THE BERMUDA COMMERCIAL AND GENERAL ADVERTISER AND [RECORDER Vol. LXXXVIH-No 26 HAMILTON. BERMUDA TUESDAY MARCH, 2, 1915, SINGLE COPY, lid (OBS CENTS).—20s. PEE ANKTTM I BOMBARDMENT OF ARRAS. I back about one mile along a shell- 1 I I p tted road, by the side erf which we THE WAR. } Paris, Feb. 27.—The Germans are j ensconced ourselves in a very grubby again bombarding Arras and Soissons little farmhouse—one of the few that BIG MOVE UNDER WAY. as thc result of Freach troops con­ the German- shells had left standing. centrating ia those cities. The big I We s'ept in a snowshed on the straw London, Feb. 26.—-The continued German motors have doae terrific When you buy Bovrii in preference to a very grubby kit­ progress which the French are said havoc at Arras and a great part of chen floor. to_ be making in the Champagne dis­ the city is ia ruins. Despite rainy Saturday, trict and the pressure which the Allies foggy weather ia west Flanders ar­ ii without attempting any great offen­ tillery daelliagfis still ia progress there. you can be sure you are getting the 1 p as usual at 5 a.m. to stand to sive are declared to be bringing to A considerable amount of French arms for an hour or so; rest of the bear on the German line in the west, artillery has been placed at the dis­ day cleaning up. We thought we have according to the news received posal of the Belgians who are shelling product of a genuine all-British, were in for trouble as a Taube came from Holland induced the Germans to the German lines aear Ostead. In« flying overhead and dropped smoke make another effort ia the west be­ fantry fighting ia the forests north of and always British Company. bombs to show their gunneis where fore the Allies reach their maximum Verdun has cost the Germans heav­ « to fire. Sure enough they shelled ily. In thc Bois forges peasants have I us energetically for half an hour or strength. By day and aight, says the i Dutch newspapers big motor cars beea workup for two days burying 1 so. First a few high explosives to loaded with German soldiers arc hur­ the dead and still maay bodies re­ § get us out of our farmhouses, then rying through Belgium to the western main upon the ground. Further to a shrapnel or two to catch us as we front and the troops which had been the South ia the Meuse valley near BOVRIL always has to .JP..E got out. A low trick, 1 call it, shell­ seat to Northern Belgium are goiag St. Juhicl the Freach have repulsed ing us when we aire having our hard- back to the trenches. The fact that with heavy losses attempts of the earned rest. some of the troops now passing Germans to retake some of thc ground kSSft^Ea B had a very unpleasant ex­ through Belgium come from the Eas­ they lost. perience with them yesterday. He tern frontier suggest that the Ger­ was sent back in the morning to ar­ mans are able to hold the Russians li range about the billets and struck a in their positions, while thc Germans SUBMARINE OFF SPAIN. patch they were shelling, about 100 are carrying our a new offensive in thc 11 yards behind the trenches. Thty west. The silence of the Germain Gen­ Bilbao, Spain. Feb. 27.—The light­ BRITIS w landed half a dozen or so within eral Staff which to-day simply said house keeper at Portugalete, one of If twenty to thirty yards of him, cov­ there had been no change on either the harbours of Bilbao advised thc and consequently there has been no need to make ering him with mud. He started do­ front is taken in London as confirma­ Maritime authorities of haviag sight­ any change in the constitution or directorate or ing at litile desperate digging in a tion that some big move such as that ed to thc north of his lighthouse a muddy ditch with his hands but suggested is under way. It is declar­ submarine navigation on the surface the Company SINCE THE OUTBREAK OF as he found he was haviag what he ed that the Allies are displayiag no of the water. The boat carried no described as a "dashed dull time", he uneasiness, they believe that the soft­ flag aor aay other iadicatioa of its THE WAR. ~ forced his way through a thick hedge ness of the ground must prove a nationality. \\ into a field next door—found that great disadvantage to thc Germans neighbour equally unhealthy, and and although all their new troops VON. HINDENBURG IN FRANC*. The following complete list of the Directors of Bovrii, Limited, started to tool across thc open, and are not yet ready they will be able soon as he got well along from the to repel any new attacks. During the London, Feb. 27.