TH£ Employing class' view of P-9 strike ••• 4 Behind debate on 'The Color Purple' . 8 Castro on Bay of Pigs invasion . 9 A SOCIALIST NEWSWEEKL \' . PUBLISHED IN THE INTERESTS OF WORKING PEOPLE VOL. 50/NO. 20 MAY 23, 1986 75 CENTS Protest apartheid Minn. strikers fight on; June.14 union tops aid Hormel BY MAGGIE McCRAW in N.Y. AUSTIN, Minn.- On Thursday, May BY DEE SCALERA 9, the striking meatpackers' local here was NEW YORK - Momentum is building placed into trusteeship by the United Food here for the June 14 demonstration against and Commercial Workers' (UFCW) Inter­ the apartheid system in South Africa set for national Executive Committee. New York City. This act comes in the ninth month of the The march will demand an end to all meatpackers' strike to win a decent con­ U.S. ties with the racist regime, as well as tract from Hormel. It will only aid Hor­ commemorate the 1Oth anniversary of the mel's attempt to defeat the strike and bust rebellion in Soweto, South Africa. the union. Reports to the Tuesday, May 6, meeting After voting unanimously to place strik­ of the New York Anti-Apartheid Coordi- · ing UFCW Local P-9 into trusteeship, the nating Council outlined how the demon­ stration is building throughout the city and See editorial page 22 region. · Two main marches will begin at the United Nations and Harlem to converge on International , Executive Committee (IEC) the Great Lawn of Central Park. These appointed Joe Hansen, director of Region main marches will be met by a feeder 13 of the union, the local's trustee. The march from El Barrio, the oldest Puerto IEC instructed Hansen to resume negotia­ Rican neighborhood in New York. City. tions with Hormel. Hansen was also di­ There will also be feeder marches from rected to take possession of the local's re­ Greenwich Village, the lower East Side, cords, funds, and offices.The IEC sus­ and Chelsea in Manhattan, as well as the pended the local's elected leadership. As we go to press, no attempt has been Jaax boroughs of Brooklyn and the Bronx. A April 12 rally to support strikers in Austin. L.ocal is continuing fight, despite latest made by the UFCW's top officials to en­ feeder march of people from other cities moves by union tops to strip members of right to decide contract. will leave from Penn Station. force the trusteeship. Unions in several East Coast cities are At a May 8 press conference responding sponsoring "freedom trains." The "Nelson to the trusteeship, P-9 President Jim The officialdom, Guyette continued, The trusteeship was imposed on the local Mandela Freedom Train" will be bringing Guyette pledged, to the cheering approval "cannot circumvent the democratic process following a hearing in April. The hearing participants · from Philadelphia. Other of hundreds of strikers and supporters, that that exists here." The local, he said, will was to determine if the local had complied trains will be coming from Washington, the members and officers would continue "fight legally and by every other means to with the IEC's March 14 directive ordering D.C., and Boston. the fight ;1gainst Hormel. "We intend to achieve a fair and decent contract." it to end the strike. The local was not al­ The unions are playing a major role in keep doing the jobs we were elected to do," The strikers have issued an appeal to· all lowed to present its evidence at the hear­ building the demonstration. Leaflets, post­ Guyette told the press. "We're fighting for working people to send telegrams or call ing. Only two of the 17 witnesses the local ers, and buttons are being made available, our jobs. We intend to keep pushing the the UFCW International union headquar­ had requested were permitted by the Inter­ and distribution is being organized through company and those people who get in the ters in Washington, D.C., protesting the · national officialdom to testify. Local offi- several union headquarters. way." officials' attack on their embattled local. Continued on Page 5 The union representing New York Philharmonic musicians will be donating their stage as the platform, for the main Iowa rally backs fired Hormel workers rally. This will mean a savings of $40,000 in expenses incurred to build the demon­ stration. BY FRED FELDMAN dummies, I think there are going to be a lot have any idea how much support there is OTTUMWA, Iowa - Striking TWA A meeting was called of women's more dummies." until you get out there," she said. flight attendants; locked·out grain millers groups to form a women's contingent to Missouri farmer Billy Cameron told this Some of the themes of the rally were from Keokuk, Iowa; farmers fresh from the reporter, "The working-class people have address the special needs of and express summed up in banners displayed on the blockade of federal Joan