Missouri University of Science and Technology Scholars' Mine International Conference on Case Histories in (1988) - Second International Conference on Geotechnical Engineering Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering 02 Jun 1988, 10:30 am - 3:00 pm Treatment of Left Bank Slopes of Ichari Dam Bhagwat V. K. Lavania University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/icchge Part of the Geotechnical Engineering Commons Recommended Citation Lavania, Bhagwat V. K., "Treatment of Left Bank Slopes of Ichari Dam" (1988). International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering. 54. https://scholarsmine.mst.edu/icchge/2icchge/2icchge-session3/54 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article - Conference proceedings is brought to you for free and open access by Scholars' Mine. It has been accepted for inclusion in International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering by an authorized administrator of Scholars' Mine. This work is protected by U. S. Copyright Law. Unauthorized use including reproduction for redistribution requires the permission of the copyright holder. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Proceedings: Second International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering, June 1-5, 1988, St. louis, Mo., Paper No. 3.54 Treatment of Left Bank Slopes of lchari Dam Bhagwat V.K. Lavania Professor of Earthquake Engineering, University of Roorkee, Roorkee, India SYNOPSIS : The left bank of Jchari Diversion Dam was anticipated unstable because of toe submergence and drawdown effects after the construction of the dam, on the weak geological formations. Extensive laboratory and field investigations were carried out to determine the extent of stabilising measures needed. The proposals of providing pretensioned steel anchors or alternatively, reinforced concrete shaft anchors were considered in details to obviate the possibility of deep seated slides. The choice fell in favour of R.C. anchors mainly because there is no uncertainity about their in situ strength • These anchors were provided in two rows (one having vertical and other inclined anchors) at 9.0m spacing. The design of these anchors was done as contineous space frame with ultimate load theory. The two rows are connected at the top with a 6.0m thick concrete slab (monolith). A massive concrete retaining wall of 9.0m height rests on this slab with provision of shear keys. Above this elevation, concrete bocks and boulder pitching, with back filters, have been used to stabilise the slope at a gradient of 1.5:1 (H:V) in the hill wash material zone. INTRODUCTION The works of Jchari, constructed during 1969-72 under Yamuna SHEAR PARAMETERS Hydroelectric Scheme stage II in State of Uttar Pradesh, India, comprise the diversion dam (55.0m high) and intake The overburden material, consisting of mainly boulders and arrangements to divert the waters of river Tons into a rock pieces, mixed with sand and small percentage of clay 7.0m diameter and 6.3 km long head race tunnel for generation (GM, GP) was standing at an angle of about 37°. Any large of hydro-power at Chibro underground power house. The scale removal of this material, which has maximum depth elevation of top of the dam, above mean sea level, is 652.0m. of over 30m at places, would have resulted in instability and the river bed elevation before construction of the dam of the steep hill behind it that has number of secondary was about 610.0m. The preconstruction study of the geology joints, cracks and shear zones. The insitu per~eability of of the left bank slopes of the river at the dam site revealed this ma!3rial was found to vary from 3 x 10- em/sec. to thick overburden of hill wash material and debris over lying 7 x 10 em/sec. and, therefore, it may be considered as a rock ledge which rises steeply behind it, at an approximate semipervious to pervious. The cohesion and internal friction elevation of 636.0m. The underlying rock, consists of almost values obtained from ltboratory tests were in the range horizontal bands of quartzite, quartizite slate and thinly of 0.07 to 0.27 kg/em and 3/j. 0 to 36° respectively. The bedded slate, and has a number of shear zones and glid shear zone material samples were obtained from the three cracks dipping towards the river. On the basis of data from drifts in the left abutment at elevations 625.0m, 61J.O,Om, various drifts in the left abutment the formation, from 61j.9.0m made to establish the extent of overburden and sound the face, can be divided into the four zones, Fig. 1, viz, rock profile along the 2dam axis. These2samples gave