FDA approves Battle looms over Mitch McConnell powerful new opioid in funding for Trump’s becomes Trump’s controversial move border wall first line of defense PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4 Volume 20, Issue 38 November 14-20, 2018 lasvegastribune.com Michele Fiore standing up once again for Las Vegans By Sunny Day Coffin with someone in his email “exception of Councilman Stavros not held by the same standard as the Las Vegas Tribune list referring to a local developer Anthony and Councilwoman Mi- rest of the council and are treated as Once again Councilwoman Mi- that is suing him and his pal and chele Fiore”; that statement cost the if they are above the law. chele Fiore has proven her courage fellow council, Steve Siroka, in old timer local journalist to be taken Las Vegas Mayor, Carolyn and her integrity regardless of the Federal Court. out of the meeting, escorted by City Goodman, who was not present situation and even the consequenc- In the email Coffin is complain- marshals and banned from entering during Tarkanian’s incident and no es when she publicly read an email ing that if the developer wins in city hall in the future. one else in the city has responded to that showed the vindictive commu- federal court, he may “not be able At the November 7th city coun- the newspaper’s editorial demand- nication of fellow Councilman Bob to vote in the Badland Golf Course” cil meeting Developer Yohan Low- ing an apology and a comment by perhaps interfering with their plan ie, before speaking to the board, the city council board disrespecting to help someone else. commented “this is how we know a member of the community, a My Point On October 4 of last year Las that the fix is in” prompting Coun- member of the local media, and Vegas Tribune founder and pub- cilman Coffin to engage in a quick sixty-year resident of Las Vegas of View lisher, Rolando Larraz, spoke at argument with the developer using with a history of creating within By Rolando Larraz the public comment segment of the the public comment segment, which the community. bi-monthly city council meeting is not acceptable by the rules of city During the same November 7th I must admit that I was lucky calling the members of the council a council, giving the impression that city council meeting Councilwom- enough, one time in the middle “bunch of useless people” with the MICHELE FIORE councils Coffin and Tarkanian are (See Michele Fiore, Page 5) of the Jerry Burgess trial, to be a recipient of the wonderful help of the Reporters Committee for Free- dom of the Press and for that I am, and will be for eternity, grateful, as Joaquin Guzman’s trial delayed much as I am grateful to then-editor By Alexandra Cohen The reason for the trial delay most inhuman treatment by the of the Las Vegas Review-Journal, Las Vegas Tribune was said to be what media reports federal authorities. He has been Thomas Mitchell, for personally After months waiting for his called an “anxious and upset” juror denied contact with his family and covering my (enforceable by sub- day in court, Joaquin Guzman was who brought a doctor’s note to court has only a very limited contact with poena) appearance, or should I say ready today to tell his side of the to help get her booted off the case. his legal team. my planned appearance at the Las story, but the trial was once again “Juror No. 1 burst into tears “I haven’t seen him for 15 Vegas Federal Court, but I was delayed, and a new date was not last week upon learning she was months. I only see him in court,” never called in; all the feds wanted, available immediately. among the seven women and five Emma Coronel said in Spanish and succeeded in getting, was to Joaquin Guzman was not al- men picked as jurors in the trial while flanked by Chapo’s lawyers. keep me out of the courtroom to lowed to embrace his wife during for Joaquin Guzman, the notorious “I have no communication with complete the story that I began to her visit to the secluded prison he leader of the dangerous Sinaloa him, no visits or phone calls.” write after several meetings with is being held in since arriving in drug cartel” reported Reuter News The 61-year-old Guzman has Jerry Burgess. the United States, but yesterday Agency while covering the opening repeatedly complained about the In a press release dated Novem- while entering the courtroom he of the trial. poor conditions at the notorious ber 7 the Reporters Committee for was able to wave and smile to his Sixty-five days short of two Metropolitan Correctional Center Freedom of the Press announced American-born wife and Mexican years since he has been incarcer- in Manhattan, where he’s been in that its organization had joined beauty queen who was seated in the ated in a New York federal jail, solitary confinement and under JOAQUIN GUZMAN (See Guzman Trial, Page 4) others