y GKSS S 2MB RECEIVED APR 08698 O ST * Laser and Electron Beam Welding of Ti-Alloys: Literature Review mTEGH-^M Autoren: tA" G. Qam FORCE J. F. dos Santos THYSSEN LASER-TECHNIK GMBH INSTITUTE M. Kogak GKSS 97/E/35 DISCLAIMER Portions of this document may be illegible electronic image products. Images are produced from the best available original document. GKSS 97/E/35 Laser and Electron Beam Welding of Ti-Alloys: Literature Review Autoren: G. Gam J. F. dos Santos M. Kogak (Institut fur Werkstofforschung) GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH • Geesthacht • 1997 Die extemen Berichte der GKSS werden kostenlos abgegeben. The delivery of the external GKSS reports is free of charge. Anforderungen/Requests: GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH Bibliothek/Library Postfach 11 60 D-21494 Geesthacht AIs Manuskript vervielfaltigt. Fur diesen Bericht behalten wir uns alle Rechte vor. GKSS-Forschungszentrum Geesthacht GmbH • Telefon (04152)87-0 Max-Planck-StraBe • D-21502 Geesthacht / Postfach 11 60 • D-21494 Geesthacht GKSS 97/E/35 Laser and Electron Beam Welding of Ti-Alloys: Literature Review G. £am, J. F. dos Santos, M. Kogak 36pages with 2 figures and 7 tables Abstract The welding of titanium alloys must be conducted in completely inert or vacuum environments due to the strong affinity of titanium to oxygen. Residual stresses in titanium welds can greatly influence the performance of a fabricated aerospace component by degrading fatigue properties. Moreover, distortion can cause difficulties in the final assembly and operation of high-tolerance aerospace systems. Power beam welding processes, namely laser and electron beam welding, offer remarkable advantages over conventional fusion welding processes and have a great potential to produce full-penetration, single-pass autogenous welds with minimal component distortion due to low heat input and high reproducibility of joint quality. Moreover, electron beam welding process, which is conducted in a vacuum chamber, inherently provides better atmospheric protection. Although considerable progress has been made in welding of titanium alloys by power beam processes, there is still a lack of a complete set of mechanical properties data of these joints. Furthermore, the problem of solid-state cracking in fusion welding of y-TiAl intermetallic alloys due to their low ductility is still to be overcome. The purpose of this literature review is to outline the progress made in this area and to provide basic information for the Brite-Euram project entitled Assessment of Quality of Power Beam Weld Joints ”ASPOW“. Laser- und ElektronenstrahlschweiBen von Titan-Legierungen: Literaturrecherche Zusammenfassung Wegen der sehr starken Affinitat des Titans zum Sauerstoff muB das SchweiBen von Titanlegiemngen unter Schutzgas oderim Vakuum erfolgen. Eigenspannungen in TitanschweiBnahten kbnnen das Bauteilverhalten durch Degradation der Ermudungseigenschaften erheblich negativ beeinfluBen. Daruber hinaus kann die Formanderung Schwierigkeiten in der Endmontage und Handhabung von paBgenauen Komponenten, z.B. im Flugzeugbau, hervorrufen. Gegenuber den klassischen SchweiBverfahren hat die Laser- und Elektronen- strahlschweiBtechnik den Vorteil einer geringen Formanderung durch niedrigen Warmeeintrag und ermoglicht dadurch eine hohe B auteilreproduzierbarkeit. Des weiteren bieten ElektronenstrahlschweiBprozesse, die in V akuumkammem durchgefuhrt werden, einen optimalen Schutz gegen atmospharische Umgebungseinflusse. Obwohl Fortschritte in der SchweiBung von Titanlegiemngen mit Laser- oder Elektronenstrahlen erzielt wurden, fehlt bisher immer noch eine vollstandige mechanische Charakterisierung dieser SchweiBnahte. Weiterhin muB das Problem der Kaltrifineigung beim SchmelzschweiBverfahren von intermetallischen y-TiAl-Legierungen, welches auf die geringe Duktilitat zuriickzufuhren ist, gelost werden. Ziel dieser Literaturrecherche ist es, den Stand der Forschung und Entwicklung auf diesem Gebiet darzu- stellen und grundlegende Informationenfur das Brite-Euram-Proj ekt, Assessment of Quality of Power Beam Weld Joints (ASPOW) zu liefem. Manuscript received /Manuskripteingang in der Redaktion: 13. August 1997 Preface Present literature survey is conducted in the framework of the BRITE-EURAM Project (BRPR-CT95-0021); Assessment of Quality of Power Beam Welds - ASPOW This project includes laser and electron beam weldability as well as testing and evaluation aspects of most commonly used metallic materials and their welded joints. In order to provide comprehensive state-of-the-art information on the scope of the project, following reports concerning the weldability aspects have been prepared: • Laser and electron beam welding of Al-alloys: Literature Survey • Laser and electron beam welding of Ti-alloys: Literature