NATIVE AMERICAN OBITUARY INDEX, PRE 2000 - LAWTON PUBLIC LIBRARY NAME AGE DATE SOURCE part page RESIDENCE TRIBE COMMENTS ABEITA, Joan M. (Tippeconnic) 27 21 Sept. 1976 Lawton Constitution 1 432 Albuquerque, NM Comanche ADDISON, Kathleen Rosalie 23 12 June 1994 Anadarko Daily News 2 1 Anadarko AERWUTHTAKUM 95+ 6 June 1948 Lawton Constitution Apache Comanche 2nd wife of Quanah Parker AGUON, Arthur 3 29 Oct. 1992 Walters Herald Walters Comanche son of Connie Jean Aguon AHBOAH, Mildred (Ashley) 81 25 Apr. 2000 Anadarko Daily News Anadarko Wichita AHBOAH, Wilson 81 23 May 1995 Lawton Constitution Anadarko Kiowa AHBOAH, Wilson 81 23 May 1995 Anadarko Daily News 2 1 Anadarko Kiowa AHDOKOBO, Alfred Gilbert 46 9 Jan. 1958 Lawton Constitution Lawton Kiowa AHDOKOBO, Mary Vivian (Tsonetokoy) 60 31 Mar. 1991 Lawton Constitution 2 2 Mountain View Kiowa AHDOKOBO, Rudolph Gilbert, Sr. 55 27 Nov. 1985 Lawton Constitution 2 3 Carnegie Kiowa AHDOSY, Charles "Ahtah" 82 1 Feb. 1991 Lawton Constitution 1 1 Elgin Comanche AHDOSY, Matt 68-80 1 Dec. 1963 Lawton Constitution 1 1 Elgin Comanche AHDOSY, Rosa Mae (Wahahrockah) 65 2 Nov. 1976 Lawton Constitution 1 2 Elgin Comanche AHDOSY, Samuel 20 28 Jan. 1931 Lawton Constitution Richards Spur Comanche AHDOSY, Scott J. 16 Jan. 5, 1967 Lawton Constitution Wichita, KS Comanche son of Mr. & Mrs. William Ahdosy AHDOSY, Susie "Tenitsawifeper" 91 8 Aug. 1975 Anadarko Daily News 1 3 Elgin Comanche AHDOSY, William Bryan 61 7 Dec. 1989 Lawton Constitution 1 3 Lawton Comanche AHDOSY, Willie 49 2 Dec 1928 Lawton Constitution 1 3 Lawton Comanche AHDUNKO, Donald L. 73 15 May 1999 Anadarko Daily News Gracemont Delaware AHGOOM, Elsie (Satepauhoodle) 90 24 May 1994 Lawton Constitution 2 3 Carnegie Kiowa AHGOOM, Herman J. 70 6 Sept. 1998 Lawton Constitution Carnegie Kiowa AHGOOM, James H. 77 d. 28 July 1980 Anadarko Daily News 2 3 Carnegie Kiowa AHHAITTY, Harry 84 d. 13 Dec. 1977 Anadarko Daily News 2 4 Carnegie Kiowa AHHAITTY, Lucius 71 15 Aug. 1979 Lawton Morning Press 2 4 Anadarko Kiowa AHHAITTY, Pamela Jo 2 7 Jan. 1959 Lawton Constitution Carnegie Kiowa dau. of Reuben Ahhaitty AHHAITTY, Phil 46 16 Nov. 1986 Lawton Constitution 2 4 Portland, OR Kiowa AHHAITTY, Reuben 72 22 Sept. 1996 Lawton Constitution Anadarko Kiowa AHHAITTY, Walter, Sr. 69 2 Mar. 1983 Lawton Morning Press 2 4 Apache Kiowa AHKEAHBO, Alice Mae 2 d. 21 Oct. 1932 2 5 Stecker Kiowa dau. of James Ahkeahbo AHKEAHBO, Frank C. 44 28 Aug. 1975 Lawton Constitution Mountain View, CA Kiowa AHKEAHBO, Lillie Betty (Kotay) 66 d. 12 Jan. 1992 Anadarko Daily News 2 5 Anadarko Kiowa AHPEAHTONE 72 10 Aug. 1931 Lawton Constitution 2 6 Kiowa Kiowa chief AHPEAHTONE, Lucy 90 30 Apr. 1997 Lawton Constitution Carnegie Kiowa AHPEATONE, Dora (Botone) 82 d. 25 Feb. 1995 Anadarko Daily News 2 7 Oklahoma City Kiowa AHPEATONE, Elmer 50 9 Mar. 1977 Carnegie Herald Oklahoma City Kiowa AHPEATONE, Hattie M. (Moore) 61 26 June 1946 Carnegie Herald Anadarko Kiowa AHPEATONE, Lizzie 81 2 Aug. 1972 Carnegie Herald Mountain View Kiowa AHPEATONE, Wilbur "Bill" 65 11 Oct. 1988 Daily Oklahoman Oklahoma City Kiowa AHTAPETY, Clyde 91 d. 26 May 1981 Anadarko Daily News 2 7 Carnegie Kiowa medicine man AHTEPETY, Annie Laura 84 d. 10 May 1982 