MOST PROGRESSIVE RARITAN TOWNSHIP WITH THE SUBURBAN NEWSPAPER LARGEST IN GUARANTEE® THIS AREA , CIRCULATION Voice of the Raritan Bay District VOL. IV.—No. 52 FORDS, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 1, 1940 PRICE THREE GENTS To Fete The, ladies 2 Dalmatian Puppies Claim CONSTABLE' Town Committee's Gift Of Stadium 1940 BUDGET Fire Company's Attention FIRE BUDGET PISCATAWAYTOWN—Mem- To School Board Runs Mo Snag bers of Raritan Engine Com- pany No. 1 will have busy days DEPUTATION WOODBRIDGE — The trans- and that the assessed valuation, HEARING PUT ahead. They're not expecting- ROW STIRS fer of the title to the Legion Sta- of the land was ?2,950 while the a wholesale run of fires. But, dium from the Township Com- building, the old Berry plant they secured two six-week-old. mittee to the Board of Educa- which was torn down, was assess- Dalmatian puppies for mascots. IS BLOCKED tion has been halted temporarily ed for $10,000. The amount of OFF 2WEEKS And they plan to train them to, DISTRICT 4 by Walter R. Darby, Commis- taxes and assessments, at the become real fire dogs. For the sioner of Local Government, time of foreclosure was $10,- time being, and for many weeks fentative Budget Offered Renaming Of Town's Only who' wants several matters clear- 272.38 and interest amounted to Failure Of State Commis- to come, the members will serve Special Election March 16 ed up before he gives his con- $748.06. sioner To Return Draft as nurse maids. To Darby Allows Same Woman Constable Is sent. At a recent meeting of the To Determine Outcome "As a matter of record," Mr. Township Committee a resolu- Forces Postponement Of Dispute Levy As Last Year Halted By Schaffrick Darby wants a map showing the tion was passed turning the sta- SCOUT FUND DRIVE size of the stadium. He wants dium over to the Board of Edu- to know when and how the prop- cation for the consideration of DERATING COSTS CUT TERM EXPIRES TODAY; erty was acquired, the assessed one dollar provided that the field HEARING, SLATED FOR IS NEARING QUOTA CAMPAIGN OF METZGER Walter C. Christensen valuation of the property at the "shall always remain designated fO KEEP TAXES DOWN NEW BID IS REFUSED time it was foreclosed and the as the Legion Field" and that LAST NIGHT, NOT HELD Seventy-Five Per Cent Of RESULTS IN TIE VOTE RARITAN TOWNSHIP — amount of taxes outstanding "if said Legion Field ceases to Ladies' Night will be celebrated on the property when the Town- be used by the Board of Educa- Sum Already Raised, by the Raritan Township Forum Fords Resident Said To ship took over the title. tion for athletic purposes, title Informal Discussion, How- Dambach Reports Board Pitepdent In Plea toad Appropriation Is Re- Club at a dinner-dance tomor- The records show that the will revert to the Township of- row night at the Pines. Have Opposed Hopelawn property was foreclosed in 1938 Woodbridge." ever, Is Conducted By FORDS—About seventy-five per To Voters For Approval duced To $35,000-/WP A' Mayor Walter C. Christensen cent of the quota set by the Boy is chairman of the committee in Man's Re-EIecfclon Township Board Scout "Lend A Hand" campaign Oi $1,700 Sum Allotment Is Sliced charge of arrangements and is fund in the Fords, Ksasbey and RARITAN TOWNSHIP—Public Hopelawn area has been reached, being assisted by Commissioner . FORDS — The term of Mrs. Raritan Township Safety Council RARITAN TOWNSHIP — The W-OODBRIDGE—The tentative hearing on the township's 1940 according to a report made by James C. Forgione and Louis Olive Schofield, only woman con- fate of the 1940 fire budget fat- 1940 Township budget, now in the Nagy. stable in Woodbridge Township budget will be held at a meeting of Joseph A. Dambach, Jr., at the hands of Walter R. Darby, Com- the board of commissioners Tues- regular meeting of the Fords' Lions Fire District-No, 4, Henry Street Music will be furnished by expires today and as yet no move To Open Drive For Funds Monday missioner of Local Government, day night, March 12, in the coun- Club at Thomsen's community hall section, will be decided at a special George Ruddy's orchestra. En- has been made by the Town Com- Shows a decrease in the total oper- cil chambers-of the new municipal Monday 'evening. election to be held Saturday, tertainment will also be pro- mittee to reappoint her. Seeks To-Raise $75® To Cover Maintenance And Op- ating appropriations, but the tax building. March 16, at the Henry Street &•%•' vided. Mrs. Schofield, who acts as con- T. Wesley Liddle, chairman of house. Polls will be open from rate will not be any lower due to a erating Costs Of Two Ambulances; Pedersen In Charge The hearing was scheduled