University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 5-12-1883 Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 05-12-1883 J. H. Koogler Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lv_gazette_news Recommended Citation Koogler, J. H.. "Las Vegas Daily Gazette, 05-12-1883." (1883). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lv_gazette_news/427 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Gazette, 1880-1886 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. i LAS VEGA D4ILY GAZETTE vol. r. SATURDAY MORNIN 1883. NO. 27. forcing them from their petition. The TI1Í XATIOItL CAPITAL. Kswanee last August wa langed at FRIDAY'S FATALITY. Indian fled, leaving tbcir dead bucks Cambridge this afternoon, le protest- J, J, FITZGERRELL, on the ereuud. Fit soldier were ed bis iunoevnee and ajribed the By Western Associated Preas. 1 killed and iaht aeriously wounded. crime to Joseph Cale. SPRING SPECIALTIES! The Indians were driven for miles, and WAsntsiGTox, May 11. Aristarchi liey, the retiring Turkish minister, to Several Mordcrrrs Observed lhf the trait ihowinff much blood a great SPED TnatOl Un Tfkf BEA Tfca Uve man? are nptMMwd to be wounded. day presented letters ot recall to tbo Just roceived at the Ceremonies of saya president. At tbo same time Tewtik the Itojr. General Torres the Apaches re By Western Associated treated into the northeastern part ! Pasha, the newly arrived minuter, pre irv stronghold of the ented credentials. Tho usual cere Dl'BLlN, May 11 Matlis Brady has Chihuahua. Tb were Afiches ii C50 miles east of Sonora monies observed. Leon committed for trial in. charge Real Estate Further Particulars of the Mexican- and about the same distance southeast John J. Kdojc, comptroller of the of threatening the forem'Jftjihe jury, -Apacho from the Arizona bonier. He rays currency, entered upon bis temporary which conyieted bis George Battle. Brady. Kingston, bn''.1 Gibney, AOBNT. Golden thert are small bands depredating in duties as commissioner 01 internal Ilea, Rule charged consp Sonora and Arizona. revenue today. He says that Commis with j'to murder & sioner Rogers will virtually have full Poole, were rraigne'. .y and com- Public Conveyancer. The TmtlmoBjr In the Dunn -- toy One Elliott Mor A Dprrad liars;. charge of the business ol the office. mitted for trial. Yw y "is admitted Price Clothing House. to 1 d?r ( e. Dt Western Aoclated l'f. Tho president today removed C. bail. New Pokt, Ark., May 11. Jerry Irving Detty, collector of internal rev- - London, May 11. In thÍBow street A fine line of Hi a lock was Hanged today lor mur- enue in niiuaiore, anu apvomiea joun police court today all tit dynamite KabfclMa r Ww fran all dering Thos. Krandenburg in a col 11. Sellinan in his place. The change censpiaracy prisoners, exypt O'Con- RANCH PROPERTY, nor, alias Daltou, whom authorities rarta r tha World. Um field in 130 Iilalock confessed was made upon a report from the sec tuj CALIFORNIA CLOTHING! the crime, and afterwards denied it. retary of the treasury. were unable to connect w it the others, Latest Styles, He confessed that in 1373 he The second comptroller rendered wore committed for trial q the charge Prince Albert Suits, Nobby Jersey LUy Felt and assinated Charles Linsey, near Jones decision in case Atchison, of treason and folony. lnch, alias and Cattle for Sale Stiff Hats, Latest Novelties in Wilson Brothers' the of the Norman, an informer, w committed Grants Neckwear and Bnan' Trial. brough, Craighead county, because Topeka fc Santa Fa railroad, involving Underwear. Also a Fine Line By Wi-Dirr-o AK.'iuuiJ I'n-aa- . a en- on the charge of misdemeajor. O'Con- of lue latter had broken marriage the proper mode of paying accounts F,,r 1 h,Te May 11. gagement. He threw the body a nor was discharged, but is immedi- SAW MILL rre Chicago, The trial of Jere into Baw-mi- for the transportation 0' troops ever the to offer In a ll complete In all KID ed be- - ately rearrested by dotttives from rsin ALEXANDER Duun for tbo inunliT of Kliutt was hollow in the forest, and dues not A. 1(9 teams, waaona, timber rtc., CLOVES. main line and leased portions ol the Liverpool, w to- appointment, ia court this illuming, diaries ieve it was ever disco veied T. & S. K. system. Tho To where ho taken rapacity luu) feet of lumberpr day, tbia III Atchison. night. money making. Give them a call and be convinced that White, the first wiinem called, said he He afterwards secretly returned to peka & Sania Fe railroad is entitled to aplen'lld opening for was a waiter in the Tiroli rt'Mauraunt, Joncsborougb and burned the court receive fifty percent, of the full charges London. May 11. Lou Mosley. a ONE "r tne bet Duíin,, properties an't an where tho trajj'-'l- Ue saw house to destroy the indictment found of transportation. Its leased lines in money broker, failed tojy. Liabili- old established business on the west sido for him, town of splendid Elliott ami Planned sitting at atable; against and later, iu the Colorado and New Mexico are non-gra- ties, 53,200. Mosley dea largely in aaicto Uii right man. A baryaio THE GOLDEN witue.