Sverigedemokraterna i de svenska kommunerna 2002–2006 En studie av politisk aktivitet, strategi och mobilisering Sverigedemokraterna i de svenska kommunerna 2002–2006 © Integrationsverket, 2006 ISBN 91-89609-28-X Integrationsverket Box 633 601 14 Norrköping Sättning: Elanders Anymedia, Stockholm Tryck: Elanders Infologistics Väst, Stockholm, 2006 Sverigedemokraterna i de svenska kommunerna 2002–2006 En studie av politisk aktivitet, strategi och mobilisering Innehåll Innehåll 5 Förord 7 Summary 8 Sammanfattning 12 Inledning 16 • Syfte och frågeställningar 17 • Teoretisk ram, metod och källmaterial 19 • Disposition 21 1. Sverigedemokraterna – historia, organisation, ideologi, representation och varför högerpopulism vinner framgångar • Historia 22 • Organisation 26 • Ideologi 30 • Representation 43 • Varför högerpopulism vinner framgångar 45 2. Kommunrapporter och ett par fördjupande analyser 47 • Västernorrlands län 48 • Dalarnas län 51 • Uppsala län 54 • Västmanlands län 56 • Örebro län 58 • Stockholms län 60 • Värmlands län 63 • Västra Götalands län 74 • Blekinge län 81 • Skåne län 93 • Tre ytterligare kommuner som fått sverige- demokratisk representation under mandatperioden 129 • Kort sammanfattning – kommunerna 134 • Karta över kommuner i Skåne med sverigedemokratisk representation 136 • Sverigedemokraterna, Skåne och Danmark: historia och analys 138 • Islam – riva moskéer eller hjälpa fl ickebarn? 146 3. Sammanfattande analys 154 • Kommuner som fi ck sverigedemokratisk representation 155 • Situationen i fullmäktige 161 • Politik, aktivitet och strategi 164 • Representation, mobilisering av väljare och bristande intern demokrati 175 • Kyrkovalet 2005 176 • Rekommendationer 177 4. Tabeller • Tabell 1: Valresultat, kommunala mandat, Sverigedemokraterna 2002 182 • Tabell 2: Valresultat, kommuner där Sverigedemokraterna kandiderade 2002 184 • Tabell 3: Valresultat, Sverigedemokraterna i kyrkovalet 2005 186 5. Fotnoter 188 6. Referenser 203 Förord Integrationsverket skall enligt sin instruktion förebygga och motverka främlingsfi entlighet, rasism och etnisk diskrimi- nering. Som ett led i detta arbete har myndigheten fått i upp- drag av regeringen att redovisa en analys av tillståndet för och utvecklingen av rasism och främlingsfi entlighet, inklusive anti- semitism och islamofobi, samt att göra en internationell jäm- förelse när det är relevant. Inom ramen för uppdraget fi nns anledning att även följa den politiska mobilisering och organi- sering som sker inom området. Föreliggande vetenskapliga studie har Integrationsverket beställt av Ulla Ekström von Essen vid Södertörns högskola. I studien analyseras sverigedemokraternas arbete i de kommu- ner där de haft mandat i kommunfullmäktige sedan valet 2002. Studien är relaterad till annan forskning om radikal högerpo- pulism (RHP-partier). Sverigedemokraterna studeras därmed i en internationell kontext, som ett svenskt exempel på den poli- tiska mobilisering som sker på fl era håll. Studien utgör också ett bidrag till ett forskningsområde som ytterligare behöver utvecklas. Ulla Ekström von Essen, fi l dr i idéhistoria, är forsknings- ansvarig. Hon har även skrivit den största delen av rapporten. Medverkat har även forskningsassistent Rasmus Fleischer, fi l kand, gjort. I egenskap av forskningsansvarig och huvudsak- lig författare till rapporten ansvarar Ulla Ekström von Essen själv för innehållet i studien; dess metodologiska och teoretiska ansats samt resultat, analys och rekommendationer. Integra- tionsverket tar inte ställning till innehållet. Ansvarig vid Inte- grationsverket har analytiker Cecilia Englund varit. Norrköping den 21 juni 2006 Abdullahi Aress Cecilia Englund Avdelningschef Analytiker Analysavdelningen Analysavdelningen Summary Sverigedemokraterna (the Sweden Democrats) in the Swedish municipal councils 2002–2006 This survey examines the Swedish radical right-wing nationa- list party, Sverigedemokraterna (the Sweden Democrats) and its political activities, strategy and mobilisation in Swedish local politics during the period 2002–2006. The Sweden Democrats is the fi rst radical right-wing nationalist party to have made a relative breakthrough in Swedish local politics, which indicates that the tendency in Europe for xenophobic and nationalistic parties to become established in parliamentary assemblies has also reached Sweden. In the 2002 general election the Sweden Democrats gained 49 municipal seats in 29 of Sweden’s 290 municipalities. The objective of this study is to map out and analyse the par- ticipation of the Sweden Democrats in the municipal councils, to see which policies they have tried to promote and how the party eventually has been integrated into the traditional party system. We examine whether the Sweden Democrats have gai- ned any sympathy for their political