ACS Members Mar 2021

ACS Members Mar 2021

ACS Members Mar 2021 ACS Artist Name Date ACS Collects From Adam Bruce Thomson 02/05/2014 Adam Koukoudakis 23/02/2014 Adam White 30/10/2012 Adia Wahid 28/09/2016 Adrian George 29/01/2015 Adrian Green 10/05/2010 Adrian Wiszniewski 14/06/2018 Afifa Aleiby 26/03/2017 Agenor Asteriadis 01/01/2012 Ahmet Güneştekin 24/06/2011 Alan Gard 24/04/2017 Alan Glasby 01/01/2012 Alan Gouk 17/11/2015 Alan Kingsbury 30/01/2011 Alan Sorrell 01/01/2012 Alan Thornhill 24/10/2012 Alastair Michie 22/03/2016 Albert Henry Collings ● 27/06/2013 Albert Houthuesen 17/05/2012 Albert Louden 01/05/2007 Albert Rutherston / Albert Rothenstein 13/02/2014 Alberto Morrocco 17/06/2011 Alecos Kondopoulos 01/01/2012 Alex Russell Flint 26/07/2011 Alexander Goudie ©+ 12/01/2011 Alexander Talbot-Rice 30/07/2006 Alexandra Cowan 11/08/2006 Alexandros (Alekos) Alexandrakis 01/01/2012 Alfred Bestall 31/03/2014 Alfred Drury ● 01/01/2012 Alfred Fontville de Breanski Jr 01/01/2012 Alfred Janes 14/03/2013 Alfred John Billinghurst 25/02/2013 Alfred Reginald Thomson 20/07/2013 Alfred Wallis ● 01/01/2012 Algernon Newton 01/01/2012 Alice Boyle 21/01/2017 Alice McVicker 28/06/2013 Alison Cooper 18/07/2006 Alison Pullen 04/02/2009 Alistair Little 04/02/2018 Amanda Cornish 27/09/2007 Amelia Kleiser 18/07/2006 1 Amy Katherine Browning 01/01/2012 Ana Maria Pacheco 28/10/2013 Andras Kaldor 27/03/2012 Andrea Vecchi 20/01/2018 Andrew Cranston 18/09/2012 Andrew Festing 22/07/2008 Andrew Flint Shipman 12/09/2012 Andrew Gadd 18/09/2007 Andrew Gifford 28/06/2018 Andrew Macara 25/03/2007 Andy Hope 1930 01/01/2012 Andy Scott 15/12/2013 Aneurin Jones 21/08/2013 Angela Palmer 31/05/2012 Angelika Seik 05/12/2011 Angus Fairhurst 01/01/2012 Ann Patrick 03/04/2007 Ann Robson 01/08/2006 Anna Findlay 11/09/2012 Anna Gillespie 21/07/2011 Anna Mahler 26/11/2012 Anna Ostoya 29/01/2015 Anna Zinkeisen 01/07/2010 Annabel Barrett 05/08/2006 Annalisa Morrocco 03/06/2017 Anne Desmet 06/04/2010 Anne Redpath 19/06/2009 Anne Robinson 21/07/2006 Anne Rothenstein 29/09/2014 Anne Wright 07/10/2006 Anneliese Everts 01/01/2012 Annie French 03/09/2009 Annie Kevans 24/01/2019 Ant Smith 04/09/2012 Anthony Amies ©+ 12/01/2007 Anthony Amos 07/03/2012 Anthony Caro 24/07/2006 Anthony Devas ©+ 24/06/2011 Anthony Eyton 27/09/2006 Anthony Sheath 05/12/2008 Anthony Southcombe 26/03/2007 Anthony Stern 29/09/2012 Antoine Blanchard 22/05/2016 Antonia Myatt 31/07/2006 Antonio Alonso Martinez / Anntonio Martinez 23/11/2012 Antonio Saura ■ 01/03/2016 Antony Micallef 18/03/2018 Apostolia Vorgianiti 25/08/2015 Apostolos Georgiou 16/11/2012 2 Araminta Blue Wieloch 03/02/2017 Archie Sutter Watt 07/08/2014 Arthur Armstrong 27/02/2013 Arthur Dooley 15/10/2012 Arthur Jackson 01/01/2012 Arthur John Elsley 13/09/2015 Arthur Kitching 27/05/2012 Arthur Laidlaw 12/10/2013 Arthur Royce Bradbury 25/09/2016 Arthur Spooner 01/01/2012 Arthur Wardle ● 18/08/2011 Artists Anonymous 31/07/2010 Ashley Davies 09/11/2015 Augustus John 12/01/2009 Augustus Lunn 01/01/2012 Austin Osman Spare 23/11/2012 Austin Wright 29/01/2013 Bambi 06/05/2011 Barbara Hepworth 01/01/2012 Barbara Valentine 02/12/2010 Barry Flanagan 12/12/2011 Barry Mason b.1947 05/12/2009 Barry Mason