-- s man will bo given EÜLE Elliott was fiicinjj the door and Swifton. nearly beat a to death roads and entitled te receive full Turkish securitius I)h assaulting pris rl-ler- ,. was in the k room, but on henrmc named Williams for the compensation. The rates for through Liverpool, May 11. OUerlihy and $1 0 TO $'50 will buy deslrnl.le Uio shot fired turned and saw Kllioit oner s sister. Itlalock made a lengthy passenger transportation are made up Kennedy, alias Featherstoe, charged Im at lho hot springa that will double speech from to a of tbelr vslue ln bort time. Call and see plat dothlns Hons throw up his hundí; there wai noth- the gallows crowd by aggregating the local rates over each with having been engagedin tho dy- Carries the Nobbiest Line of Goods Territory 2,00(1, in the at the ing in them. KMioU grabbed a chair, over warning young men against 111 Kansas, New have, T50 TO $200 will buy chotoo lota In T. road Colorado and namite conspiracy, ben remand depot and Lowest Prices. ruined it mid struck the chandelier; he whiskey, gambling, bad men and bad Mexico, a higher rate being charged in ed another week. The cousel for the meria addition, between the 1 1 mil bouse, on either aido of the railroad women, l o be t, 312 RAILROAD then made for the door. After the those iniluenees traced Colorado and New Mexico, because of tho crown, in asking for thiir remand-nieu- u ck. AVENUE, Opposite Depot. shsoting I ran out nnd did not Hee the his ruin. He was '4 years old. the increased cost of building and light stated that another arrest bad Atrntrgle between the two men. J. V. $o0 TO $300 will buy eholee resi.lenee Krnlnrlijr er tramo than in Kansas. I he been made in connection villi the case, loWitubeSiin Mluo', Fairvlew, Nuena Vista McKee was in tin Tifwli restaurant on Itaas. company maintained that payment aud more time was rcquied for the hill sitf and Id ea additions, ( all and see plat. IiihI Man-l- i By Western AssoeiHted Press. the 1st of and nawDunn lor through passenger transportation developtment of the evidepe. will buy residence May 11. $300 TO $1.500 H. come in directly through the front Lkxisoton. This was the should be made on a basis of the tariff Dublin. Mar 11. Edwifd O Bneu, property in d aimble portions of the city, LEVEY & BRO.'S room; Ins hands in his coat pocket, he first day of the Kentucky association's rates applicable to each road consti- Thos. Doyle aud Fdwarl McCaffrey, eith r for msh or on the inttallihent plan at a was walking fast; he walked up to the regular spring meeting. The weather tuting the system. department low rata of interest Now la the tiru- - to buy a The war recently indicted for coispiracy to home cheap nd atop payiDI rents. enlruice, drew a rero'ver and tired; was lair and the attendance moderate. insisted that payment should be made murder, were arraigned tlm morning. a nimediutely ho fired second shot and but track was heavy and sticky from on an equal milage basis over the entire O'Brien and Doyle pb?ade guilty and $50 TO $300 will bay plemlld resi-(Ten- then drew hack into the passage way yesterday's Tho purse for a half line. lots In different portions of the city on rains. The stcond comptroller holds that McCaffrey, who was stibsquently in We contemplate a change from u-i-ll with mdifted arms us if to guard a mile, by two year olds, not filling, the tho innlullment plan. Put your money in a of business, and this date the tariff method of adjustment should dicted for murder, was nraigncd to squandering- - Lay up money three-quart- er home and atop it. blow. McKee then saw Elliott coming mile dash for all ages sell our Fi-n- control that tariff rate over each por plead to that charge He aid he wa naitift a ruin lay. entire stock ofDry Goods, Men's, Boys' and Children's e toward Dunn with an uplifted was substituted.
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