proposals, shifted the poli- tical agenda, and whether they have succeeded in legitimising themselves as a political party and player in the local political arena. The relationship of the Sweden Democrats to other simi- lar local parties with grievances is also investigated. As a complementary objective the study also aims to expose some indications of a connection between Sweden Democrats’ representation and educational levels, production structure, unemployment, age structure, segregation and activities con- cerning the reception of refugees into the municipality. There is a review of the Sweden Democrats’ results in the 2005 church council elections, where it strengthened its posi- tion, and the line followed by the party in the Church Assembly. 9 History and ideology of the Sweden Democrats political party Chapter 1 reviews and discusses the history of the Sweden Democrats, and its organisational structure, ideological inhe- ritance and development. The Sweden Democrats has its ori- gins in a century-old nationalist movement tied to currents of fascist and Nazi ideas. A decade ago the party began a process of distancing itself from National Socialism, anti-Semitic con- spiracy theories and biological racism. Instead it has staked out an ideological line characterised by ethnic nationalism, ethnic pluralism and acquired a populist strategy. A culture-essen- tialism has replaced the earlier explicit racist rhetoric. Through studying programme texts and other internal documents, the ideological changes are analysed and discussed, with the asser- tion that there is some doubt as to whether these refl ect any signifi cant change in the party’s fundamental worldview and outlook on mankind in a moral, epistemological and cultural perspective. Those ideological changes that can be identifi ed in the party’s public documentary statements are marked by the power shift that took place in the spring of 2005, when the party’s more intellectual wing based in Skåne took its place in the party lead- ership. The populist strategy that has become more apparent among the Sweden Democrats is related to those causes that are usually advanced as an explanation for the increased success of radical right-wing nationalist parties: changes in the structure of production resulting from a global economy, changes in the political interpretation framework and an increased focus on identity, culture and feminism instead of, as earlier in the 20th century, the relationship between the working and capitalist classes, along with a reduced traditional class vote that opens niches for populist entrepreneurs. Communal activities and regional differences Chapter 2 forms the empirical part of the study and contains reports from all the municipalities holding representation of the Sweden Democrats. The principal sources were delegation reports, proposals from the Sweden Democrats and interviews with the chairmen of the municipal councils in the municipali- ties. The results have shown large regional differences in respect of both voter support and the implementation of policies. As the support for the Sweden Democrats is incomparably grea- test in southern Sweden, particularly in Skåne, the regional dif- ferences are examined in greater depth in two sections. On the one hand the breakthrough of the party on the Skåne popu- list scene is reviewed, on the other hand light is thrown on the 10 Sverigedemokraterna i de svenska kommunerna 2002–2006 party’s relationship to Denmark and the Danish Folk Party, showing how some of the policies follow Danish patterns. Here it is asserted that developments in Denmark have been signi- fi cant for the Sweden Democrats, and that there are obvious similarities in the process that have led to both the Sweden Democrats and the Danish Folk Party formulating policies that are critical of immigration policies and which subsequently have gained ground. Results The fi nal chapter of the study is an analytical summary of the results. Those districts where the Sweden Democrats have obtained representation can be broadly divided into four categories: Municipalities with a low educational level, characterised by manufacturing industry and both high and low levels of immi- grants, urban municipalities with a high level of immigration and strong segregation, small agricultural communities with a low level of education and high age structure, and wealthy villa communities bordering on segregated areas. It is signifi cant that a majority of these municipalities are tra- ditionally aligned with social democracy, which shows that the Sweden Democrats’ strategy of winning over social-democratic voters has had a certain amount of success. Regional differences are seen, where the greatest support is in Skåne and Blekinge.
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