Support the Red Crou Drin! Support the ERCURY The Glenville Mercury MUSINGS Stude nt News p a per • GLENVILLE STAT E COLLEGE • • • H.l• • TIFier Volume 14, No. 21. G lenville, Wut Y ir1inia, Tueaday, March 28, l TB! PAST WEEK there w.. t.alk ==~==~~==~==~==~ about the nearinl Eatter ~ac:atton Miss Sigrid Sc hultz whl<~ w,~no Tburaday, Apn l 6, at Harrison Will Be nooa aDd tut. until Tuesday, A pril 11 al 1:00 a. m. Then, 1 auppoae Guest Speaker At I t~t ..,.,.,on~~ hurd aLout •rttac.ician' WaMa StndeT, who, while batting Rotary Luncheon the IOftball in the gymnuium, c:auatf it to toar Into apace hitting Elbert freoh- an ullrhted bulb at the top of t he J'Y'IIIautum . .. and presto! There wll U,ht 1 Miu Ivy Lee Myen wat telltnr enryone about her 'mornin2' r lorill' t~ at were In bloom. And, the Virll were still arcuing about which oM of the Roth qua rtet was t heir pill. W~lle looking through the Jlll'f'VJ ftleaf I ound aome of the old April Fool copies. Believe me, - .,,. cood f or .everal laughs. ftr 1 look at them, make your way • life Ole Lab." You're wel.comel 11\CKSO!If'S MILL i> again t o be die lite of tbe Area Conference of tM etadent Christian movement thit y- whleh Is t o be held April 14, 16 and U . Those of us who have at­ t.eaded like conferences be1ore know what a rrand experience it b . One aot only has a wonderful time but rteelvH grand training and the op­ portunity to mee!. many fi ne people, both ttudents and leaden. Repre­ •atative" from all YMCA, YWCA, ICA, Student Volunteer, Ministerial A~toeiations , etc.. from all colleges In West Virginia will be there. INCIDENTALLY, I noted that .Jane Farwell is listed among t he 10t here are some thin luders ... And, all of ua who know A Hst of candidates selected by not be r aJorted." Mill Farwell realize what that the nominatinr- committee for the Fo~)I"Jwin~ the t~~ddr , there wa J means-a good time will be had by 1944-1945 Student -council has been brief C" urten A o~iation meetlna: all-if she bas anything to do about revised somewhat because several with u-~ J're~ident, C th rlne \Vi h· it. You may l:e assured she shall, sturtenl! whose names were listed en. in t:"'arge too! Sh has appea red here on the t he past week aaid they were not campus several t imes under the aus­ planning to attend College next pices of the YMCA, YWCA and 4- \'ear. Miss Schultz' Book Is Subject of Lead H trroups. She's an artist in the rec­ Candidates now include: Presi· reation field, because it takes an ar­ dent, Jannettc Cunningham. David Editorial In the Clarksburg T elegram t ist to take a mixed g-roup, give them Tewell; vice-president, Margaret a game to play, make each and Sweeny, Charles Mcintosh ; siJe.re­ Mrs. Frank Poole Miss !=;iJrrid S ... hultJ. vete.ran real fac and fore which ltd every r>ne participate, and above all tary. Thelma Ryan, Mary Alic:e Ameriun newapaperwoman, who tbe econd World War, and la to .. like it!! Wagner ; treuurer, MariO' Jack, Re-Elected Local will come to Glenville May 8 and vinted that th y ha" alrud IU ~ I N TRAVELTNC today, especial­ Helen Cox ; sergeant-at-ar m , Betty speak on a lyceum prognrn at Glen· ed work on World Wu HL ly by means of public transportation, Gainer, Homer Paul Hecker.. PTA President ville ~ate College, received fa•or- he funu h~a da.qul tlncly eon· one notices that women . and not No additional nominations were able C<•rnment in a leadinc editorial 'f'indnl' proof that aa far back u men . are becoming the Sir W al­ Mn. Frank Poole was re·eleeted made from the floor during a stu· in the ' fnrch 23 iuuc of the Clarb.