Kalinga University Raipur An exclusive Guide by Kalinga University Raipur Answered questions Get the latest answers on cutoff, courses, placements, admission, fees, ranking & eligibility. All answers have been submitted by students, alumni & experts. How can I check my result on the website of Kaling a University? 3 Answers . 3 Followers . 25854 Views UMESH CHANDRA PAT EL 12 mo nths ago U Beg inner-Level 1 I want verification of my Marksheet (8th Semester), B.Tech (Civil) pas sed in the year 2017, enroll No. 62LBTCE1302119596, ROLL NO. 170 513321. Kindly examine and confirm whether this mark sheet issued by university or not? Is it a genuine marksheet? Maine apne deg ree online verif ied kerni h 1 Answer . 27 Views ANKIT KUMAR a year ago Guide-Level 15 University of Delhi You have to contact your university administration block to verify yo ur degree. Disclaimer: This PDF is auto-generated based on the information available on Shiksha as on 01-Oct-2021. I want to do msc botany in Kaling a university . Is it allowed leg ally f or this course approved or recog nised ? Can I g o f or g ovt jobs af ter? 1 Answer . 57 Views Z IAUL HASAN a year ago Contributor-Level 8 Yes, M.Sc in Botany is a legalised and well-recognised course runnin g for many decades. There are no issues in getting a job after comp leting this course in that particular field where such a course is requir ed. I g ot 1185 rank in KIIT EE. In counseling , I opted f or civil in B.T ech. Is KIIT a g ood university f or civil eng ineering ? 6 Answers . 1 Follower . 563 Views SHIKHAR PAT EL a year ago S Guide-Level 13 Civil engineering of this college is the most reputed and also, the pla cements of this college are also quiet good. Does kaling a University raipur in distance B tech mechanical eng ineering AICT E. 1 Answer . 51 Views Disclaimer: This PDF is auto-generated based on the information available on Shiksha as on 01-Oct-2021. GROUP CAPT AIN VINAYAK DEODHAR a year ago Scholar-Level 18 La vie est faite pour vivre pas pour stresser Hello, UGC has decided that no professional course could be done by dist ance education mode and hence debarred all universities from offeri ng such courses by distance education mode. In view of this, I do no t think Kalinga University will be offering engineering graduation und er distance mode. However, you can think of doing AMIE which is eq uivalent to a degree in engineering. Best wishes to you. I have done adeeb e kamil af ter intermediate f rom jamia Urdu Alig arh. can I do LLB FROM KALINGA UNI.? 1 Answer . 1 Follower . 431 Views ADVOCAT E NEHA BAT RA 2 years ago Guide-Level 14 Yes dear you can do it very well Does Kaling a University provide B.T ech deg ree in distance mode? 3 Answers . 1 Follower . 132 Views SHAMSUL HUSAIN 2 years ago Guide-Level 12 Inspired by nature, it's orig inality and style. Disclaimer: This PDF is auto-generated based on the information available on Shiksha as on 01-Oct-2021. No, there is no institution in India providing recognized distance cou rses in engineering. AICTE doesn't approve such courses. Regards. Is Kaling a University, Raipur, Chhattisg arh approved by the Bar Council of India? 2 Answers . 2 Followers . 1827 Views ANAND SHARMA 2 years ago A Beg inner-Level 2 Kalinga University, Raipur is not an educational institution but a degr ee selling shop and it's selling degree for 2 to 5 Lacs. What is the nirf ranking of Kaling a University,NayaRaipur? 1 Answer . 563 Views DIWAAN CHANDAR 2 years ago Contributor-Level 6 Hello, It's NIRF rank among universities is 31, and among engineering colle ge is 48 For more details visit https://www.nirfindia.org/2019/EngineeringRanking.html How's Kaling a University Raipur C. G. f or Ph.D. Computer Disclaimer: This PDF is auto-generated based on the information available on Shiksha as on 01-Oct-2021. Science? 1 Answer . 30 Views SWAPNANEEL BHUIYA 2 years ago Scholar-Level 17 It is a good college for Ph.D in CS. Best of luck for your future and d o well. Is kaling a University raipur is g ood f or MCA course. Please any one answer my question. 1 Answer . 14 Views SELVAMANI RAMANAT HAN 2 years ago Guide-Level 15 Positivity is my Saviour Yes, it is preferred University to study MCA. The course is rated 4.6 s tars by students who pursued the course in the college in the past. T he college also records very good placement record. https://www.google.com/url? sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.shiksha.com/university/kali nga-university-raipur- 43004&ved=2ahUKEwjT792mgKLjAhUGfisKHU48AbUQFjAiegQIAhA B&usg=AOvVaw1OvrHJtqPlx95EldRiAnn_ Which is the best colleg e to pursue B.T ech Kaling a Institute of T echnolog y, SRM University or Sathyabama University? Disclaimer: This PDF is auto-generated based on the information available on Shiksha as on 01-Oct-2021. 