k&*c*m Olz > 3> 3 discarded CSConnecticut Daily Campus Serving Storrs Since 1896 Q3 5to C CD VOL. LXIX. NO. 104 MONDAY, APRIL 5, 1965 3D STORRS, CONNECTICUT §p en Picnic, Prom And Boatride * ^_ » »._ .. __ r i « Plans Of Senior Week Set Computer SchedulingJ M Expectedvnftntftf ToT plans for the .Senior Prom, Because of Its great success picnic and Boatride have recent- last year, the Senior Week Com- ly been completed for Senior mittee has planned a Boat Ride Give 80% Their Entire Request Week, June 2-9, according to Sen- out of New London. Combo Kings will Play and sing for the event. ior Week Chairmen Nancy Peder- by Jackie Longo "In past years 25^ of the stu- a change In the system may re- son and Jeff Widen. A free lunch will be provided with dents who register at UConn re- sult, allowing the student only Tickets for Senior Week will go the cooperation of the Food Club. "Computer scheduling can cieve their complete schedule. a choice of courses and the sec- on sale the week after vacation. To eliminate deficits which have match everything done manually The computer can equal this per- tioning will be left up to the Seniors may sign up for their oocured over the past years, while being swifter, more effi- centage and it is hoped that the machine." tickets this week from 2-4 In Seniors will be required to sign cient, and error free," com- number of students receiving For graduate students and stu- the Student Union Lobby. over $15 from their breakage mented Ronald E. Dickerson, Di- their choices will be greatly in- dents in courses which offer only The Senior Picnic is the first fee when they sign up for their rector of Student scheduling, at creased," continued Dickerson. one section scheduling will be of the three events which will tickets in the Union Lobby. An- last Wednesday's Student Senate By scheduling manually the done manually. take place on the weekend of other $5 fee will be levied meeting. number of students in each sec- Dickerson concluded that it will June 2,3 and 4th. when the three part tickets are According to Dickerson, the tion of a course is balanced, be a major accomplishment in Lake compounce amusement before May 14th. computer scheduling program allowing an equal number of stu- computer scheduling if a great scene at the picnic, will be open Seniors will also be able to will go into effect this May when dents in each section. Under the percentage of the student body to all Seniors at a minimum price make one dollar contributions to students register for the fall new system the desired quota for can be given complete requests. and a free lunch and refresh- the class gift and the Alumni semester. The program will save each section would be filled first ments will be available for all Association Membership at this approximately $3700 and will cut and the remaining students would who attend. Two bands and two time. the time necessary for schedul- be transferred to other sections. Hillel singing groups will provide con- The vice-chairmen for the ing from six weeks to four hours. According to Dickerson and tinuous music from 8 to 12 p.m. events are; Picnic-Carrie Cog- In other colleges and univer- Richard Stec, Systems co-ordln- Lunch 11 a.m. - 1 pun ID card, preferably majority tella and Jack Cofranesco; Prom- sities where this programming ator for the scheduling: Dinner 6 p.m. sharp. Registration has been ex- cards, are required. Jean Morrisson, Joan Callahan, has been instituted students have "The percentage oi VUIMIU. Music for the Prom, to be held and Cliff Demers; Boatride- had no choice of sections. UConn recievlng their entire request tended until Wednesday, at the Hotel America, will be Bonnie Moffet, Mark Shenkman, will allow the student to retain is expected to reach 80%. If April 7. provided by Paul Landerman's and Marty Setter. Tickets and his choice. this percentage drops below 50% orchestra. Publicity chairmen are Dolores DeFronze and Mary Jane Tylec. Dr. Coates To Deliver Two Mischa Titieo To Speak On Primitive Religions Public Geology Lectures Mischa Tltlev, professor of An- Phi Kappa Phi, and Sigma Xi. Dr. Donald R. Coates, one of Department of Geology, and geo- thropology at the University of Titlev Is being presented by the nation's ranking geologists, logist with the Groundwater Michigan, will speak on primitive the Cultural Committee of the will spend two days at UConn, Branch of the U.S. Geological religion in the Union Ballroom, Student Union Board of Govern- April 5-6 under the visiting lec- Servey. tonight at 8:00 p.m. ors. turer program of the American Before Dr. Coates visits the Titlev has been teaching An- Geological Institute. campus, the