membership matters l1It MemkwlupM~ NEON+NIGHT - 66 BY ROBERT GEHL, DIRECTOR OF MEMBERSHIP SERVICES, (636) 458-4585 OR RGEHL66(Q>EARTHLlNK.NET hether rounding a curve or topping a hill, your first tion magazine and on our website will offer you many options to faint hint of neon down the road stimulates your senses consider as you travel down Route 66, whether it's lodging, food, W and raises your spirits. It is believed that the human eye supplies, souvenirs or more. reacts to the glow of a neon tube like no other type of artificially cre- Now as you travel to one of these escapes this winter, your ated light. It is simultaneously calming, alluring, and captivating. As journey may find some bonus neon treats along the way. A couple you draw nearer to it, there is clearly a sense of "coming home". of real treasures, where travelers could indeed once stay, are located Perhaps your drive brings you to stop in Franklin County along the eastern and rest under the neon of one of Mis- stretch of Missouri 66. One located near souri's vintage 66 motels or motor courts. the area known as Villa Ridge, less than a The Wagon Wheel in Cuba, the Munger mile west of the junction with Missouri Moss in Lebanon, and the Boots in Car- Highway 100, is the V-shaped Sunset thage all officially proclaim their names Motel (now apartment rentals). With its to you in neon via iconic signs that are neon restored in 2009 (and supplemental among the best on the road today. The restoration in 2011) via grant assistance Best Western Rail Haven bathes you in from the National Park Service's Route a welcoming green glow under the office 66 Corridor Preservation Program fund, canopy and points you to the heart of it is a colorful scene that illuminates its Springfield via a gleaming white neon past. Moving further west, just past St. arrow. Some of my best nights on the Clair, you'll view the recently completed road find me in a room where I can still neon restoration project at the VFW Post catch a glimpse of neon from the front 2482, formerly the home of the Skylark window when I feel the need for reassur- Motel. Much more about the story of the ance that all is still right with the world. VFW/Skylark in the Spring issue of this I've slept restfully, knowing the hum of magazine, but if you're out on your win- the transformers is creating a serene peace ter recess, this is another neon scene that that somehow restores the natural, soulful will warm you on the coldest night. rhythm of the road and to those who By day or by night, these neon bond to it. markers stand witness to the breadth of Even though we're deep in the harsh life cascading down the road, whether embrace of winter, you may want to in bright sunshine or stark moonlight. consider a quick break from stoking the They've served and nurtured us well, home fires and spend a night at one or more of these Missouri As- always showing the way into the heart and soul of the Mother Road. sociation business members that maintain these classic neon sentinels Membership Alert! A quick update "numbers wise" - we have in Cuba, Lebanon, Springfield, and Carthage. Neon comes on early now passed Mile Marker 1,000 in our membership numbers. I am these days with shortened daylight. Check in, enjoy a warm dinner extremely grateful to all of you who have decided to join and support nearby, and come back to listen to the sign work in the brisk air of a the Association and who continue to renew from year to year. Our winter evening. Your hosts for the evening will be glad you did and roster is populated with members in 44 states. We have a wonderful you will have helped create some much appreciated trade during Association family who deeply care about the road and her future the slow season. Remember that the road looks different this time and the fabric of the route is strengthened with each and every new of year - you can discover sights and scenes never visible during our member. And a particular thank you to all of you who continue to warm weathers months on the road. And if you have a bit more time recruit new members and help us grow. Perhaps our next goal should and the weather is cooperating, you might find yourself all the way be Mile Marker 2,448? That number seems to have a nice ring to it. to Tucumcari and catch New Mexican neon at the venerable Blue Swallow Motel, another one of our proud business members. The I hope to seeyou on the road! Business Members Directory in each quarterly issue of our Associa- Bob Gehl "TRVL66" missouri66.org 3 HIstorIC RoutE 66 strEtches across thE U.S. from CHICAGo to Los AnGEles. AlonG thE way, in LEBAnon, MIssouri Is A GrowinG popular lAndmArk stop For any history EnthusIast, tourist, or