Index acerola, West Indian cherry 122 asbestos 212 acid ascorbic acid 11, 18, 19, 61, 167, 177, 269, acidity 90, 225 335, 340, 345, 362 citric 31, 59, 269, 270, 337, 351, 362 aseptic packaging fumaric 171 filling 107 malic 11, 31, 59, 170, 171, 177, 337 processing 70, 157 organic 10, 72, 89, 177, 333 Association of Official Analytical Chemists tartaric 92, 337 of USA (AOAC) 24, 367 activated carbon 261-264,267 athletic osteoporosis 318 activated sludge 417 authenticity 174, 364 additives 360, 361, 366, 368-373, 376, 379, 380 bacterial contamination 78, 188 adulteration 1, 3, 11, 12, 16, 170, 172 Bakelite reaction 169 aerobic microbes 416 banana 122, 347 aerobic processes 417 barley, drinks, waters 373, 374 AFNOR 72 Barr 126 Agriculture Development and Advisory Baykisol 164 Service (ADAS) 407 Beecham Group (now SmithKline Agronomic Advisory Service (UK) 135 Beecham) 133, 140 air entrainment 304 Belmer and Klein 204, 205 alcohol hydrometer 244 Benomyl 147 Alfa Laval 214 bentonite 164 alkalinity 388 benzoate, benzoic acid 18 almonds 364 BHA/BHT see antioxidant Altenaria 346, 350 bilberry 199 aluminium 355 bioavailability 340, 353 aluminium sulphate 392 biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) 82, Alzheimer's disease 391 398 Amadori 178 blackberries 149, 199 amino acids 11, 19, 20, 22, 24, 31, 177, blackcurrants 134, 135-142, 147, 199, 350 178,260 diseases of 143-147 analysis methods 21, 23, 34 blueberry 347, 350 branched chain 327 Boehi 156 anaerobic microbes 416 bonechar 262 anaerobic processes 418 bottles 307, 308 anthocyanin 66, 95, 179 Botrytis cineria 146, 147 antioxidant 112, 115, 269, 338, 339 Brix acid ratio 56,78, 109, 112, 115, 119, apple 123-125, 159, 222, 366 juice 153-156, 160, 163, 170, 171, Brown Citrus Machinery 23(}-233 172-174, 176, 180, 181, 184, 185, 186, Brown oil extractor 71, 81, 247 188, 190, 197, 198, 253, 263, 267, 268, Bucher Guyer 95, 154, 159, 161, 176, 199, 331, 336, 339, 343-345, 381 202, 203 juice concentrate (AJC) 166, 167, 17(}-172, 172 C3 plants 13, 14, 171 APV 107,214 C4 plants 13, 14, 171 aroma 292 12Cj13C ratio 14 aroma recovery 103, 213, 216 caffeine 328 arthropod 145 caftaric acid 170 ARTHUR program 33 calcium 7-9, 66, 160, 169, 183, 333 424 INDEX Calvin cycle 13 Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC) CAM plants 13 371, 372, 382, 384 canned citrus juices 62 cold fill 276 canning 243 colorants 4 cans colour 60,95, 159, 179, 181, 182 corrosion of 352, 355 colour lacquers 353 artificial 18 Cantrell and Cochrane (C & C) 116, 126 natural 18 capping equipment 308 Combibloc 121, 157 carbendazim 147 composite containers 306, 307 carbohydrate 60, 313 composition of fruit juices/beverages 90, carbohydrate loading 314 174, 332, 336, 383 carbon stable isotope ratio analysis standard of 364,377 (CSlRA) 13, 35, 39, 171 concentrate, concentration 84, 102, 107, camitine 328 112, 155, 156, 166, 213, 236, 243--245, 270, carotene 112, 115 292,376 carotenoids 338 condenser 240 cartons, laminated board 290, 292, consumption 339, 340, 343 298-300, 304 contaminants, contamination 2, 352 catechin 179 cooling tunnel 308 Cel-Flock 164 cooling water 400 centrifugal separator 246 copper 66, 182, 333 centrifuge 72, 209 cordials 381 chaptalisation 