University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 5-28-1971 Central Florida Future, Vol. 03 No. 29, May 28, 1971 Florida Technological University Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newsletter is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation Florida Technological University, "Central Florida Future, Vol. 03 No. 29, May 28, 1971" (1971). Central Florida Future. 94. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/94 I w. Live ii the Phtsent By the Post, but for the . .. Vol. 3 No. 29 May 28, 1971 'Rite' Formal, . !Greek Week Climaxes Pageant Set ' In God, Goddess Choice For Tonight By Linda leLtel Grt-f'k WPt'k f1•stivilies for Hl7 I climax<'cl Salurdav nigh! with tlH' "The Village Center wants to presE>nlalion or nwarcls nncl llw a111wunct'nw11l of lh<' Cn•1•k l~od and extend a personal invitation to all Goddess al tlw GrPPk party. Susan J\uln'~' of TyPs Sorority anrl Tim FTU students, faculty and staff to BaLchelor of Lambda Chi Alpha Fratl'rnily W<'l'I' s<'l<'C'!l'cl (:ocl and come to the Miss FTU Pageant and GodclPs ul'LN a comp!'! it ivt' con!Pst 'Rite of Spring' Forma1," said which includt>rl part icip;1l ion in I Ill' lo 1lw I Ull!' or "('at ch a Falling Linda Eastman, assistant program Star.,. director of the VC. slave auction, athlPlic ganws and a H. un111•rs · up Ficfrl<>s Sorority, Both events are tonight in the penny-a-vol<> con!Psl. Tlw conl<'sl W<'l'l' rlr!'ss<'cl hillbilly slyil' anrl Tupperware Auditorium on South brought in $Hf).89 in voting mmwy. canw compl<'t<' with Jug Band Orange Blossom Trail. The pageant Runner, -up Wf're Martha Swann or inslrunwnt.s. Tlwy sang' "l\1anw begins at 7 pm, and the formal will Ficleles ororiLy and Fred Maust or D 011 ·1 J\ !low No Cn'<'k Wt'l'k begin afterwards, about 9 pm, and ATOFraterniLy. Singing ll1'rt''' and ;1 will last until midnight. Miss FTU .ThP party was lwlct '.lt t.hl' hi~nw 'rrat!'rnity-orit•nl<'d song t.o l lw I u1w will be crowned during the formal. of Mark Thorn Lon anrl l~·at.ur<'cl I rP!' or "1 'm in LOV(' With a Htg Bltl!' Tickets are being sold in the f o o d . a n cl . cl r. i n.. k . a 1~ ~. t ht' Frog." Village Center office. Admission to enLe.r~ammenL ol M 1am1: Tlw T<'k<' Fral<'rnit.y sang two sol<'mn either event or both is $2, or $4 per trad1L1onal Greek clrc>ss ol slw<•ts rrat<'l'nit.y songs lo capl.urt' t ltird couple. Persons attending the was p~·eva_lenL, w1~h many stylf's and placl' honors. pageant will be allowed into the comb1~aL1ons b:•~g' worn: MastPr Tht- sort.ball !Pam ('0111J>OSl'cl or formal by showing their ticket and M1sLrf'~s ol C<>rc>mon1<>s, WPI."<' Fidc'l<'s Sornril.y, J\ lpha Tau Onwga stubs. Lloyd Richardson and ConnH• Frat.ernit.y and Lambda Chi J\lpha Entered in the Miss FTU pageant Graham, w~o prescnL<'rl tlw awards. Frall'rnily Look rirsl. plae<' in are Dana Lee Flick, Nancy Vasse, Thursdays car cavalcade• was won Friclav's sort.hall ganw. Each Kathy Doane, Pam Smith, Virginia by Fidel s Sorority. Tht> winning oq~an.izaLion was pn's<'llt.Pcl a Boyd, Carol Sue Darty, Sigrid c~r W~S a ~l'een Camarn c1:_corated trophy aL t.h1• c:r!'Pk party, Tidmore, Cindy Cotton and Susan wrth buLLerf and Runiwrs-up W<'I'<' Tri-K Sorority, DR. WALTER GAUDNEK (left) congratulates student Jackie Lovett ~ult1colored he~ Autrey. The winner of the pageant caterJ?•llars, the mascots ol the> E:igma Sign.a Chi Frat.c>rnit.y, J\lpha will be eligible to participate in the following the 48-hour Marathon that ended last Friday. Jackie received soronLy and pledge class. Kappa Pi "!"raLc>rniLy, and D<>lla Tau 1971 Miss Florida Pageant, which the Marathon Participant Award, painted by Gaudnek, for her Later that evening the sororit.i<>s Fraternity. selects the state's Miss America assistance during the entire marathon. (Photo by Randy Drake.) were enlightened bv Nancy contestant. Wainwright of Phi Mu So~ority wh~ (Con f inued 011 Pagl' 8) The Swinging Medallions will spoke on sorority rushing. Th<, provide entertainment for the "Rite fraternities did noL sponsor a of Spring" Formal. Dress for the Hastings Speaks Out speaker. Stockmnrket Game formal is anything in the The slave auction brought in form al-semiformal category. $101.42 with the following awards