Ml ncnniiT mill ntruni Published by ACCURACY IN MEDIA, INC. 4455 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 330 Reed Irvine, Publisher Washington. DC20008 Tel: (202) 364-4401 Fax: (202) 364-4098 Cliff Kincald, Editor E-mail: [email protected] Home Page: www.aim.org Notra Trulock, Associate Editor 2003 RI-:P()RT #15 XXXII-I5 HILLARY CLINTON'S BIGGEST COVER-UPS Ofall the Hillary Clinton scandals right to the left. But it stops far short of "opened my eyes and heart to the and €over-ups^none is^nore significant explaining her involvement with needs of others..." Her conservative thanher attemptto whitewash her own extreme left-wing groups and views persisted, however, into the time personaltransformation fromGoldwater individuals in league with America's that she entered Wellesley College in girl to Marxist. No mainstream media enemies. 1965, where she served as president of organization has examined how she is The book says that Hillary was the thecollege's YoungRepublicansduring determined in her new book to keep daughter ofa staunch Republican and her freshman year. However, she says people in the dark about what thatshe beganhaving more doubts about thewar against communism Hillary biographer, the late The media haven't asked Mrs. Clinton Barbara Olson, described as her about her work for a Communist Party in Vietnam—doubts fed by a "roots in Marxism." lawyer and why her book neglects to Methodist magazine she was "In her formative years," mention it. receiving at college, as well as explained Olson, "Marxism reports in the New York Times. was a very important part of her ideology..." that, in high school, she read Senator Defending The BlackPanthers Olson's important 1999book.Hell Barry Goldwater's book. The to Pay: The Unfolding Story of Conscience of a Conservative, and She moved on to Y ale Law School Hillary Rodham Clinton (Regnery wrote a term paper on the American in 1969, whichwas a hotbedofactivity Publishing, Inc., 1999), remains the conservativemovement. Shededicated on behalfofthe violently racist Black best account of Hillary's communist it to her parents, "who have always Panther organization. She writes that, connections and emergence as a taughtme to be an individual." She was "The world and its realities came "budding Leninist" who "understood a Goldwater supporter in 1964and had crashing down on Yale in April 1970, the Leninist concept of acquiring, "strong anti-Communist views," she when eight Black Panthers, including accumulating and maintainingpolitical says. She also got deeply involved in party leader Bobby Seale, were put on power at any cost." the United Methodist Church, which trial for murder in New Haven. As an example, Hillary's book Thousands of angry protesters, gripes that the end to her illegal closed- convinced the Panthers had been set door health-care task-force meetings, up by the FBI and government where a socialized medicine scheme prosecutors, swarmed into the city. was hatched, was the result of her Demonstrationsbrokeoutinandaround opponents citing an "obscure federal campus. The campus was bracing for law" in court. Hillary, a lawyer, never a huge May Day rally to support the wanted the law to get in her way. Panthers when I learned, late on the night ofApril 27, that the International LeavingThe GOP Law Library, which was in the basement of the law school, was on Hillary's book, Living History fire. Horrified, I rushed to joina bucket (Simon & Schuster^, does attempt to brigade offaculty, staffand students to explain her move from the political BarbaraOlson's Book put out the fire and to rescue books damaged by flames and water." Treuhaft."Flahertynotesthat Treuhaft working through the CPUSA had So LivingHistoryportrays Hillary told Herb Caen of the San Francisco provento be ineffective in establishing as someone who didn't participate in Examiner, "Thatwas the timewe were a communist America. The British the pro-Pantherdemonstrations butjust representing the Black Panthers, and newspaper The Independent said that tried to save some books from a fire. she worked on that case." Treuhaftand Mitfordcontinuedtosing the Internationale, once the Soviet PantherJustice Don't Ask, Don'tTell national anthem, after they left the party. Former sixties radical David Mrs. Clinton's involvement with Barbara Olson reported, "Hillary Horowitz saysthat both Hillaiy Rodham Treuhaft is no secret, although Hillary has never repudiated her connection and Bill Lann Lee, who later became clearly doesn't want to talk about it. A with the Communist movement in President Clinton's head of the U.S. NewYorkTimesobituaryofTreuhaft, America or explainedher relationship Justice Department's Civil Rights who died in 2001, said that he had with two of its leading adherents. Of Division, helped organize the pro- "accepteda youngYale