like Whitehouse Correspon- courtroom under extreme security. Guzman has been suffering the dence Association in “vehemently objecting to the revocation of a CNN reporter’s access credentials” referring to CNN reporter Jim Trump moves to restrict Acosta that was seen as being very disrespectful to the president and out of order to the rules of the press representative in the White House. asylum claims at border This newspaper, the Las Vegas By Jordan Fabian between ports of entry from claim- Tribune, most likely follows the The Hill ing asylum. pattern of Reporters Committee for The Trump administration said “Our asylum system is over- Freedom of the Press; not because Thursday it is moving ahead with whelmed with too many meritless once they protected me from the a plan to clamp down on asy- asylum claims from aliens who powerful federal agents, but be- lum claims, a controversial move place a tremendous burden on our cause we believe in the freedom of designed to escalate President resources,” acting Attorney General the press and because we had been Trump’s broader efforts to crack Matthew Whitaker and Homeland and are suffering the same injustice down on illegal immigration. Security Secretary Kirstjen Niel- from the dictatorial regime of the The Justice Department and sensaid in a joint statement. Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department of Homeland Security The president is also expected Department under Sheriff Joseph published a joint rule prohibiting to sign an accompanying directive Lombardo’s regime carried out by certain people caught crossing the specifying which migrants would the female Director of Public Infor- U.S. southern border from Mexico (See Asylum Claims, Page 6) mation Office of the Department. Even if the cases are two com- pletely different cases, the outcome is the same with the notable differ- Does the 14th Amendment ence that no one at this newspaper has ever acted disrespectfully in any shape or manner on the premises of require ‘birthright’ citizenship? the headquarters of the Las Vegas By Thomas Mitchell wants to “remove the right to citi- is essentially a citizen of the United Nevada’s longtime senior Sen. Police Department. Following up on a stance taken zenship for babies of non-citizens States for 85 years with all of those Harry Reid. Unfortunately, this time no one during his election campaign Pres- and unauthorized immigrants born benefits,” the president was quoted “Harry Reid was right in 1993, has come out in defense of the First ident Donald Trump now says he on U.S. soil.” as saying. “It’s ridiculous. It’s ridic- before he and the Democrats went Amendment in regard to the Las will sign an executive order ending “How ridiculous, we’re the only ulous. And it has to end.” insane and started with the Open Vegas Tribune; not the Reporters so-called “birthright” citizenship. country in the world where a person As he did during the campaign Borders (which brings massive Committee for the Freedom of the Trump told “Axios on HBO” he comes in, has a baby, and the baby Trump could not resist tweaking (See Birthright, Page 4) Press, nor any of those big mouth reporters that can’t stand the fact that this newspaper has more cour- Sandoval completes 8-year project to age than all of them put together, besides the fact that the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department destroy the Nevada Republican Party has been very tricky in how the By Chuck Muth From his first days in office, inept, political mercenaries for hire. department behaves against the Custer had a better day at Little Sandoval — and his political There’s nothing illegal about weekly newspaper that they cannot Big Horn than Nevada Republicans hack consultant, Mike Slanker Democrats and unions busing peo- shut up. had at the ballot box on Election — conspired to bleed the Nevada ple to the polls (whether those vot- The Public Information Office of Day ’18. The massacre was com- Republican Party dry of support ers were legal or not is a different the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police plete and textbook — including and operating funds. Major donors story). That’s called organized get- Department has placed the Las leaving one lone survivor, Repub- were instead directed to give their out-the-vote. No reason Republi- Vegas Tribune “on freeze,” which lican Secretary of State Barbara money to various outside organiza- cans can’t do the same — other than mean they don’t return the phone Cegavske, to live and tell about tions — including some controlled the fact adequate funding, thanks to calls of anyone in this organization the wipeout to our children and and managed by Slanker (for hefty Sandoval, wasn’t provided to the and fail to notify the newsroom of grandchildren.
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