local Ozark resiDEnt.SHEphErd Hills Factory Outlets stArtED in the outlet busIness in 1972 as An outlEt For locally mADE WAlnut Bowls. Ida and REAREid, foundErs,BEGAn tHEir EntrEpreneurship opEratinGA motEl in the 1960's called thE CaprI MotEl wHICH was locatED riGht AlonG Route 66, known today As IntErstatE 44.: They sold thE Capri MotEl in 1966 and alonG with their sons, Rod and RAndy, startED A new business in 1972 called the ShephErd Hills Gift Shop which was lEAsED as A part oF the ShEphErd Hills MotEl and happened to BE located in virtually thE samE spot as the Capri Motel. Later, as they BEGAn Expanding, they bouGht A portion of the motel as well as the GIft shop and BEGan Construction of their current building in 1999. In the meantimE, Shepherd Hills ADDED additional locations including those in Osage BEAch, MO, BrAnson, MO, and EDDyville,KY, And brought in other quality products to thE lineup includinGCHICAgo Cutlery,DEnby Pottery, and of Course Case XX pocketknives--mAkinG thE latter Also AvailAble through cataloG mail order And eventually on thE wEB at www.CaseXx.com. MISSOURI us 66 contents ~ features 2 OFFICERS, BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND COMMITTEES 3 MEMBERSHIP MATTERS Robert Gehl 4 NEWS FROM THE ROAD 8 TH E ROUTE 66 ASSOCIATION OF MISSOURI'S 25TH ANNUAL MOTOR TOUR Kip Welborn 11 GRAYSTONE HEIGHTS NEON SIGN RESTORED AND RE-LiT Jim Thole 14 LIQUID FIRE: THE HISTORY AND SCIENCE OF NEON David Hutson and Jim Thole with Joe Sonderman 24 NEON TOUR Jim Thole 33 FADED GLORY Jim Thole 36 GONE BUT NOT FORGOTTEN Jim Thole ·40 NEW MEMBERS Robert Gehl 41 BUSINESS MEMBER DIRECTORY Robert Gehl 48 THEN AND NOW Joe Sonderman ADVERTISING RATES PER ISSUE Inside Cover Full Page Color - $175, Back Cover Full Page Color - $185,112 Page B&W - $70,112 Page Color - $85,114 Page B&W - $50, 114 Page Color - $60,118 Business Card B&W - $40. Other rates are available upon request, call (314) 965-5751. PUBLICATION SCHEDULE Spring Issue, April 2015 Summer Issue, July 2015 Fall Issue, October 2015 Winter Issue, January 2016 Submission deadline 2.19.15 Submission deadline 5.19.15 Submission deadline 8.19.15 Submission deadline 11.19.15 FUTURE MEETING DATES April 11 - Pershing Community Center in Fort Leonard Wood / July 11 - TBD / Oct. 10 - Blackberry Creek Retreat / Bed & Breakfast in Marshfield. FOLLOW THE ASSOCIATION ON FACEBOOK ON THE COVER Please become a fan to stay up to date on meetings, activities, news from the road THISSPECIAL ISSUE CELEBRATESTHE NEON HERITAGE and magazine previews.Youare welcome to post your favorite Route 66 pictures. OF ROUTE 66 IN MISSOURI, INCLUDING THE NEWLY Thanks to Internet Services Director Chris Debosek. REFURBISHED SIGN AT GRAYSTONE HEIGHTS, WEST www.facebook.com/missouri66 OF SPRINGFIELD. PHOTO BY JIM THOLE Show Me Routt 66 Magazine is the official publication of The Route 66 Association of Missouri. Show Me Route 66 Magazine is published quarterly and is distributed free of charge to all paid members in good standing of The Route 66 Association of Missouri. Additional copies may be purchased for the cosr in advance of $6 USD each including postage. Request for additional copies may be made direct to The Route 66 Association of Missouri, P.O. Box 8117, St. Louis, Missouri 63156. Manuscripts and photographs submitted for publication are welcome and should be senr electronically to Joe Sonderman, Magazine Coordinator, Route 66 Association of Missouri, at [email protected]. Reproduction of this magazine in part or in whole, is prohibited without written permission from the President andlor Board of Directors of The Route 66 Association of Missouri. The Route 66 Association of Missouri and the production staff are not responsible for errors or omissions contained herein. The Route 66 Association of Missouri and the production staff retain the right to edir any submitted materi- als and to not publish an article of questionable content or that goes against the purpose of The Route 66 Association of Missouri. The Route 66 Association of Missouri is a non-profit corporation established to preserve, promote and develop Old Route 66 in Missouri. missouri66.org 1 JmJ officers/directors/committees OFFICERS PRESIDENT VICE PRESIDENT SECRETARY TREASURER Tommy Pike James Crooks Tonya Pike Robert Schulz 1602 East Dale St. 2540 Christopher Oaks Ct. P.O. Box 9623 708 South Market St. Springfield, MO 65803 St. Louis, MO 63129 Springfield, MO 65801 Waterloo, IL 62298 (417) 865-1318 (314) 293-2540 (417) 872-7280 (618) 939-7021 furyon66(O)earthlink.net jimmy52(O)sbcglobal,net tjp_666(O)yahoo.com schulz(O)htc.net BOARD OF Jerry Benner Jerry L.
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