Pairclde Naola Chill lde In October1980 the local newspapersheralded Killeedy's A field the property of Kantoher C.D.S.was mad'eavailible to the club breakthroughin capturing-headlinestheir fiisf couqtysenior hu-rling-ti- at a nominal fee in the earlv seventies tle with anarietvhv of - "sensationalWin for courtesy of the managemeit commit- Killeedy", "The iedr of the underdog","first for Killeedy" tee - it was in this field that organised --they failed on thr-ee scientific training was first employed etc. An"dsensatioiral it was indeed had by Killeedy G.A.A.leading to their first previousattempts and this one lookedlike going too. But county final appearancein 1973and to iacluck was with them and so the county cup resided in their first divisional senior title in 1974. forecasting Inclement weather at times forced the Killeedyduring the Wintermonths and many wg_Ie club to train indoors in Cronin's hall on a longilomocil-e for the JohnDaly Cupin fhe WestLimerick the Community centre and oftentimes parish. road trainins was adopted. And *hen these same Recent veErs have Seenteam train- newsDaDers the headlines ing sessioirsback again in Hennessy's carried By JosephO'Connor farm in Killeedv which had been used "KiU'eeily's reign as champs in s earlier this ceniurv also bv the club - short-lived" and "Killeedy's reign on this occasion howevei a different brought to an end" just nine field was usedwhich carries with it the months later in July 1981 many Situated just below Dore's house,now distinction of being ideally suited to might have felt Killeedy were only owned by James Mulcahy, this field training irrespective of weather condi- fluke winners and a team of the was constantly used for hurling and tions or time of the year. past. While the Killeedy team and football training and many memorable And yet with all this field hunting the be incidentsoccurred there. club has produceda remarkable list of supporters were disappointedto achievements eliminated from all championships Danny Con Casey'sfield at Ballagh is right through this cen- remembered as the place where tury culminating in tlte spectacular early this year by being defeatedby successesof the past decadewhen the in West Killeedy gaels trained and practiced old rivals Tournafulla the among themselves- situated in front first senior county title was won in ad- Limerick senior hurling semi-final of the then Casevhome and now owned dition to five divisional titles, they used this set-back to renew by Gerard Curtin games with outside numeroustitles in several other srades their resolve to once again become teams were not played here. A feature and participation by the uniler 14 a leading light in Limerick hurling of the training here were the nightly national community games team in the and as a practical step on this warming up sessionswhich consistedof All-Irelandfinal of 1980.The club's con- course undertook with renewed long jump and high jump endeavours- tribution to county teams has been vigor and enthusiasm the it is known that the Killeedy athletes most consistent throughout this cen- had little difficulty clearing 2l| feet in tury culminating in the seventiesin the prd'gramme of field development enormous Fitzrnaurice input including will see them train the pit and 5 feet on the high jump. which hopefully In the samelocalitv John Hennessv's Fr. Paudie's captaincy of the 1981 and play on their own groundsdur- field of Killeedy wis much used for Munster senior hurling championship ing 1982for the first time in tlte games with outside teams. This field wlnrungteam. clubs history. situated second from t}te road and on Despite these successes the elub Thesuccess story of KilleedyG.A.A. the left of the avenuenow leading to its never lost sight of tlte vision of owning is commendableespecially when present owner, also John Hennessy, its own playing field. Efforts to secure viewed against the backgroundof a saw among others the teams of such a facility were investigaCedand club without a field. This dearth of Knockaderry, Broadford and Tour- undertaken on many occasionsbut the local facilities has causedthe club to nafulla perform on its surface. On one big breaktlrough came in October1979 moveall aroundthe parishin searchof occasiona Knockaderry player who en- with tlte acquisitionof a 4 acre site at playingaccommodaiion right from its ded up on tIe avenue following a hefty Raheenaghfrom the local community earliestdavs to moderntimes. A brief tussle had his collar-bone dislocated. developmentassociation. In 1969this reviewof this movementis of interest. A field on the Broadford side of association had nurtured the idea of a The benevolenceof the Wintersfamily Cronin's house in Raheenaghand still community centre - a place where of Ashford in the 1920sand 30swill in possessionof the Cronin family saw young and old, the athletic and not so always be remembered.They made many a fine inter-parish