University's Geology thropology at the University of Today Deadline The first of his two public lec- Dept. will display a photographic Michigan since 1936. His princi- tures, "Water-A Dr. Jekyll and slide presentation showing var- pal field work has been with the Mr. Hyde," will be delivered ious aspects of ground water Mischa Tltteu Hopl Indians of Arizona, but he For Washington tonight at 8 p.m. In the Home study and problems. has also worked with the Economics building. On Tues- Araucanian Indians in Chile, with Bus Reservation day he will take "A New Look the Japanese settlers of Lima, at Geomorphology" at 8 p.m. In Friday Is Deadline For CCC Peru and with the rural inha- UConn students and faculty are Beach Building. bitants of Okayama Province in expected to join some ten to fif- Dr. Coates, the fourth geosclen- Japan. teen thousand concerned In- tist to visit UConn under the AGI He has written a great many dividuals in a protest march on lecture program, will also meet Float And Booth Application articles and reviews in various Washington, Saturday April 17, informally with students and staff journals, in addition to several to end the war in Vietnam. books, one of which is THE during his stay at the University. "Midway applications already A bus has heen chartered by Chairman of the Harpur College Deadlines for C.C.C. Float and SCIENCE OF MAN, a textbook the Storrs Student Peace Union Midway booth applications will be received have shown a trend to- which is used at the University Department of Geology from ward the use of water, mud and that leaves from the Community 1954-63, Dr. Coates has also been extended until this Friday, April of Connecticut. Tltiev is a mem- House Friday, April 16, at 10 other messy elements." Accor- ber of the American Anthropolo- chairman of the Earlham College 9th. p.m. The return trip to Storrs ding to Doug Joyner, Publicity gical Association, the American Chairman, "No more ideas of will be made on Easter Sunday Ethnological Society, the Am- morning between 6 and 7 a.m. this type will be accepted. Rather erican Association of Physical World News Briefs games of skill are being encour- Anthropologists, the A.A.A.S., making several stops In Hartford. aged." SPU chairman, Brian Cross, Dorms wishing to participate stated that many faculty members Reds Claim Heavy Toll should contact BUI Ferris Mid- Cupid IBM 1401 have made contributions so that way Chairman at 429-9841, or students unable to afford the (AP)—The Communists claimed Washington say the pilot of an call the APO office. Plays, 'Operation SI 2.00 round-trip could attend the North Vietnamese gunners shot American F-100 jet flying cover Joyner said, "If this year's march. He also stated that the last down 37 American and South for the US fighter-bombers re- C.C.C. carnival is to be a suc- day for reservations is today, Vietnamese warplanes during a ported lie thought a 20-mllllmeter cess, which we hope, more ent- Match' On Students April 5th. series of air attacks today on cannon shot lie fired winged one ries will have to be received Students interested in attend- North Viet Nam. US officials of the attacking Red aircraft. in the next week. The UConn ing the march should contact in Saigon declined to say how This could not lie confirmed be- students have an obligation to by Mike Klein the SPU at 429-4989 or attend many planes were lost, since cause the Communist planes dis- their community as reflected in the SPU meeting tonight at 7:30 search operations are continuing. appeared into the haze from which the charities to which we have Two Harvard Juniors, Jeff Tarr in Commons 315. But besides two F-105 pilots re- they pounced on the fighter- promised support. Without more and Vaugh Morrill m, have been The march will consist of a ported lost, the pilot of a US hombers. cooperation from the living units playing Cupid to hundreds of morning demonstration at the propellor-driven skyralder went An air raid alert sounded .'n this obligation cannot be met." young people around New Eng- White House followed by a rally down with his plane Into the sea Hanoi, the capital of North Viet land through a project they call at the base of the Washington after being hit by fire from Nam, yesterday. Only militiamen "Operation Match." Monument. Addressing this rally Red gunboats off the coast. and their assistants wearing Red Operation Match is based on the will be Senator Ernest Gruen- One of the Communist North armbands remained In the Registration For belief that both college men and ing (Dem.-Alaska) and journa- Vietnamese Mig fighters that shot streets.
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