Colombian refugees cross theborderwithEcuador. 114 UNHCR Global Report 2008 OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS • UNHCR increased its protection • Within the framework of UNHCR’s capacity in Colombia, enabling coverage Global Needs Assessment pilot of 41 of the 50 districts most affected initiative, nationwide consultations by displacement and benefitting more were carried out in Ecuador in order to than 570,000 internally displaced assess the main protection needs of persons (IDPs). refugees. • More than 678,000 hectares of land in • Chile accepted the resettlement of 117 Colombia were protected in 2008 Palestinian refugees in 2008. Uruguay through the Land Property Protection and Paraguay joined the Solidarity Project of the Government, which Resettlement Programme, and UNHCR supported with advice and government delegations from these sensitization campaigns. countries undertook a familiarization mission to Argentina and Chile. •InEcuador,theGovernment presented a new National Policy of • Governments in many Latin American Asylum. This policy envisages the countries have been supported to adoption of an accelerated refugee strengthen their legal frameworks and status determination (RSD) capacity to undertake refugee status procedure, known as ‘enhanced determination, as well as to increase registration,’ and the decentralization the ability to identify refugees within of the General Directorate for mixedflowsandprovideaccesstothe Refugees to this effect. asylum procedures. UNHCR / B. HEGER / ECU•2004 UNHCR Global Report 2008 115 Working environment Canada remained a major country of asylum and resettlement, and an important donor to Tensions between Colombia and Ecuador UNHCR’s programmes. However, difficulties persisted throughout 2008, in spite of efforts by have arisen from perceptions in the country the Organization of American States (OAS) to that its refugee system is being misused by mend the rift between the two countries. This undeserving claimants. posed risks to humanitarian space in the region, but so far, asylum policies have not been Achievements and impact affected. Multilateral efforts to resolve the standoff between these countries continue. UNHCR’sobjectivesintheAmericaswereto: As highlighted recently during the Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review, £ Improve the protection of refugees, IDPs “forcible displacement is the most widespread and others of concern in Latin America human rights violation in Colombia”. through the Mexico Plan of Action Notwithstanding positive developments in the 2008 was declared the Year of the Promotion of implementation of national IDP policies, an the Rights of Displaced Persons by the escalation of violence has led to the Colombian Congress, through the adoption of deterioration of the humanitarian situation, Law 1190. This law seeks to increase the leaving some 3 million Colombians displaced accountability of local authorities for addressing within the country. forced displacement, as well as to involve the Approximately 350,000 Colombians live in a private sector in the search for durable solutions refugee-like situation beyond their country’s for IDPs. In line with the law, State institutions borders. Recent surveys revealed that more assigned more than USD 560 million to than 130,000 of them are living in Ecuador, and displacement programmes. Similar positive some 118,000 in three border areas of the developments and budgetary increases took Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. place at the provincial level in regions affected In 2008, the socio-political crisis in Bolivia by displacement. resulting from confrontations between the The role played by UNHCR in advising the Government and the opposition triggered Constitutional Court was further strengthened population movements into Brazil. UNHCR and legal orders were issued to protect displaced has closely monitored the situation inside women, girls and boys. Furthermore, Bolivia and contributed to contingency guidelines were issued for the implementation planning as part of the UN Country Team. In of 14 national programmes to protect displaced Brazil, UNHCR monitored the border in close women and children. So far, 18,000 IDPs have cooperation with the Government to ensure benefited from these programmes. access to asylum to those in need of More than 678,000 hectares of land were international protection. protected in 2008 through the Land and Systematic interception, detention and Property Protection Project. Over 3 million return policies were common in the Caribbean, hectares have been protected since the where States do not have adequate procedures programme began, benefiting 85,376 families to identify asylum-seekers. Only one Caribbean who are displaced or at risk. Land protection is State has national refugee legislation, although one of the most fundamental issues for it is not effectively implemented, and only three Colombian IDPs, as nearly 80 per cent of them States/territories have ad hoc national RSD come from rural areas and are used to making procedures. As a result, a number of Caribbean their a living from the land. Furthermore, countries had long-standing refugee and many Colombian farmers do not have any legal asylum-seeker populations living with title to their lands, making it far more difficult inadequate protection and no prospect of to claim their property back after displacement. durable solutions. In addition to a complex UNHCR has contributed to the mixed migration environment, the region’s development of public policies on several topics volatile socio-political situation heightened the related to land and property rights. It has potential for mass-migration and refugee promoted cooperation at the local level with all emergencies. actors responsible for protecting IDPs’ land. The United States continued to be a strong In September, Ecuador issued its Policy on supporter of refugee protection and assistance Refugee Protection, which reiterates the in the domestic and overseas context. The Government’s strong commitment to the strengthening of its refugee protection capacity Mexico Plan of Action and articulates the by the United States Citizenship and national response to the situation of thousands Immigration Services, in particular through its of Colombian nationals in need of international Asylum Division and the Refugee Corps, is protection, particularly at the northern border. highly commendable. However, the economic UNHCR’s Global Needs Assessment pilot recession has curtailed the capacity of local initiative in Ecuador, which produced a agencies to assist the refugees in the country. comprehensive strategy to address the 116 UNHCR Global Report 2008 protection gaps in the country, validated the relevance of the new asylum policy. In line with the new policy, the Government initiated the Enhanced Registration of Colombians in the northern border areas of Ecuador, with the support of UNHCR. This innovative mechanism allows accelerated registration and documentation as well as the identification of specific protection needs. Through mobile brigades, the Government aims to process some 50,000 people in the northern border provinces in need of international protection in 2009. Many of these people have never been registered as asylum-seekers and are so-called ‘invisible refugees’. The Government has decentralized its Refugee Office to field locations in the border areas. In tandem, UNHCR has strengthened its office in Ecuador to provide adequate support for these new initiatives. UNHCR is working to mobilize international assistance for this scheme. In 2008, Panama passed a law decree on the National Migration Service and a law for the regularization of long-staying refugees. The latter provides recognized refugees who have been in Panama for more than 10 years with the right to apply for permanent residency. Furthermore, in the context of the Bi-national Commission with Colombia, the Government of Panama expressed its commitment to granting permanent residency to Colombians who are in the country under the Temporary Humanitarian Protection Regime. In June, Nicaragua passed Law No. 655 on the Protection of Refugees. The new statute includes a regional definition of refugees and sets up the National Commission for Refugees, charged with determining refugee status in the country. The Commission is composed of both national authorities and civil society organizations. In addition, this law contemplates the provision of legal counsel and the right to work to asylum-seekers. Draft enactment of refugee legislation is under discussion in Chile and Mexico. CostaRicahasrecentlysignedacooperation agreement with UNHCR to improve its asylum system, including the RSD mechanism. £ Attain durable solutions through the Borders of Solidarity, Cities of Solidarity, and Resettlement in Solidarity components of the Mexico Plan of Action Within the framework of the Borders of Solidarity component, bi-national programmes were promoted to enhance protection, support host communities and enhance emergency response mechanisms in countries neighboring Colombia. Specific studies and projects were also implemented to enhance the protection of indigenous and Afro-Colombian communities UNHCR Global Report 2008 117 inside Colombia as well as in Ecuador, Panama, asylum-seekers continued to be restrictive; and the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. thousands of asylum-seekers were in Some 123 people (25 families) were resettled detention, compromising their ability to under the Solidarity Resettlement Programme access the
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