Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly TUESDAY, 20 AUGUST 1929 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy QUEE\SL-\ND PAHLL\J1EN I'ABY PEB \TJ~:s. FIRST' SIGSSI{ >N OF '.I'HIG '.I'W"'l:<~NTY-FIB'TH PARIJIAMJ<~N'J.: APPOL:-iTF.D TO lo.Il~ET AT Bl1IS3ANE OX THE '!'WE >TIETH DAY OF AUiiUST, Dl 'rilE T\H;:\TIErii y};o\.R OF TilE Rl•]IGN OF IHS .I!AJES'l'Y KING GEORGE V., IN TilE YEAR OF OUR LORD 1929. TUESDAY, 20 AUGUST, 1929. The Premier thereupon produced a Com­ mission under tho Public Seal of tho State, c,npowering him, the Hon. Roginald MacDonnclj King, and the Hon. ·waiter OPENING OF PARLIAMENT. I-Ienry Barlte3, or any one or more of then1, l'ursuant to the proclamation of Hi. to administer to all or any members or Excellency the Governor, dated 25th July, member of the House the oath or affirmation 1929, appointing Parliament to meet this day of allegiance to His !1-:Iajesty the King, which for the despatch of business, the House met Commission was then read to the House bv at 12 o'clock noon in the Legislative the Cleric - Assembly Chamber. The Clerk of the Parliament read tlw RETURN OF WRITS. proclamation. The C!Prk informed the House that the writs for the various electoral districts hacl COMi\HSSION TO OPEN PARLIA­ been returned to him severallv endorsed as ME:'\T. follow:- · The Clerk acquainted the House that Hi< L Albert-Thomas Flood Plunkett. Excellency the Governor, not b2ing able con­ 2. Aubigny-Arthur Edward Moore. ,·eniently to be present in person, had be..,n 3. Balonne-Samuel ,John Brassington. pleased to cause a Commission to be iS'med 4. Barcoo-Frank Wi!liam Bulcock. under the Public Seal of the State, appoint­ 5. Bowcn-Chari ··s Collins. iHg the Hon. Arthur Edw:u--d Moore, the 6. Bremcr-Frank Arthur Cooper. [-[on. Reginald MacDonnell King: and the 7. Brisbane-Michael Joseph Kirwan. Hon. \Yalte;· Henry Barnes Commissiow- ·s 8. Bulimba-Irenc Longman. in order to the opening and holding of this 9. Bundaberg-George Philip Barber. •ossion of Parliament, which Commisoion he 10. Buranda-Edward Joseph Hanson. then read to the House. 11. Burkc-David Ri01·dan. The Commissioners so appointed havicog 12. Burnett-Robert Livingstone Boy·cl. taken their places upon the dais, 13. Burrum--William Alfred Brand. 14. C'airns-William McCormack. The SENIOR COMMISSI00TER (the 15. Carnan-on-Edward Costello. Premier, Hon. A. E. l\.Toore, A ubigny) said: 16. Charters Towers-William Jolm Hon. members of the Legislative Assemb11·, \Vellington. we have it in command from His RxcE>llen,·y 17. Chillagoe-Ernest Albert Atherton. the Governor to let you know that, as so011 18. Cook-James Alexander Charles as the members of the Legislative Assorn bl:,' Kenny. l1ave been sworn. the cau"es of t.his Parli:t­ 19. Cooroora-Harry Fredcrick ·walker. ment being called together will be declarcrl 20. Cunningham-William Arthur Deacon. to you; and. it being necessary that a 21. Dalby-Wilfred Adams Russc!L Speaker of the Legislative Assemblv be first chosen, it is His Excellency's ple-asure 22. Eacham-Georgo Alfred Duffy. t.hat you proceed to the election of one of 23. East Toowoomba-Thomas Robe,·t your number to be your Speaker, and th1t Roberts. you present such person so chosen to His 24. Enoggera-James Stevingstone Kerr Excellency the Go,·ernor at such time and 25. Fassifern-Ernest T'homas BelL place as His Excellency shall appoint. 