GENERAL, RECOIL COMPENSATION P. 30 AND 33, CHANGE ON FICHETTI EXECUTIVE CORRECTIONS ACTION AND SAVALETTE GUARDIAN MODES Minus symbols should be removed from Recoil Compen- Remove the note on these guns stating that Burst Fire re- sation listings for all weapons that have them, including the quires a Complex Action. These weapons can fire bursts as a following: Auto-Assault 16, Franchi Spas-24, GE Vindicator Simple Action. Mini-Gun, SA Nemesis, FN Mag-5, Ultimax MMG, Ruhrmetall SF-20, Ultimax HMG-2 P. 34, PPSK-4 COLLAPSIBLE MACHINE PISTOL CONCEALABILITY CLARIFICATION P. 20, COUGAR FINEBLADE STAT CHANGES While collapsed, the PPSK-4 offers a concealment of –6 For both the Short and Long blades, increase the Accuracy to 7. P. 40, BARRET MODEL 122 P. 20, EXOTIC MELEE WEAPONS ADDITION STANDARD UPGRADES ADDITION Sound suppressor should be added as a standard upgrade. Chakram fighting is provided as a martial art, but stats for the chakram are not in the book. Here are the stats: Chakram Acc 4, Reach —, DV (STR)P, Avail 8R, Cost 750¥, P. 42, GE VINDICATOR use Shuriken range and Skill Exotic Melee Weapon (Chakram) STANDARD UPGRADES ADDITION Smartgun system should be added as a standard upgrade. P. 25, HARPOON/JAVELIN RANGE Harpoons and javelins use Aerodynamic Grenade ranges. P. 45, ARES THUNDERSTRUCK GAUSS RIFLE AVAILABILITY P. 25, URBAN TRIBE TOMAHAWK Change the Availability from 12F to 24F. SKILL AND RANGE The Urban Tribe tomahawk uses the Throwing Weapons P. 52, FOREGRIP MOUNT CLARIFICATION skill with the Thrown Knife range in ranged attacks; for me- The second sentence of the description of the foregrip lee attacks, use the Blades skill, with the same damage as the should be changed to read as follows: thrown weapon “It can be mounted on the Barrel or Underneath slots, and it can not be used on Pistols and Hold-outs.” P. 26, CLARIFICATION TO ARES SCREECH SONIC RIFLE RESISTANCE P. 53, RECOIL COMPENSATION Replace the first sentence of the third paragraph of the COMPATIBILITY CLARIFICATION game information with the following: Note that “sling” is listed on this table because, while it “Targets hit by a beam suffer the effects of disorientation does not provide recoil compensation, the listed items that and nausea (p. 409, SR5; use Damage Resistance Test in place provide recoil compensation cannot be used while a sling is of Toxin Resistance Test).” also in use. P. 26, BLOWGUN RANGE Blowguns use Taser ranges. SHADOWRUNTABLETOP.COM 1 CURRENT AS OF 09/23/2014 P. 55, FLAME THROWER AMMO, AV ROUNDS, P. 98, MISSING LIMIT IN GYROJET ROUNDS, GAUSS ROUNDS MISSING COMBAT MANEUVER TESTS FROM AMMO PRICES The Combat Maneuver Test should be written as Small The box does not contain stats for some ammo types men- Unit Tactics + Intuition Test [Mental]. tioned elsewhere in the book. The stats should be as follows: Fuel canister: Avail 16F, Cost 40¥, 4 charges P. 102, PAINT GRENADE BLAST CHANGE AV rounds: DV —, AP Mod –1/–5(–1 for personal, –5 for Change “–2/m” to “10m radius.” vehicle armor), Avail 14R, Cost 175¥ Gyrojet ammo: DV –2S(e), AP -5 Avail 14R, Cost 160¥ Gauss: DV —, AP —, Avail 18F, Cost 400¥ P. 103, BATTERING RAM CLARIFICATION Replace the last sentence of the battering ram description P. 61, VASHON ISLAND SLEEPING TIGER with the following: WIRELESS BONUS CHANGE Battering rams use Strength + Agility for the attack test (see Destroying Barriers, p.197, SR5). The wireless bonus should be changed to read: Wireless Bonus: Increase Social Limit by 1 P. 105, ADJUSTMENTS IN PERSONAL INTEGRATED TACTICAL NETWORK COSTS P. 63, SECOND SKIN WIRELESS BONUS CHANGE Costs are changed as follows: There is no wireless bonus for this item, and the current Level I: Avail 12R, cost 115,000¥ bonus should be removed. Level II: Avail 18R, cost 325,000¥ Level III: Avail 18F, cost 855,000¥ P. 78, ARES POLAR SNEAK SUIT WIRELESS BONUS CHANGE P. 105, PERSONAL INTEGRATED TACTICAL There is no wireless bonus for this item, and the current NETWORK SKILLS BONUS CORRECTION bonus should be removed. For Level II and Level III networks, on the list of Combat Skills for which users can get a bonus, change Armed Combat P. 84, PULSE WEAVE COST to Close Combat The cost should be changed from 3,000¥ to Rating x 3,000¥ P. 105, PERSONAL INTEGRATED TACTICAL NETWORK PHRASING CORRECTION P. 86, RUTHENIUM POLYMER COATING STATS For Level II networks, change the sentence “In addition to Change the adjustments for the size of the suit from full the functions of Level I, the Level II includes:” to “Level II in- +2, almost full +1, half +0 to full +0, almost full +1, half +2 cludes the basic functions of Level I, with upgrades and addi- tions as