THE INCORPORATED VILLAGE OF SEA CLIFF www.seacliff-ny.gov DECEMBER 2020 VILLAGE BULLETIN The Annual Organizational Meeting of Mayor’s Update by Mayor Ed Lieberman the Incorporated Village of Sea Cliff tend our very best wishes to After election delays due on which public input would Village Trustee for a term of all those who have been ad- to the COVID-19 pandemic, not be permitted even if the two official years. The May- versely affected by this virus. and postponed since April, meeting were held in person. or then delivered the State of Despite the scourge of this the annual meeting of the Vil- Present were Edward Li- the Village Address. After ac- pandemic, our village pro- lage of Sea Cliff was finally eberman, Mayor; Kevin Mc- knowledging the challenges ceeds forward with its over- held on Thursday, September Gilloway, Deputy Mayor; of 2020 and highlighting the all plan to provide essential 17, 2020, at 7:00 p.m. Con- Dina Epstein, Village Trust- village’s accomplishments, services as well as complete certain long-term projects. ducted in compliance with ee; Elena Villafane, Village he concluded, “it is with One of these endeavors is the Executive Orders issued by Trustee; Nicholas Pinto, Vil- pride and humility that I de- Sea Cliff sewer project. After Governor Cuomo, the meet- lage Trustee; Marianne Len- clare tonight that the State of many years of planning, fund- ing was held by Zoom along non, Village Clerk; Bruce our Village is sound, secure, Mayor Ed Lieberman ing, and initial construction, with limited on-site partici- Kennedy, Village Adminis- and vibrant, and indeed re- It’s my pleasure to once we are finally seeing this envi- pation. All Board members trator and Brian Stolar, Vil- mains the shining gem of the again invite you to enjoy ronmentally beneficial project were able to participate at the lage Attorney. north shore.” this quarterly edition of our come to the point where it can same time and hear all other Deputy Mayor McGillo- Following his remarks, the official village publication, be completed and certified by Board members. The meet- way led the assembly in the Mayor appointed the follow- the Village Bulletin. As a the county. We acknowledge ing was recorded and shall Pledge of Allegiance and ing staff and volunteers. All that there are many disrup- community we remain con- remain available for public Mayor Lieberman welcomed appointees were approved tions and traffic issues as- cerned and cautious of the viewing on the village web- everyone to the 2020-2021 and seconded by the Board of COVID-19 pandemic and, sociated with this construc- site. Organizational Meeting, fol- Trustees. accordingly, I assure you that tion, and I personally wish this administration will en- to extend my appreciation to The Board did not hold lowing which he congratu- APPOINTMENTS (one deavor, as we have from the our residents who have been any public hearings, and lated Kevin McGilloway on year unless otherwise noted): inception of this health emer- inconvenienced by this situ- the public would not have a his re-election as Trustee for Marianne Lennon, Collec- gency, to follow all safety ation for their understanding, right to speak at this meeting. a term of two official years tor of Taxes, Contract Ad- protocols and proceed in a patience and civility. Once The Board considered and and welcomed the newly ministrator, NYSROS; Bruce manner that ensures our resi- the construction is completed, acted only on those matters elected Nicholas Pinto as (continued on page 2) dents’ safety and wellbeing. and the project certified, then Supported by our residents’ the paving of the affected overt concern and publicly roads will commence. displayed compliance, our Another example of this community has been able to administration’s stated goals keep our numbers relatively concerns the New York flat and our village safe. Ac- American Water Company. knowledging its toll, we ex- (continued on page 2) Wishing Our Residents A Happy And Healthy Holiday Season! Village Taxes by Marianne Lennon, Collector of Taxes Payments are due December will be charged. If paid after 1, 2020. Taxes may be paid January 4, 2021, interest will by mail or dropped off at the be added monthly or for any Incorporated Village of Sec. 34.65(e) P.L. & R Sea Cliff Village Hall locked mailbox fraction thereof until paid at US Postage P.O. Box 340 PAID located at the Summit Avenue the current rate in effect as set Sea Cliff, NY 11579-0340 Permit No. 19, Sea Cliff, NY entrance of the building. by the State Commissioner Bulk Mail Postal Customer Local of Taxation and Finance as When Penalties Apply prescribed in subdivision 2 of Occupant On all Second Half Taxes Section 924-a of the N.Y.S. Sea