Notices served under Sections 127, 140, 145 179, 186, 272 of the Town & Country Planning(Scotland) Act 1997, Section 34 of the Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas)(Scotland) Act 1997 and Section 24 of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (Scotland) Regulations 1984. Date of Notice Enforcement No. Persons served with notice Address to which Notice Relates Details of Notice Steps Required Date Notice Takes Effect Appeal Date Appeal Decision Date Notice Complied With 15/09/1988 DP/040/98/0088B Mr & Mrs Allardice Meikle Cutstraw Cottage Enforcement Reduce the Heights of the 13/101998 08/10/1998 15/09/1988 DP/040/98/0088B Meikle Cutstraw Cottage STEWARTON Notice Flue to a Height Equal to or 15/09/1988 DP/040/98/0088B STEWARTON (Operational Less Than Ridge Level of 15/09/1988 DP/040/98/0088B Development) the Greenhouse to Which it 15/09/1988 DP/040/98/0088B is Attached 26/03/1990 TP/25/KLP/90/03 Mr A Glen 113 Gatehead Road Enforcement Tidy Up Garden Ground To 26/05/1997 10/12/2002 26/03/1990 TP/25/KLP/90/03 12 Underwood Place CROSSHOUSE Notice the Satisfaction of the 26/03/1990 TP/25/KLP/90/03 Kilmarnock (Wasteland) Planning Authority 13/05/1996 DP/040/96/0007 M H Developments Hillview Road Enforcement Complete Works to the Drainage 11/06/1996 13/05/1996 DP/040/96/0007 (Ayrshire) Ltd DARVEL Notice System by Completing two Silt 13/05/1996 DP/040/96/0007 41 Longhill Avenue (between Anderson Drive and (Non-Compliance Traps, One Location Directly to 13/05/1996 DP/040/96/0007 Alloway, AYR Jamieson Road, DARVEL) with Conditions) the North of the Access Road to 13/05/1996 DP/040/96/0007 the West of the Site and One 13/05/1996 DP/040/96/0007 Located at the South-West 13/05/1996 DP/040/96/0007 Corner of the Site. The Drain on 13/05/1996 DP/040/96/0007 the Western Boundary will require 13/05/1996 DP/040/96/0007 to be Cleared Out of Obstruction 13/05/1996 DP/040/96/0007 and Silt Deposits. 13/05/1996 DP/040/96/0007 The Channel Along the Southern 13/05/1996 DP/040/96/0007 Boundary of the Site Should be 13/05/1996 DP/040/96/0007 Straightened, Deepened and 13/05/1996 DP/040/96/0007 Cleared Out. This Should then be 13/05/1996 DP/040/96/0007 Connected to the Silt Trap at the 13/05/1996 DP/040/96/0007 South West Corner of the Site. 06/09/1996 DP/040/96/0049 Mr J Smith Land at Site Known as Enforcement Remove the Debris and Tidy Up 04/10/1996 31/10/1996 06/09/1996 DP/040/96/0049 Thornwood 13-17 Titchfield Street Notice The Site 06/09/1996 DP/040/96/0049 GALSTON GALSTON (Waste Land) 12/12/1996 DP/030/96/077 Gate Homes (Scotland) Ltd Part of Access Road into Enforcement 12/12/1996 04/02/1997 12/12/1996 DP/030/96/077 Kersland Gate, Vennel Street Kersland Gate Housing Develop Notice 12/12/1996 DP/030/96/077 STEWARTON Vennel Street (Operational 12/12/1996 DP/030/96/077 & STEWARTON Development) 12/12/1996 DP/030/96/077 Mr S P McNamara, 12/12/1996 DP/030/96/077 Gate Homes (Scotland) Ltd 12/12/1996 DP/030/96/077 10 Barbours Park 12/12/1996 DP/030/96/077 STEWARTON KA3 5HS 12/12/1996 DP/030/96/077 & 12/12/1996 DP/030/96/077 Mrs M McNamara 12/12/1996 DP/030/96/077 Gate Homes (Scotland) Ltd 12/12/1996 DP/030/96/077 10 Barbours Park 12/12/1996 DP/030/96/077 STEWARTON KA3 5HS 14/02/1997 DP/040/96/0087 Mr David Harley Eastern Boundary of Site at Breach of Erect a 1.8 metre High 290/01/1997 17/03/1997 14/02/1997 DP/040/96/0087 7B South Hamilton Street 36 Holehouse Road Condition Notice Weldmesh Fence with Barbed 14/02/1997 DP/040/96/0087 KILMARNOCK KILMARNOCK Wire on the Top Along the 14/02/1997 DP/040/96/0087 Eastern Boundary of the Site 14/02/1997 DP/040/96/0087 to the Front of the Shop to 14/02/1997 DP/040/96/0087 Secure This Area (As Indicated 14/02/1997 DP/040/96/0087 In Red on the Attached Plan). 03/03/1997 DP/040/96/0092 Miss Jacqueline Lightbody 24 Wilson Avenue, KILMARNOCK Breach of i) Submit Details of Alternative 03/03/1997 01/04/1997 03/03/1997 DP/040/96/0092 Condition Notice Paint Colour 03/03/1997 DP/040/96/0092 Paint Colour of ii) Repaint Elevations 03/03/1997 DP/040/96/0092 House Not 03/03/1997 DP/040/96/0092 Approved 29/08/1997 DP/030/97/0062 JHB Developments Land at Carnalea Court Planning 29/08/1997 * 29/08/1997 DP/030/97/0062 11/13 Erskine Square GALSTON Contravention 29/08/1997 DP/030/97/0062 Hillington Industrial Estate Notice 29/08/1997 DP/030/97/0062 GLASGOW 29/08/1997 DP/030/97/0062 G52 4BJ 02/10/1997 DP/040/97/0106 Strath Homes Land at Barr Castle Breach of Submit Details to the Council 02/10/1997 * 02/10/1997 DP/040/97/0106 Barrmill Road GALSTON Condition Notice of: 02/10/1997 DP/040/97/0106 GALSTON i) The layout and Construction 02/10/1997 DP/040/97/0106 of the Traffic Calming at the 02/10/1997 DP/040/97/0106 Start of Shared Surface Area. 02/10/1997 DP/040/97/0106 ii) The Point of Access to Barr 02/10/1997 DP/040/97/0106 Castle Car Park 02/10/1997 DP/040/97/0106 iii) The Location Method of 02/10/1997 DP/040/97/0106 Construction and Extent of the 02/10/1997 DP/040/97/0106 Retaining Wall. 02/10/1997 DP/040/97/0106 iv) The Point of Access to the 02/10/1997 DP/040/97/0106 Parking Area in Front of 6-10 02/10/1997 DP/040/97/0106 Barr Street. 