••• , 0" 0 o, ••• , ........t-."'._~ .. '"-_ I ~;i:;.:, •...::~ _ ...l::.o.:;:....:._....u.~.....!:.- ........... ~:· __• r I Volurrme 48, No. 10 February, 1967 J , . -----;---'--~~---=-------......---- .-- . FEBRUARY, 1967 . ,. L.nt.n Opportuniti •• Th. Salmon.lla Story , I The Macaroni Journal r t'! 11 u.:' . \I \I " ' ' 967 \ " ,.. " \ 01 '. 0 .. iI ' " H I , i-..) ! C\ I II Ii , " •• .. 1. '1' 1< ," , , , \ I . to, ", " , \ ,.. .. \ '" . ' I' 11, 11 " ' , ' "', t 11\ , . "' .. ' . " 1( 1' .. ' \ I " , IC · , ,'I I " I \\ :.])ir,c lor.1 ,, ',. " \ 1" " le ·I ', " I t I , " " , \ , '1.. n' I I , ' .\" " '" 1'1 1' .. ~ ' " \ • / 111 " \ /0.,,: I{ .. ,. , \ II ',I,h "' .,' "I< \\ , ' 11 \ " ," \\ • , '. ,', \ '. ,I " , •. ~.. \ I I . II 'III .. \ 11 •• II ' II. I • " , • . " •, 1 ~" . , , " " ,.:n,· \ '.11., " \ I< , d ,: \ rl' I 11.,\ I ' III. J{. .i). ' . t.. .IIII, tl! I I , ,' " '" \\ lC'\ II Io'l h l t , ... \\ , \ '"11" . " l'r. " .I.',' ' . .1 .... I'.,.I.,! or , I' I , J{ \ Il ~. ! t 1< ,\ . 11 III • ' . ,' \ 1 I. I I I L ,IlIl, I. 1{ . '1 1/ , . \\ I ,;1 \\ 11 .'1 01-. I' { ,I< ' '" . " \ ': 1' I '.. , t I ... \. 11111. • -."'. ' . ' ,' • to •• • ' ( : ' 11 111; 1 lin . I" " ~ 1/,« 1t",lfJ it'.6 D E MAC 0 ••• ~'" Itt Jc /IIucA /IICl'tl QUALITY: Superior Long Goods and Short Cuts .•. PRODUCTION: Guaranteed as Specified ... SANITATION: Easiest cleaning Dryer on the market .•• DOWNTIME: Minimum downtime proven in each instAllation ..• SERVICE: 24 Hour Daily Production • . • CONSTRUCTION: The most ruggod - to auure years of service .•• ~" tA, DEMACO [t{ui,,,,,ttt itt Aetuttl O,,,.ttti,tt NOW ... write or call Western Representative: DE FRANCISCI MACHINE CORPORATION HOSKINS COMPANY .US .45 METROPOLITAN AVENUE, BROOKLYN, N.Y. tt237, U,S.A , P.O. Box 112 • LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS, U.S.A. PHONE: 312·362·1031 CABLE, DEMACOMAC PHONE. 2.12_386·DB80 FEu"uARV, 11)61 . , " 0 It has been elUmated. Lent II a aood time for related ltem promotions in LENTEN OPPORTUNITIE .~ virtually every department in the gro­ cery .tore. Combine remaining Ingredients lind Amons NMI sugscstJons are dairy mix well. Add cooked spashetU; milt products, milk and cheese, poultry ond gently. Tum Into 4-6 greased Indlvldunl ellS, baklns dishes. Bake In moderate o\'en Canned soeds possibilities arc Infi· (350") 25 minutes. nlte: tomoto product., condensed soups, evaporated milk, mushrooms, tuna. P.nnsylnnla Dulch salmon, cooking oils. Another recipe we have developed, In the condiment.: tplces, sauce mix· deslsned to help busy homemakers pre­ es, pickles and olives, . alad dressings. pare dishes which are dellciou. to eat, In the produce department, apples nourishing, and yet require little prepn­ and citrus fruits are available for salad raUon, i. "Wonderful Cood" Noodlel. combinations. Vegetables may Include Popular In the Pennsylvania Dutch celery, peppers, onions, garlic. country, whence It derives It name. It Don't forget fresh, frozen or canned frult. and vesetables, .eafoods, bread, make. a flne accompaniment to your wine. paper products-you name It. entree, you wUl enjoy the texture con­ trast of ell noodle. topped with crisp Skinn.r Off... Ca... rol .. croutons, and appreeiale the fact Ih llt Skinner Macaroni Company is offer· this simple but delectable dish can be Ing COniUmef1 three sizes of Regal cooked In about 8f1een mlnules, Ware Teflon casseroles at substantial savings In a premium display promo­ "Wonderful Good" Noodl .. tion during the Artt quarter of 1961. (Mokes 4-6 servings) With labels from any two Skinner 1 tablespoon salt products, the CDllcroles are available at 3 quarts boiling water I can (10~ ounces) condensed cream Macaroni CaullOow.r Cu ••role prices about. 