C M Y K www.newssun.com Tip-off time for boys Devils, Streaks open season in EWS UN tipoff N -S tourney Highlands County’s Hometown Newspaper Since 1927 at APHS Sunday, November 17, 2013 Volume 94/Number 138 | 75 cents SPORTS, B1 If the skies weren’t blue ... New clowns in town Imagining JFKʼs second term if Tobyʼs Clown School in Lake Placid there had been no assassination sends 11 clowns into the world LIVING, B12 PAGE A8 AP lifts restrictions on Candy Cane Lane By PHIL ATTINGER Council members, who [email protected] Religious decorations to be allowed on Mall display also sit as the CRA Board, AVON PARK — Citizens said they had no intention of who want to put religious board’s approval of a first- More than 75 people, at was George Hall, local busi- However, he also said he removing religious decora- decorations up on The Mall time seasonal decoration and least a third of them standing ness owner, former city and others who wanted to tions from Christmas. will get their wish. The city promotional project called by the back wall, crowded councilman and current pas- use religious decorations see “I’m ashamed as a rescinded any rule against “Candy Cane Lane.” The into council chambers tor of Avon Park Lakes Christmas as a time for peo- Christian and as a coun- them. city will now allow religious Thursday for a special meet- Baptist Church. ple to come together despite cilperson that I let (a ban) The Avon Park City decorations on 40 Christmas ing — changed from “There is a ‘War on their differences. pass,” said Councilman Council voted to amend the trees along the winding side- Monday because of Veterans Christmas’ regardless of “That’s how we are work- Garrett Anderson. Main Street Community walk between Forest and Day. which background you are,” ing, not as adversaries,” Hall Redevelopment Agency Butler Avenues. Among those who spoke Hall said. said. “We pray for you.” See CANDY, A7 Grading Prepared to help Crystal Lake policy residents barely silent on passes annexation No input offered Howerton, during AP city Tuck opposed council meeting By PHIL ATTINGER [email protected] By PHIL ATTINGER SEBRING — The [email protected] Highlands County School AVON PARK — The City Council Board passed its grading made time Thursday for residents to policy for the third year in a talk or ask questions on Crystal Lake’s row Tuesday, but it was a 3- annexation, but got no takers. 2 split vote. If the city annexes Crystal Lake Golf Two of the five school Club in December as planned, it will board members staunchly add approximately 850 more residents oppose it because of a provi- in 513 home sites, according to Park sion to raise Manager Tami Martin. Of those resi- a low grade, dents, slightly which would less than half are Katara Simmons/News-Sun We’re going help students Boy Scouts Tyler Johnson (from left), Wade Allison and Jed Davis wave to motorists Saturday seasonal resi- move on to morning along U.S. 27 in Sebring. Troop 846 was collecting bottled water donations to send to the dents, she said. into it with the next class Philippines. At least two of eyes open. I level. Board those residents personally Howerton member were at Donna Boy Scouts Thursday’s meet- don’t mind Howerton ing, but they’ve being in Avon said teachers had most of their want to have collect water questions Park. To me, that discre- answered by City it’s business tion, and to aid victims Manager Julian Board Deleon. as usual. Tuck Chairman Jerry Jones, a Andy Tuck of typhoon full-time Florida Frank Seitz said that it doesn’t help stu- resident origi- dents in the long run. By SAMANTHA GHOLAR nally from Crystal Lake “It’s the same thing I’ve [email protected] Indiana, and resident objected to for the last three SEBRING — Local Boy Scout Troop 846 Frank Seitz, a part-time resident who years,” Tuck said. “Students members spent their Saturday morning col- hails from Ontario, said they first start- have moved into the next lecting more than patches for their uniforms. ed getting education on the annexation grade level because of (dis- The boys took action to help in the relief plan when Deleon moved to have the trict) policy. It’s putting the efforts of the massive typhoon that hit the city buy their community’s wastewater student and the teacher at a Philippines last weekend. Katara Simmons/News-Sun plant from the manufactured home/golf disadvantage.” Griffin’s Carpet Mart became the central Boy Scouts Jed Davis (from left), Wade Allison and course park owner, Mink L.L.C. The School Board voted location for the Scouts’ water drive after two Benton Hughes work together to make a sign Calling themselves the “Annexation Tuesday to approve the scouts decided to take action in the relief Saturday morning at Griffin’s Carpet Mart in Sebring. Committee,” they said they don’t really The scouts spent the morning collecting water to send to typhoon victims in the Philippines. See GRADING, A7 See SCOUTS, A7 See CRYSTAL, A3 Index Christmas season marches in Arts & Entertainment B6 Business B10 with three annual parades Classifieds A9 Foggy in the By SAMANTHA GHOLAR for the Christmas season with its Crossword Puzzle B11 morning News-Sun file [email protected] annual parade slated for Saturday, Christmas Dear Abby B11 High 87 SEBRING — With only a little Nov. 30, at 7 p.m. The traditional fans of all Low 68 over one month left until jolly old route down Main Street will provide ages will Editorial & Opinion A4 Details, A12 Saint Nicholas arrives in the plenty of room for spectators of all have three chances to Horoscope B11 Heartland, local communities are ages. watch gearing up for their traditional Float slots are still available for Obituaries A6 parades in Christmas parades. the coming Sudoku Puzzle B11 0990994 01007 Avon Park, as always, is first up See PARADES, A7 weeks. Phone ... 385-6155 Fax ... 385-2453 Online: www.newssun.com HEARTLAND NATIONAL BANK***; 11.25"; 1.5"; Black plus three; process, front strip; 0 0 0 3 3 3 8 9 C M Y K Page A2 News-Sun ࡗ Sunday, November 17, 2013 www.newssun.com Community Briefs LPPD pledges to inform ABATE prepares for on trees to school board Toy Run employees and public serv- ice personnel (police, fire, SEBRING – The 28th EMT, sheriff’s dept) with parents if kids pulled over annual Toy Run sponsored proper ID. by the ABATE of Florida, By PHIL ATTINGER stopped by a Lake Placid Police offi- ber one cause of deaths among young Inc. Inerstate Chapter is AP Relay for Life [email protected] cer — whether or not the driver gets a adults. Teens are more likely to be planned for Saturday, Dec. kicks off LAKE PLACID — Parents and ticket — the driver’s parents will be killed in an automobile crash than any 7. Cost is $10 per person guardians of kids who break traffic notified. other way. Because of this, we urge and all participants are AVON PARK – A kickoff laws in Lake Placid may soon get a Each letter will state that the police you to encourage your children to asked to donate an celebration for the Avon letter in the mail. stopped the driver for a traffic infrac- drive safely.” unwrapped toy. Park Relay for Life will be It won’t necessarily be a court sum- tion, will give the date and time and The letter will also state that send- Line up will begin at 11 held at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at mons; it’s a notification letter. will state that the driver may have ing such notices is now department a.m. at the Blue Crab the Avon Park Rotary House, Police Chief James Fansler said his been given a warning or citation. policy and will give the police phone Restaurant, 825 N. 20 S. Verona Ave. department has recently taken a new “Traffic crashes occur every 12 sec- number — 863-699-3757 — for par- Ridgewood Drive. The ride Be ready to get involved approach to help keep young drivers onds in the United States,” the letter ents and guardians to call with any will begin promptly at 1 in the Relay for Life of Avon safe. If a driver younger than 21 is states. “Vehicle crashes are the num- questions. p.m., ending at the Elks Park that is set for May 2-3, Lodge, 2618 Kenilworth 2014. Blvd. There will be a 50/50, RSVP to Monica Kelly at auction and turkey dinner to [email protected] or Charlie Daniels Band wows Gala crowd help bring the run to a close call 414-5972. at 8 p.m. Proceeds benefit local Sign up for children in need during the Christmas Parade holidays. For information, contact Ernie “G-Man” LAKE PLACID – The Gelinas, Inerstate Chapter Lake Placid Christmas president, at 873-6202 or Parade will take place at 7 Dale Moore, Inerstate p.m. Saturday, Dec. 14. Chapter vice president, at Parade applications are 414-4213. available on the Lake Placid Chamber of Commerce web- FHREDI board site at www.visitlakeplacid- meeting postponed florida.com or at the cham- ber office, 18 N. Oak Ave. SEBRING – The Florida’s Deadline for entering this Heartland REDI Board of parade is Nov. 22. For ques- Directors meeting scheduled tions or further information, for Monday has been post- call the chamber at 465- poned.
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