C ENS U S 1981 PARTS XIII - A & B VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY VILLAGE & TOWNWISE PRIMARY CENSUS SERIES-5 A.BSTRACT GUJARAT DISTRICT VALSAD CENSUS DISTRICT HANDBOOK R. S. CHHAYA OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICE Director of Census Operations Gujarat ATUL-VALSAD Atul is a model Industrial TownShip which covers an area of about 4.36 sq. km. This township is located between two key communication arteries; the Western Railway on the west and National Highway No.8 on the East. In 1952, Atul started its manufacturing programme with just 16 dyestuffs on the basis of know-how from the American Cyanamid company. Today Atul has its own Indigenuous know-how developed by its R&D Laborato­ ries. The manu factured range coverS a variety of over 200 versatile dyestuffs like tulathols, tulabases and tulagenes, Acid dyes, Direct dyes, Azo and Disperse dyes and Flourescent brightning agents. They cater the needs of a vast group of Industries like textiles of cotton, wool, silk, rayon and nylon like petroleum, soap, jute, food, leather, paper, and synthetic fibres GUJARAT DISTRICT HEADOUARTERS... DISTRICT VALSAD TALUKA HEADOUARTERS STATE BOUNDARY ... 8 12 16 MILES o DISTRICT BOUNDARY. TALUKA BOUNDARY.... .. ... ... ... ...:;N;.:.,H:.,:8____ _ o 8 12 16 20 24 28 Kms NATIONAL HIGHWAY.... .. STATE HIGHWAY... .. .. SH5 .OTHER IMPORTANT ROAD... RAILWAY LINE WITH ST"TION, o BROAD GAUGE... ... Iil_ RAILWAY LINE WITH STATION, NARROW GAUGE....... .. RIVER AND STREAM VILLAGE HAVING 5000 AND ABOVE POPULATION WITH NAME...... ... URBAN AREA WITH POPULATION SIZE CLASS I,II,DI, IV, V. vt._ POST AND TELEGRAPH OFFICE ... ........?TO DEGREE COLLEGE AND TECHNICAL INS TIT UTION ..... , ... HOUSE, CANAL BUNGALOW... RH, ce s E NOTE' e. D: PART OF DHARAMPUR TALUKA. II. *.: PART OF DADRA AND NAGAI1HAVELI. I.N.A: IN[)USTRIAL NOTIFIED AREA. CENSUS OF INDIA 1981 LIST OF PROPOSED PUBLICATIONS Central Government Publications-Census of India 1981 Series-S Gujarat are being published in the following parts Part Number Subject Covered tI-A Administration Report-Enumaration I-B Administration Report-Tabulation tII-A General Population Tables *II-B General Population Tables-Primary Census Abstract I)J-A General Economic Tables-B Series (Table B-1 to B-lO) IU-B General Economic Tables-B Series (Table B-ll to B-22) IV-A Social and Cultural Tables-C-Series (Tables C-l to C-6) IV-B Social and Cultural Tables-C-Series (Tables C-7 to C-I0) V-A Migration Tables-D-Series (Tab I es D-l to D-4) V-B Migration Tables-D-Series (Tables D-5 to D-13) VI-A Fertility Tables-F-Series (Tables F-l to F-19) VI-B Fertility Tables-F-Serics (Tables F-20 to F-28) *VII Tables on Houses and Disabled Population VIU-A Household Tables (Tables HH-l to HH-16) VIU-B Household Tables (Tables HH-17) VIII-C Report on Households IX Special Tables on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes X-A Town Directory X-B Survey Reports on Selected Towns X-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages XI Ethnographic Notes and Special Studies on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes XII Census Atlas DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK XUI-A Village and Town Directory XIU-B Village and Townwise Primary Census Abstract NOTE : * Published t Under Print (1) All the maps included in this publication are based upon Survey of India map with the permission of the Surveyer General of India. (2) The territorial waters of India extend into the sea to a distance of twelve nautical miles measured from the appropriate base line. (3) (C) Government of India Copyright 1984. ii ERRATA District Valsad Pagr Particlliars Col. Page Particulars Col. No. No. For Read No. No. For Read ~-~ .. ~-.