UNITED DP ~IATIONS GoverningCouncil of the United Nations Distr. Development Programme GENERAL DP/1985/INF/4/Rev.2 29 July 1985 ENGLISH/FRENCH/SPANISH GOVERNING COUNCIL Thlrty-second session New York, 3-28 June 1985 LIST OF REPRESENTATIVES LISTE DES REPRESENTANTS LISTA DE REPRESENTANTES President PrSsident H~E. Mr. Wlodzimierz NATORF Presidente (Poland) First Vice President Premier Vice-PrSsident Mr. C, Richard MANN (Canada) Primer Vicepresidente Second Vice President Deuxi~me Vice-PrSsident H.E. Mr. Lloyd M~H. BARNETT Segundo Vicepresidente (Jamaica) Third Vice President Troisi~me Vice-Pr~sident H.E. Mr, Thabo MAKEKA Tercer Vicepresidente (Lesotho) Fourth Vice President Quatri~me Vice-Pr~sident Mr. M,S. MUKHERJEE (India) Cuarto Vicepresidente Secretary Secr~taire Mr. Uner KIRDAR Secretario /... DP/1985/INF/4/Rev.2 Page 2 ARGENTINA Representantes Arquitecto Oscar %qlTN(~SKY, Subsecretario de Cooperaci6n Internacional, Minister io de Relaciones Exter iores y Culto S.E. Dr. Carlos M. MUNIZ, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas Representantes Alternos Sr. Victor E. BEAUGE, Ministro Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente Adjunto ante las Naciones Unidas Sr. Enrique J. DE LA TORRE, Primer Secretario, Misi6n Permanente Sr. PabloAnselmoTETTAMANTI, Primer Secretario, Misi6n Permanente AUSTRALIA Representative Dr. R. C. MANNING, First Assistant Secretary. Anstralian Development Assistance Bureau Alternate RepresentatiVes Mr. Robert D. ADIAM, Deputy Director, International Organizations Section, Australian Development Assistance Bureau Mr. Roger John ~JLLER, First secretary, Permanent Mission AUSTRIA Representative H.E. Dr. Karl FISCHER, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations Alternate Representatives Mr. Harald MILTNER, Deputy Director for Multilateral Development Co-operatio% Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Otto DITZ, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Joachim STORFA, Adviser, Division for Development Co-operation. Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ms. Maria GOETSCH, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission BAHRAIN Representative H.E. Mr. Hussain Rashid AL-SABBAGH, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative to the United Nations ooo DP/1985/INF/4/Rev.2 Page 3 Alternate Representatives Mr. Abdul Hameed ALI HASAN ALI, First Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Rashid AL-DOSARI, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission Mr. Hamed Mohamed Sadiq AL-ASSFOOR, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission BANGLADESH Representative Mr. M. MUNIR-UZ-ZAMAN,Secretary, External Resources Division Alternate Representatives Mr. Anwarul Karim CHOWDHURY, Minister, Deputy Permanent Representativeto the Unted Nations Mr. Kazi Afzalur RAHMAN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. D. MONDAL, Deputy Chief, External Resources Division BELGIL~ Repr4sentant M. Francois-Xavierde DONNEA, Secr4taire d’Etat ~ la Coop4rationau d4veloppement,Ministate des affaires 4trang~res Repr4sentants suppl4ants M. Andr4 Xavier PIRSON, ~voy4 extraordinaireet Ministre pl4nipotentiaire(Affaires 4conomiques,sociales et financi~res) M. Paul FRIX, Premier Attach4, Responsable de la Coop4ration multilat4rale,Administration g4n4rale de la Coop4rationau d4veloppement M. Kris PANNEELS, Attach4 ~ l’Administrationg4n4rale de la Coop4ration au D4veloppement Mlle B4n4dicte FRANKINET, Premier Secr4taire,Mission permanente BENIN Repr4sentants S.E.M. Simon If~d40GOUMA, Ambassadeur extraQrdinaire et pl4nipotentiaire,R~pr4sentant permanent aupr~s des Nations Unies M. KPAKPO Ayite, Directeur, Organisationsinternationales au Ministate des Affaires 4trang~res et de la Coop4ration Repr4sentantssuppl4ants M~e. COSSI Andr4e Christine,Directrice Adjointe de la Coordinatior~ des Aides Ext4rieures,Ministate du Plan et de la Statistique M. Pierre EDON, Premier Secr4taire,Mission permanente DP/19 8 5/INF/4/Rev.2 Page 4 BRAZIL Representative Mr. Marco Cesar Meira NASIAUSKY, Head, Department of Scientific Technical, Technological Co-operation, Ministry of External Relations Alternate Representatives Mr. Garry Soares de LIMA, Co-ordinator of Technical Co-operation, Ministry of Planning Mr. Roberto JAGUARIBE Gomes de Mattos, Second Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Mission Mr. Fernando de Mello VIDAL, Third Secretary, Division of Technical Co-operation, Ministry of External Relations CANADA j~ Representative Mr. David KILGOUR, MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the ~ Minister for External Relations Alternate Representatives ./ Ms. Carolyn McASKIE, Director-General, Multilateral Technical Cooperation Division, Canadian International Development Agency Mr. C. Richard MANN, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Advisers Mr. Denis POTVIN, Section Head, Multilateral Technical Cooperation Division, Canadian International Development Agency Mr. Jean COUTURIER, Senior Program