40% below list. The IVJ -ql. casserole wll1 cost consumers $3, the 8 ounces wide egg noodles (about ~ or celery 'Oup (Makes 4·6 servings) table.poon .alt 2V1:·ql. $3 .tiO, and the 3%-qt. $3.75, DrrIIH s,qltettl .... Tu ... c.... ,. .. cups' Vl cup milk An unusual display card that shows \.1: cup milk 1 tablespoon chopped canned pimiento 3 quarts boiling water 2 cups elbow macaroni (8 ounces) an actuaI2~-ql. casserole Is the center­ v.. cup croutons 11 teaspoon Worceller.hlre .auc:e plcce for the macaroni and eheese dis­ 1 GY.I·ounce clln chunk-style luna, 1 can (10~ ounces) condensed cream OW thnt the requirements tor 11 teaspoon curry powder play. To make the display complete orc drained 3 tablespoons butter or marsarlne of celery soup Lent orc leu strict for many 2 cups diced cooked chicken colorful macaroni and cheese slore ban­ N Add 1 tablespoon JOlt to rapidly hoil· 2 canned pimientos, chopped household •• morc people may come to \.i cup chopped cooked spinach I tablespoon .alt ners, coslerole order blanks, and n Ing water. Gradually add noodles 10 VI: cup milk fully appreciate the lood flavor of Rlh 2 tablespoons lemon juice 3 quarts boiling wllter recipe pad fcaturlng a macaroni and that water continue. to boil. Cook un· 2 cups grated Cheddar cheese (about and leafood, eegs, cheese, and other 2 CUPI elbow macaroni (8 ounces) cheese recipe that requires no pre­ \.1: teaspoon Worcestef1hlre sauce covered, ltirring octasionally, until VI: pound) dairy products in meatless meals pre­ Melt butter or margarine and odd cooking of the macaroni. ~ teaspoon pepper tender. Drain in colander. Pepper to taste pored by choice. on io n, celery and mushrooms. Cook Skinner has scheduled 4·color ad\'er­ 2 tablespoons gruted onion Combine noodle. and milk. Cook 1 head cauliflower, broken Into cauli· There are so many dishes that over medium heat untll mUlhrooml are Using In Good Housekeeping, Family good over low heat 5 minute., .linina OCCII ' Rowerets and cooked Add salt to rapidly boiling water. bro wned. Add condensed soup, milk, Circle, Progressive Farmer, and Wom· arc meaUen. and orten these can repre­ .Ionally. Meanwhile, melt butter or Add 1 tablespoon salt to rapidly boil­ CruduaUy add IIpashetti so that water pimiento, Worcestershlre .auce, curry an's Day, plus a feature ad in 137 local l ent economy 01 well at D changc of margarine and cook over low heat unlll Ing waler. Gradually add macaroni so new.papcrs to generate consumer inter­ pact! In the diet. Macal')n! product. just continues to boll. Cook uncovered. sUr­ powder and chicken. Heat to serving lIahtly browned. Turn noodles into temperature, sUning OCi:aslonally. that waler continues to boll. Cook un­ est. The promo\lon III geared to Lent naturally lend thcm s.