- October 1940 lb Cern-an "aenl ter Ralei~tb s in a great many eases. president of t he Parent ea ch~n As- dent body meeting following usem­ burg Tel,.Jrram. inc Lh po tt•tlity of Women give up their seats to other •oeiation for next year at the meet- bly, \Vednesday. Entitled '"Will Germany Try It failure, wut ma.kinc plan t.o coo women with small children, to those ing Jast T hursday. Other ofl'i cera . The tentati ~e date for the ele~· Again?" the editorial, ref rrinl' ·.. rt dt:ful into vit'l.OTJ', ~utl17 11 older than themselves AND often· ('lee ted were: Vice president, Mn . h on of Coune1l offieen has been set ehitofly •'"' the ound v-iew~ expl" d l~ Y dld-aod M • hulu m.al. ttmes to old men a nd men in service. Carla nd Brannon: secretary, Mn .l for April 10. in Miss Schult&' recent nat•on·wide th1 clear, too-i" 1818, In my opinion, women are t rying to Richard McClung ; a nd treasurer, ------ , popular book, stated: lliu Schultz that tb make up for their inabi1ity to t ote a 1 t.lt••• Mrs. Wilbur Beall. Mrs. Earl R. Thelma R yan S • • • preparatl ns for the n •• war wfU run or pilot a plane b'y doing a g reat Bogg, was chairman of t hf' n\lmin3t- G many ittle things, such as these cour­ df h n· j meet Wlth th ~oopt:rat a of nto« iog cotT.mittee. ran at er tes How a~u~ readin a book! A of tbt c man populace, tb.at •.. 'aU.. teies on bu se ~ which in the long run Mrs. Myrtle McConnell. state A S H book toy s .... nd Schultz, a veteran m Wl:l retain a 1fT at appeal for Lhe wUI mean a great deal to the nation I' president of t he P'l'A. was the guest t pencer Offie ne"spa ~rwoman, forme.rly head of Gtorma . ,.,.." In dt! at.' Hta~•. at u a whole. speaker a nd talked on juvenile d('­ the Be: hn office of tre h•eaco the fh•t• llfll flf w tneu DR. D. L. HAUGHT has had a 0 linqu t- n ~y. Funeral services were conducted 'German) rart. ht la c •DTlnced, .,';II table in his outer office fixed on ~.ihune Accor~i~g t~ 1 t,; Mu!ic was furnished by the Mad· Wednesday for Attorney Thoma! " 1B Try It Apm (wh1t"h enu to It are in. For ,..-...ln .. read ap-o ••~h to place p!lmpblets. paper and rlf;!al SinJtn s· under the dir: c:ion nf Perry Ryan. grandfather of Thelma have drawn ~hee from all quar I peueme.nt. no n ical talk about books of all kinds that he receives. Ma r~ L r> u i.~ t. Lewis. Tb ey saag ''The Ryan, staff member, at the Vandale ten) we'd ~tter make pr tlJ aorf' the • od c rrnanJ.' " .., These booklets are on subjects rang­ I!ell,.' a.,J. " Drink to Me On\y With Funeral home in Spencer. Mr. Ryan. about Ger~any, unl . we wan' tha our main t11em7 Japen, a nd fill from democracy to some phases Thine Eye!!.'' This was the first ap­ 74 yean old, died Monday, March them bnd•nv at ~Hanttc 1ty and an)· indu:atlon of d a.Jty t 81110 1 In education. They are placed here -pearance of the group. The Rev. and 20, at the Cordon Memorial hol-­ Palm Bea:b ome tame around 1 65 n•ted NatJor'\ tor both t he faculty and students to Mn . Lloyd Arehart sang a duet. pital. Mi ~C"b!1 1 h t ink we're ill 'To fooled oD<"• UM. As Dr. Haught put it : uNo Mrs. A. H. Moore was in charge of He was widely known in law cir· dreamy~yed ahout tb• Ge:rmanL ~1-;ul· "To ~harges if worn out." the program. ele! throughout Central Wut. Vir· IN THE jP EOPLE Section' of be ys that oar G rman enemies anfof'C'In 1 • T he junior home room won the at­ ~nia and wu a native of Roane 'have succe ded in camouftacinl' the Time magazine for March 6 there is tendance b3nner. County. He is survived by his wid· an inspiring article about Ethel Wat­ ow. M rs. Fannie Drennan Ryan ; two en whom Time tenned a 'dusky MAy HA V£ c . W . MARSH son' Attorney William S., and ~hanteuse'. They spoke of her draw· AS ASSEMBLY SP EAJ(ER Thomas P. Ryan, both of Spencer; in.r record crowds at the same nigbt I one daughter, Mn.. Maude Cou.lte. f.pot in which she first sang on Pla:l!l for a social event to be held o! Charleston; one brother, C. L. Broadway 20 years ago. Then, they in t he gymna.sium in the near fu. Ryan of Reedy: two siste.n, Mrs. told of a f ramed poem which she ture. and a n sssembly with Mr. C. Kate Creenlief of Hannony, and bad placed on her dre ing table en· W. MaNh of Glenville u guest M ~ Ida tuta of Ripley, and five titled, uTell God About Jt''- l t' s speaker. were made by memben o1 gnndt:hildren, two of whom are Mill Worth Reading. the Chemistry Club at a meeting Ryan and ber brothe:r, Tbomu.
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