—A special to sine the formation of the Company, affords the best guarantee of the I fence he promptly, much to his hor­ last couple of days the British have the Daily Express from thc Belgian entite absence of any alien influence or control:— ror came under rifle fire. This was slightly improved their positions in froatier says the appearaace of Field the last straw, and he did the next La Bassee while' the French report Marshal Yon Hindenburg in France fifty yards or so to the next muddy further progress by their troops in thc The Right Hem. Lord Playfair, George Lawson Johnston. ditch—into which he fell headlong— vicinity of Prethes and in.the|Argoaae and Flanders as Tjonimander-in-Chief in record time n spite of his heavy and repeated successes by their ar­ of the Germaa Western armies is G.C.B., LL.Be Andrew Walker. load of kit. He eventually turned tillery in destroyiag German guns aad being freely predicted by both officers John Lawson Johnston. I up at headquarters looking like an trenches. In the cast a big battle and men among thc Kaiser's forces. William E. Lawson Johnston. animated mud pie. along the Russian fortress line which His successes ia the Eastern frontier The Right Hoi. the Earl of Douglas Walker follows the river almost the whole have greatly impressed the Emperor whose disappoint meat at tbe "failures 11 The "Jam-Tin" Grenades. way from thc Baltic to the Carpath­ Bessborough, C.V.O., G.B. The Right Hon. the Earl ok i 1 ians is still undecided. The same is of bis generals' on the other front is true also of thc battles in the Car­ great. Thc Kaiser's discoatcat with Admiral of the Fleet Sir Arran, K.P. U A Captain ia the Royal Engineers pathians and Bukowiaa. Petrograd his army commanders in thc Western Edmund Commercial, V.C., Sir James Crichton-Browne, M.D., writes:—• despatches however, claim that the area has become notorious. He praised * 1 "The general state of things is Russians are more than holding tteeir Geaeral Voa Kluck for the first dash G.C.B. F.RJ5. very curious, and the deadlock we own in Northern and central Poland toward Paris but afterwards he sound­ Prince Francis of Teck. are at is a condition never contem­ and that in the Carpathians tbey are ly rated him for not outflanking the Frederick Gordon, plated in the "Field Service Regu­ making such a steady advance that British. He also criticised General The Right Hon. The Earl of lations" or any other publication on not only thc Hungarian but thc Aus- Herringeas plaa of attack during thc The Right Hon. Dr. Robert Enroll, K.T., C.B. war which I have ever read. Here triaa armies fighting in Bukowiaa are earlier operations along the Aisne. Farquharson, P.C wc are sitting in trenches facing the threatened. No further news has There have also been several stormy enemies' trenches. The distance be­ reached London-of the bombardment interviews betweea the Emperor aad tween us varies from 30 to 300 yards. of the Dardanelles by the Allies fleets the Bavarian Crown Prince. !¥J A certain amount of saiping goes on but it is believed here that warships Insist on having Bo W a 1 coatiauallv, and the artillery of both will continue their attacks until the SHIP BUILDERS STRIKE. sides shell thc opposing trenches at straits are foiced. Having destroyed intervals and occasionally send few- the outer fortifications the eatraace to BRITISH TO THE BACKBONE. shells an sonr.« place where theythink Londoa, Feb. 26.—While labour con­ the enemy's guns are likely to be. thc outer way is being cleared of ferences were beiag held to-day to de­ mines preparatory to an attack on the Our guns are very cleverly hidden, cide what action should be taken re­ and of course they change their posi­ inner forts. One effect of tbe prelim- garding thc refusal of thc Clyde ship­ f the AUies ia the Dar- tion from ii.ne to time. 1 have builders to gram aa increase of four everal times been frightfully startled cents an hour in wages to the ship­ bv a gun going off within fifty yards jnarv succes. - yard engineers some of whom already 0: me when going along a road, or danelles was the dropping today 01 are oa strike the goverameat made a ATTACK ON INNER FORTS AT Julius Caesar's legions used t-.a go '11 the price of whaet which went down DARDANELLES.
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