Your Community Newspaper Yol. tî,,Nò. 57 BELLEVILLE, N. J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 17, 1956 5c per copy Santa Comes To Town' Too Early Dramatics Highlight Town Commission Meeting As Waterline Is Passed; Sullivan Fights Back Construction Through Tool Co. Cap Pistol Is Lethal Weapon Shorts Cause To Benefit Bark Section Curfew Is Important Issue Controversy A t A.general improvement ordinance appropriating $7,506. In a dramatic attempt to prove that his propose d-11:00 ■fo^ construction, of an 8”. waterline through the property of p.m. curfew for teenagers should be passed, James R. GoldA. Eastern Tool Company, was passed Tuesday at the Town Town Meeting en, played detectiVe this week, bringing his evidence to Tues- i Commission meeting after much questioning from James R. Women’s shorts are. \ getting day’s Town Commission meeting. In the midst' of a strong ; Golden, and much explanation from Hugh D. Welsh and shorter and shorter, according to attack on Commissioner Harry J. Sullivan’s alleged indiffer-' Commissioner Kenneth Smith. Rev. Hendeyson E. Goldston, pas­ ence to the rising- amount of late-night teenage loitering, The main will join #n existing one installed by Eastern tor -of the Second Baptist Church. Golden pulted out a pjstol, and announced that such weapon»- Tool to others in the Bellwood Park .section, now a dead Rev.. Gbldgfon, addressing the Town 'Commission at . Tuesday’s are being/sold by local merchants to teeners. end, Welsh explained. Thi3 was laj h: -, .* had obtained the weapon from a reply to* Golden’s general interro- ’ wseting,. asked for ar.’ ordinance bo be passed-: forblddiMf fee - wear­ Holding up an ordinary cap gation of the igepibers Of the pistol, Golden explained that tha •commission. He quesMonsd each Four Injured ing of shorts by Belleville women on public streets, • “at -least not BUSINESS MACHINE cartridge cylinder had been boreal iommissioner as to hia knowledge out; and -22 caliber'-blank cartidi; >f why the waterline was ibeibg tobro. than three mches above the ges had been inserted, “making,; instructed and whgt its impljca- In Chemical knee.” COURSE PLANNED feis a potentially lethal weapon. .ions -'were. Hinting that polHies He claimed that men were now- He went on to explain that he had bpen - played--in constructing looking down instead of up at local -jwelinpr “and he’s not ting] properoy, Golden was .answered Explosion their women, as a result of the FOR ADULT SCHOOL only one who has .them e ith e r ^ by. Smith who explained that the he continued. Santa And Friends town ¡had been “begging” the com­ .Four person were bunred in an general state of undress found oh explosion apd fire at the Vap the streets. A unique course in learning Charging Sullivan with , an pany for permission to construct Dyne and Company Inc. firm at about business machines will be No..you're not seeing things, that is year’s work came to a total of sortie five and on their property, rather than the ' The Reverend went on to ex-' offered in fee- Belleville Adult. acute case of “committeeitis’V; facts being the other way around. 11 William S t.‘yesterday morning plain that last year he visited in Golden claimed t h a t the Com*i Santa with'his reindeer and sleighs, Christ­ one half truckloads 6f toys. This year he The injured men were taken to School for the fall semester this missioner had refused to take ac­ mas a little'early this year? Maybe it will expects to make this1 amount again or per­ After-a .technical explanation from Europe, and while travelling there year.----- Welsh, the critic was apparently Columbus Hospital in Newark. in severel countries, he only saw tion oh his proposed curfew and be forth® children aL several qrananages in haps more,* satisfied,----- Charles- Fain, of NewaNt and.Jame one «woman in shorts. “We have This Is ope of fee “firsts” in had referred it to the juvenile /tSe ares!,Tiaihery, Ch Anthony’s in Arlington, Myers of Montclair wejtS' reported adult education in which the Many different types of toys are con­ Other inatters settled at.the a moral example to Set to the rest Remington Rand Co., Division of St. Mary's in Newark,... Sacred H e a r t in meeting were thé awarding of a in serious condition at the ¡hospi­ of fee world; We are a leading structed in the cellar' o f . J>aserchia?s .llfeuSe,. tal. The other two: , men were not Sperry Rand Corporation, will Commissioner Sullivan stat- Kearny, and the day nursery on Walnut contract for state-aid paving ef detailed;, h power, and no community, can rise furnish fee instructors and among them small- chairs, cradl.ete,;! d o g s , Stephens Street from Bslavista to TiiMier Yhari its- Women,” he said. ed yesterday that the local Street in Newark. dwarfs, rocking horses, elephants, ta b 1 e-s, According to fire officials, five