FI RST SUPPLEMENT T O THE S E C O N D E D I T I O N The I nternational Genea ogica Directory An I ndex of P aces F S HERWOOD GEORGE . T . l 9 0 9 WALTON -O N -T HAM ES E N GLA N D C HARL ES A . BERNAU . TA BLE OF CONTENTS I — T H E U I TE D K T T . N I N GD OM O F G R E A BR I AI N AN D I R E L AN D I I — T H N I T E D ST TE S O F N ORTH M E RI C . E U A A A — T HE S E S I I I . OTH E R P L AC E S B E Y ON D A P reface . T is said of one of the j udges that when the Copyright Act w as being framed he strongly recommended the exclusion from its privileges of any book not provided with I an I ndex . w ow n He after ards wrote books of his , conspicuous by the absence of any adequate I key to their contents , and explained that the ndex was purely a matter of arrangement with the publishers ; the fact being that publishing is business and not philanthropy , and that a publisher will not usually increase his risk of immediate loss if the public cannot discriminate between books with I ndexes and books without . Genealogists w h o find a publisher willing to face this risk should see that he does not regret his boldness . The use of an I ndex of Places in such a work as THE I NTERNATIONAL GENEALOGICAL An DIRECTORY does not need mu ch dwelling upon . innovation in this instance lies in the lace. inclusion , in brackets , of the Surnames associated with each p This serves a number fi I . I n u of purposes the rst place , where misprints may possibly occur , tho gh hope there are none , the insertion of the Surname will enable the reference to be traced immediately , I . I n if the ndex of Surnames be consulted the second place , he whose interests are centred a are in one loc lity can see at a glance what families attracting attention in his district , and n whether those into which his own folk intermarried are included amongst them . I the - c - third , while actively record searching or planning o operative action upon any records , or l local the pub ication of records and family history , the ready discovery of who is interested w l ace y fi a . in hat , as regards any county or p , may easil be of the rst import nce One wishes contributors were more gifted with the bump of locality . Of places called & E Thorpe , for example there are dozens in ngland , while even an uncommon - N ew bi in 1 0 looking place name like gg ( 99) is represented by no less than nine parishes , N C . d hamlets , townships , and chapelries in the orth ountry Cases like this , after a goo deal of scrutiny , examination of atlases , maps , and gazetteers , and weighing of evidence for accept ance or rej ection as appertaining to a particular county , have to be deposited reluctantly in N o . the County section There they are , practically lost , and the likelihood of replies . I t to the query correspondingly diminished is easy enough to say, Oh , everyone knows ’ & P h s ill Pitfodd els STEWART of y g , or REID of ; your I ndexer should look em up . Places ’ and country familiar enough to the querist , no doubt , but if the I ndexer had to look em I up in too many cases , the cost of the ndex would be prohibitive . The time has gone by when the study embraced a few thousand county families we now with wider View th e encompass all humanity, and our descendants will have to identify the situation of ’ A u desirable villa residence whose happy tenant (on a three years agreement) dubs it r ndel , ’ because his patronymic is HOWARD , or Chatsworth , because he happens to be a SPENCER . 22 L C 7, STRAND , ONDON, W. — I . T H E U N I T ED K I N G D OM OF G R EAT B R IT A I N A N D I R E L AN D . ABE RDE ENS I RE. I 0 H MAGEE SLAND (Gordon) 49 . MI L S B ROOKE L T N 6 . THE T : E E lms le 1 1 0 , RANDA S OWN ( eeson) 9 7 COUN Y ( mslie , y) 9 ; 1 1 8 . 