June 11, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E739 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN RECOGNITION OF DENVER EAST REMEMBERING THE LIFE AND RECOGNIZING COLONEL TIMOTHY HIGH SCHOOL’S ‘WE THE PEO- LEGACY OF MR. HOWELL BEGLE HOLMAN PLE’ NATIONAL FINALS FIRST PLACE WIN HON. DONALD S. BEYER, JR. HON. TRENT KELLY OF MISSISSIPPI OF VIRGINIA HON. DIANA DeGETTE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF COLORADO Tuesday, June 11, 2019 Tuesday, June 11, 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Madam Speaker, Tuesday, June 11, 2019 Mr. BEYER. Madam Speaker, I rise today to today I recognize Colonel Timothy Holman of ask the House of Representatives to join me the United States Army for his extraordinary Ms. DEGETTE. Madam Speaker, I rise in celebrating the exemplary life of Mr. Howell dedication and service to our Nation. Colonel today to congratulate Denver East High Begle—a veteran Army captain, lawyer, advo- Holman will soon transition from his current School on its first-place finish in the 2019 na- cate for R&B singers’ rights and my dear assignment as the Chief of the United States tional finals of the ‘We the People’ competition friend. Army House Liaison Division in the House of sponsored by the Center for Civic Education. Howell’s life was spent in service to his Representatives to the Deputy for the Army’s The students and teachers of the Denver East country and helping others. After receiving his Unity and Inclusion Office. High School team should feel exceptionally law degree from the University of Michigan in With an impressive and proven record of proud of this outstanding achievement. 1968, Howell was commissioned a captain in leadership, including combat tours in Iraq as After winning the Colorado statewide ‘We Okinawa and served in the Judge Advocate the Brigade Operations Officer of the 130th the People’ competition, Denver East High General’s Corps. His wife, Julia, would tell you Engineer Brigade and in Afghanistan as the School traveled here to Washington, D.C. that he was particularly proud of his work in Battalion Commander of the 54th Engineer where they prevailed over the competition to the JAG Corps, defending soldiers who were Battalion, Tim was chosen to serve as the bring home first-place. The students of the being tried for minor transgressions like grow- Chief of the House Liaison Division in 2017 Denver East High School team demonstrated ing their hair too long or neglecting to salute after serving as a Chief of Staff of the Army exceptional skill and character as they worked an officer, and explaining the Geneva Conven- Senior Fellow with the Center for a New towards this well-deserved win. I know that the tion to soldiers who were being shipped out to American Security. Colonel Holman’s out- lessons learned, and knowledge gained fight in Vietnam. standing work led to him being selected as the through this experience will be invaluable to Howell left the Army in 1973 and began Chief of the United States Army House Liaison the students throughout their lives and future Division. His first-hand knowledge of the mili- careers, no matter what path they take. working in Washington, D.C. as a successful corporate lawyer specializing in media merg- tary, its culture, and traditions was a tremen- Each year over 1,200 high school students dous benefit to Army senior leaders and Con- from across the nation come together to learn ers. His many prestigious clients included the Kennedy Center, the American Film Institute, gressional offices. Tim was especially effective about and debate the issues of the day. They in his service to Members and staff as he es- participate in simulated congressional hear- and the Academy Awards. A lifelong fan of R&B music, Howell began advocating for R&B corted them on fact-finding and oversight dele- ings, testifying as constitutional experts before gations within the United States and around panels of judges acting as congressional com- artists after learning that one of his favorite singers, Ruth Brown, hadn’t received royalties the world. mittees. Students demonstrate their knowl- Recently, Colonel Holman led a CODEL to edge of the U.S. Constitution as well as a vari- from her former record company, Atlantic Records, in decades. the 75th Anniversary of the D–Day landing at ety of topics connected to our country’s histor- Normandy, the largest CODEL of this type on ical and political heritage. Using his years of experience working in the legal profession, Howell helped Brown pres- record. His expert planning, attention to detail, Robust civic education is the foundation of and love of travel enabled exceptional visits our democracy and is key to its future suc- sure Atlantic records to eventually dispense her royalties in 1988—28 years after they for fifty-eight Members of Congress