13/10/1997 DP/040/97/105 Mr A Wilson Ground Adjacent to Breach of Submit; 13/10/1997 * 13/10/1997 DP/040/97/105 88 Galston Road 88 Galston Road Condition Notice 1 i) Details of a Landscaping 13/10/1997 DP/040/97/105 HURLFORD HURLFORD Scheme Including the Treatment 13/10/1997 DP/040/97/105 of the Boundary of the Site. 13/10/1997 DP/040/97/105 ii) Remove All Materials or 13/10/1997 DP/040/97/105 Articles Stored on the Premises 13/10/1997 DP/040/97/105 Outside A Building 13/10/1997 DP/040/97/105 2 Implement the Landscaping 13/10/1997 DP/040/97/105 Details under (ii) Above Such as 13/10/1997 DP/040/97/105 Approved by the Council. 13/10/1997 DP/040/97/105 Mr A Wilson Ground Adjacent to Breach of 13/10/1997 * 13/10/1997 DP/040/97/105 88 Galston Road 88 Galston Road Condition Notice 13/10/1997 DP/040/97/105 HURLFORD HURLFORD 13/10/19970/97/106A&DP/040/97Strath Homes Ltd Land at Barr Castle Breach of 13/10/19970/97/106A&DP/040/97per Mr Henderson GALSTON Conditon Notice 13/10/19970/97/106A&DP/040/976 Barr Castle Gardens 13/10/19970/97/106A&DP/040/97GALSTON 05/12/1997 DP/040/97/144 Mr R McFarlane Tree at Kirkland Road Breach of Person Responsible is Reguired 08/12/1997 * 05/12/1997 DP/040/97/144 24 Grange Street DARVEL Condition Notice to: 05/12/1997 DP/040/97/144 KILMARNOCK i) Replace the fence around the 05/12/1997 DP/040/97144 tree at the perimeter of the Notices served under Sections 127, 140, 145 179, 186, 272 of the Town & Country Planning(Scotland) Act 1997, Section 34 of the Planning (Listed Buildings & Conservation Areas)(Scotland) Act 1997 and Section 24 of the Town and Country Planning (Control of Advertisements) (Scotland) Regulations 1984. Date of Notice Enforcement No. Persons served with notice Address to which Notice Relates Details of Notice Steps Required Date Notice Takes Effect Appeal Date Appeal Decision Date Notice Complied With 05/12/1997 DP/040/97/144 branch/leaf spread of the tree 05/12/1997 DP/040/97/144 (see attached plan) 05/12/1997 DP/040/97/144 ii) Maintain a fence at the above 05/12/1997 DP/040/97/144 location around all trees on the 05/12/1997 DP/040/97/144 site throughout the duration of 05/12/1997 DP/040/97/144 the works. 08/12/1997 DP/040/97/144 Mr R McFarlane Kirkland Road Breach of i) Replace Fence Around Tree Date Served 27/01/1998 08/12/1997 DP/040/97/144 24 Grange Street DARVEL Condition At Perimeter of the Branch/Leaf 08/12/1997 DP/040/97/144 KILMARNOCK Notice Spread of the Tree 08/12/1997 DP/040/97/144 ii) Maintain a Fence At Above 08/12/1997 DP/040/97/144 Location Around All Trees on 08/12/1997 DP/040/97/144 Site Through Duration of Works 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 Trokia Design Management Unit 3 Enforcement Remove Unauthorised Sign 04/05/1998 05/05/1998 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 Amberley House Queens Drive Retail Park Notice 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 New Road KILMARNOCK (Advertisement) 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 RAINHAM 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 & 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 Greens the Signmakers Ltd 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 Brighton Street 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 KINGSTON UPON HULL 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 HU3 4UW 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 Trokia Design & Management Unit 3, Queens Drive Retail Park Enforcement 04/05/1998 05/05/1998 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 Amberley House KILMARNOCK Notice 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 New Road (Advertisement) 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 RAINHAM 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 & 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 Greens the Signmakers Ltd 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 Brighton Street 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 KINGSTON UPON HULL 06/04/1998 DP/040/98/0042 HU3 4UW 17/04/1998 DP/040/97/151 Mr K Mellon Moss Haw Breach of Required to construct the 17/04/1998 07/10/1998 17/04/1998 DP/040/97/151 Melcon Homes Hemphill Road Condition Notice access road in accordance with 17/04/1998 DP/040/97/151 1 Moss Haw MOSCOW the approved plans submitted on 17/04/1998 DP/040/97/151 MOSCOW 1 July 1992.
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