
Michael Aschauer Biesenfeldweg 50, Rue de Lozère 4040 Linz 91400 Orsay Austria France 4! "99 1#$00$!" !! 0" 5$0#""!4 %&Mail( )*ash.to Website: +tt/(00).ash.to EDUCATION 1999 1 $004 2igital Arts 0 Media 2esign, Uni4ersity of Applied Arts, 5ienna 6Mag.Art7 EXHIBITIONS (selection) $0$0 2onau, Mensc+en, Kulturen, Sc+ätze, Sc+allaburg 0 Austria $019 Open Studio Show 6solo7, Banff ;entre for Arts and ;reati4ity, Banff 0 ;anada STWST48x5, Stay Unfinished, Ars %lectronica 0 Stadtwer<statt Linz 0 Austria $01# Höhenrausch, OÖ Kulturquartier, Linz 0 Austria From othing to Something, Sy)posiu) Lindabrunn 0 Austria $01? "iver Studies $so%o show&, L@ Art Space, ;+ongqing 0 ;+ina $01" Away & Stories fro) a.road, %+emaliges <. und <. @ost& und Aelegraphenamt, 5ienna 0 Austria $015 crashing the information in 48hours, Stadtwer<statt, Linz 0 Austria Wer'schau (5 Jahre '%ey%ehof1*, <leylehof1!, Bic<elsdorf 0 Austria +er "aum nach dem "aum, Kunst+aus 'Crz, 'Crzzusc+lag 0 Austria ,mpu%s und Wil%e, Sig)und, 5ienna 0 Austria $014 "iver Studies $so%o show&, foto<D$E Galerie, 5ienna 0 Austria How %ong is now-, Gaus der Fotografie, Burg+ausen0 Ger)any .%ac' Sea /a%%in!, Art Aoday Association, @lo4di4 0 Bulgaria "iver Studies $$so%o show&, @+oeniH Art ;enter, Leicester 0 United Kingdo) $01! ;uriti.a International Biennial, ;uriti.a 0 Brazil .%ac' Sea /a%%in!, GilgerBROTKunst+alle, 5ienna 0 Austria How %ong is now-, FOAO&RAUM, 5ienna 0 Austria Hohe +osis, Atterseehalle, Attersee 0 Austria $01$ Jishuang.anna International @+otography %H+i.ition, Jing+ong 0 ;+ina Sleepwal<ing, Freies Museu) Berlin, Berlin 0 Fer)any On Screen( A<tuelle Fotografie aus Österreic+, Foto+of, Salz.urg 0 Austria $010 ;onfligere, Kunst4erein Sc+attendorf, Sc+attendorf 0 Austria Wealt+ of Bations, Spi<e Island, Bristol 0 United Kingdo) 0icht12%ang, Le Bon Accueil, Rennes 0 France Mu%tip%ex, Sonnenstraße $$, 'Cnc+en 0 Ger)any $009 $so%o show&, Jan 4an %yc< Academie, Maastric+t 0 Bet+erlands Stored and Filtered4 Techno%o!y, Time and 0andscape, Aexas Firehouse, Bew Mor< 0 3SA Wea%th of ations, Main Square 0 ;inema ;ity, Bo4i Sad 0 Ser.ia "e!5arts sur frontières, La Secu, Lille 0 France $00# dis'onta7* Foto!rafie, Falerie IG Bildende Kunst, 5ienna 0 Austria d8:ae : estetika 8a;a, FaleriNa Falzenica, 5eli<a Gorica 0 ;roatia Wa#es : The Art of the =%ectroma!netic Society, @+oeniH&Galle, 2ort)und 0 Ger)any <nsichtssache, Kunstrau) BiederOsterreic+, 5ienna 0 Austria +igita% Media (4>, La Bau, 5alencia 0 Spain fil%?out?scu%pture @* $so%o show&, ...to .e continued, 5ienna 0 Austria $00? Silent Obser#ers, ;R;A 0 Uni4ersity of ;alifornia, San 2iego 0 USA Semaine ,nternationa%es des <rts numArique et a%ternatifs, Gôtel de 5ille dQR4ry, R4ry 0 France $00" +un.<C ? +anu8e Danorama DroEect $so%o show&, )edien,<unstlabor i) Kunst+aus Fraz 0 Austria .ytes F .odies, Leerer Beutel, Regensburg 0 Ger)any TH=<UST",< <.ST"</TS, Arti et A)icitiae, Amsterdam 0 Bet+erlands Simp%icity ? The <rt of /omp%exity, Ars %lectronica %H+i.ition, Bruc<ner+aus, Linz 0 Austria Art at the /enter G>>H9 the !ame, ;ittadellarte-Fondazione @istoletto, Biella 0 Italy The Dostmedia /ondition, Mestna galeriNa 0 ;ity Art Museu), LNu.lNana 0 Slo4enia +igita% Transit, AR;O $00", Medialab Madrid, ;onde 2uque, Madrid 0 Spain +onKonTro%1+KT $so%o show&, March Music +ays, Townhouse, "ousse 1 .u%!aria $005 