Survey • Laser and electron beam welding of Superalloys: Literature Survey • Laser and electron beam welding of Stainless Steels: Literature Survey • Laser and electron beam welding of C-Mn Steels: Literature Survey Additionally, a state-of-the-art report on the testing and evaluation procedures of the laser and electron beam welded structures will also be prepared in due course. August 1996 Dr. Mustafa Kogak, GKSS Project Coordinator ASSESSMENT OF QUALITY OF POWER BEAM WELD JOINTS (ASPOW) Contr.Nr: BRPR-CT95-0021 Duration: 1.2.1996-31.1.1999 Total Budget: 3.372.600 ECU PARTNERS: GKSS RESEARCH CENTER - ERG (Project Coordinator) THYSSEN LASER TECHNIK - ERG CNIM - France RTM - Italy FORCE INSTITUTES - Denmark QU ANTED - France INTERTURBINE - FRG NU-TECH - FRG BRITISH STEEL - UK ANSALDO TERMOSUD - Italy PROTECT SUMMARY Despite significant improvements in power beam welding technology over recent years, it still remains impossible to characterise laser and EB welds in a unique fashion and to produce quantifiable mechanical properties. Guidance on design aspects of power beam welded joints is currently lacking for potential users so that they are often reluctant to opt for such a welding process despite the available technology to fabricate the joint. The objective of this industrial project is to provide an improved understanding of the failure behaviour of similar and dissimilar laser and EB welds in order to be able to predict structural performance. The proposed programme will extend current non-destructive (NDT) and destructive testing standards to power beam welded joints and will result in recommendations for best practice and the changes necessary to current techniques to achieve this. In order to accomplish this, it is necessary to: i) Identify major weldability and joint quality problems for various materials. ii) Develop techniques for the identification of defect types (NDT) and determination of mechanical and fracture behaviour of joints. iii) Develop and validate a methodology - European Quality Assessment Concept (EQAC)- for structural integrity assessment of power beam welded joints which takes into account the unique features of these joints iv) Provide a first Weld-Defect-Catalogue for power beam weld joints using improved NDT methodology (p-focus X-ray radiography and radioscopy). The European Quality Assessment Concept (EQAC) for power beam welds to be developed in this project will consider the unique features of power beam welds and their defects on various materials. Present mechanical and NDT standards do not take into account these features (strength mismatch, defect types and weld shape etc.) of power beam welds in a unified fashion. The structural reliability of these welds urgently needs a systematic effort to show their suitability for conventional as well as advanced structural components. Testing of structural components used in aerospace and civil engineering will be included to determine structural performance and validate the developed EQAC. This project covers laser and electron beam weldability aspects of over twenty metallic structural materials including various Al-alloys. It will also establish Nd:YAG laser welding conditions for optimum weld properties of Al-alloys by developing new super pulsed Nd:YAG laser for this purpose. The consortium comprises a Research Center (GKSS) specialized in testing and assessment of weld defects, a YAG laser manufacturer (QUANTEL), a manufacturer of laser welded steel components (Thyssen Laser Technik), a company specialized on EB-welding of large structural components (CNIM), a company user of both power beam welding processes in repair of aerospace components and end user of the NDT for the inspection of the same components (INTERTURBINE), a steel manufacturer and large scale testing laboratory (BRITISH STEEL), a company experienced in C02 laser welding of advanced materials (RTM), a company specialising in NDT (NU-TECH), a research center (FORCE) with experience on laser welding of steels, a company (ANSALDO) manufacturing medium-heavy industrial and power plant components. CONTENTS Page 1. Introduction 5 2. Strengthening Mechanisms of Titanium Alloys 10 3. Weldability Considerations 13 3.1. Weldability of Titanium Alloys 13 3.1.1. Alpha and Near-Alpha Alloys 13 3.1.2. Alpha-Beta Alloys 14 3.1.3. Intermetallic Alloys 15 3.2. Weld Microstructure 16 3.3. Weld Defects 17 3.4. Post-Weld Heat Treatment 18 3.5. Mechanical Properties of Welded Joints 19 3.5.1. Tensile Properties 19 3.5.2. Fracture Toughness 21 4. Final Remarks 22 5. References 23 ASPOW Literature Survey (BRPR-CT95-0021) 1. INTRODUCTION Titanium has a low density (4.5 g/cm 3 ), almost half of that of steel (7.83 g/cm 3 ) and high melting point (-1678 °Q which gives an indication
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