L EEDS DI RECTO RY 8 £01: the yo ur 1 79 . CONTAI NI NG A N A LPHA BE TI CA L L I S T O F TH E ' Cor oratzou Cler Moro/zau ts Pro essors o flu: p , gy, , f f ’ v Law and P/z szo Man u acturers Traders é o. y , f , , ALso PA RTI CULA RS 015 TH E M I L AND OTHER CO CHES W GGON S A A , A , ’ ’' A u a t/ze Navz azzou Bar es g g , By whic h Go ods an d Me rchandiz e are c o nveyed fro m this To wn to vario us Parts o f th e Kin d m g o . Particulars of Me coming in and g oing out of t P s (S o ile ost m . , é c. n " Q TY orTom 8 5 1 8 7 9 TIce oest apology wkick can pe r kaps be m ade f or tlze m istakes or om issions to ac ou n d in tkis Director f y, is a can did ackn owledg m en t on t/ze part of tko Comfiile r ; tkat tkoug /c m u ck care kas aeon used in collecting an d a rran in tke n am es et li e is conscious g g , y tkat kis kn owledg e of tlze town is n ot so correct out tkat som e m istakes m ay kao e occu rred. A n d k e oe s leave to oose roe g , tkat as tko Directory is in ten ded to ac a n an n u al u olication a nd tkis e dition fi , on l calcu lated to se rve tko resent ea r y p y , a n ew on e will be pu olzsked in tke oe g in n ing of I 7 99 to render wkic/z co rrect an d complete n o pains or expen ce skall oe spared. A E TO TH E RE PRI NT PRE F C . HIS very scarce first lo callyprinte d Directory of Leeds h as been republished at the request o f numerous collectors o f local books who have been unable to obtain copies of the original . A few copies of the Directory were published s eparately but there being n o great demand fo r them , they were afterwards bound up with a small o f History Leeds and a History of Kirkstall Abbey, " t r v h ee pamphlets in one olume , with the Title A o f c o m History of the Town and Parish Leeds, v to p iled from arious authors , which are added a History o f Kirkstall Abbey and a Leeds Directory c ontaining a list of the Merchants . Tradesmen , &c f — , in the Town o Leeds Leeds z Printed And sold by all Booksellers . P FAC RE E. f The History o Kirkstall Abbey is reprinted. " and appended to this edition . The demand for the directory being so small the intention of an t e annual publication was relinquished, but the maining copies were reissued early in 1 7 98 with the substitution of Henry Hall as Mayor, as in this reprint instead of John Beckett, Mayor for 1 8 6 - Rawsto rne 7 7 , and Robert Pullan for Atherton resigned and the date on the Title page altered by stamping the figure 8 over the last figure (7 ) 1 8 in the date thus 7 9 . The Directory consists of a list of Members , o f the Corporation including Mayor and Recorder, 1 2 2 k Aldermen , 4 Common Council , Town Cler o and Deputy, 3 Clergy of all Denominations . 2 Under the head of Physic, 3 Physicians , Apothecaries , Surgeons , and Chemists and Drug s 2 Atto rn ie s s I O gist , 3 at Law , 3 firms of Banker , 1 2 &c . Constables , and 4 7 Merchants , Traders, 1 0 ‘ residing in about 7 defined localities . Some " o f the names in the above lists reappear in the &c . list of Merchants , Traders , This list includes 3 1 9 names directly connected with the woollen trade, (the staple trade of the viz 1 8 Wo o lsta lers Town) . 4 Merchants , 55 p , 3 5 . - 2 2 2 Clo thmake rs . Cloth dressers , 4 Dyers , , PR E F A C E " 9 Drysalters , 7 Cassimere makers and Printers , 5 Sh e er rinde rs Glossers , 3 Drawers , 3 Oilmen , 3 g , 2 1 1 H o t re sser 1 r Fullers , Cardmaker , p , Scribble - 1 t 1 . and Sizing boiler , To al 3 9 8 &c . 