan. j .standing of the question and the latter . on the sale of war salvage and 5100- ) Brilish dominions attend the' confer- 000.000 'additional froth b;jck 'IHM>S. : tion oE wage reductions affecting cer- Alberta and Manitoba put together," (replied that this was fully in accord : ence as delegates of the British gov- tain classes of employees on the Can- said M. J. MeCIralh, superintendent of i with the United States'viewpoint. QU.E6EC,'4ufl. 1<>.—Biron Byng ernment unrl not' of the separate do* of Vimy, Canada's, new flovernor- adian National Railways, was an- the government bureau here today. : tninions. Those who hold fhls view nounced by the minister of labor this ToLife "We can find work for ten to fifteen general, arrived here on the liner thai if the llrttish government is uu- Empress of France early this ; morning. The employees, as repre- thousand harvest bands in the ills' Harvest Hand willing to. include dominion represen- sented by the Canadian Brotherhood afternoon. On account of the trict. This week almost 1,000 have LINDSAY.
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