b.1952 20/04/2015 Beatrice Glenavy 01/01/2012 Beatrix Potter ● 01/01/2012 Beejoir 24/09/2012 Ben Croft 20/02/2016 Ben Langlands & Nikki Bell 07/07/2006 Ben McLaughlin 16/06/2010 Benjamin Creme 19/11/2014 Benjamin Hannavy Cousen 04/12/2019 Benjamin Pritchard 25/06/2009 Bernard Dunstan 12/08/2006 Bernard Leslie Kearley 01/01/2012 Bernard Meninsky ● 08/07/2010 Bernard Ninnes 18/12/2012 Bertram Priestman 01/01/2012 Beth Moxham 22/01/2017 Betty Swanwick 04/02/2014 Bill Brandt 01/01/2012 Bill Jacklin 01/09/2008 Bill Pike 25/04/2010 Bill Prickett 18/04/2012 Bob Brown 27/03/2007 Bob Law 01/01/2012 Brenda Moore 28/03/2009 Brendan Neiland 21/09/2006 Brendan Stuart Burns 25/05/2013 Breon O'Casey 01/01/2012 3 Brian & Jenny Blanthorn 10/08/2006 Brian Irving 18/07/2006 Brian Rice 30/01/2007 Brian Shields 21/11/2011 Brian Taylor 01/01/2013 Bridget MacDonald 15/06/2009 Bruce Bernard 01/01/2012 Bruce Tippett 18/07/2013 Bruno Romanelli 18/07/2006 Bryan Ingham 01/01/2012 Bryan Pearce 12/02/2013 Caio Locke 08/09/2008 Calum McClure 27/09/2013 Camilla Hanney 14/12/2017 Camille Souter 15/10/2012 Campbell Archibald Mellon 12/12/2012 Carel Weight 05/03/2010 Carl Donner 21/07/2006 Carl Giles 20/12/2011 Carl Moll ● 26/11/2012 Carl Plackman 04/09/2012 Carlo Zenone 04/07/2008 Carne Griffiths 25/01/2012 Carol Rhodes 10/02/2021 Carole Parmiter 11/04/2008 Caroline Bullock 23/09/2013 Caroline Hervey-Bathurst 13/08/2006 Caroline McAdam Clark 30/09/2006 Catherine Bradbury 17/07/2006 Catherine Goodman 16/07/2012 Catherine Hough 09/01/2007 Cathie Pilkington 28/08/2014 Cathleen Mann 01/01/2012 Catriona Hall 06/04/2014 Cecil Beaton 01/01/2012 Cecil Collins 01/05/2012 Cecil D'Oyly John 13/07/2012 Cedric Morris 01/01/2012 Celia Paul 17/08/2006 Celia Washington 15/07/2006 Chantal Powell 10/05/2011 Charles Baird 11/01/2006 Charles Brady 01/01/2012 Charles Cundall 26/07/2011 Charles Harry Hansen 07/05/2020 Charles Keeping 01/01/2012 Charles MacCarthy 21/07/2007 Charles March Gere 01/01/2012 Charles Naper 01/01/2012 4 Charles Pears 01/01/2012 Charles Shearer 03/08/2011 Charles Simpson 30/09/2006 Charles Spencelayh 18/07/2011 Charles Walter Simpson 05/12/2011 Charles Wheeler 01/12/2012 Charlie Langton 07/09/2012 Charlie Millar 02/08/2006 Charlotte Johnson Wahl 05/08/2008 Chiara Dynys 28/03/2017 Chris Billington 28/08/2014 Chris Gollon 04/06/2008 Chris Kenny 23/09/2007 Chris Levine 29/01/2013 Chris Makin 25/11/2017 Chris Wilmott 14/05/2008 Christian Furr 13/12/2016 Christine McKechnie 20/03/2012 Christine Stark 30/11/2012 Christopher Ironside 01/01/2012 Christopher Nevinson ● 28/12/2008 Christopher Noulton 24/01/2013 Christopher Oldfield 12/11/2015 Christopher Ryland 19/07/2006 Chryssa 31/05/2015 Claire Wiltsher 30/03/2013 Clare Shenstone 12/07/2006 Claude Closky 28/09/2012 Claude Flight 29/06/2010 Claudi Casanovas 05/08/2006 Claudia Williams 24/09/2006 Clemence Dane 01/01/2012 Cliff Wright 11/02/2014 Clifford Fishwick 01/01/2012 Clive Head 21/01/2011 Clyde Hopkins 19/09/2020 Colin Halliday 28/03/2012 Colin Jones 10/10/2010 Colin Moss 01/01/2012 Conor Fallon 01/01/2012 Conrad Atkinson 23/01/2013 Coral Guest 17/07/2006 Craigie Aitchison 25/04/2012 Cristina Rodriguez 04/07/2006 Cyril Power 17/08/2009 Cyril Saunders Spackman 