J FRIDAY, MAY 20, 1966 FACE TWENTY-EIGHT lE u ^ ttitts 1| p r a U » Average DMIy Net For the Week Ended Manchester Lithuanian Cb- >tty 7, ItM Driver Warned Gairity’g Q ms GET BEHIND TH'* LINE UP! About Town operattve Association will cele­ brate its 35th anniversary Sun­ In 2-Gar Crash At School Cited IfembArs of the CYP Club of day at 1:30 p.m. with a family 14,661 Center Congre^Uonal Church Manche$ter^A City of Vitiage Charm style chicken dinner at the hall A Manchester driver received Atty. Hafold W. Garrity of will meet Sunday at 2:30 pjn. at 24 Golway St. The event is a written police warning yester­ Tolland, whose Manchester o f­ and go to the <dmrch property MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MAY 21, 1966 open to members and friends. day afternoon after a two-car VOL. LXXXV, N iL 497 (FOURTEEN PAGES—TV SECTION) at Bolton Lake to work on the fice Is at 753 Main St., was re­ collision at Main and HllUard grounds. Those attending are cipient for his class of Wlllis- ALSO— Peas. Cauliflower, Green. Yellow Cub Scout Pack 144 of Keen­ Sts. reminded to bring lunch, paint Boston lettuce. Green, fellow ey St. School will meet tonight TTie motorist, John W. David ton Academy’s Alumni Trophy brushes and ewlmming equ^- K ” ^C«t^ua;^^^rnlps: Artichokes: PLU^- at 7:30 at the school. Cubs are Sr., 66, of 65 Sherwood Circle, BowT #t an awards ceremony ment. Wesh ’ Cherries Peaches, Red White, Blue Grapes, Pears, reminded to bring cars for a was warhed for failure to yield last week at the Easthampton, derby race. the right of way to a vehicle Mass., preparatory school. I W . Melons. Ugll Fruit, The Women’s Guild of Trin­ not obliged to stop. The award, made at the Buddhist Leaders Warned ity Covenant Chuixdi will meet 125th anniversary meeting of The VFW Auxiliary will spon­ Police said David, entering tonight at 8 at the church. Main St. from Hilliard St., had academy’s alumni assocla- sor a card party tonight at 8 ^ a p p ^ s^ r IFt y w e e k e n d s p e c i a l s ★ Hostesses are Mrs. Anna Snow, his view on the right blocked UoB, went to Garrity's class the poet home. Mrs. Viola Lundquist and Mrs. by a truck. Police said he failed (1926) because it scored the f r e s h c o r n ................................................. Jh 2 ^ Beda Walrath. to wait for a clear view and en­ highest percentage of par­ t o m a t o e s ...............................................................2 39- Members of the Eighth Dis­ tered Main St. where he was ticipation, in the school’s 1966 n a t i v e SPINACH, washed .................................. ^ nt‘ 69c trict Fire Department will have STRAWBERRIES ............................................. .. ..... hit on the right side by a car drive for funds. His class, Cub Scout Pack 152 of Bow­ a department meeting tonight U.S. Troops Will Retaliate driven by Marsha ,Mitten of 37 achieving 70 per cent par­ (non-returnable) ers Srfxool will meet tonight at at 8 at fire headquarters. Main Hollister St. ticipation, collected a record “ Here’s Where You Meet Your Neighbors and Friends. 7 at the sehool The pack will and Hiliiard Sts. leave the school Sunday at 11 To GelsAward Sue Mitchell of 11 EJdward Zhivago Opens total of $128,281, and in addi­ a.m. to attend a baseball game St. who was riding with Miss tion received an anonymous The Rosary Society of St. ait Fenway Park, Boeton. USAF Cadet Jordan R. Cohen, Mitten, received bruises on her Dr. Yuro Zhivago, played by of $300,000 to augment the Bridget’s Church will sponsor a legs in the collision. Police said Omar Sharif, and his wdfe. Ton- library faciliUes. Tax Receipts Rebel Fire Food Sale after all Masses Sun­ 19, of Manchester, a sophomore Cub Scout Pack 2 of Second damage to both cars was mod­ ya, played by Geraldine Chap- sery^ his PFRO■ ^ PRODUCE!" day. The sale will be held in electrical engineering stuaent at ^ ^ ^ Alma Mater as president of Congregational Church will erate. Injures 15 the church hall. Proceeds will the University of Massabhji-ibhu- Two rear-end collisions were man, are shown in a tender mo- A.-,umnl Council in 1954-55. 