--... --- - .-~.-- ~~~-~----'- 2 3 5 :2 3 4 5 Analytical :\'ot('s llnd Tables 51 L.C. No. 18 13 ED, Ag ED, fAg L.C. No. 22 13 ED, EAg ED. EAg vi 1st H ale 2nd Para-4th Line - Par Part 58 SI. No. 59 :2 Khodsupa Khadsura I i' 2nd Half-3rd Para-1st Line - She Shri ~nd Half-4th-Para-3rd Compi- COll1pi- 7[1, Total 3 715302.2 71532.02 Line latson latinn 83 SI. No, 24 2 Gbkti Ghekti xii NUMBR OF TOWNS 2 Blank 22 SI. No.2S 2 Ghedvani Ghodvani 84 LC. No. S II RR KR X" lParnera-3rd Para-7th Line - where were -+ Udwada-Last Para-:'th Line· thus this 88 L.c. No. 32 2 Khambhdda Khambhda - vi~ied visited L.C.No. 34&40 II RR KR xix 1st Half-2nd Para-.3rd Line - tlls the 9() L.c. No. 54 2 Gh')lour Gholar xix Table 6-SI.No.2-Pardi 3 70war JOII'ar L.C, No. 57 2 \1alidhara Maliadhara xxi Table 8-SLNo.2I-V Vapi INA 2 Va pi Vapi I()(i L.c. No. 64 4 1,454 1.434 (INA) (INA) [NA(fNA) 110 Total 7 T (2) Xliii Table 8-SI. No. 10- 5 ~U\(J 0.80 W (94) VKosamba (VP) HP(22) Blank R (66) xxiiiTablc-IO~SI. ~o. 10- 4 1.271-> 1.287 I ( 13) V Kosamba (VP) S N (1) Table-IO SI. No. 16 V II ~ SI. No. 22 4 12 132 U mbergaon(VP) 6 4.0 I X 1.()(lX , SI. No. 65 _ Ganna Ganva SI. NO. 21 V-Vapi INA (INA) 2 Vapi Vapi INA :2 (INA) (INAI SI. No. 72 Gundla Gundia SI. No. 75 " ~4 82 Total 2 Total Total SI. No, 76 .:; ~4 80 38R.862 120 L.e. No. 31 2 Raj pari Rajpuri xxvii 2nd Half-1st Para-7th Line Law Lo\\' Janglo .Iungle xxx Table 21-5 Navsari-T 11 4.797 49.77 xxxi Table 21- 2 Pardi-T 19 43.X5 12~ L.C. Nt). 86 10 -(5·19Kms) -(5-IOKm,) 131 L.C. Nu. 147 15 1.403 1,403.00 Villag~ Directory Town Direc[oQ' l) L.C. No. 17 10 WE(403) WE(4.()() 1'1 2nd Half~ Last 20 20.000- lO.OiYI 12 L.c. No. 53 1 Vashiar Vashia Para -7th Line 59,999 49,999 14 L.C. No. 3 137.94 137.64 n 172 SI. No. I K 7 12.875 12,857 23 S1. No. 31 .3 55 15 173 SI. No. 3 10 (c 2.04) ("24.04 ) 4 30 24 SL No. Hi 15 (.,28.161 (+28.17) 5 J_~') 30 Sl. l\I o. 22 i\gglom- Aglllom- SI. No. 32 3 15 55 enation eration 4 24 30 174 Col. Heading 5 ;\1.:ximum Minimum 5 30 32 176 CoJ. H~adil1g ~ Maximum Minimum 2-2 L C. No. 72 MCHWi~) CH\\ (2) m: SI. No. 22 3 VP Blank 3& L.c. No.2 2 l< alaipal Kalai 183 Col. Heading 13 Pr0tcdted Protected 47 Sl. No. 25 • j-,. 2.6 . 20 Sl. No. I 11 in i~ " -" ( i ) ERRATA District : Valsad - ----- Page Particulars Col. Page Particulars Col. No. of Entry No. For Read No. of Entty No. For Read 2 3 4 5 I :'- 3 4 5 --.--~~ - -~~--- ----.