The Dostmedia /ondition, Beue Falerie, Graz 0 Austria Schrift9"aum:Form, Ku.us %xport 0 2er Aransparenter Rau), 5ienna 0 Austria ,n The 0ine of F%ight, Millenniu) Monu)ent Museu), BeiNing 0 ;+ina Signes Iuotidiens ou %e Buotidien cJest 8ien, ;entre ;ulturel Suisse, @aris 0 France 2do si hraEe, ne;%o8iK Wer Spie%t, ist nicht sch%immK, @u.lic Space, @rague 0 ;zec+ Repu.lic ow is the Time, Kunst+aus/Medientur), Graz 0 Austria $004 The <natomy of the ow, Arti et A)icitae, Amsterda) 0 Bet+erlands Free .itflows, 8Cnstler+aus, Wien 0 Austria Cirtua% Frame 8y *, Kunst+alle Wien 0 proNect&space, 5ienna 0 Austria .ang the Machine ? /omputer Gaming Art and Artifacts, MB;A, San Francisco 0 39A $00! G4K $so%o show&, O.K. /entrum für Le!enwarts'unst, 0inz 1 <ustria $co%%4& WL, ? Wor%d, 0angua!e, ,conicity, Rex 0 B9$ ;ultural ;enter, Belgrade 0 Ser.ia /ode ? 0angua!e of our Time, Ars %lectronica %H+i.ition, Linz 0 Austria <8straction ow, 8Cnstler+aus, 5ienna 0 Austria The /hrono Files ? From Time?8ased Art To +ata8ase, lot+ringer1!0Galle, Munic+ 0 Ger)any The <%% Star +ata Mappers, +ata Terra 0 futurescreen0$, Sidney 0 Australia $00$ 41%o!ica%and $so%o show&, Forum Stadtpar', Gra; 1 <ustria /hange The Map, Ars =%ectronica %H+i.ition, Bruc<ner+aus, Linz 0 Austria .ig Socia% Game, Biennale Internazionale Arte Gio4ane, Aorino 0 Italy AWARDS $011 Beptun Wasser/reis 0 Austria $00" Gonorary Mention 6Bet 5ision7, @rix Ars %lectronica, Linz 0 Austria $004 JuryQs ;itation Award $nd @lace, Blac< Maria Fil) Festi4al, Bew Jersey 0 USA $00! Bo)inee, International Media Art Award, Karlsru+e 0 Ger)any $00$ Award of 2istinction 6Bet 5ision7, @rix Ars %lectronica, Linz 0 Austria RESIDENCIES $0$1 Residency0Studio Sc+olarshi/ of t+e State of 3pper Austria, ;entre en art actuel Sporo.ole QuT.ec 0 ;anada $019 Residency0Studio Sc+olarshi/ of t+e Austrian Federal ;+ancellery, Banff ;entre for Arts and ;reati4ity0 ;anada $01? L@ Art Space, ;+ongqing 0 ;+ina $015 Residency0Studio Sc+olarshi/ of t+e Austrian Federal ;+ancellery, 9+ang+ai 0 ;+ina $015 ;;A 0 ;enter for ;ontemporary Arts, Andratx, Mallorca 0 Spain $015 Residency0Studio Sc+olarshi/ of 3/per Austria, %gon Sc+iele Art ;entru) 0 ;zec+ Repu.lic $01$ Blac< Sea ;alling, BOMAD U ;&3&'&A, Istan.ul 0 Aur<ey $01$ @eriferry 1.0, Guwahati 0 India $011 8RIAI Fallery, 5aranasi 0 India, $011 2OnauAIK, Monnic<endam0Amsterda) 0 Bet+erlands $010 Broadcast Media Sculptures, MOMEline, Budapest 0 Gungary $00? Oros Garasson Art ;enter, Fini<as/Syros 0 Greece $004 Residency0Studio Sc+olarshi/ of t+e Austrian Federal ;+ancellery, ;itT Internationale des Artes, @aris 0 France ACQUISITIONS ! CO""ECTIONS $015 Gouse of %lectronic Arts, Basel 0 9witzerland $015 Austrian Federal ;+ancellery 6B8A) 0 Austria $009 ;entre @o)pidou 6Bew Media U 5ideo ;ollection7, @aris 0 France $00# ;ity of 5ienna 0 Austria $00" Artot+ek des Bundes 0Austrian Federal ;+ancellery 6B8A) 0 Austria BIB"IO#RA$HY ($u&lications) & Mic+ael Asc+auer( ? /?+ays, %dition Foto+of, Salz.urg $010 $%imited =dition of *>>& BIB"IO#RA$HY (Re'ie(s)Articles)Catalo*ues)Mentions) & Alexandra Grausam 6ed,7 for t+e Federal ;+ancellery of Austria: AWAY. A+e Boo< about Residencies, 5erlag für )oderne Kunst, $01# & %ri< Bärwaldt: Free arts software9 Sat%isca and Ma%isca. Artistic @erspecti4e. 0inux Dro Ma!a;ine, February $01" & Mic+ael Asc+auer( 0 %URO in( ';2 )agazine des cultures digitales, V?"