9 Stuff Merchants and Makers , Flax nv Man ufac dressers, Spinners , Linen and Ca as t &c . ture s, 7 Cotton Twist Manufacturers — S &c . DRES 3 7 Drapers , Mercers , Hosiers , 0 6 s 3 Tailors , 9 Milliners , Staymakers , 5 Breeche o 2 makers , 3 Shoemakers , 5 Hairdressers . &c —1 1 6 6 FOOD , . Bakers , 5 Butchers , 2 2 1 Confectioners , 7 Dealers , 3 Grocers , 7 Corn 1 - 2 1 0 factors , 3 Tea dealers , 5 Spirit merchants , 3 8 6 Innkeepers, 4 Brewers, Maltsters and Tobacco n ists 08 , Total 3 . GE NER L S — 1 1 8 A TRADE Bricklayers , 2 1 Stonemasons , 9 Joiners , 3 Cabinet makers , 5 1 1 Upholsterers , 5, Painters, 4 Plumbers and Glaziers 1 1 1 1 9 , Smiths , Whitesmiths, 9 Sadlers, Clock and 6 Watch makers, Tin Plate Workers , 4 Braziers, 1 1 6 Brass Founder, Iron Founder, Machine M 1 akers , Millwright and 4 Ironmongers . PRE FACE . It is scarcely credible that at the close o f th e a o f l st century the Iron Trade Leeds , (which is no w of such magnitude as to constitute it a s taple trade) should be represented by one founder, n ine blacksmiths and six machine makers , within the limits included in this Directory . There was at the time a small foundry at Hunslet Carr, the n ext nearest being Kirkstall Forge . 0 Among the localities mentioned are 3 Lanes , 1 1 6 6 s Streets, 7 Banks , Gates, Yard , 5 Rows , 5 Hills, 5 Halls, 4 Squares, 4 Places , 3 Courts, an d 3 Folds . Thirty - three names in the list are represented as o f v members a Corps of Ca alry, and belonging to a Corps of Infantry Volunteers raised by Lieu i tenant Lloyd n 1 794 . T POSTAL ARRAN GEMEN S . Letters were delivered in the Town once a day . There were three Mails daily for the despatch o f to s letters other place , the North , South and — West Mails except that there was n o Mail to London on Fridays o r from London on Tuesdays Mails were despatched to various parts o f P FAC RE E . I Europe twice a week , to the West ndies twice a month , and to America , only on the Monday preceeding the first Wednesday in every calender month . COACHES —Five Coaches left the Old ’ s — 1 2 King s Arm daily for London , Manchester , ia f v e . 3 She field , 4 Hull ( York , ) 5 N wcastle Two 1 via left the Golden Lion daily, for London ( 1 a via Doncaster) and for M nchester ( Halifax . ) 1 Three set out from the Rose and Crown . for v 1 v Li erpool , daily, for Hull daily, and a Hea y to Coach York alternately , from the Rose and ’ Crown and the Golden Lion , (Sunday s excepted) . five viz There were Waggon Warehouses , Will ’ an . Jackson , Co s , White Horse ; ’ 2 8: Ande rto n s Pickersgill , Vicar Lane ; 3 ’ W Waggon Warehouse , Call Lane ; 4 Welsh s are ’ ’ W house, Land s Lane ; 5 Sampson s arehouse , ’ Land s Lane ; and Aire and Calder Navigation v and Leeds and Li erpool Canal Co . employed about 2 0 Vessels each in carrying m erchandise between Leeds and Hull and between Leeds and v . c o n Li erpool , and intermediate places What a trast to the present modes of communication by T and R elephone, Telegraph ailway . P FA RE CE. Prior to the publication o f the first locally ’ printed Directory of Leeds , lists of Leeds Residents and Trades had been given in Bailey ’s Nort/tern Director y, Newcastle and The Universal Britislc Directory " In 1 8 07 was published A New and Complete Directory fo r the Town o f Leeds containing a list o f the Corporation and an ’ o f Pro lfe ssio nal alphabetical list the Gentry , &c . &c &c . Gentlemen , Merchants , Traders . , , c o f Also an ac ount the Posts , Coaches and Wag s v . gons, with the time of their arri al and departure And the different contracts o f Vessels trading to w to th e' and from Leeds, together ith references &c . &c . Commercial Buildings , Markets , Fairs, , — Leeds Printed by George Wilson , near the Old 1 8 0 Church , 7 . 1 2 1 f 8 0 It is a n o . book o pages and contains 0 about 1 7 7 names . A much more complete work entitled The Leeds Directory for 1 8 09 was printed by Edward Baines " for the Compiler [whose name v . o . is not gi en ,"and for M Robinson C , Book . to sellers , Commercial Street In addition the o f 2 0 0 o f 0 general list 7 names, a list 45 P F E RE AC . Merchants and Manufacturers who atten d the Leeds Market from the country is given with their places of residence and the Inns they frequen ted .
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