2 Answers . 1109 Views LAKSHKMANA VIJAYAN 2 years ago L Beg inner-Level 2 SRM, Sathyabama and then Kalinga is the order according to me. If y ou want to be spoon fed and face a strict environment then go for S athyabama, if you want to enjoy then go for SRM. SRM and Sathyaba ma are good in terms of placement. Is Kaling a University, Raipur approved by the Bar Council of India? 1 Answer . 1 Follower . 466 Views ANAND SHARMA 2 years ago A Beg inner-Level 2 Kalinga University is an illegal degree selling shop and not a universa l. There is no faculty members no classes and questions are leaked by the university to the students before the examination and all the s tudents are allowed to do cheating during the examination. The univ ersity employs anti-social and too harsh. Innocent student’s ragging is day to day activities. In law department, medical officers police off icers managers of MNC are enrolled for regular courses by paying la kes of rupees and getting degrees without attending a single class. Is LLM done f rom Kaling a University, Raipur approved by Bar Disclaimer: This PDF is auto-generated based on the information available on Shiksha as on 01-Oct-2021. Council of India? 1 Answer . 367 Views ANAND SHARMA 2 years ago A Beg inner-Level 2 Kalinga University is an illegal degree selling shop and not a universa l. There is no faculty members no classes and questions are leaked by the university to the students before the examination and all the s tudents are allowed to do cheating during the examination. The univ ersity employs anti-social and too harsh. Innocent student’s ragging is day to day activities. In law department, medical officers, police of ficers managers of MNC are enrolled for regular courses by paying l akes of rupees and getting degrees without attending a single class. Which colleg e's B.Com (Hons). In banking and f inance deg ree is more valuable f rom kaling a university raipur or amity university raipur. 1 Answer . 40 Views PRIYANK SHARMA 2 years ago Scholar-Level 16 Both are decent, but in terms of placements Amity University, Raipur is better. Think in terms of what you are looking for in that institute t o learn. Don't just blindly go for any institute. Do some research, find the area which you want to specialize in, etc. Best of luck. Disclaimer: This PDF is auto-generated based on the information available on Shiksha as on 01-Oct-2021. Does Kaling a University, Raipur provide any placement in biotechnolog y? 1 Answer . 35 Views SHABANA BEE 2 years ago Scholar-Level 17 Yes, Kalinga University provides good placement in biotechnology. Y ou will get good opportunities there. For BBA which is the best among Amity University, Gwalior and Kaling a University, Raipur? 5 Answers . 96 Views AMIT YGWALIOR PANDEY 2 years ago A Beg inner-Level 4 Definitely, Amity University Gwalior is best for the following reasons: 1) Best Ph.D faculty 2) Placement possibilities after BBA 3) Industry expert lectures 4) Special personality development workshops 5) French language as part of syllabus. 6) Behavioral Science, as part of syllabus to learn customer behavior. 7) Good track record of ABS Gwalior. 8) Many awards as best Private University by many national agencies since beginning of campus. Disclaimer: This PDF is auto-generated based on the information available on Shiksha as on 01-Oct-2021. Is doing Ph.D f rom Kaling a University-Chhattisg arh a g ood option? How is the reputation of this university? 1 Answer . 30 Views APOORVA DUT T A 2 years ago Contributor-Level 7 Information Science|Research It actually doesn't matter, Ph.D. from any university is almost the sa me, surely less then IITs and IISc and international university it all dep ends on how good your research is, but yes it depends on the colle ge so seek the faculty list, nothing else matters see how good is yo ur guide, even top college have bad guide and AVG. One have exper ienced one, so check the availability of guide and there quality. Is doing MBA f rom Kaling a University-Raipur g ood or not? Also, how is its placement? 1 Answer . 42 Views MANAS KUMAR 2 years ago M Contributor-Level 7 If you are not getting any better college than Kalinga University, Raip ur then you may proceed.
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