follows:” Similarly, for Level II, change the sentence to P. 86, RESPONSIVE INTERFACE GEAR STATS “In addition to the functions of Level I and Level II, the Level III includes:” to “Level III includes the basic functions of Levels Change the clause reading “takes up 2 Capacity slots in the I and II, with upgrades and additions as follows:” armor and 1 Capacity slot in the helmet” to “takes up 4 Ca- pacity slots in the armor and 2 Capacity slots in the helmet.” P. 87, INSTALLED GEAR AND CAPACITY TABLE Remove skinlink from the Communications Gear section of the table, as mechanics for this piece of gear have not yet been presented in Shadowrun, Fifth Edition. Also, change RFID Tag-Sim Module [2] to RFID Tag-Sim Module [1]. SHADOWRUNTABLETOP.COM 2 CURRENT AS OF 09/23/2014 P. 110, PROGRESSIVE RECOIL P. 117, CHANGE IN AVAILABLE AMMO TYPES CALCULATION CORRECTION FOR SHAKE, RATTLE, AND POP! In the second paragraph of this section, change the first Gyrojet Plus ammo is not in the book and should be re- sentence from “The basic rules allow every character to fire 2 moved from this list, making it just Explosive. bullets before taking recoil penalties (1 free + STR/2(rounded up)), but after that they really start to add up” to “The basic P. 117, CHANGE IN AVAILABLE rules allow every character to fire a certain amount of bul- lets before taking recoil penalties (the amount is 1 free + AMMO TYPES FOR TAG! STR/3(rounded up)), but after that they really start to add up.” Gyrojet Tracker ammo is not in the book and should be removed from this list, making it just Tracker. P. 116, BULLS-EYE DOUBLE TAP/BURST CLARIFICATION P. 117, THAT HIT THE SPOT! DESCRIPTION The last sentence under the Effects sub-header should be Add the following descriptive text at the beginning of the changed from “The attack results in an AP increase equal to entry: the base AP multiplied by the number of bullets in the burst “Take out a specific bodily function with an exceedingly with a maximum modifier of x3” to “The attack results in an precise shot.” AP increase equal to the base weapon AP multiplied by the number of bullets in the burst with a maximum modifier of P. 118, CALLED SHOTS BY x3.” AMMO TYPE TABLE CORRECTIONS Remove the Hi-C line, and add Ricochet Shot to the to Gel P. 116, CHANGE IN AVAILABLE line. AMMO TYPES FOR FINGER POPPER Gyrojet Plus ammo is not in the book and should be re- P. 118, CHANGE IN AVAILABLE AMMO TYPES moved from this list, making it just Explosive, Gel, and Hollow FOR UP THE ANTE Points. AV Assault Cannon ammo is not in the book and should be removed from this list, making it just Assault Cannon and AV. P. 116, FLAME ON! DESCRIPTION Add the following descriptive text at the beginning of the P. 126, SHADOW BLOCK EXAMPLE entry: CORRECTION “Target loose cloth to ensure your opponent has to stop, drop, and roll.” Change the second sentence of the first paragraph from “Ikareteru knows Skua is a good shot, so he decides to play P. 116, CHANGE IN AVAILABLE AMMO TYPES it safe and declares a Dodge Interrupt Action” to “Ikareteru knows Skua is a good shot, so he decides to play it safe and FOR HERE’S MUCK IN YOUR EYE declares a Full Defense Interrupt Action.” In the second sen- Gyrojet Plus ammo is not in the book and should be re- tence, change “Gymnastics + Reaction + Intuition” to “Will- moved from this list, making it just Explosive, Frangible, and power + Reaction + Intuition.” Hollow Points. P. 128, CHAKRAM FIGHTING TECHNIQUES P. 117, RICOCHET SHOT AMMO CORRECTION CHANGE Change available ammo types from “Hi-C, Gyrojet” to Under Chakram Fighting, change Knucklebreaker (Blast “Gel, Gyrojet” out of Hands) to Knucklebreaker (Disarm). SHADOWRUNTABLETOP.COM 3 CURRENT AS OF 09/23/2014 P. 133, OKICHITAW TECHNIQUES CORRECTION BLADES Fiore dei Liberi (Two Weapon Sword Fighting) Change “Hard Technique (Parry)” to “Opposing Force (Parry).” Kenjutsu Kunst des Fechtens (Long Sword Fighting) P. 135, MARTIAL ARTS STYLES ADDITIONS Okichataw The Martial Arts Styles table should read as follows: La Verdadera Destreza (Rapier Fighting) Pentjak-Silat MARTIAL ART STYLES Wudang Sword Each style can be used as a skill specialization. Some of these styles can be a specialization for a combination of skills, CLUBS or do not easily fit into a single skill and so are not listed here. Arnis de Mano The gamemaster makes judgment calls about what special- Bartitsu izations may be applied to which skills. Jogo Du Pau Okichataw Examples: Chakram Fighting can be applied to both the Ex- Quarterstaff Fighting otic Ranged and Melee Weapon skill; Gun Kata can be applied to both firearms and clubs.
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