.-;· 1229999 ~ u::x,BI lo~H DOE/RL.97-56 Rev. I Hanford Site Manhattan Project and Cold War Era Historic District Treatment Plan www.hanford ."gov/doe/culres/index.btm United States Department of EM!1IY Richland, Wahington @ January 15, 1998 . J-8 _). I] l I '. I.EGALDISQ \NEil ____________ l1il ,apart Ml prepa9d • In 8CICCUlt of wort IPOIIIOlid by _, 8glrlc:y of 1he lJmid Stala Gov.111•1t. Nlilhli'the lk1llid SC.. Gova-111.a nor any agaricy tt.raot, nor any of 1hlir unp1o,.., nor any of 1111a cueK1Da. 1U11Ue11CtD1a vr 1hlir unp1o,..., fflllral any wananty, mcprw or lmsllad, or _.,. any lagll llblty or IIIIPOl ...l'f fortt. accuracy, ...,_, .. .., or anydild s-tY"• ... or1he ,..._ af adi ... of anylnfomlllior.,----. PIIICM:t. or SllawllldNid, Dr lilpWO lfllllla-_., not infmge prMlillyowned lights. ...,.,_ICI MflinlD anylPICllc - • ••clll .,n,cb:t. pr-. or_,... bvnda rwne. lladll,w.._ lllaUfaclulw, or llldwwlaa, dDN noi nn: 111 ., ...... or ln1ll'f 11n ..._._,_ .. , ........ or~ bvthe lk1llid SC.. Govei1•1•1t 01 any 11g111Cy ttwa or 11n 0111eac11Wn or IUIIUeca... The WIWI and .... of ..... DP 111 J h• w'ldonotNt I ll'f ... ormlact1hcaof1helftllld SlalN Gova-111•• or any !11!'!9'. tt.reot. DOE/Rl.-97-56 Rev. 1 Hanford Site Manhattan Project and Cold War Era Historic District Treatment Plan T. E. Marceau Bechtel Hanford Inc . Richland. Washington January 1998 @ Printed 011 rec-_,'Clt>d pafJl/r with Jfl'!. ;, posr-consumer corttt'/1/ 3 • •• - •,•-••--•• ,..._.,_.,_W0•~ 4•..,~-------- •- • , .,.,, _. ... _,.. ............ - .. ,.._ .c._ ,_,_ • • ••-- •••• ••~-•--•---• - ••• ••••• DOE/RL-97-56 Rev.] Contents Introduction Background of Hanford Site ........:......................................................................................................... 2 Classification of Structures ................................................ : .. ············· .. ·····............................................. 3 Historic Buildings Task Group ..................................................................................................... 3 Filtering Criteria 5 Evaluation Process '6 National Register Criteria ....... ....................... ........ ...... ..................................... ..... .. .... ................ 6 Hanford Historic Themes.................................................................. ............. ........................... .... I 0 Selection Process I:! Reactor Operations: An Example................................................................................................. 15 Treatment Options 16 Historic American Engineering Record........................................................................................ 16 Historical Documentation ......... ........... .. ....... .. .................. ............................... .................. ........... l 7 Retention in Place l 7 Hanford T reatJnent Strategy............................................................................................................ ...... 19 Chapter I: Historic Overvievi.· ...................................................................................................... 19 · Chapter 2: Historic Narratives and Building Discussions............................................................ 20 Chapter 3: Guide to Resources..................................................................................................... 22 Chapter 4: Recommen~tions ............................................................................................ .. .. ...... 23 Appendices iii ..... .. ----------------·~•·"· ......... .. -- ·--·· ·•·-·-•··-•---- .. DOE/RL-97-56 Rev. I Public lnvo.lvement Opportunities.... ................................................................................................... .. 25 Schedule ························ ································································································ ··········· 26 FY 1997 ··································································································································· 26 FY 1998 .......... ............................................. ............................................................................ 27 FY 1999 27 FY2000 27 FY2001 27 SummaT) 27 References ·····················································f ·····························.. ... .......................................... 28 Appendix A- Classification Forms and Property Classification Results ........................ .................. .... A. I Appendix B - Hanford Historic Themes and Elements ... ........................... .. .. ..... .. ....... .................... .... B. I Appendix C - Comment Resolution on Draft of Hanford Site Manhattan Project and Cold War Era Historic District Treatment Plan...................................... .. .. ...... ............. C. l iv DOE/RL-97-56 Rev. 1 Figures B Reactor circa 1944 ..................................... ... ··.. ................... .............. ........ .......... ....................... Cover I Map of the Hanford Site ................. .................................. ...................... .. ............................ ...... .... 4 Tables A.l Cross-Classification of Hanford Site Structures Based on Function and Property Type (Blank Fonn) .................................... .. .............................................. .............. ... .. A. l A.2 Cross-Classification of Hanford Site Structures Based on Association with Support Facilities (Blank Fonn) ............................ ............................................. ......................... A.: A.3 Results of Cross-Classification of Hanford Site Structures Based on Function and Property Type ............. ...... .. ................... .. ............................. ...... ............ ... ...... ..... ..o\ .3 A.4 Results of Cross-Classification of Hanford Site Structures Based on Association "'ith Support Facilities .................. ......................... .... .......... ................................... A .~ A.5 Contributing Properties Recommended for lndi\"idual Documentation ... .. .. ............ ..... ....... .. ..... A.- A.6 Contributing Properties with No Individual Documentation Requirement .. ............................ ... A .15 A. 7 Non-Contributing/Exempt Properties ....... ....... ........ ....... .... ...................... .......... ... ...... ..... ........ ... A .26 A.8 Hanford Site Historic District: Manhattan Project and Cold War Era Project Schedule .... .................................. .. ........................ .. ......................... ........ A .62 \ ' DOEIRL-97-56 Rev. I Hanford Site Manhattan Project and Cold War Era Historic District Treatment Plan When future generations reflect on the most significant historic resources of the later 20th century. it may well be that sites associated with man 's fi~ ventures into space, with the splining of the atom, with the development of computers and lU'tificial intelligence, or with the first successful products of genetic engineering, arc the first examples that spring to mind (ACHP 1991 a, p. I 0, italics added). Introduction The National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 directs federal agencies to assume responsibility-for all cultural resources under their jurisdiction. Section 110 ofNHPA requires agencies to survey the lands under their control and evaluate all historic propenies for eligibility for the National Register of Historic Places. Section 106 ofNHPA requires agencies to consider the effects of their actions on properties listed. or eligible for listing. in the National Register. The implementing regulations for NHPA require agencies to consult with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) and the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (ACHP) to ensure that all potentially significant cultural resources have been adequately identified. e\'aluated. and considered in planning for a proposed undenaking. Actions may proceed on ly after their comments have been received and taken into account. Following a reviev. of existing management practices. the U.S. Department of Energy-Richland Operations Office (DOE-RL) initiated a new strategy that moved from project-by-project. building-by­ building considerations to the development of an Historic Buildings Programmatic Agreement fonnall~ entitled Programmatic Agreement Among the U S. Depar1men1 of Energy -Richland Operations Office. the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the Washington Stare Historic Preservation Office for the .\fainrenance. Deactivation. Alteration. and Demolition ofthe Built Environment on the Hanford Site. Washington (DOE 1996a). This Programmatic Agreement provides a streamlined framework that will direct the management of all Manhattan Proj~ct and Cold War Era properties on Hanford and will guarantee that preser\'ation efforts are expedited while ensuring that cleanup activities are not delayed. The ACHP has defined the tenn mitigation as "actions that limit or compensate for the damage an undenakirig does to historic properties" (ACHP 1991b, IV-23). Documentation of buildings and structures through drawings. photographs, and/or histories is included within the listing of typical mitigatiorr measures. Preservation in place and salvage of information are other options. This Treatment Plan. requi_rcd under Stipulation IV of the Programmatic Agreement, will direct the production of a multi-level report which will chronicle the unique history of the Hanford Site, its technology, and the
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