COLD SPRING HARBOR SYMPOSIA ON QUANTITATIVE BIOLOGY VOLUME LIII COLD SPRING HARBOR SYMPOSIA ON QUANTITATIVE BIOLOGY VOLUME LIII Molecular Biology of Signal Transduction COLD SPRING HARBOR LABORATORY 1988 COLD SPRING HARBOR SYMPOSIA ON QUANTITATIVE BIOLOGY VOLUME LIII 1988 by The Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory International Standard Book Number 0-87969-056-9 International Standard Serial Number 0091-7451 Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 34-8174 Printed in the United States of America All rights reserved COLD SPRING HARBOR SYMPOSIA ON QUANTITATIVE BIOLOGY Founded in 1933 by REGINALD G. HARRIS Director of the Biological Laboratory 1924 to 1936 Previous Symposia Volumes I (1933) Surface Phenomena XXV (1960) Biological Clocks II (1934) Aspects of Growth XXVI (1961) Cellular Regulatory Mechanisms III (1935) Photochemical Reactions XXVII (1962) Basic Mechanisms in Animal Virus Biology IV (1936) Excitation Phenomena XXVIII (1963) Synthesis and Structure of Macromolecules V (1937) Internal Secretions XXIX (1964) Human Genetics VI (1938) Protein Chemistry XXX (1965) Sensory Receptors VII (1939) Biological Oxidations XXXI (1966) The Genetic Code VIII (1940) Permeability and the Nature of Cell Membranes XXXII (1967) Antibodies IX (1941) Genes and Chromosomes: Structure and Organi- XXXIII (1968) Replication of DNA in Microorganisms zation XXXIV (1969) The Mechanism of Protein Synthesis X (1942) The Relation of Hormones to Development XXXV (1970) Transcription of Genetic Material XI (1946) Heredity and Variation in Microorganisms XXXVI (1971) Structure and Function of Proteins at the XII (1947) Nucleic Acids and Nucleoproteins Three-dimensional Level XIII (1948) Biological Applications of Tracer Elements XXXVII (1972) The Mechanism of Muscle Contraction XIV (1949) Amino Acids and Proteins XXXVIII (1973) Chromosome Structure and Function XV (1950) Origin and Evolution of Man XXXIX (1974) Tumor Viruses XVI (1951) Genes and Mutations XL (1975) The Synapse XVII (1952) The Neuron XLI (1976) Origins of Lymphocyte Diversity XVIII (1953) Viruses XLII (1977) Chromatin XIX (1954) The Mammalian Fetus: Physiological Aspects of XLIII (1978) DNA: Replication and Recombination Development XLIV (1979) Viral Oncogenes XX (1955) Population Genetics: The Nature and Causes of XLV (1980) Movable Genetic Elements Genetic Variability in Population XLVI (1981) Organization of the Cytoplasm XXI (1956) Genetic Mechanisms: Structure and Function XLVII (1982) Structures of DNA XXII (1957) Population Studies: Animal Ecology and De- XLVIII (1983) Molecular Neurobiology mography XLIX (1984) Recombination at the DNA Level XXIII (1958) Exchange of Genetic Material: Mechanism and L (1985) Molecular Biology of Development Consequences LI (1986) Molecular Biology of Homo sapiens XXIV (1959) Genetics and Twentieth Century Darwinism LII (1987) Evolution of Catalytic Function Authorization to photocopy items for internal or personal use, or the internal or personal use of specific clients, is granted by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory for libraries and other users registered with the Copyright Clearance Center (CCC) Transactional Reporting Service, provided that the base fee of $1.00 per article is paid directly to CCC, 21 Congress St., Salem MA 01970. [0-87969-056-9/88 $1.00 + .00]. This consent does not extend to other kinds of copying, such as copying for general distribution, for advertising or promotional purposes, for creating new collective works, or for resale. All Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory publications may be ordered directly from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Box 100, Cold Spring Harbor, New York 11724. Phone: 1-800-843-4388. In New York (516)367-8423. Symposium Participants ABRAHAM,IRENE, Dept. of Cell Biology, Upjohn tion, Karolinska Institute, Huddings Univer- Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan sity Hospital, Sweden ADAMS, DOLPH, Dept. of Pathology, Duke Uni- BERNINGER, MARK, Life Technologies Inc., Gaith- versity Medical Center, Durham, North ersburg, Maryland Carolina BERRIDGE, MICHAEL, Dept. of Zoology, Agricul- ADARI, HEDY, Cetus Corporation, Emeryville, tural and Food Research Council, Cam- California bridge, England ADEREM, ALAN, Dept. of Cellular Physiologyand BILLINGSLEY, MELVIN, Dept. of Pharmacology, Immunology, Rockefeller University, New Milton S. Hershey Medical Center, Pennsyl- York, New York vania ADLER, JULIUS, Dept. of Biochemistry, Universi- BIRNRAUMER, LUTZ, Dept. of Cell Biology, ty of Wisconsin, Madison Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, AHN, NATALIE,University of Washington, Seattle Texas ALCORTA,DAVID, Dept. of Cellular and Develop- BIRNBAUMER, MARIEL, Dept. of Cell Biology, mental Biology, Harvard University, Cam- Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas bridge, Massachusetts BITENSKY, MARK, Los Alamos National Labora- ALLENDE, CATHERINE,Dept. of