lawyer named course, no one has pursued these= Panther demonstrations at Yale. Hillary Rodham (now Senator Hillary questions with Hillary. She has shown Others sympathetic to Hillary contend Rodham Clinton) as an intern." A she will not answer hard questions that she was merely among a group of Britishnewspaper, the London Times, abouther past, and she has learnedthat lawstudentswhomonitoredthetrialon said that "generationsofliberal lawyers she does not need to—remarkable in behalf of the ACLU, which was were groomed under his [Treuhaft's] an age when political figures are concerned that law enforcement was tutelage, including a young Yale law allowed such little privacy." violatingthe civil liberties ofmembers student named Hillary Rodham." oftheparty.ButHillary saysnothing in These two obituaries are Anti-Anti-Communist her book about even this role. posted at a website in honor of What is not in dispute is that she Treuhaft's famous wife, British Inherbook, however, Hillarydoes served on the Board ofEditors ofthe author Jessica Mitford, herself a write about some of her radical Yale Review of Law and Social member of the CPUSA whose associates. She notes a meeting in Action, a "progressive" alternative to lobbying of Bill 1969 with David the school's traditional review, and Clinton on the death MixneroftheVietnam that its fall 1970 issue was devoted to penalty issue was Moratorium the trial and glorifying the Panthers. reportedly facil Olson noted that Hillary Committee, an anti- itated by Hillary. has never been asked to Vietnam war protest The RedLawyer The Harvard Law explain her involvement group that came under Bulletin said about with the communist investigation by the Treuhaft: "He be During the summer of1971, Mrs. movement. House Internal Secur Clinton writes in her book, she was a longed to and served ity Subcommittee for law clerk at the Oakland firm of as attorney to the its involvement with Treuhaft, Walker and Bumstein. "I Communist Party of communistsandback spentmostofmy timeworkingfor Mai the United States for many years and ing from Hanoi. Mixnerwouldgo on to Bumstein researching, writing legal defended the civil rights ofgroups such becomea leadinghomosexual activist, motions and briefs for a child custody as the Black Panther Party, Vietnam adviser to and friend of President case," she said. In fact, however, the War draft resisters, and members of Clinton.HewascreditedwithdeUvering public record shows thatClintonworked Berkeley's free speech movement." some six million votes to Clinton in for Robert Treuhaft, a member ofthe The London Times said Treuhaft 1992. Communist Party USA (CPUSA) and and Mitford left the CPUSA in 1958 Former conservative David Harvard-trained lawyer for the party. and that "Khrushchev's denunciation Brock's book, The Seduction of Citing public sources, Peter of the crimes of Stalin had been Hillary Rodham, links Hillary with Flaherty's book. TheFirstLady (Vital influential in driving away lots of Robert Borosage, a Yale Law School Issues Press, 1996), says that "Hillary believers." But Khruschev had graduate and one ofthe foimders ofthe was recommendedto Treuhaftby some denounced Stalin's crime in February Yale Review, who would laterbecome of her professors at Yale. She was 1956. TheTimessaidthat"theMitford/ director of the Institute for Policy looking for a 'movement' law firm to Treuhaft idea that the American Studies (IPS), a Marxist think tank. workat forthe summer. As it turns out, Communist ideal should be an Borosage is now co-director of the Hillarywouldcontinueher association indigenous affair never took root," Campaign for America's Future, a and supportofthe BlackPanthercause suggesting they left the party not group trying to move the Democratic while working as a law clerk for because ofwhat Stalindid but because Party further to the political left. Hillary writes about her the Global Nation," that in the next the World Federalist Association involvement with the Children's century"nationhood aswe know itwill (WFA) when itgave Talbott itsNorman Defense Fund, headed by Marian be obsolete," that we would all some Cousins Global Governance Award. WrightEdehnan, but omits anymention day become world citizens, and that In the letter, ClintonnotedthatNorman oftheNewWorldFoundation (NWF). wars and humanrights violations inthe Cousins, the WFA founder, had Hillary followed Edelman's husband, 20th century had clinched "thecase for "worked for world peace and world Peter, as chairman of the NWF. Mrs. world government." government" and that Talbott was a Clinton chaired the group during atime, To help accomplish this, "worthy recipient" ofthe award. 1982-1988,whenit gavegrants to the Committee in Solidarity HillaryAndChina with the People ofEl Salvador,
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