cohesion (i) hill wash material and debris (Zone-!), (ii) highly frag­ values of 0.29 kg/em to 0.35 kg/em and angle of internal manted and weathered rock mass (Zone II), (iii) fresh but friction values of 2/j. 0 to 25°. The :raturated uni_3 weight fractured and jointed rocks (Zone III) and, (iv) sound and of hill wash and the rock are 2.15 t/m and 2.7 t/m respec­ fresh rock (Zone IV). The mantle of overburden extends tively. The pore water pressures in slope in the drawdown to about more than 250 m in height above the river bed range were accounted for in the analysis by taking submerged and about ]/j.Q.Om upstream of the dam axis. On the downs- weight of material for resisting forces and saturated weight tream of the dam axis also, the over-burden material exists for sliding forces. In the rock mass lying above the normal but to a lesser extent. reservoir level, the pore water pressures due to rains, were not expected to be more than 25 % of the full saturation THE PROBLEM pressures due to perviousness of the overburden and existence of cracks and fishers in rocks. The existence of these geological features had created the problem of ensuring the stability of the left bank slopes STABILITY ANALYSIS and also of tying the dam securely to the left bank rocks The solution of the first problem only is described in the For evaluation the stability of the slope a number of poten­ paper • The slopes upsteam of the dam axis, comprising tial shear surfaces were considered (Fig.2). The stability of overburden material and the rock mass below it were of the overburden material was analysed by considering thC' found, by analysis, to be in a state of limiting equilibrium. two circular shear surfaces (case 1 & 2). The safety factors The construction of the dam had to raise the water level were calculated for each case with, (a) no pore water pre­ from the general elevation level of about 612.0m to 61J.lj..75m ssures and, (b) 25% pore water pressures and then combination (toe submergence). Also for peaking on the power houses of these conditions with earthquake loading (horizontal seismic daily there has to be drawdown in the reservoir from EL coefficient = 0.1). For case 1, the existing slopes were just 61j.lj..7 5m to EL 636.0m, in a very short duration of about stable (safety factor 1.05) with no pore water pressures, /j. hours. These situations had to bring down the stability no cohesion and no earthquake inertia force. Under drawdown of the hill mass. The condition of the slopes on the down­ conditions the safety factor reduced to 1.00 with no pore stream of the axis did not materially change after the cons­ water pressures above EL 6lj.5.0m. In case 2, the stability truction of the reservoir and therefore did not require as had been tested with a small section of the earth, above elaborate treatment as for upsteam slopes. EL 680.0m, removed with a provision of berm of 4.0m. The Second International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering 621 Missouri University of Science and Technology http://ICCHGE1984-2013.mst.edu 140 130 120 110 100 '30 80 70 60 INDEX IA4 44 44 4 1 OVER BURDEN ~~~ SALATES ~ QUARTZITIC SLATES 1:·.-:~·::.::.j QUARTZITE 1--1 SHEAR ZONEC1-3CM.THICK) FIG. 1 - Geology at Section 70.m Upstream of Dam Axis (with Initial Proposal of Steel Anchors) INDEX PROBABLE ROCK PROFILE ~ OVER BURDEN ---s 9°W ~ QUARTZITIC SLATES 700 ~SLATES 690 ~~;;~'=-~~~~ QUARTZITE 780 ZONE IV 670 660 650 640 630 pOSSIBLE 620 610 600 280 270 260 250 240 230 220 ·210 200 190 180 170 160 150 140 100 90 80 70 FIG. 2 - Location of Potential sliding Surfaces 622 Second International Conference on Case Histories in Geotechnical Engineering Missouri University of Science and Technology http://ICCHGE1984-2013.mst.edu remaining portion below EL 680.0m was assumed to have been dressed at an angle of 34° with berms at EL 660.0m and EL 645.0m. The safety factors for this slope worked out to be 1.1 with no pore pressures and 0.96 with 25% pore DRESSED SLOPE pressures. With earthquake effect these reduced to 0.89 and 0.77 respectively. For drawdown condition these safety factors were 1.06 with no pore pressures above drawdown level and 0.95 with 25% pore pressures. For dynamic condition these factors reduced to 0.84 and 0.75. The stability of the rock mass was analysed for three different potential shear surfaces (case 3, 4 and 5) having toe elevations 618.0m where lowest anticipated shear zone and crushed rock seam exist. The top elevations and hence the rock mass above the potential sliding circular surfaces vary in the three cases.
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