Officer, Multilateral Technical Cooperation Division, Canadian International Development Agency Mr. Bill ROBINSON, Senior Program Officer, Multilateral Technical Cooperation Division, Canadian International Development Agency Mr. J. LOBSINGER, Department of External Affairs, Division of Economic Relations with Developing Countries Dr. Judy HARRINGTON, Population Specialist, Office for Social Development, Canadian International Development Agency Mr. Laval GOBEIL, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Ms. Cynthia HARTMAN, Department of External Affairs Special Adviser Mr. Douglas LINDORES, Vice President, Multilateral Programs Branch, Canadian International Develol~nent Agency .oo DP/1985/INF/4/Rev. 2 Page 5 CENTRAL AFRICANREPUBLIC Repr4sentant M. Guy DARIAN, Haut Con~nissaire charg4 du Plan de la Coop4ration 4conomique et financi~re Repr4sentants suppl4ants M. Jocelyn ZACKO, Expert National au Ministate du Plan M. Paul DJAMBONA, Conseiller Juridique, Mission perm~nente CHAD Repr4sentants S.E.M. Joseph YODOYMAN, Ministre du Plan et de la Reconstruction/ ........... nationale S.E.M. Mahamat ALI ADOUM, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et pl4nipotentiaire, R4pr4sentant permanent aupr~s des Nations Unies Repr4sentants suppl4ants M. Ngar4 KESSELY, Premier Conseilier, Mission permanente M. Ahmat Abderaman HAGGAR, Deuxi~meConseiller, Mission permanente CHILE Repr esentante_ S.E. Sr. Pedro DAZA, Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotenciario, Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas Representante Alterno Sr. Mario SCHEGGIA, Consejero de Embajada, Misi6n Permanente Asesor Sra. Maria-CeciliaWIDMER, Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores CHINA Representatives H.E. Mr. HUANG Jiahua, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. YEYuange, Deputy Director, Department of International Relations (DIR~ ~[inistrv of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Mr. NIE Hualiang, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Alternate Representatives Mr. GAO Kenong, Division Chief, DIR MJ_nistry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Mr. ZHANG Zhenping, Division Chief, Department of Foreign Finance, Ministry of Finance Mr. LIMing, Second Secretary, Permanent Mission DP/1985/INF/4/Rev.2 Page 6 Advisers Mr. ZHOU Xiaoming, Deputy Division Chief, DIR, Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Mr. ZHOU Yiping, Third Secretary, Permanent Mission CUBA / Representante S.E. Sr. H4ctor RODRIGUEZ LIflMPART, Ministro Presidente del Comit4 Estatal de Colaboraci6n Cientifico T4cnica Representantes Alternos Sr. RaQI TALADRID SUAREZ, Vicepresidente del Comit4 Estatal de Colaboraci6n Economica Sr. Even FONTAINE ORTIZ, Primer Secretario, Misi6n Permanente Sr. Salvador CABEIRO, Funcionario del Comit4 Estatal de Colaboraci6n Economica Sr. Ramon PPJK)O-RODRIGUEZ, Tercer Secretario, ~si6n Permanente Ing. Carlos REYESVILIAFUERTE, Funcionario del Comit4 Estatal de Colaboraci6n Economica Sr. Carlos Fernandez de COSSIODQMINGUEZ, Funcionario de la Direcci6n de Organismos Internacionales del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Orestes PLANARANJO DEh~ARK Representative H.E. Mr. Jens OSTF/NF~D, Deputy Under-Secretary / !,// (Development), Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate Representatives Mr. Johannes DAHL-HANSEN, Deputy Head of Division, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Finn J~NCK, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Kristian H~JERSHOLT, Head of Section, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ore ULLERUP-PETERSEN, First Secretary of Embassy, Permanent Mission DP/1985/INF/4/Rev. 2 Page 7 Advisers Mr. Anders Serup RASMUSSEN, Technical Adviser, Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Carsten JARLOV, Head of Division, Ministry of Finance Mr. Peter Flint JENSEN, Head of Section, Ministry of Finance Mr. Halvor GILLE, Technical Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ETHIOPIA Representatives f:.... H.E. Mr. Mersie IJIGU, Minister, General Planning Sector, National Committee for Central Planning Alternate Representatives Dr. Debebe WORKU, Counsellor (Economic and Social Affairs), Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Mr. Bekele GELETOU, Team Leader, United Nations Technical Co-operation, Division of Central Planning FINLAND Representative H.E. Mr. Kai HELENIUS, Director-General of Finnish International Development Agency (FINNIDA), Ministry for Foreign Affairs Alternate Representatives Ms. Anna-Liisa KORHONEN, Head of Section, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Pekka HUHTANIEMI, Counsellor, Permanent Mission Mr. Asko NUMMINEN, Secretary-General of the Advisory Committee of FINNIDA, Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ms. Irmeli MUSTONEN, First Secretary, Permanent Mission FRANCE Repr~sentant S.E.M. Claude de KEMOULARIA, Ambassadeur extraordinaire et pl~nipotentiaire,
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