36 Cottees 116, 117 charcoal 183 cranberry 199 chemical composition 58, 75 crassulacean acid metabolism 13 chemical oxygen demand 81, 82, 398, 399, cross flow in membrane filters 104, 213 401,402,411,413,414,41~420 culls 226, 270 chemical thermomechanical pulp cultivars 53, 55, 57, 61, 88, 179-180, 187 (CTMP) 299 cyanogenic glycoside 344 chemistry 53, 89, 158, 160 cherry 151, 199 Davis Glycoside Test 66 Chinese gooseberry 123 de-aeration 276, 286, 292 chitosan 164 de-aerators 287 chloramine-T index 3,7,24 de-alkalisation 393 chloride 9, 389 debittered orange juice 270 chlorinated substances 389 decantation 72, 209 chlorination 395 Del Monte 118, 126 Chlorothalonil 147 demethylation 85 choline 328 dental 342-344 cider 176, 179, 349 de-oiler 79, 235 citral 43 deuterium 36, 38, 39 citric acid 1, 10, 31, 58, 59, 170, 177 diabetic 374 Citrus Experiment Station, USA 76 Diamond Shamrock Chemical Company citrus juices 31, 53-88, 243, 331, 336, 265, 268, 269 343 diatomaceous earth 101,264 essences 72 dichlorofluanid 147 peel 77,78,247 DjH ratio 171 terpenes 74 dihydrochalcone 179 volatiles 71 direct steam heating 283, 285 clarification 164, 166, 167, 209 distillation, steam 79 Clarifruit 165 distribution systems, retail 301 cleaning-in-place (CIP) 238, 280 Dole 110, 118, 121, 268 cloud, clouding agent 85, 332, 373 Dow Chemical Company 254, 255, 259, coagulation 390,391,415 271 Coca-Cola 126,269 drainage 401-403 Code of Federal Regulations, USA 366 drinking water standards 387 Code of Hygienic Practice, Codex 384 due diligence 44 INDEX 425 Eckes 126 foliar feeding 137 effluent Food Labelling Regulations (UK) 362 strength 397 Food Safety Act 1990 (UK) 43,44 treatment 219, 397, 398 formol index 19, 178 elderberry 134 fractional distillation 74, 83 electrodialysis 269 fractionating column 80, 81 electrolyte 315 fresh, freshness 368 electroshock 288 frost, frost protection 133, 140 Endosulphan 145 frozen concentrated orange juice 2, 6, 15, energy expenditure 313 24, 76, 77, 84, 221, 237, 244-246 energy use 102 FruchtsaIte 365 Ensink 154,204,205 fructose 90, 171, 174 Environmental Protection Act (UK) 407 fruit enzymatic reactions 99, 160,209 beverages 254,267, 305-306, 340, 360, enzyme, pectolytic 95, 99, 100, 155, 160, 361, 372, 377, 380, 382 161,208,213,241 content 362, 378, 379, 381 essential oil 58, 71 definition 361, 368, 369 citrus 71-74, 76, 82, 243 grape 92-98 Euro Citrus 126, 127 juices 216, 254, 262, 331, 338 European Quality Control System processing 101, 102, 141,218,230 (EQCS) 45 puree 362 evaporator 103, 104, 214, 215, 222, 237, fungi 146 238,240,241,243,250,267,270 fungicides 146, 147 evaporator condensate 228 extraction efficiency 230 galacturonic acid 162 extractor 229, 230-233 gas chromatography (GC) 23, 352 gas liquid chromatography (GLC) 26, feed mill, animal 229,235,247 348 ferrous sulphate 392 gastric emptying 319, 320 filling 290, 295, 307 gelatin 162, 163, 164, 168, 181, 191 cold 304 General Foods 117 equipment, machines 291-297 generally recognised as safe (GRAS), hot 290, 292-294, 304, 305 USA 380 filtration 97, 100, 101, 102, 168, 210, 211, Geneva Experiment Station, USA 158 213 GENSTAT program 33 micro 394 glass containers 307 nano 394, 395 glucose 90, 171, 174, 175, 