SENIORS TO RECEIVE DEGREES WEDNESDAY Arizona University President Skidmore Elected A.W.S. President McCormack Is Commencement fice-President Is Sally Roe; Speaker Baccalaureate May 16 Eastburn Confers Degrees; Ian Morton Hall Girl's Lounge Graduating Class Presented By Morris, Globe Regent Board tudy Hall In Women's Dorm One hundred throe* bachelor degrees and 52 Masters of Arts in Education degrees will be conferred upon students Want Bi-Monthly North Hall ’ of Arizona State College during commencement convocation Pdrties; Next Y ear’s Council Wednesday, May l ‘.». The convocation will be held at 8 Vol. 36— No*. 31 ASSOCIATED STUDENTS OF ARIZONA STATE COLLEGE AT FLAGSTAFF Thursday, May 13, p. m. in Ashurst Auditorium. * fo Furnish Some Social Activity -------- ;----- *------------ ♦ Those receiving masters degrees in Jlary Skidmore was elected President, of the Associated | education at the end of the fall The Old And The New I semester, 1947: fomen Students of A.S.C. at an election held in North Fulton Is Elected Burns And Muheim j Leroy W. Parker, Flagstaff; and a]I last Thursday. The Vice Presidential post went to Dean Of Men j Charles F. Speissegger, Summer- illy Roe. Secretary to Millicent Nieholich and Phyllis Mer- Prexy Soph Class | ville. South Carolina. II was elected Treasurer. Give Voice Recital Those receiving their bachelors »ft plan ilf'.it l " Resigns From j degrees in' education at the end of irjll not be * purely judicial Doran Vice-Prexy Monday In Ashurst ! the spring semester, 1948. jy but will be able to furnish Martha E. Andrews, San Ber- -t social activities”. said Mary Next year’s Sophomore class of­ Christine Honeck Riswold, voice ASC Faculty . | nardino, California; Norma Cole- [more "hen interviewed. “My Summer Term ficers were elected last Monday in instructor at Arizona State Col­ | man Barney, Flagstaff;' Robert n'council and I have several ac- Dean McGill’s office in. Old Main. lege at Flagstaff, will present Miss : Itencok, Cleveland, Ohio; Sallie itifj in niind'tor next year. We Don Fulton was elected as presi­ Barbara Muheim, Bisbee, and W ill G o To | Powell Bingham, Williams; Flor- t to fix up Morton hall for an Begins June 7; dent of the class, with Ted Doran, James Burns from Yuma, in a New College ' ence W’elk Birkemeyer, Columbus, uive Kiris lounge, also rino- vice president, Secretary treasurer voice recital on Monday, May 17, i Wisconsin; Meivyn K. Bowers, the AWS library, and make a will be fiat Fitzpatrick. Council at 8 p. m. in Ashurst auditorium, In California Flagstaff; Paul Culdwell, Prescott; idy hall in the women’s dorm. representatives are Tom Cooper oth Miss Muheim and Mr. Bums Edith Claire Cochran, Payson; Is Eight Weeks and Donnie Rowe. Elected as so­ re sophomore students in voicc Effective August 15, Dr. Linn Glenn Russell Compton, Flagstaff; a!»o plan to have parties twice Hutchinson announced his resigna­ wrath in North Hall lounge," she cial chairman was Darleon Doonan. and have been heard frequently t>y John L. Dallabetta, Yuma; Mary New Students Can Faculty sponsor will be announced college, community and radio au­ tion fr»m ASC last week to accept E. Ellsworth, Flagstaff; James itri a position as counselor at Orange Isxy president of Alhpa Mu later. diences. Howell Fincher, Ajo; Margaret Enroll G rad W ork Their recital progrant will in­ Coast College at Costa Mesa, Cal­ Ann Glass Speissegger, Phoenix; locial sorority this year, and ifornia, September 1. A. W. S. council treasurer. She M A Completion 1950 clude: Frances Louise Gray. Globe; Welko Dr. Hutchinson has Been here W. Gurovich, Miami; Nellie May Summer school this year will be­ State Paid Students since 194(1, and was appointed dean Hart, Sedona; George Henry, La­ gin June 7, and last for eight guna Beach, California; Bonnylee weeks. It is now possible for new Miss Muheim Hughey, Superior; Joe B. Hunter, students to enroll for graduate To Get Checks Ta I... Sal T.. Glendale; Kenneth Elwin Johnson, work. Those students doing grad­ Ombra Mai Fu. ........Ha Globe; Paul L. Johnson, Winslow; uate level work should plan on Robert E. Kelley, Ajb; George H. completing all requirements for Before They Leave Mr. Bums K esse I, Flagstaff; Harilyn Janice their degree of Master of Arts in Joe Rolle announced today that O’ Sleep Why Dox't Thou Krause, Winslow; Lyle Warren Education by the end of the sum­ the student payroll for those stu­ Leave M e? ........................ Ha Kurzrock, Flagstaff; Bobby Brook- mer session of 1950. dents paid from state funds will Solveig's Lied G erson Leonard, Duncan; Willis McEuen, Coolidge; Ruth Nelasen During the summer session work be in two sections this month so Miss Muheim Mayhew, Flagstaff; A. Leonard offered lead? toward the degrees that students may receive a check of Bachelor of Arts. Bachelor of The Strolling Minstrel........... G Mickelson, Flagstaff; Joseph X. before they leave for home this The Cradles F; Miller. Prescott; Warren H. Phil­ Science, Bachelor of Science in Ed­ summer. ucation, Master of Arts in Educa­ Mr. Bums lips, Somerton; Phyllis Louise tion, and to all regular Arizona The first pay period will be from Pierce, Del Paso Heights, Calif.; May 1 through May 15 inclusive. Zueignung ..................Stn teaching certificates and their re­ Sylvelin ............. ...............Sin* Jose Louis Sandoval, Flagstaff; newals for-the Kindergarten, Pri­ Students are asked to get time John E. Sarager, Phoenix; John slips into th# offioc_bcforo Satur­ Nothin’ Fo’ Mah mary. Elementary, and Secondary Own .........Negro Worksong Rassell Sturgeon, Tacoma, Wash.; day noon, May 15. Frank • E. Sylvester, Williams; grades, and for certificates in the Art Williams and Francif Davrm, outgoing and in­ Second half of the pay"roll will Frances Thompson, J ’rescott; Clar­ special teaching fields. coming student liody president talk over prospects for Miss Muheim ^ For teachers desiring specialized be from May 1? through May 21 Homing ......... Del Riego ence L. Underwood, Jr., Morgan­ instruction the college ha.^arrang- inclusive. Ray slips must be in the next year’s activities. Davcrit expects a big year‘next Song to the Evening town, W. Va.; George Merritt Veit, chosen by the student council ed for the services of many na­ office before the students- leave year, and ajks for all student jxirtici potion. Star .............Wagner Glendale; Theodore R. Wallace, esenred in Who’s Who in tionally recognized authorities who school. Checks will-be mailed for The Flea ...... ....... Moussorgsky Flagstaff; Orrin D. Williams, Ajo; Colleges this year, and will conduct workshops; during the this second pay period. William Arthur Williams, Globe; Mr. Bums secretary of the Arizona Play- session. Also, one post session Lucia Page, Albuquerque, N. M. l OF A COPS ROOEO .•Miss Johnette King, instructor in of men thi* year. He is also an Those corapleUng Batchelor of workshop has been scheduled. associate professor in psychology Regular classes in the field of piano at the college, will accom­ Science degree work In this spring ang her other nativities M an’ D amjI Dm i >a h Ic pany the soloists. and education and director of coun­ as chairman of the Presi- audio-visual aids will be offered Band rresents semester are: Donald W. Guyer, NEW MEXICO HAS selling and guidance. Hayden; John Albert Henry, Phoe­ club, is a member of the sci- by Del Shelley throughout the Orange Coast' College is a new ritib (for which (he wju a eight weeks session. A special nix; Arliss Harold Sutherland, college that will have i« ' first en­ Stockton, Calif.; Margaret Wolf didatc fot La Ct*«ita Queen), speech clinic will be offered by Home Concert RUNNEIMJP TEAM rollment September 1. p in thfi_A'Cappclla Choir, and Mrs. Lydia Newton, specialist, Ari­ Social Calendar Williams, Ajo; Cynthia Day Wil­ “I have found the staff a swell son. Winslow; Robert L. Ziriax, is a membership in the Hiking zona Society for Crippled Children. Climaxing the two-day second Wilburn Cogbum. Barker was win­ bunch to work with an I enjoyed Williams, and Edwin Harry WU- In her spavfc time Mary nv Monday Night Attractive courses are offered intercollegiate rodeo held here at ner Montgomery’s pickup rider in my association with the student* son, San Diego, Calif. iaVEnKlish, and minors Flagstaff last weekend. May 8-9, the girls' pickup race. Thursday, May 13: Future the undergraduates in commerce, Monday night, May 10, the Con­ Teachers, 7 p. m.. Training here,” Dr. Hutchinson stated. >sitry\aml history. With all English, fine arts, industrial arts the University of Arizona made on Those completing work for cert Band presented a Home Con­ Miss Montgomery’s opponent wa« School. Bachelor of Arts degree this spring ie*> activities she manages to and industrial education,> home ec­ with top honors, its team winning cert at Ashurst Auditorium. The Miss Bobbie Leverton, whose pick­ are Joan Stanne McKinnon, De- ntain ajgencral scholarship, onomics, modem languages, mathe­ Concert was under the direction of the trophy award, and a team up rider was Cogburn. Friday, May 14: Lions Con­ illy iva member of the A. matics, music, science, history, phy­ member, John Norton, winning tho vention in Ashurat. (Continued on Page Four) J. Alfred Anderson. Max Spillsbury, U.-of A., placed S. Council this year, and is an sical education, and teacher educa­ A large attendance of students title of champion cowboy and plac­ Saturday, May 15: Freshman- Four Students ve member of Alpha Mu Eta tion. ing first in team tying and second first, in calf roping. Norman Bing­ Sophomore Hop, Ashurst Audi­ and towns people enjoyed the con* ham and Jack Thompson, itlso U. #1 sorority. She is an enthus- Science department field trips ert as well as the humorous jokes in bull riding.
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