( ;+anger lQargnet, dTce).re $014 0 fé4rier $015 & Moritz Beu)Cller: Un)anned @+otography, in( %uropean @+otography #9!, June $01! & ;+ristian Reder 6%d,7( Kartographisc+es 2en<en, Springer, $01$ & Maria A)elia Bul+ões: We. Arte e @oTticas do AerritXrio, %dition You< 6Brazil7, $011 & Katy BOrner( At%as of Science, 'IA @ress, $010 & Stephen Wilson( Art N Science ow: The 0eading =d!e of /reativity, A+ames U Gudsons, $010 & ;+, 2ewald 0 S. Grosc+u/ 0 M. Mattusc+<a 0 A+. Renoldner 6%d,,7: +ie 2unst des =inze%8ilds4 <nimation in Osterreich : (8*G 8is heute 4 5erlag Fil)arc+i4 Austria, $010, & Wea%th of ations, ;atalogue of t+e %H+i.ition, ;inema ;ity, Bo4i Sad $009 & ;+ristian Reder, %ric+ 8lein 6%ds.)( Graue +onau4 Schwar;es Meer4 Wien. Odessa.Ja%ta. ,stanbu%, Springer, $00# & Wa#es : The Art of The =%ectroma!netic Society, ;atalogue of t+e %H+i.ition, GartWare Medien<unst4erein, Kettler, $00# & Beatrix Sun<o4sky 6%d,7( Ste%%e, Sied%un!, 0a!er, edition selene, $00# & Ansichtssache. Katalog zur Ausstellung, Kunstrau) BiederOsterreic+, $00# & G. Leopoldseder, ;+, Sc+Opf 6%ds.)( /y8erArts G>>H : /ompendium <rs =%ectronica, GatNe ;antz, $00" & a-)ini)a #15( digita% transit4 ars e%ectronica N media%a8madrid. a-)ini)a new )edia & art now, Madrid, $00" & @eter Gall 6%d,7( =%se1Where9 Mapping4 ew /arto!raphies of etwor's and Territories, Uni4ersity of Minnesota @ress, $00" & %, Fiedler, ;+, Steinle, @, Wei.el 6%ds.)( Dostmedia%e Kondition, Beue Galerie Fraz, $005 & Lu Jiao.o, Y+ang Ga 6%ds.)( ,n The 0ine Of F%ight, A+e Milleniu) 2ialogue, Asing+ua Uni4ersity @ress, $005 & Margit Rosen( The /hronofile?Society. In( Bruno Latour and @eter Wei.el 6%ds.)( Ma'ing Things Du8%ic4 'IA @ress, $005 & Wolfgang Ae))el, %4elyn Kraus 6%ds.)( sense%ess ? sinnlos4 Wider die Methoden der .ehinderung, 9/ringer, $004 & 8Cnstler+aus Wien, Sandro 2rosc+l, Bor.ert @faffen.ic+ler 6%ds.)( <.ST"</T,ON OW, %dition ;amera Austria, $004 & Kunst+alle Wien( Cirtua% Frame 8y *, Kunst+alle Wien, $004 & Mic+ael Asc+auer, Bor.ert @faffen.ic+ler, Lotte Sc+rei.er: G4K, OK ;entru) für Fegenwartskunst $004, & Margit Rosen 0 ;+ristian Sc+oen 6%d,7, The /hrono?Files. From Time?.ased <rt to +ata8ase, revol4er, $00! & ;+, Sc+Opf, G. Stoc<er 6%d,7: Ars =%ectronica G>>*4 /ode ? The 0angua!e of Our Time, GatNe ;antz, $00! & ;+, Sc+Opf, G. Stoc<er 6%d,7: UND0UGL=+ : 2unst a%s Schaup%at; !%o8a%er Konflikte, GatNe ;antz, $00$ & Gannes Leopoldseder, ;+ristine Sc+Opf 6%d,7( /y8erArts G>>G : /ompendium Ars =%ectronica, GatNe ;antz, $00$ & Mat+ias 2usini( Z<%ternative /arto!raphies 1 <%ternative 2arto!rafien” in( springerin ? Hefte für Ge!enwarts'unst, !00$ FESTIVA" $ARTICIPATION AND SCREENIN#S $019 9IFGRAPG, Los Angeles 0 39[ 9A-9A4#x5, Ars %lectronica, Linz 0 AA[ $015 9A-9A4#, Ars %lectronica, Linz 0 AT[ $014 File %lectronic Language International Festi4al, Sao @aulo 0 BR $01! Ji+avla International 2ocu)entary Fil) Festi4al, Ji+avla 0 ;Y, 5ideo)edeja, Bo4i Sad 0 RS, arc+fil),)atinee, fil)casino, 5ienna 0 AA $01$ File %lectronic Language International Festi4al, Sao @aulo 0 BR, MOOZAK Festi4al, Media Opera, Wien 0 AA A+e ;ulture and Arts Festi4al of ;ountries in Lancang&Mekon Ri4er Basin, Jing+ong 0 ;B $010 Mebizo Festi4al for Art U Alternati4e 5isions, Ao<yo 0 K@[ Österr.
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