S754 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE January 18, 2007 (Mr. SESSIONS) was added as a cospon- cosponsors of S. 284, a bill to provide grants legal status to someone who is sor of S. 46, a bill to amend the Inter- emergency agricultural disaster assist- in America illegally takes effect, the nal Revenue Code of 1986 to expand the ance. Secretary of Homeland Security will permissible use of health savings ac- S. CON. RES. 2 certify to the Congress that all of the counts to include premiums for non- At the request of Mr. BIDEN, the provisions of border security contained group high deductible health plan cov- names of the Senator from Maryland in the bill were funded, in place, and erage. (Mr. CARDIN), the Senator from Mary- operational. It become known as a trig- S. 122 land (Ms. MIKULSKI), the Senator from ger—and it was a trigger—because the At the request of Mr. BAUCUS, the New York (Mrs. CLINTON), the Senator immigration issue is not like when you names of the Senator from Washington from Rhode Island (Mr. REED) and the can never figure what is the chicken, what is the egg, and what came first. (Ms. CANTWELL) and the Senator from Senator from Michigan (Ms. STABENOW) There is no way to reform illegal immi- Colorado (Mr. SALAZAR) were added as were added as cosponsors of S. Con. cosponsors of S. 122, a bill to amend the Res. 2, a concurrent resolution express- gration unless you first stop the porous Trade Act of 1974 to extend benefits to ing the bipartisan resolution on Iraq. borders we have and the flow of illegal immigrants. But to do only one with- service sector workers and firms, en- S. CON. RES. 3 out the other is a terrible mistake. hance certain trade adjustment assist- At the request of Mr. SALAZAR, the The result of last year’s debate was ance authorities, and for other pur- names of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. the Senate passed a bill without the poses. WYDEN) and the Senator from Alabama trigger that granted new legal S. 170 (Mr. SESSIONS) were added as cospon- statuses. Although it provided for the At the request of Mr. ENSIGN, the sors of S. Con. Res. 3, a concurrent res- authorization of border security, it did name of the Senator from Georgia (Mr. olution expressing the sense of Con- not provide for the guarantee of border CHAMBLISS) was added as a cosponsor of gress that it is the goal of the United security. The House reaction was, we S. 170, a bill to amend the Internal States that, not later than January 1, want border security only, and the de- Revenue Code of 1986 to repeal the ex- 2025, the agricultural, forestry, and bate to this day between the House and cise tax on telephone and other com- working land of the United States the Senate has been the Senate is for munications services. should provide from renewable re- comprehensive reform and the House is S. 214 sources not less than 25 percent of the for border security only and never the At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the total energy consumed in the United twain will meet. The twain must meet. name of the Senator from Arkansas States and continue to produce safe, It is the No. 1 domestic issue. (Mrs. LINCOLN) was added as a cospon- abundant, and affordable food, feed, I come to the Senate today to intro- sor of S. 214, a bill to amend chapter 35 and fiber. duce a major immigration reform bill of title 28, United States Code, to pre- AMENDMENT NO. 20 that is the bridge from where we are to serve the independence of United At the request of Mr. BENNETT, the where we must go. For a moment, I States attorneys. names of the Senator from Wyoming will discuss the provisions of that pro- S. 237 (Mr. ENZI) and the Senator from Flor- posal. First of all, it contains the trigger. It At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the ida (Mr. MARTINEZ) were added as co- predicates any reform of immigration names of the Senator from Pennsyl- sponsors of amendment No. 20 proposed that grants legal status to someone vania (Mr. SPECTER) and the Senator to S. 1, a bill to provide greater trans- here illegally to be noneffective until from Nebraska (Mr. HAGEL) were added parency in the legislative process. AMENDMENT NO. 34 we have first closed the doors to the as cosponsors of S. 237, a bill to im- south and to the north. It provides for prove agricultural job opportunities, At the request of Mr. FEINGOLD, the name of the Senator from Colorado all the security measures the Senate benefits, and security for aliens in the passed last year—and they are 2,500 (Mr. ALLARD) was added as