- (ii) 190 Sl. No. I 4 Khuad Khurd 57 18/XVII (b) 18/XVI(b) 18XVlI(b) 60 5 Primary Census Abstract L.C. No.3 535 335 62 Between L.C. No. 11 9 Blank 10 18 Valsad District 1&2 1 LSAD 18 VALSAD 80 & 81 ]0 6 Chikbli Taluka 2 Chikhi Chikhli L.C. No. 60 13 822 1,822 alsld Dis triet 8 IS L.C. No. 81 11 561 569 20 l.c. No. 20-Kundi 5 362 365 L.C. No 82 11 642 641 Foot Note-2nd Line - lhaoe those L.C. No. 83 11 26 262 2nd Word 70 L.C. No. 49 12 661 667 Foot Note-2nd Line j igure;, Area figures L.C. No. 60 8 126 2,126 8th Word for for 71 L.C. No. 41 26 39 139 24 18/1 (i) Valsad M- 76 L.C. No.4 2 Nani-Dhul Nani-Dhol -Ward No. II 1 I 447 444 Dungari Dungari -Ward No. V 12 695 795 L.C. Co. 6 2 Moti-Dhul MOli-Dhol 32 L.C. No. 39-\' atar 1 93 39 Dungari Dungari 40 L C. No. 48 -Dahad 14 6 ') 80 l.e. No. Il4 2 Mcnha Mendha 46 L.C. No. 47 2 Antalya Antaliya L.C. No. II)'; 2 Amha Amdha L C. No. 40 14 2.707 2,077 L.e. No. 123 2 Dhodha Dhodhad 18/XII Gandevi NP II 115 116 Kuva Kuva Ward No. III 82 L.C. No. 145 2 Dabhkha1 Dabkhal 47 L,C. No. 49 23 154 159 92 (ii) Valsad OG-Total 5 163 56 52 L.C. No. 51 9 3 13 Ward:OO 56 18 XVI(a) 17,744 7,744 96 181XIlI Bilimora M- Navsari (_M) Ward No. V -Block No.5 3 635 645 IS XVJlI(c) Vijalpor 1 IS/XVIII HljXVIII(c) -Block No.7 3 493 483 VP 97 IS/XIV Devsar VP ')7. J8/XVI(a)-Ward 16 257 267 -Block Nu. 1 3 4.":-: 452 No. V c. ii ) CONTENTS Pages FOREWORD v-vi PREFACE vii-ix Map of District Frontispiece 4 Important Statistics xi-xii 5 Analytical Notes and Tables (i)-(xxxiii) ( i ) Census Concept of rural and urban areas and other terms (i) ( ii ) Brief history of district and District Census Handbook (iv) (iii) Scope of Village Directory, Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract (v) (iv) Physical aspects, highlights of the changes in the Jurisdiction of the district during the decade (vi) (v) Major characteristics of the district particularly in relation to the economic resources (vi) (vi) Brief discription of places of religious, historical or archeological importance and places of tourist interest in villages and towns (xii) (vii) Brief analysis of Village and Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract (xiv) PART XIII-A-VILLAGE & TOWN DIRECTORY 1-190 SECTION I-VILLAGE DIRECTORY List of Abbreviation used in the Village Directory 2 Valsad Taluka ( i ) Taluka Map Facing Page 3 (ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 5 (iii) Village Directory 6-18 2 Pardi Taluka ( i) Taluka Map Facing Page 21 (ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 23 (iii) Village Directory 24-33 3 Umbergaon Taluka ( i) Taluka Map Facing Page 35 ( ii ) Alphabetic List of Villages 37 (iii) Village Directory 38-43 4 Gandevi Taluka ( i ) Taluka Map Facing Page 45 (ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 47 (iii) Village Directory 48-55 5 Navsari Taluka ( i ) Taluka Map Facing Page 57 (ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 58-59 (iii) Village Directory 60-79 6 Chikhli Taluka ( i) Taluka Map Facing Page 81 (ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 83 (iii) Village Directory 84-95 iii Pages 7 Bansda Taluka ( i) Taluka Map Facing Page 97 (ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 99 (iii) Village Directory 100-111 8 Dharampur Taluka (i) Taluka Map Facing Page 113 (ii) Alphabetic List of Villages 115-117 (iii) Village Directory 118-141 Appendix I - Talukawise Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities 144-147 Appendix II - Land Utilisation Data in Respect of Non-Municipal Towns 148 Appendix III - Talukawise list of Villages where no amenities viz; Educational, Medical, Post and Telegraph, Market/Hat, Communication and Power Supply are available 149 Appendix IV - List of Villages
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