Biology, Univer- tory, New Mexico sidad de Chile, Santiago BLENIS, JOAN, Dept. of Molecular Biology, ALLENDE, JORGE, Dept. of Biochemistry, Univer- Northwestern University Medical School, sidad de Chile, Santiago Chicago, Illinois APPLEBURY, MEREDITHE, University of Chicago, BLOCH, DONALD, Dept. of Genetics, Harvard Eye Research Laboratories, Illinois Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts AXEL, RICHARD, Columbia University, Howard BLUMER, KEN, Dept. of Biochemistry, University Hughes Medical Institute, New York, New of California, Berkeley York BOBBITr, JESSE, Dept. of Biochemical Research, BACKER, JOSPEH, American Cyanamid, Pearl Lilly Research Laboratories, Indianapolis, River, New York Indiana BAEUERLE, PATRICK, Whitehead Institute, Cam- BOCCKINO,STEPHEN, Vanderbilt University, How- bridge, Massachusetts ard Hughes Medical Institute, Nash- BALLOU, LISA, Friedrich Miescher Institut, Basel, ville, Tennessee Switzerland BORASIO, GIAN DOMENICO, Dept. of Neuro- BARRETT, RONALD, Dept. of Neuroscience, Ab- chemistry, Max-Planck Institute for Psy- bott Laboratories, Abbott Park, Illinois chiatry, Martinsried, Federal Republic of BAYLOR,DENIS, Dept. of Neurobiology, Stanford Germany University School of Medicine, Califor- BORST, JANNIE, Dept. of Immunology, Nether- nia lands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The BELL, JOHN, Dept. of Biochemistry, McGill Uni- Netherlands versity, Montreal, Canada Bos, TIMOTHY, Dept. of Microbiology, University BELL, ROBERT, Dept. of Biochemistry, Duke Uni- of Southern California, Los Angeles versity Medical Center, Durham, North BOTELHO, LYNNE, Sandoz Research Institute, Carolina East Hanover, New Jersey BENOVIC, JEFFREY, Duke University, Durham, BOTSTEIN, DAVID, Genentech Inc., South San North Carolina Francisco, California BERG, HOWARD,Dept. of Cellular and Develop- BOURNE, HENRY, Dept. of Pharmacology, Uni- mental Biology, Harvard University Biologi- versity of California, San Franciso cal Laboratories, Cambridge, Massachu- BOYLE, WILLIAM, Dept. of Molecular Biology and setts Virology, Salk Institute, San Diego, Cali- BERKENSTAM, ANDERS, Dept. of Medical Nutri- fornia vi SYMPOSIUM PARTICIPANTS BOWTELL, DAVID, University of California, Ber- Anatomy, Cornell University Medical Col- keley lege, New York, New York BRADSHAW, SUZANNE, Dept. of Cell Biology, CHARDIN, PIERRE, INSERM, Facult6 de Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas Medecine Laboratory, St. Louis, Paris, BRASS, LAWRENCE, Hematology-Oncology Sec- France tion, University of Pennsylvania Phila- CHEN, WILLIAMS S., University of California, delphia Howard Hughes Medical Institute, San BRAVO, RODRIGO, European Molecular Biology Diego Laboratory, Heidelberg, Federal Republic of CLAPHAM, DAVID, Dept. of Pharmacology, Mayo Germany Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota BROWN, ARTHUR, Dept. of Physiology and CLARK, KAREN, University of Oregon Institute of Molecular Biophysics, Baylor College of Molecular Biology, Eugene Medicine, Houston, Texas COFFEY, ROBERT, Dept. of Medicine, Division of BROWN, DAVID, Dept. of Pharmacology, Univer- Gastroenterology, Vanderbilt University, sity College London, England Nashville, Tennessee BROWN, KENNETH, Institute of Animal Physiolo- CONNEELY, ORLA, Dept. of Cell Biology, Baylor gy, Cambridge, England College of Medicine, Houston, Texas BROWN, MICHAEL, Center for Genetic Disease, COOPER, J.A., Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center, University of Texas Health Science Center, Seattle, Washington Dallas COTE, TOM, Uniformed Services University, BucHou, THIERRY, INSERM, H6pital St. An- Bethesda, Maryland toine, Paris, France COURTNEIDGE, SARA, European Molecular Biolo- BUELL, GARY, Pharmacia Genetic Engineering gy Laboratory, Heidelberg, Federal Repub- Inc., La Jolla, California lic of Germany BURNS, DAVID, Dept. of Biochemistry, Duke CURRAN, THOMAS, Dept. of Molecular Oncology, University, Durham, North Carolina Roche Institute of Molecular Biology, Nut- BUTEL, JANET, Dept. of Virology, Baylor College ley, New Jersey of Medicine, Houston, Texas DAHLQUIST, FREDERICK, Institute of Molecular BUTT, TAUSEEE, Smith Kline & French Lab- Biology, University of Oregon, Eugene oratories, King of Prussia, Pennsylvania DALE, TREVOR, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, CADD, GARY, Dept. of Pharmacology, University London, England of Washington, Seattle DANIEL, TOM, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, CAPON, DAN, Dept. of Molecular Biology, Tennessee Genentech Inc., South San Francisco, Cali- DARNELL, JAMES, Dept. of Molecular Biology, fornia Rockefeller University, New York, New CARON, MARC, Duke University Medical Center, York Durham, North Carolina DAS MANJUSRI, Dept. of Biochemistry and Bio- CARROLL, DENNIS, Cold Spring Harbor Labora- physics, University of Pennsylvania, Phila- tory, New York delphia CARTER, ANTHONY,
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