for the organization's troop commit- decided decrease in the anticipated stable for her husband, William to 7 P. M. last night, but because Walter R. tee, announced that Raritan Coun- miscellaneous revenues. Schofield, who is a Justice of ths - RARITAN TOWNSHIP—The week of March 4 wasDarby, commissioner of local gov- cil was dickering for the acquisi- The budget, presented to the If Mr. Darby approves the bud- DRAWS WILL, DIES Peace, was said to have opposed set as the opening of the maintenance drive of the Raritan ernment, failed to return" the ori- tion of a permanent camp site for voters at the regular annual elee-i get as it now stands, the general Committeeman James Schaffrick, Township Safety Council at a meeting of the board of ginal budget draft to the local the troops of this section. tion held Saturday, February 16, rate will be the same as last year's when the latter ran for reelection ON THE_SAME DAY directors this week. b,oard, postponement was neces- fell short of passage in a tie vote figure, $7.31. However, there is a and was the successful Second Although negotiations have not of 56. ' _' possibility that' the commissioner Ward candidate last fall. Now that Plans for the campaign, which it is hoped will raise sai-y. - ' - reached the point where definite may insert items not listed by the Miss Elsie M. Jensen Be- Mrs. Sehofield's term has expired it at least $750 for operation of the two township ambulances An informal, discussion, how- information can be given, Mr. Lid- Totaling $1,700, the budget, Township, thus forcing the rate up is up to Mr. Schaffrick, as repre- for the year, were discussed and ever, was held on the various de- die stated that he would keep the which is unchanged from last year, a few points. queaths Her Estate To sentative of the Second Ward records of the last drive have been partmental appropriations. club posted on developments. nearly met defeat by an opposi- Thomas Henderson, Oak Tree tion faction led by Harold Metz- Township Attorney Leon E. Mc- Family Members where Mrs. Schofield resides, to distributed and are now being A discussion of the activities of Elroy said yesterday that he be- LEGION OFFICIALS fire commissioner, speaking for ger, defeated candidate - for the sponsor the resolution for reap- tabulated. Lionism in this area was conducted : taxpayers of the Oak Tree section, board of fire commissioners of the lieved that the budget would be re- FORDS—A will drawn up and pointment. Up until the present Commissioner Victor C. Peder- by Robert Mulvaney, zone chair- turned to Woodbridge in time for urged the commission to take steps distriet. executed on the day of death was time he has given no indication that sen, chairman of the saiety coun- man. presentation at the regular meet- HONORED IN to improve some of the main thor probated Tuesday by Surrogate he has forgiven the Township's cil and director of public safety in T Metzger, who campaigned on a ing next Monday. oughfares in the district he repre- R. L. Predmore gave a report Frank A. Connolly. only woman constable. the township, is serving as chair- on the progress of the Middlesex slogan of "vote no on the budget," The total operating appropria- Hansen And Lybeck'. Given sents. The will was that of Kiss Elsie At the last meeting of the Town- man of the special committee in County Lions Bowling League, claimed fire commissioners who are tions in the tentative budget for "An appropriation of ?20,000 or drawing salaries of $410 should M. Jensen of Fords who died Jan- ship Committee, Mrs. Schofield charge of arrangements, Testimonials At Ban- which was originally sponsored by 1940 are set at $442,212.21 as $30,000 would place most of the receive $200 less. uary 28., She left her half inter- sent a letter to the committee ask- Teams will be appointed to con- the Fords unit several years ago. against $459,339.35 last year. The -roads in good condition thereby in- est in premises at 50 Evergreen ing for her feappointmerit but the quet; 74 Present: . Charles J. Alexander, president, Wilburt Harned, president of printing item has been decreased tact people in every section of the ducing property owners to build. $500. The Real Estate depart- Avenue to her father, Henrik A. matter was referred to the com- municipality. FORDS Carl Hansen, post" presided at the session. Follow- the fire board, in reply to state- Jensen; her U. S. Savings Bonds mitteemen from the Second Ward. Records reveal that the two Hard .surface roads will perma- ments made by Metzger, issued & ment, presided oxer by William finance officer, and Walter H.
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