NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTERTHE INDEPENDENT NEWSWEEKLY www.NCRonline.org SEPTEMBER 9, 2005 Vol. 41, No. 39 | $1.95 Inside NCR ALLIANCES U.S. Knights leader, Italian lay movement share glory in Rimini, Page 9 BOOKS: Americans can’t get enough of bad weather, Page 19 ROYAL: Seeing Vatican II through postmodern eyes, Page 20 OPINION: Internationalizing Iraq may be best hope for U.S., Page 23 Priest and yogi Paulist Fr. Thomas Ryan bases parish yoga class in theology of body, Page 14 NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER SEPTEMBER 9, 2005 2 INSIDE NCR EDITOR’S NOTE NATIONAL ‘A grace-filled opportunity’ CATHOLIC REPORTER The day before we went to gency needs — perhaps people and skills that are press, as the images from New needed in the months ahead. Seeking to inform and inspire a just Orleans and Mississippi E-mail your responses to me at troberts@ncr and peaceful world, serving as a began to overwhelm any online.org. What do you think? Can it be done? platform for discussion of church, attempt to understand the How? tragedy, I received a call from society, and global community. Mary Jaeger, who had both a ✹✹✹ —NCR Mission question and an idea. Because of the effect of Katrina, the Postal Ser- BOARD OF DIRECTORS How would one go about vice announced that it is not accepting mail of Patrick J. Waide Jr., chair; Annette E. Lomont, vice chair; finding someone with the any kind for delivery to zip codes beginning with Sr. Rita Larivee, SSA, president; Melanne Verveer, secretary; authority to match up Catholic parishes 369, 393, 394, 395, 396, 700 and 701. Circulation Fr. Julio Giulietti, SJ, treasurer; Donald A. Brennan; around the country with those in areas hardest manager Jo Ann Schierhoff said NCR will Fr. Charles E. Curran; Pamela D. Hayes; Sr. Theresa Kane, RSM; hit by Hurricane Katrina? She had called the extend the subscriptions of customers in those Fr. Jayson J. Landeza; Jake Mascotte; U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops as well as areas the number of issues missed. Subscribers, Landon H. Rowland; Kathleen Kennedy Townsend Catholic Charities USA, but couldn’t get an of course, can gain access to the full content of answer. It’s understandable, since those agen- NCR on our Web site, www.ncronline.org. PUBLISHER EDITOR cies aren’t set up to do that sort of thing. Nor Sr. Rita Larivee, SSA Thomas W. Roberts could I give any ready answer, but I thought ✹✹✹ the idea intriguing enough to pass it along to The combination of the Aug. 26 cover story on ASSISTANT TO EDITOR see what ideas you might have. I suspect the situation in Boston and this week’s cover Tara Harris achieving something will have more to do with story on the state of the question, “Who owns the a creative approach by ordinary parishioners church?” gives evidence, I think, of some of the BUSINESS MANAGER EDITORIAL STAFF than any single authority. forces in play that will eventually lead to struc- Wally Reiter Special Sections Editor/ Jaeger has in mind the kind of relationship tural change in the church. Photo Coordinator, Teresa that some parishes have with counterparts in, All of these developments, which cause ADVERTISING MANAGER Malcolm; Poetry/Copy Editor, say, Latin America, where there is an exchange unprecedented turmoil and uncertainty, stem, of Fr. Jack I. Lumanog, CEC Patty McCarty; Layout Editor/ of people as well as goods. In fact, she is not so course, from the handling of the sex abuse crisis. Art Director, Toni-Ann Ortiz; much interested in immediate aid as she is in the That crisis long ago became a symptom of other, MARKETING MANAGER Opinion/Arts Editor, Margot long-term connection with other Catholics who deeper ills. I think it is not too great a leap to claim Sr. Linda Romey, OSB Patterson; Assistant to could be struggling with the effects of Katrina for that we are witnessing, through such events as Opinion Editor, Sr. Antonia months or more after the initial swell of aid the activities of the resolute faithful in Boston and CIRCULATION MANAGER Ryan, OSB; Staff Writers, arrives. the resort to bankruptcy proceedings in other dio- Jo Ann Schierhoff Dennis Coday, Jeff