THE CONDUCTOR ORR December 2010 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Official Publication of the Overground RR!!® www.overgroundrr.com Pages 13-16 THEThe Official CONDUCTORNewspaper of The Overground RR!!® VOLUME 7 No. 2 December 2010 ABOVE ALL THINGS MINISTRY WORSHIP The ORR CENTERS and the “Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper Anointed Word Evangelistic Tabernacle The Call and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth.” - III John:2 Anointed Vision of Hope Ariel Bowen UMC The Ark of Salvation Response Believers’ Bible Christian Church Ben Hill Christian Church “And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Ben Hill UMC Bethesda Cathedral of the Apostolic John 8:32 Faith, Inc. Beulah Missionary Baptist Church Big Bethel AME Big Miller Grove Missionary Baptist Church ARE YOU READY TO BE FREE? Boat Rock Baptist Church Butler Street Christian Methodist Episcopal JIM CROW SLAVERY Calvary United Methodist Church Cascade United Methodist Church The Overground RR!!® is a continuation of Christian Fellowship Baptist Church the Underground Railroad. The Underground Clarkston First Baptist Church Railroad, boldly organized and led by Harriet IF SO, GET Columbia Drive United Methodist Church Tubman, delivered us to a period of physical Covenant Ministries freedom from the chained phase of America’s ON BOARD! Dodd-Sterling UMC enslavement of our people. After the Civil War Elizabeth Baptist Church we were re-enslaved in a different form. They Emmaus Road Missionary Baptist Church called it Jim Crow. This is not acknowledged Emmanuel Tabernacle or even recognized as slavery. Blacks don’t rec- Enon Church ognize this critically important fact because Evangelistic New Life Worship Center of the deep and extremely long-lasting effects First AME Church of Tobyitis (See Name Is Not Toby! Or Is It?, First Iconium Baptist Church Conductor, 3rd Quarter). First Victory Baptist Church Friendship Baptist Church An accurate reference to our existence until the Friendship Community Church very recent 1970s would be “Jim Crow Slav- Grace Community Fellowship Church ery”. Instead, we have been taught that we Greater Heights Christian Church lived through a period of “segregation”. The Greater Mount Carmel AME segregation label was crafted by the oppres- ORR PaSTORS, CONDUCTORS OF THE OVERGROUNDRR!!® Greater New Life Baptist Church sors who did not want us to realize what they Greater New Light Missionary Baptist were really inflicting upon us. The truth is that story I had to tell when I figured out that black NOTHING COMPARES TO THE ENSLAVE- Church most of us living today were born during an women had been enduring, resisting and testi- MENT OF BLACKS The Greater Piney Grove Baptist Church evil form of slavery: Jim Crow Slavery. fying about interracial sexual violence for years Greenforest Community Baptist Church and that these crucial and revealing moments Because we have been brainwashed and con- Headland Heights UMC Some of us will find it hard to believe that we had never made their way into the history of ditioned to accept the barbaric and inhumane Highly Favored Ministries were born Nuevo slaves. But it is true. It is im- the civil rights movement.” The Huffington treatment afflicted upon us, we still allow just Hillside International Truth Center, Inc. portant for us to come to overstand (not just Post, September 10, 2010. about everything to be classified as just as bad Hopewell MBC understand) this truth. Think about it. Our fa- as or worst than the unspeakable evil of slav- Impact! Doing Church Differently thers were called “Boy” to their faces by others Our devastated, shattered and violated women ery which we endured. The Jewish Holocaust International Christian Fellowship as young as 7 or 8 years old. Blacks were cus- (mothers, sisters, daughters) - if they were al- lasted at best from 1939 to 1945. However, Jackson Memorial Baptist Church tomarily called N...... and it was nothing our lowed to live or otherwise survived the attacks society continuously speaks of the despicable Life Changing Ministries people could do about it. As Jim Crow slaves - returned to their men, their families who were treatment Jews suffered under the Nazis. In- Light of the World Christian Tabernacle we did not belong to ourselves. We belonged helplessly unable to protect them. There were deed, elderly former Nazis are still being pur- Lindsay Street Baptist Church to any oppressive man or woman that decided no police to report these daily atrocities. Most sued, captured and tried. Love Life Christian Fellowship Church to take us in whatever demonic terroristic, de- likely the police were the perpetrators. Under Midway Missionary Church humanizing or humiliating method they chose. any circumstance the White terrorist violators How does that unfortunate time compare to Miracles, Miracles and More Miracles had done nothing which was not approved by 400 hundred years of kidnapping, rape, mur- Mission On The Move Danielle McGuire, author of At The Dark End the law of the morally corrupt White