Fourteenth Serles, Vol. XXIII. No. .% nunday, November 23, 2806 A....... yana 2, 1928 (Salta) LOK SABHA DEBATES (English Version) Ninth SessIon (Fourteenth Lok Sabha) Geaettes & Drb1T06 Unit "arUement Uor;Jrv But'ding Room r~o. F8-025 StOCk 'G' Ace. No /;J D.led .•• )~ j~;g;;.:i~~: q (Vol. XXIII contains Nos. J to 10) LOK SABRA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI Price : Rs. 80.00 EDITORIAL BOARD P.D.T. Achary Secretary-General Lok Sabha A.K. Singh Joint Secretary Hamam Dass Takker Director (T) Dr. R.N. Singh Joint Director (T) Gr. Prabhakar Mohanty Joint Director (T) Gr. II Nalin Kumar Assistant Editor [ORIGINAL ENGLISH PROCEEDINGS INCLUDED IN ENOUSH VERSION AND ORIGINAL HINDI PROeEEOINGS INCLUDED IN HINDI VERSION Will BE TREATED AS AUTHORITATIVE AND NOT "THE TRANSLATION "THEREOF.) CONTENTS /F0UItWIn1h s.n., Vol. XXIII, N/nIh s..Jon, 2OOtV1fJ28 (SIa)} No.2, Thureday, Nowmber 21, 20011~ 2,1" (1Ha) SUBJECT MEMBER SWORN ............................................................................................................................................ 1 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS Starred Question NOI. 21 to 40 ............................................................................................................. 3-70 Unstarred Question Nos. 226 to 465 ..................................................................................................... 70-317 PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE ..................................................................................................................... 317--324 ASSENT TO BILLS .......................................................................................................................................... 324-325 RESIGNATION BY MEMBER .......................................................................................................................... 325-326 STANDING COMMITTEE ON FOOD, CONSUMER AFFAIRS AND PUBUC DISTRIBUTION Fourteenth Report ...................................................................................................................................... STANDING COMMITTEE ON RAILWAYS Twenty second and Twenty third Reports .............................................................................................. STANDING COMMITTEE ON HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT One hundred seventy eighth to One hundred eighty second Reports .............................................. 327 JALLIANWALA BAGH NATIONAL MEMORIAL (AMENDMENT) Bill, 2OO&-Introduced ....................... 327-328 MATTERS UNDER RULE 3n ....................................................................................................................... 328-339 (i) Need to provide reservation to SCalSTs In Private Sector Shri L. Rajagopal ......................................................................................................... 328 (ii) Need to make budgetaly allocation for development of· btlckward dIItricta In the country Shri Harislnh Chavda ................................................................................................'" 329 (iii) Need for opening up of a Sub Divisional OffIce of EmpIoyMe Provtdent Fund Organisation at Erode In Tamil Nadu Shrl S.K. Kharventhan ................................................................................................. (Iv) Need to rehabilitate the farmers whoM land was acquired for SEZ projecta Shrl LelIt Mohan Suldat..idya .................................................................................... 330 (v) Need to repeal the Armed Forces Special Powers Act, 1958 In North Eastem States and Jammu and Kashmir Dr. Thokchom Melnya .................................................................................................. 330-331 (vi) Need to include Bhojpurl language In the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution Yogi Aditya Nath ........................................................................................................... 331--332 (vii) Need to protect the Interests of tr1ba18 Uvlng In fo"" of GujanIt Shri Mansukhbhal D. Vasava ...................................................................................... 332 (viii) Need to provide special financial package to Govemment of Rajasthan to tackle the flood situation in the state Shri Girdhari Lal Bhargava ........................................................................................ .. 332 (i) (ii) SUBJECT CoLUMNS (bc) Need to start work on Ahmedabad-Dandl National Highway with provision of adequate funda for Its timely completion Shrlmati Jayaben B. Thakkar ...................................................................................... 332-333 (x) Need to provide 50% royalty to the State Government on Oil and G.. produced from the State Shri Shrichand Kripalani .............................................................................................. 