1 0 0 6 SHERRIES (Wilson) 7 (Farquhar) 4 ; (Fisher) 7 ; (Laing , HI TE HALI . ite 1 0 20 1 2 1 1 W (Wh ) 997 . Pirie) (Lawrance , Murdoch) ; U dn 866 McCobb 1 1 2 1 (Lind , ) ; ( ) ; y ARGYLLS HI RE. I ilvi e 8 1 1 1 (Ogilby , g ) 9 3 (Strachan) 9 1 THE COUNTY : (Smith) 1 49. 1 (Tait) 77 . ACHAN D U I M (Campbell) 61 4 . ABERDEEN (Hyde) 6 1 4 ; (Bartlett) 660 . AR D N AM U R CHAN (MacI an MacD onald) 1 177 . A N BALM KE WA (S crymgeour) 677 . CAMPBELLTOWN (Gray) 1 1 64 . B U THL AW (Gordon) 1 0 2 0 . GLENCOE (Macl an M acD onald) 1 1 77 . CAI R N E s s (Barclay) 1 0 20 . GLENDARUEL (Clark , Douglas) 799. COLLISTON (Reid) 876 . GREENHALL (Fullerton) 66 1 . V CR AI GI E AR (Forbes 1 0 20 . ) 1 I N VE RL I VE R (Campbell) 66 . 1 FRASERBURGH (Anderson) 2 5 2 . I McGilchri st 1 1 1 . ONA Gilchrist , ) 9 G ( ARIOCH (Leslie) 1 0 20 . — LOCII N E L L (Campbell) 61 4 . KEMNAY (Leslie) 1 0 20 . M 1 88 . SKYE (Bethune , acqueen) I 1 K N I N VI E (Leslie) 8 4 . ARMAGH. KINTORE ( Udny) 1 0 20 . 1 M L 0 20 . 1 1 IDDLEFIELD ( ogic) THE COUNTY : (Appleby) 75 ; (Heath , MILL OF D U M B R E C K (Mair) 1 0 20 . 0 2 Wainwright , Heathwood) 3 ; (Holli P I D D E L 8 6 . TFO S (Reid) 7 day) 989 ; (McCarrell) 1 1 49 ; (Mur S ON AHAR D Scr m eour 6 . ( y g ) 77 doch) 659. W S 1 0 20 . ATERTON ( mith) GAS HI L L (Kearney) 2 1 0 . CASTLE R AW (Johnson) 490 . ANTRI M. E NAGH (Gray) 78 . THE : A 1 1 0 COUNTY ( gnew , Staveley) 5 L OUGHGILLY (Kearney) 2 1 0 . 1 n 1 0 (Borland) 3 (Brow ) 45 (Ches - 49 N E W TOWN HAMILTON (West) 3 0 2 . ney) 1 191 (Kernohan) 246 (Kirk AY RS HI RE . patrick) 1 1 78 ; (Knox) 1 320 ; (Lyons) 891 ; (Montgomery) 1 0 0 9 ; (Reynolds) THE COUNTY (Blackwood) 245 (Borland) 1 8 1 0 28 1 1 2 1 82 97 (Stewart) 9 9, (Turtle) 349 (Crawford) 7 (Duncan) 9 1 0 6 0 0 . (Law) 91 9 ; (Morrison) 4 9 ; (Steven 2 6 . BALLINDERRY (Ravenscroft) 3 son) 1 1 49. 2 . BALLINTOY (Stewart) 1 0 2 8 . BAR s N I M E (Miller) 45 2 . BALLYDRAIN (Stewart) 10 2 8 . CASTLEHILL (Fergusson) 45 6 . L Cairnoch an r 2 D O 1 . BA LYMENA ( , Ke nohan) 4 CRAI GH W (Stewart) 93 BELFAST (Foster) 891 (Smith) 71 5 . E GLINTON (Montgomerie) 63 . CAI R N CASTL E ( Stewart) 10 28 . GLE N GAL L ( Hamilton) 245 . 1 CARRICKFERGUS (Hutchinson) 8 2 ; ( Teni KE L B U R N E (Boyle) 983 . 1 t ome ie 6 . son) 729. KILBIRNIE (Mon g r ) 3 N E A N 8 . D U E D 68 . KI CK S ) ( obbin) 5 LMARNO ( tewart 9 9 4 F 1 L i . LISBURN ( awcett) 95 . KI WINNING (M ller) 799 L I SCOM M ON D E R vocx A 1 . N e 0 1 . , ( llen) 47 L OUDOUN ( isb t) 4 ‘ L OU GHAN M ORE P AR x T LF T d r ON 1 Ha - ns 2 . , GA E , BE AS (A ai ) M ON xT (Hay) 77 ; ( yJoh ton) 45 1 47 THE FI RST SUPPLEME N T. TO THE SE CON D E DI TI ON OF SALTCOATS (Miller) 799. READING (House) 472 (Mason) 89. V 8 6 . 1 0 0 STE ENSTON (Reid) 7 SHAW (Shipton) 7 . STEWARTON (Miller) 799. S HOTTE S B ROOK PARK (Turner) 973 . L . m e 26 WEST KI BRIDE (Miller) 799 SONNING (Barker) 993 (Sa bourn ) 7 . WALLINGFORD (Clack) 4 . BANFFS HI RE. l 6 . WALTHAM S T . LAWRENCE (Ham in) 97 THE U T : I 1 2 S CO N Y ( ronside) 3 9 ; ( trachan) WEST CHALLOW (Pigott) 797 . 1 1 1 . 1 9 WINDSOR (Moorcroft) 324 (Topham) 74 . A I KE N W AY L 8 8 . v . ( eslie) 4 WOOLLEY (P this co . ) (Woodro e) 9 D R U M M I f U R (Du f) 1 1 1 9. 6 BE RWIGKSHI RE. ROTHIEMAY (Scott) . TAN ACHI E 8 8 THE . (Stewart) 4 . COUNTY (Dickson) 997 1 BU GHTRI G (Corse) 1 20 . BEDFORDS HI RE. GREENLAW (Philp) 842 . THE COUNTY : (Cole) 378 ; (L ivett) 1 0 1 5 ; BREGON. 1 0 0 (Perceval) 2 ; (Toller) 557 . THE 6 2 1 2 A COUNTY : 3 (Perrott) 5 (Thomas) 2 88 . MPTHILL (Fowler , Morris) 1 . G D w 1 99 e ber .
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