26. Fitzroy-William Edward Carter. 1929-B 2 [ASSE:\IBLY.] El, .•ion of Speaker. 27. Flindors~J ohn l\Iullan. Frank ._-\Tthur Cooper, Esquire: 23. Fortitude Va!ley~Thomae vYiison. Owcn Daniel, Esquire. 29. Gregory~George Pollock. .John Dash, Esqmrc. 30. Gympie-\-ivian Iloyles Tozer. Gcorge Alfn>d Duffy, E .quire. 31. Hicrbert~Pcrc.- Pea.'C. Thomas Alberta Dunlop, Esquire. 32. lpswich~Jame· Erne.,t vYalker. ,J arnes Braid wood Ed~:;ards, Es(1uirc. 33. lthaca~Edward C\Iichud Hanlon. .Jalll€3 Porter Fry. }~}:.quire, 3+. Kelvin Gron·~Hichard Hill. Ernc::;t Lan("elot Grirnstone, Esquire . .35. I(cnnedv-Henrv _\dain Bruec. E(h~ ard }\lichacl 1-Ian]on, Esquire. 36. Keppcl~Owon Daniel. EchYM'cl J cscph Hanson, Esquire. 37. Kurilpa-J·ames Porter Fry. Hichard Hill, Esquire. ~'l. Lcichha.rdt~Thomas Andrcw Foley. l>1aut·icc 1'ahick Hym ', Esquire. 7 9. Lod<•·cr~Charles Hr•nrv Jamieson. Cllarlc ~ Hcn1·· .J arni.:5on, :Esquire. ~0. Loc,n.n-RegiHald l\lacDonn{•ll l{ing. ...AtfrC'cl ,J clftll':'! J on eR, EE:ctuil'e. 41. :I\I:v~ka~ ·-iSilhaur Forgt1n Srnith. ,J a1nc:.~ Ai~xtu1dc1' Cha des Kenny, :Esquj re~ (2. I\1ar ·noa-CbarlP.; \·\'illiarn Conrov, J arne~ StcYingstonr l(err, Esquire. 13. 1\Jaren-George Tedrnan. ~ Patrick J an1es Kcr--:~~ in. Esquire. 44. '\Iary]Jorongh~David \Yeir. }Jj( had Joseph l(irwi1~, Esquire. 45. Mnthvr~] -a trick .Tames Kcrwin. ~~~Tf-'. lrcnc Longn1a11. 46. ~\~iranl-Ed1Yt1.rd Bowdich S,;·ayne. Edmund :Cede M ahcr. Esquire. 47. J'.litchell~Richarcl Hm.land B~w. .] an1e··J Francis 1\iax\; eH, Esquire. 48. Mount Morgun~J aincs Rtopford. rrhouL =-';itrllllO, Esqnir .. 49. ::\Iundingburra-.J ohn })~'sh. PPrcy Pe:~sc, Esqujrc. 50. ~[uriHa--Godfrer.~ J'-Iorrran. .-~ arnes Ch1_·istian Peter::: on, Esquire. 5T. )ttnrulnba--Rjc~~nrrl.Ja~ll( ~ \\~arron. Thorna-; Flood Plunkctt, Esquire. 52. ~rtllJllt:(o--.Jaln<:s Braidw(·!Jd Edwards. David Rjorclan, Ef1uire. 53. :'\orma!llnr~.J alll('S c::ri~thtn Petrorsun. Thmn"' Robcrt Hobert.q. Eequirc. 5". :\undah~\Yilliarn J(pl·_o. lingh :0.1cDiarn1id lln<::.,;e}1, Esquirt•. 55. Oxlc .. -Thonrts ::\irn:no. 1\~ilfn cl Adnms Hms£'11, Esquire. 56. Paddlnu;ton~Alfrrrl .Tan1c:- .J Oil('''· \Yil!iaut Fo~·gan Smith, Esquire. 57. Porf Ci,rtie~F;·ank '\Yelis Butler. .r rrnH·s ~topford. EsC]nir0. 58. lucPntm·~V ern on \Yin- '·tnk-.". ::dv,·nnl Howdich Sw .. ·ne, F>.quire. 59. Hockb·ln111ton~Tl~ot Hu~ ~\lbe: to t .... h,:dcs Tu,y]o-r, Rsqnire. Dun lop. { ~~ Drg·c Tccbnaii. Esqnir1:. 60. Ro<ewood~li;dmund Deck :VIahcr. \"iviau 1Iov1es Tozf'r. If, -pure. 61. Sanch:atcr~I-IuLcl't Ebenczer Slzcr. ~_T nrr~- FreClerjck \;\;-- alkPr, E;;;quirc. 