contest. One athletic could meet to pursue various two fieldsavailable - the onepresen- particular game at this venuebetween social, cultural, educational and tly across the road from Ashford Broadford and Killeedv became verv sporting interests. Whencompleted the Churchand the otheracross from Mrs. robust and was only Oefusedby overall complex on 6 acres included a Mary Quinlivans residence.Great prolonged and passionate pleadin! pitch and putt course and putting duels are rememberedfrom these from sideline spectators. green, two tennis courts, basketball fieldsand such were relations between ConMagner's field at Killeedy is part court, car park and community hall theWinters family andthe club that the of Killeedy G.A.A. folklore having been seating 300 people. A further st"ageof formeracted as bankers for the club- used for manv decades- used as club the sevelopmentsaw Killeedy G.A.A. they held club funds on depositand headquarters-for several years this acquire the pitch and putt site in 1979 promptly advancedwithdrawls on re- field ivould have seenthe redl sreats of and now the job of convefsion to a full quest. Killeedy perform. A list of theie would size playing field is well advanced. Dan O'Mahony'sfield at Cloncon, occupy much space but it can be said To be named Pairc Ide Naofa after now ownedby TommyO'Mahony, was that anyone who was anything in the parishes beloved Patron, St. Ita, occasionallyused for matchesand was Killeedy hurling or football would have who lived there in the 6th centurv. it is usuallyfree of charge.Situated at the played here. Bridging the period from hopedthe field will be officially opened rear of tlte residenceof the former the 1930sto the late 1960s the during 1982.The provisionof a full size parishclerk at Ashford,Mrs. Mary Ita availability of this pitch brought per- playingpitch 160yds. by 85yds. approx- Halinan. this field wa3 aho usedfor tnanence, cohesion and purpose to imately was made possibleas a result horse-racinqand soorts. Dore's field at Killeedy G.A.A. and doribtl'essthe of a very generousdonation of two ex- Ballaghwillbe vividly rememberedby seeds of recent successeswere sown tra piecesof land free of charce bv Fr. many-ofthe old gaels-whostill survivti. there. Maftin O'Donnell P.P. and locai far- 75 r mer Mr. Michael Walsh. will have to be borrowed to meet ex- Other generous gestures were to penditure. follow and within months the hiterto To be able to meet all exoenditure bumpy and uneven pitch and putt from cash resources is a formidable course had a major face-lift which saw undertakinq when viewed asainst the the top-soil removed to enable the site backgrounrl of the establishtrent of a 0o be perfectly levelled and thoroughly special sub+ommittee whose task is to drained before the topsoil was again push through the furttrer development returned. The generosityof local heavy of the pitch. Headed by the two Fr.'s earth moving machinery contractor Fitzmairrice this comririttee's plan is Mr. Jim Hicley will lon! be remem- that modern dressingrooms, a meeting bered as his machinerv soent manv room and handball alley which can be days on the site at only a nrjminal ratir. used as a gymnasium when required resulting in savingsof a couple of thou- will be ready for use in late 1982.A sand pounds for the club. Closely number of other field developments associated with the club Mr. Hickev were examined by the committee -has made several donations anl before submittins their plans for INSULATION presentations in the past. Local ACOT Killeedy and t}ey-predict their plans advisers Mr. James Barry and Mr. will give the club oneof Munster'Sbest Liam Mullane offered expeit advice on G.A.A. developments.It is fortunate SYSTEMS& drainage and seedingand building con- the G.A.A. development is tractor Mr. Denis O'Grady of New- strategically situated at Raheenagh PRODUCTS castlewest gave valuable counsel on beside the parish community centie setting up tlre controls for levellinc. and the local national school-enabling Much volirntary labour was required Io all parishioners a broad range of social remove stones, set boundary fences, and sporting facilities in one place - lay pipes etc. and this was available in doubtlessthe schoolchildren will make bounty as were the tractors and full use of these amenities under the trailers of many local farmers. careful guidanceof Mr. Gerry Forde By this time club officials had N.T. Schoolprincipal. regularised tlte legal details resulting Killeedy Gaels ian look ahead with in the pitch beingvested in the G.A.A. much anticipation to the improved per- and having as trustees Mr. Donie formance oi all their tedms in'all Nealon secretary Munster Council, Mr. grades during the next decade. The Tom Boland secretarv Limerick achievementsof the senior team in re- County Board and local blub trustees cent times makes pleasant reading - Mr.
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