~lves to such ring occaslonolly, until tender. Drain In serving dish; top with crouton. and covered, stirring occasionally, until (Feb. 8·Mar. 20), the peak !.eason ror dishes. colander. butter or maraarlne. Preparation time: Meanwhile, add 1 table. poon salt to tender. Drain in colander. macaroni and chcese. Like all macaroni products, IpulhetU about 15 minutes. n ,idly boiling water. Gradually add Combine condcnsed soup, pimientos orren! grcat convenience and economy, macaroni .0 that water continues to and milk; heat to boiling point. Add IlS well as valuable nourl~hment. Here', Chicken Dellghl boil, Cook uncovered, stirring occasion· chcese and pepper; cook over low heat, all)', until tender. Drain In colander. D recipe for Individual Ipaghettl cal­ The combination 01 macaroni :lnd .tlrrlng occasionally, until cheese Is Tum onto heated serving dllh and seroles made with other convenience cooked chicken can provide . a tlJf~· in . melted. Add macaroni and cauU80wer ser\'e with chicken sauce. foods: canned SOUP. evaporated milk, high-protein main dl!he•. Thl. Is a 1l00d lind mix well; turn Into greascd 2-quart and chunk-style tuna, all from the cup­ . combination at any time, but an c)t C1!I· V~.lable 8u;;.. lIon casserole. Bake-In moderate oven (S50") board shelf. These Ingredient.. com­ . lent Lenten suuestlon. In the phuto' 35 minute., bined with chopped cooked spinach, sraph, our reclpt', for Curried Macaroni An equally good vegetable dl.h for mokc a colorful. hearty meal In one and Chicken, th( perfcct dllh lor a Len' the Lenten season I. pictured on the Related Item. Li.ted dish. ten luncheon, II shown In Individual Front Cover this month in the form or In releases from the Notional Maca­ cauerole., but ,his dllh Is equally at­ • MD.caronl CauliRower Casserole. The roni Institute to food editors and mail­ .tll1 Dulled 8pIgh.Ul .nd Tun. C.... rol •• tractive served from 0 laran platter or lellure.lovlng homemaker contln· Ings to grocers It Is pointed out that (Makes 4-6 servings) casserole. Here Is the recipe: Ut i to look for those qulck-and-eosy macaroni consumption has been In­ meilis to prepare, and thl. one meets crcaslng every year, that macaroni· 1 tablespoon salt her requirements. BecaulC macaroni Curried Macaroni and Chicken noodle products give the grocer a 3 quarts boiling water needs no washing, paring or energy­ profit margin of about 24 per cent, and (Makes 4 .ervlng.) 8 ounces spaghetti \l!ut!ng ellort, It Is fast becoming the on annual return of $5.89 per dollar 2 tablespoons butter or maraarlne I 10 ~ ounce can condensed cream of secret or those time-savina yet appellz­ Invested. accordln~ to Progressive Gro­ asparagus soup 2 tablelpoon. flnely chopped onion Inl meal. found on Lenten table• . cer'. Colonial Store Study, One thou· 2 tablespoons 8nely chopped ~ler)' lIere's the simple recipe for the cover lI and dollnt'» worth of mbcaronl sales ~ cup evaporated milk Photo: pr,M.!ucclil $1,220 In reillted Item IUllell, ,~ cup .1Icc.od mUlhrooms . , ~, CUt) wllter FEDRUARV, 1967 6 Tm~ MACARONI JOU~A L t ~ ____ Raport of the Tenth Annual Conference of the Law Institute and Food and Drug Administration by Jame. J. Winoton, Director 01 Research, N.M.M .A. N November 28. 1966. the Tenth Ing time of 3\1 to 4 minutel, to insure OAnnual Conference under the aUI­ destruction of the salmonella.
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