5442 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 17, 2005 TRIBUTE TO PETTY OFFICER Rowland of Montross, Va., who died on March STATEMENT IN HONOR OF JUDI ANDREA BISIGNANI 6th at the Virginia Veterans Care Center in KANTER Roanoke at the age of 87. John’s daughter, HON. C.A. DUTCH RUPPERSBERGER Michelle served on my staff and Michelle often HON. ZOE LOFGREN OF MARYLAND spoke of her father and his commitment to his OF CALIFORNIA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES country. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Thursday, March 17, 2005 Sgt. Rowland was born September 1, 1917 Thursday, March 17, 2005 Mr. RUPPERSBERGER. Mr. Speaker, I rise in Fayette, Alabama and spent most of his today to pay tribute to Petty Officer (FSO) An- childhood in Westbrook, Texas. After grad- Ms. ZOE LOFGREN of California. Mr. drea Bisignani. uating from Westbrook High School in 1934, Speaker, on behalf of the women of the Cali- FS2 Andrea Bisignani, a Food Service Spe- he worked the oil fields of Western Texas for fornia Democratic Congressional Delegation, I cialist on the Coast Guard Cutter James Standard Oil. am proud to pay tribute to our friend Judi Kanter on her retirement from EMILY’s List. It Rankin, is being honored as the 2005 Balti- John Rowland enlisted in the Army in 1940 more Area Coast Guard Person of the Year. is a pleasure and an honor to recognize Judi and served with the 36th ID, 142nd Infantry, FS2 Bisignani has consistently dem- Kanter for fifteen years of outstanding work Antitank Company (the T-Patchers) until June onstrated a high level of performance through- with EMILY’s List, where she has been a lead- 1945. In World War II, he fought with allied out this past year in her job as a Food Service er in changing the face of politics today. She forces in the Italian/Southern France cam- Specialist. Her untiring efforts and steadfast has truly made a difference in our lives and in paigns and was awarded his first Bronze Star commitment to her shipmates on the CGC the political life of our nation. Judi’s work will and a Purple Heart for injuries he received James Rankin has made her a prime can- have a lasting impact on the face of power in while fighting in France. While in Germany, his didate for this honor. Those that nominated California. unit liberated German concentration camps her for this award cited her leadership and Judi Kanter’s tenure with EMILY’s List Dachau, Hurlach and Landsberg, and cap- high level of performance as a key factor in began in the Bay Area and Northern California tured Nazi Luftwaffe Commander and war the CGC James Rankin being selected for the where she concentrated on expanding criminal, Hermann Goering. At the end of the Dining Faculty of the Year (Afloat-Small cat- EMILY’s List’s presence and membership war, he returned to Texas and continued egory), and also resulted in her selection as base. Over the years, however, her influence working for Standard Oil. Food Service Specialist of the Year. and reach grew exponentially. From San FS2 Bisignani’s accomplishments this year But when his country needed him again, Diego to the Central Valley, from Los Angeles have gone above and beyond the criteria for John re-enlisted in the Army and earned his to Sacramento, Judi has become a key ally of election of these prestigious honors in the second Bronze Star fighting in Korea. Fol- pro-choice Democratic women. food service rating alone. Her professionalism, lowing his training at the Intelligence School at The fruits of Judi’s hard work are most evi- dedication, and enthusiasm have had a signifi- Fort Hollabird in 1951, he served as a special dent with the development of the EMILY’s List cant and positive impact on the degree of mis- agent in the Army Intelligence Corps in both Majority Council, a powerful network of com- sion success and high state of morale that ex- Okinawa and then Berlin. He was one of the mitted and generous activists. Through the ists on board the CGC James Rankin. FS2 Bisignani has risen to the demands and first Americans to observe East German activ- Majority Council Judi has devoted her im- challenges of the working environment aboard ity as they began construction of the Berlin mense talents to supporting women can- the CGC James Rankin, and has not only ex- Wall in 1961. In Berlin, he met Ingrid Anna didates, helping them organize strong cam- celled tremendously in the food service area, Zilenski and the two were married on Decem- paigns, and mobilizing women voters to elect but has also lived up to the high standards, ber 30, 1962 and shortly thereafter retired progressive women. which are expected of every crewmember on from the Army and returned to Monahans, The clearest example of Judi’s effectiveness board. She has thrived in her demanding role Texas. is