276 OAKLAND STREET • OPEN 7 DAYS • 643j384 Up, Deficit meet tonight at 7:30 at the be donated to the Senior Citi­ ment from the MGM film, Dr. moved to Tolland last year af- church. The meeting is open to setts,' has been awarded th^ reported during yesterday mom- zen’s Club to help furnish their s rain. Zhivage, which will l*ive two ter residing for many years on Americans prospective cubs and their par­ new Center. Donations may be Chicago Tribune ROTC Gold May Shrink one, a motorist heading opening performances at the Pitkin St. ents. brought to the diurch hail to- Medal for 1966. westNjn E. Middle Tpke. slid Strand Theater, Hartford. The WASHINGTON (AP) — The SAIGON, South Viet morrow from 7 to 8 p.m. Those He will receive the award at thb. rear of another after Nam (A P )—^The United Mrs. Nora Addy Drake of wishing pickup service may call first showing will be Tuesday at tax collector hsus good news for the Amheist, Mass., university’s hilNheir brakes when a Visitor to Call States warned Buddhist Bolton, art teacher at the E. O. Mrs. James V. Tani, 90 Con­ annual ROTC Review tomght in from the opposite 8 p.m., sponsored by the Wom­ Uncle Sam’s budget balancers. en's AuxiHary o f the Hartford SATURDAY leaders today that Ameri­ Smith High School, Storrs, will cord Rd. Dickenson Hall. direotidn cro.ssqd In front. Net tax receipts for April speak and sftiow a film on art County Medical Associ$tion. On At Square Dance can troops will strike back ----- The medal is presented each police said a \ a r driven by were 16 per cent above those of tonight at 8 ait a meeting of the TTie Men’s Fellowship Club of year ait the review to an out- i_,ester Simard, 23^\jf New Brit- Wednesday at 8 p.m. the show lifflH ieiBrffliBiFeiii** in case of further shelling will be sponsored by the Church Chuck Dormer of Warwick. the same month last year. And Manchester Fine Art Associa- jihe Salvation Army will have a sUnding cadet who "has main- g-in sUd into the r W of one r,^ i, ♦ R. I., will be guest caller tomor­ if the trend continues — as gov­ of U.S. installations by tion at Whiton Memorial Audi- fellowship meeting tomorrow at tained high military and scho- driven by Marilyn F. L*ssow Homes Auxiliary, 'nckets for row at an open dance sponsored ernment experts expect it will Buddhist - backed rebel torium. Officers will be elected 7 p.m. in the Youth Center of the......................... lasttc achievement ■ and' possess- of Hebron. Police said Jean K. *u.the Tuesday benefit may be ob­ ONE DAY ONLY! tained from Mrs. A. Elmer Dis- by the Manchester Square — the anticipated budget deficit troops. and pictures of the month chos­ Citadel. There will be a sports es strong moral character befiit- paJmer of 196 Vernon St. turned 'The warning was delivered by kan, 543 Porter St. Others head­ Dance Club at Waddell School. for the fiscal year ending June en. Refreshments will be served, program and refreshments aft- ting a potential Air Force offi- m front of them into a private Dancing will be from 8 to 11 American consular represent^ ing the cast are Julie Christie, 30 could shrinlc by $1 Million to The meeting is open to the pub- er the meeting, cer." driveway. Damage was minor. p.m. All area - square dance tives in Hue to Thich Tri Quarig, Tom Courtenay, Alec <|uinness, $2 billion. lie. ----- The youth is the son of Mr. Later in the momlhg, a mo- members are invited. Mr. and a powerful Buddhist monk in Siobhan McKenna, Ralph Rich­ Government experts won’t Nutmeg Forest. Tall (Dedars and Mrs. Sidney Cohen of 118 torlst heading south on Main Mrs. Russell White will call for Men’s Mid-weight the rebellious northern prov­ ardson, Rod Steiger a|id Rita discuss the prospects of a drop The Erin Schodl of Irish Step of Lebanon, will meet Monday Scott Dr, An honor student, he St., who stopped sudfenly to round dances. ince. Tushingham. David Lean was in the estimated $6.4 billion defi­ Dancing will have a recital to­ at 7:30 p.m. at the Masonic is also slated to receive an give the right of way to an American sources said TK director of the film, and Carlo Dormer has been a caller for cit. But it’s no secret that re­ morrow at 8 p.m. at Illing Jun­ Temple. A Memorial Service for ROTC study soholarshlp for ambulance, was hit in the rear Quang repeated his demands for Ponti, producer. six years and is founder and ceipts have exceeded expecta­ ior High School auditorium. departed members will be con- next year. by another driver unable to stop caller for the Square Dealers’ and TROPICAL tions since the beginning off the U. S. pressure to oust the mili­ Tickets may be obtained at the ducted. — ^-------------------------------------------his car in time. Dance Club of Warwick as well year. tary government oj, Premier door. Members of Hose Co. 1, Town Police said Joseph R.
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