Anadarko Daily News 2 7 Carnegie Kiowa last granddau. of Big Bow AHTONE Eveylin Tahome (Poolaw) 73 d. 21 Mar. 1987 Anadarko Daily News 2 8 Mountain View Kiowa AHTONE, Alice Hokeah 82 d. 3 Oct. 1989 Anadarko Daily News 2 8 Carnegie Kiowa AHTONE, Clouse 64 14 Jan. 1970 Carnegie Herald Carnegie Kiowa AHTONE, Howard C. 45 29 Dec. 1998 Lawton Constitution Oklahoma City Kiowa AHTONE, James 80 d. 29 Oct. 1952 Anadarko Daily News 2 9 Comanche County Kiowa AHTONE, Libby (Botone) 77 20 Feb. 1995 Lawton Constitution 2 10 Mountain View Kiowa AHTONE, Sam 87 6 Apr. 1949 Carnegie Herald Carnegie Kiowa AHTONE, Vance Allen 23 1 Nov. 1980 Lawton Constitution 2 11 Carnegie Kiowa NATIVE AMERICAN OBITUARY INDEX, PRE 2000 - LAWTON PUBLIC LIBRARY AHTONE, William, Sr. 82 28 Apr. 2000 Anadarko Daily News Anadarko Kiowa AITSON, Alfredia Danielle 21 17 Jan. 2000 Anadarko Daily News Edmond Kiowa Otoe-Missouria AITSON, Clara (Mammedaty) 86 30 May 1987 Lawton Constitution 2 12 Mountain View Kiowa AITSON, Gerald Lynn 43 d. 17 Feb. 1992 Anadarko Daily News 2 12 Apache Kiowa AITSON, Joseph James 55 11 Sept. 1991 Lawton Constitution 2 12 Richards Spur Kiowa AITSON, Marland K. 55 25 Dec. 1983 Lawton Constitution 2 12 Gallup, NM Kiowa AITSON, Noah Dwight infant 26 Sept. 1998 Lawton Constitution Lawton Kiowa son of Roy Dale & Erin Jill (Cutnose) Aitson AITSON, Richard 86 22 Jan. 1987 Lawton Constitution 2 13 Mountain View Kiowa AITSON, Shanelle LaRee infant 20 Nov. 1992 Lawton Constitution 2 13 Lawton Kiowa dau. of Laverne & Owenetta Aitson, Jr. AITSON, Vernon 73 12 Mar. 1989 Lawton Constitution 2 13 Taylor, MI Kiowa AKERS, George 67 23 Oct. 1967 Lawton Constitution Medicine Park Comanche AKERS, George Daniel 66 4 Mar. 1992 Lawton Constitution 1 4 Lawton Comanche AKERS, Paul 73 23 Dec. 1993 Lawton Constitution 1 4 Lawton Comanche AKERS, Rachel 68 12 Dec. 1962 Lawton Constitution Medicine Park Comanche sister to Rev. Robert Chaat AKO, Etta 84 14 Jan. 1998 Lawton Constitution Carnegie Kiowa AKONETO, Charles "C. L.", Jr. 62 2 June 1998 Lawton Constitution Fort Cobb Kiowa AKONETO, Sadie (Redhorn) 84 24 July 1985 Lawton Constitution 2 14 Fort Cobb Kiowa AKONETO, Velma (Nauni) 72 15 Mar. 1998 Lawton Constitution Walters Comanche ALANDZES, Freddy 58 1 Dec. 1995 Lawton Constitution 2 14 Lawton Kiowa ALLEN, Ethel (Webb) 59 23 July 1980 Lawton Constitution 1 496 Lawton Comanche ALLISON, John H. 75 25 May 1975 Lawton Constitution 2 14 Carnegie Kiowa ALMANZA, Cora 66 7 Sept. 1956 Lawton Constitution 1 5 Lawton Comanche dau. of Comanche Jack ALTIS, Wanda (Stephenson) 50 28 June 1994 Lawton Constitution Cement Wichita ALVAREZ, Sharon Turtle 37 13 Apr. 1995 Lawton Constitution Mountain View Kiowa ANDERSON, Billie Jean (Tsotaddle) 57 31 Mar. 1991 Lawton Constitution 2 15 Fort Cobb Kiowa ANDRESEN, Priscilla (Tahbonemah) 54 25 Apr. 1974 Lawton Constitution 2 333 Akron, OH Kiowa ANOATUBBY, Phyllis Vera (Standing) 71 16 July 1992 Lawton Constitution 2 15 Anadarko Wichita ANQUOE, Frances (Bigbow) 57 16 Sept. 1959 Carnegie Herald Mountain View Kiowa ANQUOE, John Frank 57 28 Feb. 1989 Lawton Constitution 2 16 Haywood, CA Kiowa ANQUOE, Kenneth 68 21 Nov. 1989 Lawton Constitution Sapulpa Kiowa revived the Kiowa Black Legging Warrior