333, 336 Filtrox 210 glucose/fructose ratio 12 fining 168 glutamine 327 finishing 233 glycaemic response 341 fixed bed column 264, 265 glycogen 314 flavanones 65, 66 gooseberry 134, 149 flavedo 77 grading 93,226, 367, 371 flavone 64, 66 granini 126 flavonoids 25, 56, 64, 66, 180, 344 grapefruit juice 25, 60, 221, 331-339 flavour enhancement technology 76 grape 88-105,253, 337, 339 flavour preferences 100, 186, 187, 305, Concorde 88,91-93,97-99 306,332 juice 88-90, 94, 97, 98, 101, 102, 170, flavourings 380 263, 265, 331, 337, 362 flocculation 390, 415 processing 93-97, 101 flotation 415 grower, growing 127 flow measurement 408 guava 106-110, 381 fluid loss 316 Gulf Machinery Company 107, 242, 248, fluorescence 16-18 250 FMC equipment 71, 78, 81, 230, 231, 233, 246,247 harvest, harvesting 92, 93, 135, 140, 219, folate(s) 269, 338 222 folded oils 82 Hatch-Slack pathway 13 426 INDEX haze, post bottling (PBH) 163, 164, lime, fruit juice 59, 60, 85, 331, 334, 335 167-169, 177 limonaden 376 heat exchange 98, 102 d-limonene 79-83, 221, 305 hesperidin 13, 65, 66 limonin 56, 67, 271 high acid products 274, 280 lipids 67 high fructose com/glucose syrup (HFCS, London interactions 259, 263 HFGS) 12-14 Long Ashton Research Station 158 high performance liquid chromatography Lulo (Quito orange, naranjilla) 123 (HPLC) 10-12, 18-20,23,25,26,32, 166, 170, 171, 175, 181 magnesium 9,66,318 high pressure pasteurisation 287 Maillard reaction 159, 166, 178, 182, 183, high temperature, short time (HTST) 237, 261 238 maltose 90 homogenisation 276, 287, 292 mandarin 60 hot fill 276, 292 manganese 66 hot pack concentrate 121 mango 106, 110-113 hydrogen peroxide 102 manuring 136 hydroxy methyl furfural (HMF) 166, 169, market, marketing 1, 127, 360 173, 175, 185 Marks and Spencer 126 hygiene 198, 360, 364 mass load determination 399 hypotonic 321 membrane drinks 312 filters 101, 165 filtration 212, 393 Indelicato 120 metal, including contamination 184, 352 infusion 283 microbial spoilage 70, 238, 344 injection 283 microorganism 67, 76, 157, 188, 197, 198, International Fruit Juice Union 5 275, 389 iodine 66 mildew, American gooseberry 147 ion exchange 254-262, 266 mill, milling 154, 200, 201 iron 66, 182, 333, 340, 352 mineral 7, 91, 183 irrigation 141 Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and isocitric acid 10, 11 Food UK (MAFF) 44 iso-osmotic 321 Mira strip can 307 isotonic drinks 311, 312 Mogden formula 406 isotopes, isotopic methods 4, 13, 15, 16, molasses, citrus 82, 221 35 most-apfeln (juice apple) 178 isotopic ratios 36 moulds 67, 189 mouthfeel 168, 180 juice see fruit multivariate statistical techniques 31 juice quality 83, 99, 162 naranjilla 123 Kieselguhr 210,211 naringin 25, 66 kinetics of ion exchange 260 National Food Survey (UK) 331 kiwifruit 123 National Rivers Authority UK (NRA) Klarsol 164 404,405 komatsuma 345 natural 365, 374, 379, 384 natural clays 262 labelling, regulations 360-362, 366, 369, natural flavours 43 374, 377-383 natural style juices 155, 158, 177, 186 lactic acid, bacteria 67 nectars lead 354 definition 362 leaf curling midge 145 fruit 336, 338, 360-370, 373 leaf spot, blackcurrant 147 Nestle 126 legionellosis
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