Severns The idea has much more to do with solidarity ceses, both the gradual disassembly and recon- Guntzel; Associate Layout and what she calls “a great, grace-filled opportu- struction of presumptions about authority, the Editor, Matt Stoulil nity” to do what we should be about than with place of the laity and the meaning of community undertaking a relief effort. within the Catholic fold. I don’t know where, BUREAUS Jaeger is retired but still works part time as a when or how it ends, but I can’t imagine that the Rome, John L. Allen Jr. social worker for Catholic Charities in the Rock- shape of the church will be the same when it’s [email protected] ford, Ill., diocese. She said she is pursuing the idea over. I also believe that laity eventually will be Washington, Joe Feuerherd because she has “a real pain in my heart” for the required to take far more responsibility for the (301) 933-8884 people whose homes have been destroyed and functioning of the church (current hierarchical whose lives have been disrupted. She wants to trends notwithstanding) than ever before. Editor at Large, Arthur Jones hear from people in those places, to know what (410) 472-3280 they think about their long-term needs, and she envisions the kind of parish-to-parish relationship NCRonline HIGHLIGHTS where parishes could contribute beyond emer- HOW TO REACH US E-mail notices Mail: National Catholic Reporter; P.O. Box 411009; Kansas City, MO 64141-1009 Street Address: 115 E. 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Electronic-only subscription available online at EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT The Writer’s Desk NCRonline.org for $34.95. For back issues, phone Phone the Editorial Department at (816) 968-2253, Sept. 12 (800) 444-8910: for bulk subscriptions, phone or e-mail respective editors directly: (800) 432-5564, or e-mail Editor.......................................troberts@natcath.org Dennis Coday, NCR staff writer, re- [email protected]. Assistant to Editor [email protected] ports on a parish meeting for eu- Opinion/Arts [email protected] charistic ministers to learn about SUBSCRIPTION AND BILLING QUESTIONS? [email protected] changes to comply with the General Phone (800) 333-7373 or e-mail [email protected] [email protected]. For faster service, please have [email protected] Instruction on the Roman Missal. your address label on hand. For billing questions, [email protected] please have your invoice available. Web [email protected] Global Perspective MOVING? 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National Catholic Reporter is not NCR offers both display and classified advertising. responsible for unsolicited manuscripts or for ging and corruption and the calls for presiden- For rate cards, media kits, and general advertising manuscripts and photos lost or damaged in transit. tial impeachment? information, contact Advertising Manager Fr. Jack Lumanog at (800) 444-8910 ext. 2238 or staff at Unless otherwise stated, all published material ext. 2218, ext. 2217 or 2216; fax (816) 968-2268 or becomes the property of The National Catholic From Where I Stand (816) 968-2292; e-mail [email protected]. Reporter Publishing Company, which has the exclu- sive right to reproduce it in electronic form. Every Thursday Benedictine Sr. Joan Chittister offers her always- fresh opinions, ideas and reflections on the issues of our day, each week at NCRonline.org. On Our Cover: Illustration by Pat Marrin NATIONAL CATHOLIC REPORTER SEPTEMBER 9, 2005 IN THE BEGINNING 3 U.S. BRIEFS QUOTABLE Air Force issues guidelines Hurricane damage & NOTABLE WASHINGTON — The Air Force has released new interim guidelines “I just don’t want to die in urging its military members and civil- this shirt.” ian employees to protect the free exer- cise of religion. The guidelines, issued Aug. 29, were called for in a June —Tourist Tina Steven, wearing a Bourbon report that investigated the religious Street T-shirt with a lewd message, who climate at the Air Force Academy, but decided to ride out Hurricane Katrina in a an Air Force spokeswoman said they French Quarter hotel.
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