TOM BRENNAN 'CROWNS' TODAY IS BALLOT DAY MIMES' LATEST EPIC FOR BEST ATHLETE AS 'EXCITING' PLAY ON ROSE HILL FORDHAM RAM, April 25, 1947 48 Class_Presents Junior Prom Tonight Unusual Stage Set Stage Coronation Features Opening Bob Chester Band Of Queen Mary I Of Crown Colony' To Feature Smooth At Midnight Dance Rhythms Conlon Takes Lead Role In Mimes' Production Freshman Entry Chosen Decorations Committee In The Penthouse In Picture Contest Prepares Unique Gym Setting By JOHN GALLIGAN By Class of '48 The latest production of the Mimei By VIC STEPHENS and Mummers, "Crown Colony," hai Nineteen-year-old Mary Tibbali Dancing to the smooth rhythms of a successful premier last Wednes- has emerged victorious in the pic- Bob Chester and his orchestra, a day, Apr. 23, in the Penthouse Thea ture contest sponsored by the Junior crowd of approximately 500 couples ter. It is a translation from the Ger- Class in coordination with its an- will be on hand tonight to join in man of Fritz Hochwalder's "Das nual prom. Outstanding choice over the coronation of this year's Queen of the Junior Prom in the University Heilige Experiment," and portray: approximately forty other entries, Gym. Music will begin promptly at the experiment in theocratic com Miss Tibbals will be crowned this 9:30 and continue through to 1:30. munal society established by th evening at the prom during inter- • Jesuits among the Indian tribes o MARY TIBBALS Highlighting feature of the annual Paraguay and Argentina and thi mission. The winning picture wai affair will be an almost unrecog- difficulties which arose between thi submitted by Peter Menk, '50. National Topic Set nizable gymnasium. The dance floor, Jesuits and the Spanish who wished Ladies-in-waiting to the queen tables and bandstand will foe com- only to exploit the natives. To Explain NFCCS will be Mary Ellen Blessington and pletely enclosed in a large tent-like Marilyn Walsh, who will be es- For Prize Debate structure which will entirely conceal This is the first presentation of the NSO in Talk Today corted by Edward Jeger and John all of the gym's steel girders. An in- play in America. The new "arena Valle, both of junior year. Pit Gallagher, Morris direct lighting effect will be attained theater method" used in this produc- Blond, brown-eyed Mary Tibbals by placing all lights above the cloth tion departs from the conventional Duff/, Gallagher Report is a resident of West Orange, N. J., Vs. Kenlon, Patterson covering, allowing the rays to shine stage in that the audience is seated and is at present in her senior year through. around the actors so that the tradi- On Toledo Catholic at Endicott Junior College in Bev- In April 30 Test Hanging from the center of the tional "triangle position" of the ac- Conference erly, Mass., where she is majoring gym will be a large ball of multi- tors can be dispensed with. The ad- in interior decorating. Mary gradu- By JOE BREEN colored glass which will revolve vantage of this method is that the ated from West Orange High School After a highly successful season in slowly. Spotlights from the corners Following up on.the recent Con- in 1945. Her favorite outdoor sports of the gym will play on the mirrored players have freedom of motion. It gress of the National Federation of which they scored victories ovei is the nearest approach to the tech- are golf and swimming. Her escort, college debating teams up and down ball, which will cast myriad-colored nical realism afforded by the motion latholic College Students, the stu- Peter Menk, is pursuing a pre-med- the eastern seaboard, the St. John': lights on the wall of the cloth cov- picture. dent body will attend a general as- ical course at the college. Debating Society members an ering. Anthony Izzo, '48, chairman sembly in Keating Hall this morn- Mt. St. Ursula Academy will be eagerly awaiting to ascend the ros of the decorations committee, has There was one serious drawback ing. For the Seniors and Juniors, the represented at the prom by Mary trum for the Annual Prize Debate, also promised many other unusual to this method, especially when the meeting will begin at 11:00 a.m., Ellen Blessington. After her gradu- This attractively subsidized contes' effects for the occasion. actor was delivering a serious while the rest of the college will as- ation this year, Mary intends to en- (prizes totaling $125 will be award- Featured vocalist for Bob Ches- speech. This lay in the fact that the iemble an hour later. The discussion ter Marymount College in Tarry- ed) will be held on Apr. 30 in ter's band will be Allen Foster. actors could see the audience and will center on Fordham's part in the town