Heredity 61(1988)13—20 The Genetical Society of Great Britain Received 17 September 1987 Evolutionary divergence between sympatric species of southern African Hakes, Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus. I. Electrophoretic analysis of proteins W. Stewart Grant,* Department of Microbiology, University of Cape Inga I. Becker and Town, Rondebosch 7700, South Africa. t Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Private Bag X2, Rob W. Lesliet Rogge Bay 8012, South Africa. We estimated the amount of genetic divergence between two morphologically similar species of southern African hake, Merluccius capensis and M. paradoxus, with the electrophoretic analysis of proteins encoded by 31 loci. Nei's genetic distance between these taxa was 0•583 (±0.160) and is typical of evolutionary divergence between well differentiated congeneric species. We found no evidence of hybrid individuals. The mean heterozygosity over 13 samples of M. capensis was 0055 and over 10 samples of M. paradoxus was 0•067. The present sympatric distributions of these fish are most likely the result of secondary contact after speciation in allopatry or the result of repeated dispersals of ancestral populations of other Atlantic Ocean hakes to southern Africa, rather than the result of sympatric speciation. There were significant excesses of rare alleles in both species as compared with that expected for neutral alleles in species at drift-mutation equilibrium. Average heterozygosities, however, were not appreciably reduced in comparison with other marine fish. Using genetic distance and the assumptions of the molecular clock, we estimate that the lineages leading to these species diverged from one another between 7 and 13 million years ago. INTRODUCTION tal waters of southern Africa. Merluccius capensis is distributed between 12°S on the west coast and Isolationin allopatry followed by genetic drift or 31°E on the south coast. Merluccius paradoxus, in adaptive divergence appears to be the most com- contrast, has a more restricted range between 18°S mon mode of speciation in sexually reproducing and 27°E (Inada, 1981). The ranges of these hakes animals (Futuyma and Mayer, 1980). Two kinds coincide with the cool temperate waters of the of population events can lead to allopatric isolation Benguela Upwelling System and are bounded by in marine fish. One is the subdivision of an ances- the warm southward flowing Southern Equatorial tral population into two or more large populations Current on the west coast and the southwestward by geologic events or by changes in oceanic cur- flowing Mocambique Current on the south coast. rents or temperatures, and the other is the estab- There is a broad area of bathymetric overlap; Mer- lishment of small founder populations outside of luccius capensis inhabits the continental shelf to a species' usual geographic range. The sympatric about 400 m, and M. paradoxus inhabits the con- occurrence of closely related species is therefore tinental shelf and slope from about 140 m to 850 m. assumed to reflect secondary contact after the for- The taxonomies of species in the genus Merluc- mation of reproductive barriers has prevented cius are in considerable disarray because many reassimilation into a single gene pool. species are morphologically similar to one another. In this paper we describe genetic divergence The two nominal species of southern African hake between two sympatric species of hake, Merluccius were considered to be a single species, M capensis, capensis and M. paradoxus, which inhabit the coas- until Franca (1954) demonstrated the existence of a second sympatric taxon, M. paradoxus, from a *Presentaddress: Department of Genetics, University of the study of vertebral numbers. Subsequent morpho- Witwatersrand, Johannesburg 2050, South Africa. logical studies (van Eck, 1969; Bentz, 1976) and 14 W. S. GRANT, I. I. BECKER AND R. W. LESLIE an electrophoretic study of non-specific proteins Whitt, 1970) to examine glyceraldehyde phosphate (Jones and Mackie, 1970) have confirmed Franca's dehydrogenase (Gap-i and Gap-2, EC, (1954) hypothesis of two distinct taxa. The actual glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gpd-A, amount of genetic divergence between these Gpd-B and Gpd-C, EC, isocitrate dehy- species and their phylogenetic relationships to drogenase (Idh-A, EC, malate dehy- other species of hake, however, are still matters of drogenase (Mdh-A and Mdh-B, EC, much speculation (Szidat, 1961; Franca, 1971; malate dehydrogenase-NADP (=°malic enzyme, Meyer-Rochow, 1972; Kabata and Ho, 1981). Me, EC, and a tris-borate-EDTA buffer The goal of this study is to document geneti- (pH 87; Markert and Faulhaber, 1965) to examine cally-based electrophoretic