Society ANQUOE, Leonard Mark 54 2 July 1992 Lawton Constitution 2 16 Cache Kiowa ANQUOE, Luke Allen 50 26 May 1999 Carnegie Herald Fort Worth, TX Kiowa APAUTY, Adeline Bessie 81 5 Jan. 1981 Lawton Constitution 1 6 Cache Comanche APAUTY, Claude Vandal "C. V." 70 19 Feb, 1995 Lawton Constitution 1 6 Cache Comanche APAUTY, Vandell 63 26 July 1963 Lawton Constitution Cache Comanche APEKAUM, Charles Emerson 71 8 July 1965 Lawton Constitution 2 19 Anadarko Kiowa grandson of Stumbling Bear APEKAUM, David 83 2 Oct. 1990 Lawton Constitution 2 19 Carnegie Kiowa APEKAUM, Emma Aonety 84 9 July 1991 Lawton Constitution 2 19 Carnegie Kiowa APOATY, Joanna Mae 3 16 Sept. 1928 Lawton Constitution Kiowa dau. of J. Apoaty ARCHILTA, Alvin Labarr 42 21 Jan. 1974 Lawton Constitution 2 20 Apache Apache ARCHILTA, Clara (Williams) 82 d. 29 Sept. 1994 Anadarko Daily News 2 20 Apache Apache ARCHILTA, Esmond L. 32 5 June 1978 Lawton Morning Press 2 21 Elgin Apache ARCHILTA, Etheline (Kadayso) 71 14 Sept. 1991 Lawton Constitution 2 22 Anadarko Apache ARCHILTA, Favine (Kadayso) 46 5 Sept. 1961 Lawton Constitution Apache Apache ARKEKETA, Wakeah 50 d. 18 June 1990 Enid Morning News Enid Kiowa ARNOLD, Clayton Freeman III 40 22 Mar. 1999 Lawton Constitution Anadarko Wichita ARREDONDO, Paul A. 54 6 Feb. 1985 Lawton Constitution 2 22 Lawton ARREDONDO, Sammy 45 30 Oct. 1979 Lawton Constitution 2 22 Lawton ARVIZU, Octavio C. 36 20 Sept. 1959 Lawton Constitution 2 23 Lawton husband of Rachel Penockquaddy NATIVE AMERICAN OBITUARY INDEX, PRE 2000 - LAWTON PUBLIC LIBRARY ASAH, Ida (Attocknie) 86 24 Feb. 1993 Lawton Constitution 1 6 Apache Comanche ASAH, Spencer 48 6 May 1954 Lawton Constitution 2 24 Kiowa County Kiowa one of the Kiowa Five artists; dancer ASEE, Lillie (Kassanavoid) 74 14 Apr. 1984 Lawton Constitution 1 129 Elgin Comanche ASENAP, Alfea Anna (Monasso) 68 8 Oct. 1997 Lawton Constitution Moore 3rd wife of Gilbert Andy Asenap; born Udine, Italy ASENAP, Amy Dell 19 27 Dec. 1970 Lawton Constitution 1 7 Cache Comanche dau. of Teddy Asenap ASENAP, Bessie (Parker) 30 3 Mar. 1927 Lawton Constitution 1 240 Indiahoma Comanche dau. of Quanah Parker ASENAP, Carrie (Peetsueni) 84 24 Oct. 1994 Lawton Constitution 1 7 Cache Comanche ASENAP, Clemencia (Tahah) 63 22 Oct. 1998 Lawton Constitution Cache Comanche ASENAP, Eugene 55 6 July 1984 Lawton Constitution 1 8 Cache Comanche ASENAP, Gilbert Andy 83 7 July 1997 Lawton Constitution Indiahoma Comanche ASENAP, Herman 77 26 Apr. 1960 Lawton Constitution 1 9 Cache Comanche ASENAP, Hollis C., Sr. 58 21 Mar. 1975 Lawton Constitution 1 9 Walters Comanche ASENAP, Jack Wayne 47 16 Apr. 1995 Lawton Constitution 1 9 Cache Comanche ASENAP, Jane (Caddo) 85 8 Dec. 2000 Lawton Constitution Walters Comanche ASENAP, Larry "Stoney" 59 16 July 1998 Cache Times Cache Comanche ASENAP, Lavada 32 23 Feb. 1964 Lawton Constitution Cache Comanche ASENAP, Linda 78 23 June 1994 Lawton Constitution 1 10 Indiahoma Comanche ASENAP, Teddy 70 10 Feb. 1979 Lawton Constitution 1 10 Cache Comanche ASENAP, Theodore 15 31 Aug. 1926 Lawton Constitution south of Indiahoma Comanche son of Herman Asenap, grandson of Quanah Parker ASEPERMY, George 84 4 Apr.
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