The Economic Capital of Archaeology: Measurement and Management Volume 2 Paul Burtenshaw Thesis submitted for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Institute of Archaeology, University College London 2013 Due to the need to ensure the well-being of contributors, this Volume (2) of this thesis has had some details obscured. Volume 1 remains unaltered. 309 Contents Title Page 309 Contents 310 References 311 Appendix 375 1. Tourist Questionnaires and coding information 375 2. Tourist Questionnaire Results a. Feynan Tourist Survey 386 b. Dana Survey Details 390 3. National Stakeholder (NS) Interviews (NS1-8) 394 4. Archaeologist (A) Interviews (A1-6) 421 5. Local Tourism and Community Stakeholders (LTC) Interviews (LTC1-10) 449 6. Ecolodge Staff (EL) Interviews (EL1-10) 472 7. Dana Local Community (D)Interviews (D1-4) 482 8. Local Population Interview Structure and Coding Information 489 9. Local Population Survey (LP) Interviews (LP1-74) 495 10. 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