the changing face of our Congressional del- as FSO and has been able to accomplish a After his discharge, he attended electrician egation. When Judi began at EMILY’s List in great deal because of that. training at the National Technical School in 1989 there were only seventeen women in the FS2 Bisignani has volunteered much of her Los Angeles. In 1964, John took a job with the U.S. Congress. Today, the California Demo- time and energy to the members of the CGC Social Security Administration in San Fran- cratic Congressional Delegation alone includes James Rankin. She assists and encourages cisco and then for the Department of Defense two female Senators and eighteen women every member in maintaining a healthy life- in Philadelphia. He would eventually retire in Members of Congress. There are a total of style; is 100 percent customer focused and 1984 from the DoD Logistics Agency where he eighty-three women in Congress. And we concerned for the well-being of all crew mem- inspected security systems for DoD contrac- know that Judi is as proud as we are that Cali- bers; and has taken on more responsibilities tors. fornia’s Democratic women in Congress rep- than required in order to ensure everything resent the richness of California’s diversity in runs well on the ship. FS2 Bisignani has gone In all of his 40 years of service to our coun- background and political persuasion. above and beyond in her responsibilities to try, Sgt. John Rowland exemplified the virtues Outside the political arena, Judi has been ensure the members on board the CGC of honor, dignity, and leadership. He is being an equally strong advocate for women. She James Rankin are happy and healthy, and her buried today at Arlington National Cemetery serves on the board of the Family Violence dedication is evident to all that have the privi- and I join the Rowland family in mourning Sgt. Prevention Fund and other nonprofit organiza- lege to work with her. Rowland’s passing. tions that empower women in our society. She Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me has an unmatched talent for getting people in- in thanking FS2 Andrea Bisignani for her serv- f volved and inspiring them to act. ice and honoring her for being named the Judi Kanter is smart, tough and elegant. 2005 Baltimore Area Coast Guard Person of PERSONAL EXPLANATION She is a model for the women she inspires. the Year. For fifteen years, she has devoted herself to f HON. LUIS V. GUTIERREZ cultivating and investing in the next generation HONORING THE SERVICE OF RE- of pro-choice Democratic women leaders. TIRED MASTER SERGEANT JOHN OF ILLINOIS My colleagues NANCY PELOSI, LOIS CAPPS, SUSAN DAVIS, ANNA ESHOO, JANE HARMAN, IRVIN ROWLAND IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BARBARA LEE, DORIS MATSUI, JUANITA HON. DUNCAN HUNTER Thursday, March 17, 2005 MILLENDER-MCDONALD, GRACE NAPOLITANO, LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD, LINDA SA´NCHEZ, LO- OF CALIFORNIA Mr. GUTIERREZ. Mr. Speaker, on March RETTA SANCHEZ, HILDA SOLIS, ELLEN TAU- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 14, 2005, I was unavoidably absent from this SCHER, MAXINE WATERS, DIANE WATSON and Thursday, March 17, 2005 chamber. I would like the record to show that, LYNN WOOLSEY join me in thanking Judi for Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to had I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea,’’ her support, encouragement and friendship honor Retired Master Sergeant John Irvin on rollcall votes 66, 67 and 68. over so many years. We are proud that she VerDate Sep 11 2014 10:16 Jan 23, 2017 Jkt 000000 PO 00000 Frm 00353 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\FDSYS\2005BOUNDRECORD\BOOK4\NO_SSN\BR17MR05.DAT BR17MR05 ejoyner on DSK30MW082PROD with CONG-REC-ONLINE March 17, 2005 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 5443 will still serve EMILY’s List in an advisory ca- ness and to honor past donors and their fami- claring that its desired outcome is the only ac- pacity, and offer her our best wishes as she lies. The process to become a donor takes ceptable alternative to the current impasse. begins this new chapter in her life. just a few minutes. All donors need to do is to China has been claiming that this legislation is f sign a card, and, most importantly, discuss a reflection of its sincere desire to solve this their donation wishes with their families. Our dispute peacefully, and to maintain Taiwan’s NATIONAL EYE DONOR MONTH— eye banks across the nation, in partnership stability and prosperity. But Beijing real moti- MARCH, 2005 with the Eye Bank Association of America., vation is clear: China is laying the legal will continue to work to ensure that all Ameri- groundwork for forcible unification.
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