society der and every form of terror and dehumaniza- Mt. Calvary Baptist Church Of The Street: A New History came to real- which ruled when we were born into Jim Crow tion experienced by Blacks? In reality, there can Mt. Carmel Baptist Church ize this truth when she discovered the reality of Slavery. be no legitimate or justified comparison. But, Muhammed’s Mosque No. 15 who Rosa Parks really was. “I knew this was a because of Tobyitis, we not only allow it; we ac- New Beginnings Ministries cept it, endorse and advocate the comparison. New Fountain Worldwide Ministries Ethnicity Amount Spent Business Revenues % of Amount Spent New Jerusalem Baptist Church THE EFFECTS OF SLAVERY ARE Omega Holiness Church Blacks $590 billion $89 billion 15% MANIFESTED IN OUR ECONOMY TODAY Poplar Springs Baptist Church Powerhouse of Deliverance Cathedral Because of the enslavement of Blacks, both Hispanics $490 billion $222 billion 45% Providence Missionary Baptist Church chained and Jim Crow, African-Americans Ray Of Hope Christian Church are the only people in this country without an Redemptive Life Christian Asians $209 billion $326 billion 155% economic infrastructure. An economic infra- Fellowship Church structure is an effective system by which people Salem Bible Church Whites $6 trillion, 231 billion $22 trillion, 97 billion 353% Solomon Temple Missionary Baptist Church ARE YOU READY? CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 St James Missionary Baptist Church St. John Missionary Baptist Church ORR A • L • L • I • A • N • C • E • S St. Mark AME Church 100 Black Men of Atlanta, Inc. - 100 Black Women of Atlanta - A Guiding Hand - All Empowered Inc. - Americolor Opera Alliance St. Mark Lutheran Church Association of Black Cardiologists - Atlanta Be Someone - Atlanta Business League - Atlanta Quest - Atlanta Urban League Black Women Film Network - Career Choice International - Chi Mathias Music Ministries - City of Atlanta, Minority Business Opportunities St. Philip AME Church Cleveland Ave - Roy L. Yancy, Sr. Public Library - Community Teen Coalition, Inc. - Concerned Black Clergy - FACAA The True Light Baptist Church Fulton County Workforce Development - Georgia Black Chamber of Commerce - GABEO - Ga. Coalition of Black Women, Inc. Wheat Street Baptist Church Girl Scout Troop 9216 - Greater Atlanta Economic Alliance - Habesha Inc. - Heart 2 Heart Kids Foundation - Investment Atlanta, Inc. - Jehovah Jireh Edutainment Ministries - LAMA Inc. - Making The Transition, Inc. MACEO’s Kids Foundation - Mason Boys & Girls World - M.E.N.S. Wear, Inc. Woods Memorial Baptist Church NAACP of Georgia National Action Network - Radio One - Ropheka Rock of the World, Inc. - SCLC Women - Show and Prove Youth Organization World Covenant Christian Center SKIP, Inc. - Soul Food Museum - SPARC - The B-Aware Foundation - The Grapevine HIV/AIDS Foundation - The Green City Development Group The Michelle Davis Show - The Owens Center For Excellence - The Spirit of Sweet Auburn - Truly Living Well Center for Natural Urban Agriculture Zion Hill Baptist Church Tupac Amaru Shakur Foundation - United Negro College Fund - WCLK Jazz 91.9 FM 1 December 2010 THE CONDUCTOR www.overgroundrr.com Official Publication of the Overground RR!!® ARE YOU READY? CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Letter From the Chairman can meet their needs with resources provided approximately 39 million. Assuming the same by the people of their own community. This percentage for business revenue for the respec- fact is the reason that Blacks control only a very tive ethnic groups, the direness of the picture is Where’s The Beef? small percentage of their economy. apparent. This is the empirical evidence which shows where we are. We cannot ignore this young generation as they strive for In 2000, approximately 36 million Blacks color blindness. We have made great strides. A Black has spent approximately $590 billion (spending Blacks spend more than any ethnic group other been elected President of the student government of the and population data is from the Selig Center than Whites, but we spend very little of it with University of Georgia, as well as electing a Black as Home- for Economic Growth, Terry College of Busi- our own businesses. The churches, businesses coming Queen. This is 50 years after the rough integration ness, The University of Georgia; July 2008 is- and consumers have begun to recognize that of UGA by Charlene Hunter (now Gault) and Hamilton sue). However, according to the U.S. Census these are not mere statistics but a reflection of a Aaron Turpeau, Holmes. About that same time we in Ohio were celebrat- Bureau, the revenue of Black businesses in dire state in which we, as a people, have grown ORR Chairman ing Ohio State’s first Black Homecoming Queen, Marlene 2002 (data from the closest year available) ap- accustomed to supporting businesses owned by Owens , daughter of the great Jessie Owens. But like the proximated $89 billion, only 15 percent of that others and neglecting our own.
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