Cliff, NY 11579 paid on or before January 4, Real Property Tax Law. 2021, no penalty or interest Mayor’s Update lic water has now been joined A Herculean 2020 “Thank You” to SC DPW (continued from page 1) by the governor in his recent As you are aware, the village is endorsement of our pleas for & Just Say No to “GoGo Juice” in the process of purchasing the financial relief. Hopefully, the by Bruce Kennedy, Village Administrator and Director of Public Works governor’s proposed legislation, property along Prospect Avenue Throughout the pandemic, es- Once again, when faced with replaced as needed. along with the recent bill passed which currently is owned by sential workers have risked their adversity, our DPW workers However, leaking becomes by the state senate, will expedite NYAW. As a direct result of our health every day to make certain rose to the occasion. an issue during periods of heavy our stated hope of receiving our litigation against NYAW, which that the rest of us have what we With that said, it is important rain and residential waste being water from a public authority also resulted in rate decreases, need—medical attention, food, to ask our residents to do their placed in uncovered garbage and thus ridding ourselves of our village is now on the verge public safety and trash removal. part to assist our sanitation bins. Thus, a significant amount the exorbitant costs of this natu- of acquiring this unique and Throughout the COVID-19 workers. Chapter 71 of the Sea of water accumulates in the bins ral resource. landmarked water-view prop- nightmare, while so much of the Cliff Village Code requires that and is transferred to the trucks. These and many more proj- erty for the local community’s state was shut down and droves garbage put out for collection This results in the “squeezing ects are on the horizon as we use. I have asked Trustee Kevin of residents were unable to go to in a specific way. Among other out” of the excess water as the continue our tradition as a vi- McGilloway to lead a commu- work because of mandated clo- things, it requires all garbage: trucks compacts the waste dur- nity-based committee to de- brant and vigorous village. We sures, the Sea Cliff Department Be drained of surplus liquid; ing normal collection activities. velop conceptual plans for this will continue to strive to make of Public Works never missed Be properly bagged or wrapped Even with these seals being property’s future use. our community better each a beat. On a daily basis, parks and to be placed in a nonleaking in place, when there is excess Moreover, our quest for pub- day, both from supporting our were maintained, road work metal or plastic container with a water accumulation in the hop- lic water, as opposed to our cur- restaurants and retail stores to continued, streets were swept tight-fitting cover. per of the truck, water will also rent private corporate supplier, providing for our families and and our sanitation workers made Occasionally we get calls at overspill from the truck as it is continuing in full force. We looking out for our neighbors. their daily collections. Village Hall complaining about pulls off or when on a hill. are currently seeking to have In securing each other’s health In fact, due to so many peo- smelly liquid coming out of the The sanitation workers have municipal water with the assis- and wellbeing, we continue to ple being home, the quantity of back of our garbage trucks. We nicknamed this smelly garbage tance and guidance of a recent join together as a village for the garbage and recycling that were do have seals on these trucks, water as “gogo juice,” and they Feasibility Study which has betterment of all, and for that, as collected went up significantly. and if we have one leaking, we do not like it any more than you been funded through the state. your mayor, I thank you. The fact is that most people do appreciate our residents telling do. If everybody does their part In addition, our desire for pub- not even notice our sanitation us about it. However, it is im- and properly prepares their gar- workers until their garbage is portant to note that while the bage for collection, we can sig- not picked up. seals on our sanitation truck nificantly reduce the amount of VILLAGE BOARD MEETING DATES 2020-21 I wanted to take this oppor- are leak resistant, they are not gogo juice that ends up in the Days, times and locations subject to change tunity to publicly thank all our leakproof. All our vehicles, in- roadways and further increase Please confirm on the village website DPW workers for their stead- cluding garbage trucks, receive the quality of life in Sea Cliff.
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