variation in these taxa guanine deaminase (Gda, EC, man- and to estimate the amount of genetic divergence nosephosphate isomerase (Mpi, EC, between them. The following paper in this issue nucleoside phosphorylase (Np, EC and reports genetic divergence between these taxa as peptidase (Pep-D, EC and Pep-X, EC measured by the restriction-endonuclease analysis 3.4.?.?). of mitochondrial DNA (Becker et a!., 1988). Sub- sequent papers in this series will examine the phy- logenetic relationships of these taxa with other RESULTS Atlantic and Pacific Ocean hakes. Weidentified the gene products of 31 protein- coding loci by the criteria of Allendorf and Utter MATERIALSAND METHODS (1979) and by comparison with other related teleosts. Proteins encoded by Ck-B, Gap-2, Gpd-A, Weexamined genetic variation in a total of 1135 Gpd-B, Ldh-C, Pep-X, Pt-i, Pt-2, Pt-3, Pt-4 and individuals of Merluccius capensis from 13 loca- Sdh appeared as invariant bands on the gels with tions (extending from 18°42'S, 1i°48'E to 34°20'S, the same mobilities for both species. The products 25°40'E), and a total of 882 individuals of M of Np and P1-5 were invariant within species but paradoxus from 10 locations (23°02'S, 13°05'E to were fixed for different alleles between species. 34°40'S, 25°40'E) (fig. 1). Samples of eye, liver, Three enzymes encoded by Mpi, Pgm-i and Pgm-2 skeletal and cardiac muscles were held at —25°C (fig. 3) showed double-banded heterozygous for up to 3 months until laboratory analysis. phenotypes in one or both species. Ten proteins Individuals were identified to species by gill arch encoded by Gda, Gpd-C, Gpi-A, Gpi-B (fig. 2), tubercle morphology (van Eck, 1969). Starch-gel Idh-A, Mdh-A, Mdh-B, Pep-D, Pgd and Sod-i had electrophoretic methods followed May et a!. triple-banded heterozygotes typical for dimeric (1979), and staining protocols followed Shaw and enzymes in at least one species. Although a dimer, Prasad (1970) and Harris and Hopkinson (1976). Ck-A exhibited double-banded heterozygous To facilitate comparison between species, alleles phenotypes typical for teleosts (Ferris and Whitt, for each locus were designated by their elec- 1978). The products of Gap-i, Ldh-A, Ldh-B and trophoretic mobilities relative to the most common Me showed broad-banded or five-banded allele in M. capensis for that locus. Alleles with heterozygous phenotypes typical for tetrameric products migrating cathodally were prefixed with enzymes in at least one species. a minus sign. The amount of genetic variation present in both The gene-products of the following 31 species was very similar. In M capensis, 13 of 31 homologous loci were examined in each species. loci (41.9 per cent) showed at least some poly- We used a discontinuous lithium-borate tris-citric morphism and 7 loci (22.6 per cent) had common- acid buffer (pH 8'!; Ridgway et al., 1970) to allele frequencies less than 095 in at least one examine variation for creatine kinase (Ck-A and sample, In M. paradoxus, 13 loci (41.9 per cent) Ck-B, EC, glucosephosphate isomerase were polymorphic, and 8 loci (25.8 per cent) were (Gpi-A and Gpi-B, EC, lactate dehy- polymorphic using the 095 criterion of poly- drogenase (Ldh-A, Ldh-B and Ldh-C, EC, morphism. The proportion of expected heterozy- phosphoglucomutase (Pgm-1 and Pgm-2, EC gotes at a locus may be defined by, phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (Pgd, h =1 EC, non-specific protein (Pt-i, Pt-2, Pt-3, —x P1-4, P1-5), superoxide dismutase (Sod-i, EC where x, denotes the frequency of the ith allele. and sorbitol dehydrogenase (Sdh, EC Average heterozygosity (H) is the arithmetic mean We used a tris-citric acid buffer (pH 69; of h over all loci including monomorphic loci. In SYMPATRIC FISH SPECIES: PROTEIN ANALYSIS 15 Figure 1Geographic distributions of southern African hakes, Merlucciuscapensisand M. paradoxus. M. capensis, H per sample ranged from 0046 to by the gene diversity statistics of Nei (1973) with 0055 and averaged 0051 (±0.023) over 13 the computing algorithm of Chakraborty et al. samples. H for M. paradoxus ranged between (1982). Total gene diversity (HT; heterozygosity of 0059 and 0070 and averaged 0063 (±0.026)over pooled allele frequencies) was partitioned into two 10 samples. The difference between these two components average values of H was not significant (t-test on arcsin transforms of locus heterozygosities; Archie, HT= Hs+DST 1985). where II is the average subpopulation heterozy- The relative amounts of subdivision at different gosity and DST is the proportion of HT that is due levels of population organisation was summarised to differences between subpopulations. Therefore, 16 W. S. GRANT, I. I. BECKER AND R.
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