and their cess. Informed citizenship in our youth is a pri- staff. I found him to be a thoughtful, intelligent, mary factor of this future success. The stu- were due. Howell’s pro bono work led to in- dustrywide royalty reform and Atlantic Records and a professional soldier in the best traditions dents who participate in this competition in- of America’s Armed Forces. Madam Speaker, spire us all to be more informed citizens. recalculating royalties for its numerous R&B artists, many of whom were African American it has been a pleasure to work with Colonel Madam Speaker, I would like to give special Holman during his tenure as the Chief of the recognition to the incredible teachers who led and living in poverty due to unfair payment practices. That same year, Atlantic Records United States Army House Liaison Division in the Denver East High School team. Susan the House of Representatives. McHugh and Matt Fulford have provided vital helped create the Rhythm and Blues Founda- tion, which gives grants to artists in need. On behalf of a grateful Nation, it is my mentorship and guidance to these students, honor to recognize the selfless service and and their work with this team is a testament to Howell served as the foundation’s first execu- tive director. sacrifice of a fellow Mississippian, Colonel the quality of teachers we have in the Denver Timothy Holman, and his wife, B.J. Holman. I Howell’s work touched many lives, but his Public school system. The winning team in- wish them the very best. most significant accomplishment was the fam- cluded Sam Anderson, Grant Austin, Kennedy f Austin, Jack Beardshear, Max Boubin, Re- ily he loved and cherished. He was deeply becca Chapman, Hayden Christopher, Henry committed to his wife Julie, his children Mark, TRIBUTE TO THE AMERICAN Fox, Jessica Freedberg, Aidan Glennie, Matthew, Charles and Kristin and his three LEGION Sophie Goldberg, Alexa Goldstein, Ethan grandchildren. Gutterman, Ben Hamik, Anja Hutson, Marco In an interview, Howell once told The Wash- HON. ADAM B. SCHIFF Jimenez, Aiden Kahn, Ballard Kauffman, Madi- ington Post: ‘‘Too often in one’s professional OF CALIFORNIA career, you don’t get a chance to be on the son Moore, Maggie Morrison, Matthew Nekritz, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Amelia Nugent, Maddie Parker, Isabella right side of the right issue.’’ Today, I thank Sanderson, Abby Schuman, Lulu Scully, Ella Howell for being on the right side of the right Tuesday, June 11, 2019 Snyder, Kacey Tanner, Elena Thoman, and issue and for his years of committed service. Mr. SCHIFF. Madam Speaker, I rise today Walker Young. Congratulations to all, and we Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues in the to honor The American Legion upon its 100th are all so proud of their wonderful accomplish- House of Representatives to join me in recog- Anniversary. ment. I wish them continued success in all nizing Howell Begle’s distinguished life and In 1919, The American Legion was char- their future endeavors. legacy. tered by Congress and founded by veterans of ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:14 Jun 12, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K11JN8.001 E11JNPT1 E740 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks June 11, 2019 World War I, who upon returning home no- fornia to have been honored by the AACC in in a situation that none of us could possibly ticed a lack of government assistance in as- 2019. fathom. All of this, in defense of our country. similating back to their pre-service lives. Every year, the AACC recognizes the ex- We can never repay John’s service to our Though they had experienced extreme suf- ceptional work accomplished by the nation’s country. May he have a blessed birthday and fering during the war, veterans received no community colleges by presenting Awards of may many learn from his example of service disability compensation, comprehensive med- Excellence in six categories: Student Success, and patriotism. Happy Birthday, John. ical care, pensions for widows and orphans, or Advancing Diversity, CEO/Board Relationship, f vocational training. As a result, The American Community College Safety and Planning, Fac- Legion sought to create a self-help organiza- ulty Innovation, and Outstanding College/Cor- STRENGTHENING LOCAL TRANS- tion that would provide veterans with devoted porate Partnership. The AACC Award of Ex- PORTATION SECURITY CAPABILI- care nationwide with Posts in local commu- cellence in the Student Success category rec- TIES ACT OF 2019 nities. The 28th Congressional District is proud ognizes a community college that has dem- SPEECH OF to house Burbank Post 150, Glendale Post onstrated a sustained commitment to student 127, Los Feliz Post 527, Hollywood Post 43, achievement.
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