Winners Declared Refreshments will include cookies, being given: Best Participation, finger sandwiches and punch. Lambda Chi Alpha; Grf'atest ThP winrn'rs or t.lw SPCOllcl annual On Poverty, Justice Amount of Money Raised for an S L o c k m a r k " L (} a m " w <' r <' announcPcl this Wt'<'k l>y ,John Ft. Lauderdale Attorney Alcee Hastings, spoke last Thursday to more Individual, Wayne Leland of Lambda Chi Alpha; Greatest Wilson, govPrnor ,>f' Lh<' Cofll'g(• of Music Recitals than 100 members of the Florida Council on Crime and Delinquency in Business J\rlministruLion. the Engineering Building. Amount of Money Raised for a Group, Tri-K Sorority; and Best First place winn<'r was l~<'lrn .Joy He was introduced by Orange County Juvenile Court Judge Chester Dress, Gary Hallman of Teke LancasLPr, who madP t.lw most Fill Last Weeks Kerr as a man "who has guts, who --------------­ Fraternity. monl'y from Lh<' f.{a''YH', $ ,1/>!>9. Sill' has concern, and who will work for that he believes prisoners should be The Greek Sing was sparked by a will rccPiV(' the first plac(' pri:t.<' 11f The air will be filled in the next reform." allowed to lead a normal sex life. lack of seriousness and a great deal $!l0. two weeks with the sound of music, Hastings, originally from The lawyer from South Florida of good-natured laughtPr and Gary W. FtlrLun<?, . who mad<' concluded: "Look in your city and most of it coming from the talented Altamonte Springs, attended applause.. Tyes Sorority won th<' $4,00G durinJ.! Lh<' four-w<~<'k cc;..ir ..;I' mouths and hand& of FTU music Crooms Academy high school in find the neighborhood ·with the competition with "Tyes, Tyes, of Lhe j.!ame, cam•· in sl'cond and students. Sanford, was awarded his B.A. from least money, least insurance, least Tyes," a sorority song, and will receive $3G. Four separate recitals have been Fish University, and earned his law housing, worst sewers, worst "There's a New World Com inf.{." Third plac<' and $2!) v:<'nt to scheduled between June 1 and June degree from Florida A&M in 1963. streets, highest welfare, most The group consisted or abouL 30 Daniel N. BlankPl'\sLein, who madt­ 6, both on campus and off. Dr. Charles M. Unkovic, FTU disease, and the least life sisters dressed in pantsuits. They $3,416. expectancy. You have just marked Leading off the series will be the chairman. of sociology and a also performed a skit-song abou i Participation and interPsL in Llw the same area every time with the senior recital of Terry Clark, a member of the Florida ·council, their mascot candidate, ihe Comet, contest was termNl "very spiriL<'d." music major. Clark, a baritone, will sponsored Hastings' appearance. highest crime. It will be the black sing June 1 at 8 :30 pm in the Hastings spoke on the changing community and the poor white." Engineering Auditorium. Selections attitudes towpd correction. His Hastings called for an honest will include works of Purcell, major point was the failure of the wage and an honest opportunity for Mozart, Ravel, Copland and others. administration of criminal justice. poor people. "We won't accomplish Cheryl LeCompte will accompany Hastings also criticized the practice anything until we can say 'He ain't Final Exclm Schedule Clark. of selective law enforcement. "If heavy, he's my brother.' " FINAL EXAMINATION SCHEDULE On Thursday, June 3, FTU's I'm caught by a policeman doing Spring Quarter, 1971 Orpheus Club will sponsor an · 80, he sees LA WYER on my June 7-10 evening of violin music featuring driver's license and lets me go. But Lake Claire Work Classes Which First Meet well known concert violinist a poor man driving a scraggly car During the Week at Final Examination Period Miltiades Siadimas. He is a Greek doing 80 goes to jail." 8 a.m. Monday 8- 9 :45 a.m., Mon., June 7 musician who has been acclaimed Given Green. Light Hastings covered a varied amount Work on the Lake Claire 9 a.m. Monday 10-l 1 :45 a.m., Mon., June 7 for his performances throughout of subjects. He said that poor recreation area project will go 10 a.m. Monday 8- 9:45 a.m., Tues., June 8 Europe and South America. The people rarely vote because they ahead according to newly installed 11 a.m.
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