equipment for ; a course in of­ Greylpck Avenues, to L; VittUo, “ By next summer, let us. pass an fice procedures wife the oppor­ merchant; charged ! Golden The gentleman assisting Santa with his steam shovels, and even a “gossip bench” •—* Inc.' of'N utley on a bid of $12;- engines rushed. ,to the/scene, short­ ly after the first alarm which Was ordinance to help- women who -wish tunity . to 'gain first hand know­ with selling the .22 caliber pleasant chores, is Anthony Paserchia, of 63 a chair constructed With an arm best for 186;; an appropriation of $500 was to be peacefully protected,” he con- ledge and practical experience at W assessing Avenue, who makes toys for ..the approved for the -purchase of Salk at 10:48 .a.m lT anka of acid and .eluded.' '• blank cartridges, had not done ladies who enjoy lengthly telflnbone eorty^r- vaccine for thé anti-polio clinics, ether were burning when they ar­ the Remington Rand offices on ' so.. The statem ent was re­ ^orphanages,. Youngsters enjoying the whole rived. The immediate-' cadse p i the - The town ^fathers Wok - no »ac­ Broad Street in Newark., sations. Although these are all small items, as th4 item was not anticipated in leased -after Sullivan had 1Mng are left to right; Patti Magnettirof 35 this year’s budget; and the intro* fire was undetermined. 1 tion- on the suggestion This will be a complete course each one is sturdy in a way that only a. vet­ questioned the merchant and IpCrrisaniStreet, D^bby Donahue, of 57 Wat- eran carpenter dan construcM^emiyas.dmhia! duction of an authorized expeh- on business procedures designed sessing Avenue ana Anthony D’Urso, of 10 diture-of $3,500 for an oil burner both for the executive or the was satisfied that - no - such demonstrated this by standmg fragile and fuel, storage tank for the clerk, The course will u p a j l of blanks were sold at the store. Kimball Street. Santa is sometimes known looking pieces, public . library, ' hearing for this the related machines including as | seventeen - year - old Frank Magnotti, item will be on August 28. The. Ruth In Summer Stock calculators; accounting, photo- brother ,of Patti. Himself the father of f i;v.e children, office of public, health nurse sup­ gMjfeifi^ typewriters, .and tab- uTSting. All of these machines committee which .deals with such - ’/ Paserchia, a retired builder and carpen­ Angelo, Carl, Anthony* Jr*, Frances -and Rose ervisor at a salary of . $4,160 te problems, in order to avoid mak­ $4,800 was also created. This is will be available for demonstra­ ter, has been making toys for the orphanages Marie, Paserchia told us that hip, .children Works In Office A nd Acts tion and actual class use. The ing the decision himself. Sullivan the rjesult of the recent more answered with “I’m not afraid to j for four years. He. accepts no payment for never lacked for toys. It's not hfcri to see by the State Board of Health to course will also include material Why. ' s Visitors to tile “Ivy Tòwsr Playhouse, in Spring" Lake, take advice from men better in»- his wdrk which is an all-year project. Last leave the supervisory positions in on the plaoe of electronics in formed than I.” the hands of the individual muni, may see, a young Believiileite working at various jobs there. business - with an introductory cjpalities. Ruth Sussman, of -66 Van Reyper Place i§\ serving her discussion of Univac and the Noting two other instances of Univac File Computer. It will be committees formed -by feuuivanj second year as an apprentice with the- Ivy Tower. Her duties of great value to people work­ Golden cricisized his traffic study, ': PET SHOW FEATURE there includè office work, painting flats,, gathering proper­ ing or planning^ Jo progress in and employe relations units both Blood Donors Contribute ties, dreisskig ttie atirg/ ftwetpng -tliè stage, and.-tKat dreajn- busirmss“ management. of wliiun he damied hail been sst FIVE BELLEVILLE ed-of job, actirig.in. the theatre’s productions. up to enable Sullivan to avol4:| AT SCHOOL NO. 4 Thomas .G... Povey and. Joseph making his own decisions. Sullivan ■ hChth n$ pay; for ihi^ t^yk jp p r. pay being a McGuire y/ill be in charge of then explained that the traffic. 57 Pints - Record Showing The" 'P^t: ’4* play^ MEN SENTENCED m è m b s r« 'h i p cardi ,in Actors?-^' the classss; to be given in Belle­ study grpup was formed with re»; ground -R-itvYpImrWay,. dbehtea' Equity;, awarded to scceiia year ville High-^ School and the Rem* presentatives from all -parts of th$.< lv', .The lo<^i ;®ha|>tSr.-'.:qf; the - American Red Gross’lias an- much .ekeitemetti as.-.- fee ..children apprinttófe» àffei? feev ' have, ftp-- irigtdh RanS offices, beginning tiw n ift oroer to get a bettSiS TO JAIL TERMS plared l a fotìf';plays.-fflith is one Tuesday, Sept.
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