in pursuit of an A. B, degree. Keating Hall. The speakers selected Chester himself is no newcomer to often became distracted by inatten- WCCS, and will touch upon the col- Mary is 18 years of age, is 5 feet 4 to present their views on the topit the metropolitan area, having played tion or movement among them. This ege's connection with the National inches tall, has light brown hair and "Labor should be given a direci engagements at the Astor, Pennsyl- has been remedied by the use of a Student Organization. brown eyes. Fond of the outdoors, share in the management of indus- vania and New Yorker Hotels and translucent screen which restricts It is expected that John Duffy, she is an excellent equestrian. Mary try," are, for the affirmative: Warren the Essex House here in the city. the actors' field of vision. 'resident of the Student Council, is an exceptionally fine dresser, Gallagher, '48, and Walter Morris, He has also had successful runs at ind Warren Gallagher, President of pleasant company, dances well and '47; for the negative Andrew Ken- the Paramount and Strand Theatres James Conlan, '49, portrays the has a pleasing voice. Her picture on Broadway. His fine band is also lead role of Father Alfanzo Fernan- ;he Junior Class, will report on their lon, '48, and George Patterson, '47 ictivities during the three-day con- was submitted by Edward Jeger, All the participants have experience popular with the record collectors dez, S.J., who is the Provincial of who is currently entered in the and juke box fans, and has appeared the Jesuits and the chief opposer of 'erence of the NFCCS, which held in intercollegiate competition and lorth last weekend in Toledo, Ohio. Economics course at the college. are diligently preparing for the de- on numerous programs for every the Spanish greed. Gerald Condon, bate which is being sponsored by major network. '47, plays Father Ladislas Oros, S.J., At this Congress, after drawing up Green-eyed Marilyn Walsh is at . constitution, the 450 delegates be- present completing her nurses train- the Class of 1915. Topping off the evening's enter- one of the principal leaders among tainment will be the coronation of the Jesuit community. Eugene De jan work on their program of "soli- Ing at Queens General Hospital darity in the Catholic student com- ivhile carrying on her studies at A novel touch in the way of audi- Miss Mary Tibbals, nineteen, popu- serio is cast as the Inspector Gen- ence participation at a debate wil .ar choice of the class of '48. Bou- eral of the Spanish Crown, who is munity." Adelphi College. She expects to re- :eive her degree as registered nurse be initiated at this affair. While the quets will be presented to the queen the leading protagonist of the Jesuit The practical work of the Federa- judges are deliberating the verdict, and her two ladies-in-waiting. Im- "holy experiment" in Christian com- (Continued on page 7) (Continued on page 3) the audience will be invited to ex- mediately following will be the tra- munism. John Shea plays the part press their views on this stimulating ditional promenade for the members °f a Dutch Calvinist merchant. The question of labor. A prize of $10 will of the Class of '48 and their dates. live scenes occur during the course be awarded the student who is Waiters will be on hand to serve of one day, July 16, 1767, in the judged best speaker by the chairman refreshments at the tables eliminat- Jesuit College in Buenas Aires. Glee Club Readies Prog tarn and his assistants. ng the usual "coke line" feature The actors contended that acting In recent weeks the debaters have and affording a night club atmos- on a circular stage is fatiguing since been active on all fronts and have phere. For Concert Monday Night emerged from the fray with four Committee Chairman Robert they are in the public eye at all victories to their credit. Due to the Groux, '48, announced that the tick- times and from all angles. The dia- yeoman efforts of George E. Pat- it sale was progressing rapidly. Bids logue, however, can be modulated The Fordham University Glee Club will present its annual concert terson, '47, and James Leonard, 48, may still be obtained at the ticket to a conversational pitch without the 3ext Monday evening, April 27, in the main ballroom of the Plaza Hotel. Mt. St. Mary's College of Emmets- iooth in the Keating Hall Cafeteria, wed of projection because there is Directing will be Dr. Frederic Joslyn, who is this year celebrating his burg, Md., and Georgetown were n the recreation room in Dealy, or a smaller stage and the audience is 10th anniversary with the club.
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