a cosponsor United States and for other purposes. new port-of-entry inspectors, 14,000 of amendment No. 34 proposed to S. 1, S. 238 border inspectors, trained and ready to a bill to provide greater transparency At the request of Mrs. FEINSTEIN, the deploy, $454 million for unmanned aer- in the legislative process. name of the Senator from Maine (Ms. ial vehicles to give us the 24/7 eyes in SNOWE) was added as a cosponsor of S. AMENDMENT NO. 39 the sky essential to enforcement on 238, a bill to amend title 18, United At the request of Mr. CARDIN, his our border, authorization and ultimate States Code, to limit the misuse of So- name was added as a cosponsor of appropriation for those barriers and cial Security numbers, to establish amendment No. 39 proposed to S. 1, a those fences and those roads that are criminal penalties for such misuse, and bill to provide greater transparency in necessary for our agents to patrol, for other purposes. the legislative process. 20,000 beds for detention, to end the S. 267 f practice of cash and release. At the request of Mr. BINGAMAN, the STATEMENTS ON INTRODUCED When I came to the Senate 2 years name of the Senator from Oregon (Mr. BILLS AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS ago as a Georgian and one who loves WYDEN) was added as a cosponsor of S. the outdoors, I thought ‘‘catch and re- By Mr. ISAKSON: 267, a bill to amend the Omnibus Crime lease’’ was a fishing term. I found out S. 330. A bill to authorize secure bor- Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to it became a border term, where we ders and comprehensive immigration clarify that territories and Indian would catch people, tell them to go reform, and for other purposes; to the tribes are eligible to receive grants for home, release them and they would Committee on the Judiciary. wait for us to leave and come back confronting the use of methamphet- Mr. ISAKSON. Mr. President, I am amine. again. pleased to rise today before the Senate. We must remember the reason we S. 269 This is an issue this Senate visited 9 have this problem is we have the great- At the request of Ms. SNOWE, the months ago in the month of May. Nine est Nation on the face of this Earth. name of the Senator from Mississippi months ago, the Senate tackled what I We do not find anyone trying to break (Mr. COCHRAN) was added as a cospon- submit is the most important domestic out of the United States of America. sor of S. 269, a bill to amend the Inter- issue in the United States of America They are all trying to break in and for nal Revenue Code of 1986 to increase and in every State. That is the issue of a very special reason: The promise of and permanently extend the expensing legal immigration and illegal immigra- hope, opportunity, and jobs. But we of certain depreciable business assets tion. must make the right way to come to for small businesses. In that debate of what became known America be the legal way to come to S. 284 as a comprehensive immigration re- America, not the ease of crossing our At the request of Mr. CONRAD, the form bill, I submitted an amendment border in the dark of night under some names of the Senator from Illinois (Mr. that ended up being amendment No. 1. other cover. DURBIN) and the Senator from Wash- The amendment simply said that be- Lastly, an integral part of border se- ington (Mrs. MURRAY) were added as fore any provision of this act that curity is a verifiable program, where VerDate Mar 15 2010 22:11 Mar 13, 2014 Jkt 081600 PO 00000 Frm 00046 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\2007SENATE\S18JA7.REC S18JA7 mmaher on DSKCGSP4G1 with SOCIALSECURITY January 18, 2007 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S755 America’s employers can be given a citizen of the United States of Amer- migration bill. I voted no on the Sen- verifiable ID by someone who is here ica. ate immigration bill. I opposed the bill legally that verifies they are who they In my home today, framed and hang- because I did not believe it did enough say they are. The biggest growth indus- ing on the wall, are his naturalization to secure our borders. It had some good try in the United States of America on certificates from 1926, when he raised proposals for border security, and it our southwestern border is forged docu- his right arm and pledged his alle- had a number of other excellent pro- ments. We have a proliferation today of giance to the United States of Amer- posals, but it did not guarantee they forged documents, where illegal aliens ica.
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