O h e l Ò l e THE JOURNAL OF THE MIDDLESEX REGIMENT ule op Cïamlriclÿe i Own) VOL. XI No. 1 MARCH, 1953 PRICE V- THE MIDDLESEX REGIMENT (DUKE Of CAMBRIDGE'S OWN) (57th and 7 7 th) The Plume of the Prince of Wales. In each of the four corners the late Duke of Cambridge’s Cypher and Coronet. “ Mysore,” “ Seringapatam," “ Albuhera," “ Ciudad Rodrigo,” “ Badajoz,” “ Vittoria,” “ Pyrenees,” “ Nivelle,” “ Nive,” “ P “ Alma,” “ Inkerman,” “ Sevastopol,” “ New Zealand,” “ South Africa, 1879,” “ Relief of Ladysmith,” “ South Africa, 1900-02." The Great War— 46 Battalions—“ Mons,” “ Le Cateau,” “ Retreat from Mons," “ Marne, 1914,” “ Aisne, 1914, T8,” “ La Bassée, 1914,” “ Messines, 1914, ’17, ’18,” “ Armentières, 1914,” “ Neuve Chapelle,” “ Ypres, 1915, ’17, ’18,” “ Gravenstafel," “ St. Julien,” “ Frezenberg," “ Bellewaarde, ’ “ Aubers,” “ Hooge, 19x5,” “ Loos," “ Somme," 1916, ’18,” “ Albert, 1916, ’18,” “ Bazentin," “ Delville Wood,” “ Pozières,” “ Ginchy,” “ Flers-Courcelette,” “ Morval,” “ Thiepval,” “ Le Translov,” “ Ancre Heights,” “ Ancre, 1916, ’iS,” “ Bapaume, 1917, ’18,” “ Arras, 1917, ’18," “ Vimy, 1917,” “ Scarpe, 1917, ’x8,” “ Arleux,” “ Pilckem,” “ Langemarck, 1917,” “ Menin Road," “ Polygon Wood,” “ Broodseinde,” “ Poelcappelle,” “ Passchendaele,” “ Cambrai, 1917, ’18,” “ St. Quentin,” “ Rosières,” “ Avre,” “ Villers Bretonneux,” “ Lys," “ Estaires," “ Hazebrouck,” “ Bailleul,” “ Kemmel,” “ Scherpenberg,” “ Hindenburg Line," " Canal du Nord," “ St. Quentin Canal,” “ Courtrai,” “ Selle,” “ Valenciennes,” “ Sambre," “ France and Flanders, 1914-18,” “ Italy, 1917-18,” “ Struma,” “ Doiran, 1918,” “ Macedonia, 1915-18,” “ Suvla,” “ Landing at Suvla,” “ Scimitar Hill,” “ Gallipoli, 19 1 *‘ Rumani," “ Egypt, 1915-17,” “ Gaza,” “ El Mughar," “ Jerusalem," “ Jericho,” “ Jordan,” “ Tell ’Asur,” “ Palestine, 1 9 1 7 - 1 8 ,” “ Mesopotamia, 1917-18," “ Munnan, 1919,” “.DukhovsKaya,” “ Siberia, 1918-19.” Regular Battalion Dominion and Colonial Alliance 1st Bn. (Amalgamated with and Bn. 1948). C a n a d a . 31st Field Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery, Ontario. Militia Battalions 21st Anti-Tank Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery. 5th Bn. (Roval Elthome Militia). \ T_ 50th H.A.A. Regiment, Royal Canadian Artillery. 6th Bn. (Royal Middlesex Militia). } In susPens,on- 102nd (Wentworth) Field Artillery, Royal Canadian Artillery. Depot—Mill Hill. Records Office, Infantry Records, Warwick. The Royal Rifies of Canada. Pay Office—Old Infantry Barracks, Canterbury. N e w Z e a l a n d . The Wellington Coast and Taranaki Regiment, Territorial Army Battalions Toku, Taranaka, New Zealand. 7th Bn. (r/7th Bn. and z/7th Bn. amalgamated after 1939-45 8th Bn. (Now 11 Para Bn. T.A). [War. H o n g K o n g R e g im e n t . 9th Bn. (Now 595 L.A.A./S.L. Regt. R.A). British Army Post Office, 1, Hong Kong. (9th Bn. The Middlesex Regiment, D.C.O). Colonel of the Regiment: Lt.-General G. C. Bucknall, C.B., M.C. Officer Commanding 1st Battalion : Lt.-Col. R. A. Gwyn. Affiliated Unit Officer Commanding Depot: Major P. D. H. Marshall. H.M. Royal Navy, H.M.S. Unicom. Officer Commanding ~tk Battalion : Lt.-Col. A. E. Green, Regtl. Agents—Lloyds Bank Limited, Cox’s and King’s Branch, 6 Pall Mall, S.W.i. CONTENTS PAGE PAGE Editorial 3 7th Battalion Notes 31 Westminster Abbey Appeal 3 n th Parachute Battalion Notes 35 Forthcoming Events. 3 595 L.A.A./S.L. Regiment, R.A., Notes. 35 1 st Battalion Notes 4 The County Regiment 3 9 Depot Notes 24 Obituaries 40 Regimental Museum Notes 29 Correspondence 41 Cambridge Club Ladies' Guild 29 The Royal Military Memorial Chapel 4 4 Story Competition 30 Army Art Society 4b NOTICE TO CONTRIBUTORS “ The Die-Hards " is published in March, Ju n e, September and December, and copies may be obtained by application to the Editor. m O - lî Con/riiut/ions inJcndedfor publication should reach the Editor not later than the 1st of the month previous to that of issue. COX T R IB U T IO X S SJ? 8 UcLR E , T I . ? E-D IN T R I P L I C A T E , A X D B E OX O X E S ID E O F T H E P A P E R O X L Y , and signed, stating whether it is desired to publish the contributor s name or not. Reiected manuscripts, etc., 1till only be returned if accompanied bv a stamped and addressed envelope. The Editor w ill thankfully receive Contributions from past or present members cf the Regiment or others interested, but necessarily reserves to himselt the right of publication A ll communications concerning the paper, including Advertisements, should be addressed to the Editor, “ The Die-Hards " Journal, The Middlesex Regiment, Inglis Barracks, M ill HiU, London, N.W .f. Subscriptions should be forwarded to the Editor, " The Die-Hards ” Journal, Cherues and Postal Orders should be made pavabU to S t retars . Regimental Association, and crossed “ — & Co. ’ ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTIOX 5/- (Post Free) L j he <lò ie -^J4ardi ^Jke 2)te-~JJarJó structive exercise for anyone with imagination. We hope that there will be many entries. Five pounds has been offered for prizes and its distribution will depend upon the number and quality of the entries. Should, however, the standard and number of entries wrarrant it the prize money will be Chief Editor : Brigadier N. P. Procter, C.B.E., M.C. increased. The best story will be published in The Asst. Editor (Business) : Major A. W. Clark, O.B.E. Die-Hards. * * * As a Coronation gesture, Major A. H. Cooper has kindly offered to present the usual momentos for the EDITORIAL winners of the “ Cooper ” Cup in the autumn golf meeting. In addition he has suggested, if others will As this is the first number of the Die-Hards since contribute, that a special Coronation prize be played for the return of the 1st Battalion from Asia, it is perhaps at the autumn meeting to take the form of the best not too late to welcome them back to Europe. aggregate for the medal round at the meeting. We are Details of the arrival in England and of the various sure that his offers will be most kindly accepted and ceremonies thereafter appear in the Battalion Notes, but approved at the next meeting in April. we feel that it is only right to express here the grateful thanks of the Regiment to the Lord Lieutenant and the county for making the return so memorable. DIRECTIVE BY THE COLONEL OF THE We would congratulate the members of the Battalion MIDDLESEX REGIMENT (D.C.O.) on their fine show ing during the period of great publicity. The wrork involved in the very complicated pro­ Westminster Abbey Appeal Fund gramme must have thrown a considerable strain on the small Depot and Regimental H.Q. staff, and we note The Colonel of the Regiment has read, with interest, that this is deeply appreciated by the 1st Battalion. the story of the Million Pound Appeal for Westminster Those who attended as spectators, too, would wish to Abbey, just launched by the Prime Minister. add their congratulations and thanks. In view of the recent Remembrance and Thanksgiving Divine Service in the Abbey on December 19, attended by our rst Battalion, at which the Colours were laid on The New Year Honours produced one in particular the High Altar, the Colonel is confident all regimental over which all members of the Regiment will rejoice. ranks, past and present, will wish to contribute towards It is hardly necessary to say that this is the award of the this appeal as their individual means permit. All con­ C.B.E. (Civil) to Col. Maurice Browne “ for services to tributions should be sent as soon as possible to the the Middlesex Regiment.” Truly no honour could have Secretary, Middlesex Regimental Association, Inglis been more worthily awarded and the reasons for the Barracks, Mill Hill, N.W.7. Postal Orders and cheques award so suitably worded. It must also be almost should be crossed “ Abbey Appeal.” unique—but then so is Col. Browne! Another honour, the O.B.E. to Lt.-Col. John Willoughby, will also have caused pleasure and we offer Forthcoming Events him, too, our hearty congratulations. As this does not Golf end the list of those to whom congratulations are due in various spheres we spare the continued by saying Spring Golf Meeting: Hendon Golf Club, April 23, congratulations to:— 1953- Lt.-Col. W. L. Roberts, O.B.E., M.C., on being ap­ Home Counties Brigade Meeting: Goodwood Golf pointed a Deputy Lieutenant of the County of Middlesex. Club, nr. Chichester, May 7, 1953. Lt. A. W. Ramsay, 7th Battalion, on being awarded Autumn Golf Meeting: North Hants Golf Club. his Blue for Rugby football at Oxford University. Fleet, September 19 and 20, 1953. Lt. A. H. Catchpole, 7th Battalion, on being awarded his Blue for golf at Oxford University. Cricket L/Cpl. Walley (Depot) on playing football for the Saturday, June 20 v. Free Foresters. Army v. Cambridge University XI. Finally, as we write we hear the Lt.-Col. G. P. L. Sunday, June 21 v. Hampstead Heathens. Weston, D.S.O., O.B.E., has been promoted to Colonel, Monday June 22 v. Cryptics. and we send our congratulations to far off Malaya. Tuesday, June 23 v. Incogniti. Wednesday, June 24 v. I. Zingari. Details are included in this number of a competition Officers’ Club dinner will take place on June 19, to encourage the study of Regimental history. We are *953- Full particulars will be circulated later. Dedication of the Parliamentary War Memorial 1939-1945, in Westminster Hall, Wednesday, Nov. 12,1952 most grateful to the originator of this idea and for the The Secretary of the Officers’ Club has for use of the The Ceremony teas attended by Colonel M ■ Browne and Major G Brinley Ayre Amongst those names recorded was promise of a handsome prize.
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