sharks in Chil­ solidarity with South African women. to stick together. The farmers can't go on stage in the city park where the rally was licothe, Missouri; auto workers from St. Elombe Brath of the Patrice Lumumba losing money like this ." He said his in­ held. "In solidarity there is strength," read Louis; steelworkers from Birmingham, Coalition reported to the meeting that May debtedness has risen by $450,000 since one. ·~we support farmers - terminated Alabama; oil workers from Texas; and is African Liberation Month, and that sev­ 1979. employees of Local431, Ottumwa, Iowa," meatpackers from the Oscar Mayer plant in eral meetings will be taking place in Har­ Jo Ann Bailey is a striking Hormel read another. A third declared, "Ottumwa­ Perry, Iowa, and the Armour-Con Agra lem to educate about the situation in Africa worker who has recently visited several bound Missouri farmers support P-9 and plant in Louisville, Kentucky. and to build June 14 in the Black communi­ cities to explain the struggle in Austin and 431." These were among the hundreds of Ottumwa to other unionists. "You can't Continued on Page 5 ty . workers and farmers who came to Ot­ High school students have recently tumwa to show solidarity with 507 Hormel formed their own anti-apartheid group. workers here who were illegally fired Janu­ They have endorsed the June 14 activities ary 27 for honoring a roving picket line set and made building the demonstration up by striking Hormel workers from Au­ Socialist Publication Fund­ among high school students throughout the stin, Minnesota. The fired workers are city their main goal. They are also discus­ members of United Food and Commercial sing a fundraiser at the headquarters of Dis­ Workers (UFCW) Local 431. The Austin surpasses $100,000 goal trict 65 of the United Auto Workers to raise meatpackers are members of UFCW Local money for the demonstration. P-9. BY ANDREA GONZALEZ guaranteeing the successful completion of The churches will be building the dem­ Those attending the rally included more The $100,000 Socialist Publication the drive- in full and on time. onstration and raising money at weekly ser­ than 150 members and supporters of Local Fund has gone over the top! Payments on pledges that are still out­ vices. P-9 who came in three buses from Austin. More than $35,000 was collected in the standing will help push the fund even fur­ When reporting on the progress of the They were not deterred from this act of sol­ last week, surpassing the national goal. As ther over the top in the coming weeks. logistics, Jim Bell, a central leader of the idarity by the fact that top UFCW officials we go to press, more than $115,000 has An important factor in the success of the coalition and president of the New York have declared the local to be in receiver­ been received toward the fund. (See Publication Fund was the contributions City Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, ship. scoreboard on page 7.) from regular readers of the Militant and explained that the Parks Commission was Some rally participants wore T -shirts The success of the fund is due to the Perspectiva Mundial. More than 100 read­ reluctant to issue a permit because an anti­ proclaiming, "I did time for Local Pc9", a generous support of the readers of the ers and subscribers responded to the arti­ apartheid rally would draw the "chain reference to arrests for participating in socialist publications - the Militant; our cles in these two publications or to fund ap­ snatching crowd." To this, Bell answered, mass picketing at the Hormel plant. Spanish-language sister publication, Per­ peal letters, donating more than $4,000. "We will have a peaceful demonstration Six meatpackers came from the Ar­ spectiva Mundial; the bimonthly news­ These contributions helped enable the Mil­ with or without their permits." mour-Con Agra plant in Louisville where, magazine, Intercontinental Press; the itant and Perspectiva Mundial to bring our The next four weekends will be targeted one told the Militant, workers took a 35 magazine of Marxist theory and politics, readers timely reports on events around the for mass leafleting. Volunteers are also percent cut in wages and benefits in their New International; and the many books. world. needed for phone banks and mailings. last contract and face more concession de­ and pamphlets published and distributed by "It was the re~onse of the supporters of Anyone who would like to help in any of mands when the contract comes IJp again Pathfinder Press. the socialist publications that guaranteed these building activities or would like more later this year. the successful and timely completion of the information, contact: Annie King, District .
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