62. South Bri>hane--N:,il Francis ~J aLH_'~ E:n11 ~t \VnJker. Esqnirc. ~Vf acgroarty. Hichard Jnn1es VV rr._n, Esquire. 6~. Rtanlcv~Ernest Le.ncolot GrimstollP. D-• vid \V cir, Esquire. 64. ;l~oom 1 ;ul--I_iugh ]\Jc')ic rnid Russ,ell. \Villi am .John \V riling-ton, Esquire. G.S. 1 001-vong~..; arne-~ FLl!lCl:-; ::\la,xvi7 C!l. '_rhow , , \Yilson, E-:nu1rc. 66. rroo\voornba-.JaLH'S Dou:;l·~;;; ).nnancl. -\. 01'11011 'Yinstanley, ~Esquire. 67. TownsYillc~}danrice i'atrick H:occs. :\fr ..) ohn 'IInllnn, ?II.L.A., had pr~- 68. \Yarrcgo-~R<mdolph Bedford. Yif)ll~l:Y :-;r orn in bPfo_·e Iris Ex-:- t.hc, \!t~ B~niJPc~ 69. ar,vick-Georg-P Po'" 0l 1 ( ;O\.C1'll0J. 70. \Vide Ba,-~Ernut Ht'Yli'V l'oild. ClaYton. " · 71. V1'indsot~Charl0·; Ta~ lm·. ELECT!()~; OF SPEAKER. 72. VVynnun1-"V\~alte>r liei11·y Barnos. Tho Clerk fnrihcr informed lho House tlH't. '1 · 0' '>\:'\:\\"EI.L (TOOii'O'I(f), who \\a'· (lrders in C'mmcil 'H'l'C iss1wd on i11c 20th n (' ,, -,d 1vi1·h Co\·crnment. cheer~ s: HJ: day of .J uno a1 d the 271 h de":· of J mw, 1923. ~\' !' •• n('l'l'.c:, ·"'· I haYC very rnnch plr;:~Qure in <'Xtending the t:me for tbc return of th0 y r~ ~ for tho cl0ctoni district of Burkr' 1mtil the .. That th0 hon. men1bcr for \:rindso1_·. 28th cla. of June, 192Q. }fr. Ch de-3 Taylor, do tn.kc tlv' C'hair n{ the I-Iousu ;n Spc-ak{1 r.'' <:u\·r.;n_',;)lE'-T :1.I;:.JJBERS: 1-Iear, heal': ;,m;\rBERS S\YOR:\. The Con1.miss}oner ~ \vho, ,vith ccrt:,in other )fr. '.L\XIYELL: I do so with a ver:. members of the ;viinist-rv had boon them­ great ~l mount. of pleasure. I realise that selves previously sworn iri bcfor~ His Excclr the po il:ion of Speak~r is the highest honoul' lcncy the Governor~ tht?n administered th8 thot. matl c.m hold in a Parliament. It oath or affirrnation of allegiance 1-o the· is the hif.dwst t:ibute that the members of an following members, who thereupon suhscribo·l _5,_s~ 2Ill1Jl:"·- ~nC'h rs this c.~~n pay to one of their theroll:~ - coll<•ag-nes: ancl. notwithstanding- the fact t.hat he' u:a:- not' ha;-e formerly lwld the .Jrtmes Douglas .i\'lHHtnd, Est1nire. George Philip Barber, Esquire. po~ition of Spca \·er or Chairman of Cmn­ Ceorg-o Powell Barncs, Esquire. ILittcP", it i 1 undoubtedly recognised that :c Randolph Bedford. Esquire. holding the position of Speaker mu>t ErnP t Thomas Bell, Esquire. ~onlE' kno,~.lrdt:·o of the Standing Ordc1·;:;~ Richard Rowland Bo,v, Esquire. al'o of parliamentary procedure. Robort Livinwtone Boycl. Esquire. To member" who have no kno·.vledrro of th1e Willirtm Alfred Brand. Esquire. ca-Jlahilitir' and the qualifications of~the hon. Samuel Jo1nl Br:~ssington, Esquir0. IHC'rnber for '\Vindsor, it 1s only ncce;;;sary fot~ Henry Adam Bruce, Esquire. me to sav that he has been as"ociat,ed with Frank ~1Villiam Bulcock, Esquire. thi. House since 1918. The manne-r in which Frank \Yells Butler, Esquire. he ha> con{'enbated on his parliamentary William Edward Carter, Esquire. dutie:- not onl:'- as a private 1nembcr hut als0 Ernest Henry Collet Clayton Esquire.
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