333 (xi) Need to provide funds for the upgradatlon of the Virology Institute at Alapuzha, Kerala Shrlmatl C.S. SuJatha ................................................................................................... (xii) Need to reconstruct MoIdu, Moorad and Karapuzha bridges on National Highway-17 In Kerala Shrimatl. P. Sath88devi ................................................................................................ 334 (xHi) Need to accord permission for undertaking Hal Pilgrimage to 1,47,000 Haj Pilgrims who had applied through HaJ Committee Shri RamJi lei Suman ................................................................................................. 334--335 (xiv) Need to review the Rules and Regulations framed for setting up of Special Economic Zone with a view to ensure balanced development in all the regions of the country Shrl Ram Krlpal Vadav ................................................................................................ 335 (xv) Need to complete Hoganekal Integrated Drinking Water Project In Tlruppattur Parliamentary ConatItuency, Tamil Nadu Shrl D. Venugopal ........................................................................................................ (xvi) Need to atreamitne the functioning of Puaporl Oftlcea in the country with a view to solve the problema being faced by the appIIcanta. Shrl 11y.. Azml .............................................................................................................. 336-337 (xvii) Need to provide eubaIdy to Mahara8htra State Co-operatlve Cotton Growers Marketing Federation Umlted In the purchase of raw cotton Shrl Sureeh Prabhakar Prabhu ................................................................................... 337 (xviii) Need to upgrade the University College of Engineering at Burla, Orissa to the level of Indian lnatitute 0' Technology Shri B. Mahtab ............................................................................................................. 337 (xix) Need to speed up the work of laying railway lines between Koderma to Hazarlbagh, Hazaribagh to Ranchl and Koderma to Girdlh Shrl Bhuvaneehwar Prasad Mehta ............................................................................ 338 (xx) Need to accord the status of cla88ical language to Kannada Shri M. Shlvanna .......................................................................................................... 338-339 ANNEXURE-I Menlber-wi8e Index to Starred QUMtiona .............................................................................................. 343 Member-wise Index to Unataned Questions .......................................................................................... 344-348 ANNEXURE-II Ministry-wise Index to Starred Questions ............................................................................................... Ministry-wise Index to Unstarred Questions ........................................................................................... OFFICERS OF LOt< SABHA THE SPEAKER Shrl Somnath Chatterjee THE DEPUTY SPEAKER Shrl Chamjlt Singh Atwal PANEL OF CHAIRMEN Shrl Glridhar Gamang Dr. Satyanarayan Jatiya Shrlmati Sumltra Mahajan Dr. Laxmlnarayan Pandey Shri Baluaheb Vlkhe PatH Shrl Varkala Radhakriehnan Shrl Arjun Sethi Shrl Mohan Singh Shrlmati Krishna TIrath Shri Devendra Pruad Yadav SECRETARY GENERAL Shrl P.D.T. Achary (iii) LOK SABHA DEBATES LOK SABHA ~} MR. SPEAKER: Let me hear you one by one . .•. (InlMupf/tJn8) {'T'IMMfIon} Thg Loir SMJIM IMI .f EItwwI 01 1M CIoot SHRI MOHAN SINGH (Oeoria): Sir. pleue listen to [MR. SPIAKIR In 1M ClMrh1 me ..• (lntwnJpt/tJIII) .•. (In~) /EngI/1II1} 11.01 h .... MR. SPEAKER: Mohan Singh jl. how can I hear you If aI/ of you apeak together? MEMBER SWORN ... (Inlflnupllons) /English} MR. SPEAKER: I win hear you. Pleue go to your MR. SPEAKER: SM Babu Lal Marandl has to take seata. oath. He has come as a repreeentative of the people of his constituency. He Is entitled to take part In the · .. (Inlflnupllons) proceedlnga of the HOUH. Kindly allow him to take oath. MR. SPEAKER: If han. senior Members aIeo say thle. Secretary-General may now call his name to take how can I hear them? oath or make affirmation. .. (Inltll7rJpf/on$) ... (InlMupf/tJn8) MR. SPEAKER: Let Mohan Singh JI sit here and SHRI BABU LAL MARANOI (Kodarma) conduct. ·.. (InlfllnJpllon$) 11.02 hra MR. SPEAKER: You corne here and decide this. (At this Shli Sh8iltlndf1l KlHMr WId somtI Hon. ·.. (Inlflnupllons) MtHnbtJl$ st.CM17tl lind stood on ~ IIoor ntMr II¥ TIIIJItI) [English} MR. SPEAKER: Mohan Singh JI. pI ...e corne here. MR. SPEAKER: Hon. Members. whatever 188ue you ... (IntwnJpt/tJIII) feel is so important that It should be taken
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