20/07/2017 Daisy de Villeneuve 17/06/2011 Damian Elwes 07/05/2016 Dan Ferguson 03/03/2016 5 Dan Hillier 25/01/2013 Daniel Ablitt 10/10/2014 Daniel Clarke 07/05/2007 Daniel Craddock 16/04/2015 Daniel Enkaoua 06/07/2009 Daniel Lergon 16/03/2013 Daniela Raytchev 25/03/2012 Darren Hughes 04/07/2012 Dave Pearson 01/01/2012 David Anthony Cooke 26/08/2006 David Blackburn 19/11/2006 David Cooke 03/04/2012 David Dawson 31/07/2012 David Folley 28/02/2007 David Greenall 04/09/2016 David Hunt 21/08/2007 David Hurn 11/03/2013 David Inshaw 11/02/2012 David Jagger 01/01/2012 David Jones 01/01/2012 David Low 01/01/2012 David Macbeth Sutherland 01/01/2012 David McClure 23/12/2011 David Michie 22/11/2006 David Murphy 04/02/2018 David Nolan 25/07/2006 David Ord Kerr 25/05/2007 David Ponsonby 14/10/2012 David Saunders 24/09/2012 David Tindle 10/07/2006 David Wise 21/07/2006 Debbie Urquhart 23/10/2012 Deborah Dewar 08/02/2015 Deborah Tarr 31/01/2009 Denis Mitchell 01/01/2012 Denis Peploe 07/02/2012 Dennis Shields 03/11/2011 Denys Watkins-Pitchford 23/10/2014 Derek Balmer 30/06/2014 Derek Crow 19/07/2006 Derek Davis 16/08/2016 Derek Hare 23/05/2007 Derwent Wise 01/01/2012 Diana Armfield 14/06/2012 Diana Copperwhite 09/07/2017 Diana Cumming 28/09/2006 Diane Matthes 03/07/2006 Dido Crosby 28/09/2006 Dimitris Perdikidis 05/05/2013 6 Dinah Roe-Kendall 05/04/2012 Dion Kitson 10/02/2018 Dion Pears 01/01/2012 Ditz 22/07/2006 Dod Procter 13/10/2010 Dominic Ramos 23/09/2010 Dominic Rouse 21/02/2012 Dominic Shepherd 03/07/2013 Donald Bain 01/01/2012 Donald Harley 01/01/2011 Donald McGill 14/09/2012 Donald Taylor 22/08/2007 Donald Watson 01/01/2012 Dora Gordine 01/01/2012 Dora Holzhandler 01/08/2006 Dorothée du Mesnil 03/04/2012 Dorothy Brett 01/01/2012 Dorothy Hepworth 07/05/2014 Dorothy Johnstone 01/01/2012 Douglas Anderson 16/11/2013 Dudley Pout 15/07/2006 Ed Harper 13/04/2012 Edgar Holloway 01/09/2006 Edmund de Waal 09/09/2011 Eduardo Paolozzi 19/05/2010 Edward Bawden 01/01/2012 Edward Beale 03/04/2008 Edward Burra 01/01/2012 Edward Caruana Dingli ● 07/01/2013 Edward Gordon Craig 01/01/2012 Edward Halliday 01/01/2012 Edward Hughes 23/10/2015 Edward Kington Brice ● 01/01/2012 Edward Middleditch 01/01/2012 Edward Noott 07/11/2009 Edward Seago 19/10/2011 Edward Waites 06/03/2009 Edward Wesson 01/01/2012 Edwin John 21/09/2017 Edwin Straker 01/01/2012 Eileen Agar 07/10/2010 Eileen Cooper 11/12/2016 Eileen Gray 23/03/2017 Eileen Hogan 07/07/2007 Eine 22/07/2011 EJ Major 16/07/2009 Eleanor Fortescue-Brickdale ● 07/12/2012 Eleanor May Watson 13/01/2017 Elinor Evans 06/04/2011 7 Elio Sorci 16/03/2013 Elisabeth Vellacott 01/01/2012 Elizabeth Blackadder 13/07/2015 Elizabeth Butterworth 30/01/2010 Elizabeth Collins 01/01/2012 Elizabeth James 12/01/2012 Elizabeth Lloyd 30/07/2006 Elizabeth Raeburn 13/02/2008 Elizabeth Rice 24/03/2007 Elizabeth Sorrell 01/01/2012 Ella Naper 01/01/2012 Elliot Dodd 01/02/2014 Emily Patrick 16/07/2006 Emily Young 18/05/2012 Emma Biggs & Matthew Collings 07/08/2006 Emma Chichester Clark 09/03/2013 Emma Haworth 20/06/2013 Emma Kennaway 15/11/2013 Emma Sergeant 15/06/2019 Emma Tennant 01/01/2012 Emmet Kierans 14/12/2017 Endellion Lycett

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